
Kefir Hair Masks

Kefir Hair Masks
Beautiful hair is a dream for every woman. Unfortunately, few people know that for this it is not at all necessary to acquire super expensive means - it's enough to have a cup of kefir!

Kefir - Favorite Beverage, which has unique properties. This milk product helps to lose weight, relax, improve the intestinal microflora and just quench thirst and hunger. In addition to its food properties, kefir has also unique medical and cosmetic! Especially this fermented product has proven itself as a kefir hair mask, at least it can be judged, based on people's reviews. The thing is that the kefir fungus is the same, from which the kefir is obtained is the most complex symbiosis of microorganisms. They are everywhere "suggest their order", and wherever they fell into the human body or skin cells.

What is useful for hair kefir


Scientists could not recreate artificially microorganisms, which create a flea fungus creating kefir - today no drug can replace it. As for the effects of the acidic product on the hair, it will not compare with any stores.

Kefir is capable of:

  1. Look after. Kefir will not give the hair to be fat for a very short time, it will easily eliminate the greasy shine. Thanks to the dairy product, the operation of the glands excreasing sweat and responsible for the solidity is normalized. All this is due to the work of organic acids, it is from them that depends the diversity of the fat content of kefir. In 1% kefir of these acids.
  2. Protect. Kefir will protect her hair from stress, raise and strengthen the immunity, will increase the weather resistance and cosmetic drugs and procedures, and in general, it will become for weakened and oppressed hair by protecting the barrier from external and internal "troubles".
  3. Accelerate growth. As soon as the kefir launches microorganisms into the skin cells, hair growth is activated, it will grow much smaller to grow.
  4. Stop loss. Kefir may contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation, as a number of enzymes and vitamins help form red blood tales.
  5. Relieve dandruff. Since in this sour milk product contains vitamin B12, then kefir is able to cure hair from dandruff.
  6. Heal sequencing hair ends. Kefir, thanks to the vitamins, restores the sequesters and does not give this attack to spoil the hair.
  7. Supply. Kefir is able to provide a good influx against blood roots, and oxygen, nutrients and trace elements are perfectly coping with everything else. Your hair will become such as it should be: healthy and well-groomed.
  8. Give volume. Thanks to kefir, or rather, calcium, which is contained in this sour-column product, the hair is obtained by an additional volume and luxury, they will be thicker and durable.
  9. Moisturize. This milk product perfectly normalizes the water and alkaline balance, which allows hair cells to hold moisture, so the hair becomes not dry and brittle.
  10. Make shiny. Kefir also contains phosphorus, which makes hair shiny, as it envelops them in a kind of film.
  11. Strengthen. Thanks to iodine, Kefir strengthens the root follicles, which will prevent the hair loss.

Hair after a kefir mask cooked from a natural dairy product becomes healthy, strong and just luxurious!

It is worth noting that Kefir was studied by leading experts, so all its beneficial properties have quite good reasons. Unfortunately (or fortunately), scientists did not come up with how to use kefir, or rather a kefir fungus, in the recipe, because the product should be necessarily natural and not to undergo any heat treatment.

Kefir Hair Masks: Best Recipes


Masks from kefir are made for a long time, so today there is a huge amount of their number. Before cooking, you need to decide that you will treat which problem to solve? In addition, a kefir mask can be strengthened - it is enough to add the desired ingredients.

Kefir Hair Growth Mask

Thanks to this mask, the hair will grow much faster, because it perfectly accelerates the process of blood circulation. In principle, Kefir and himself greatly distant cells, but thanks to growth activators, which are additionally used in the mask, the hair will become noticeably longer.

In kefir, you can add the following ingredients.

Make chambers, for example, of herbs such as nettle, chamomile, sage, burdock root. Cosmetology oils can be added to the mask: from coconut, flax or buried. They are well combined with mask and essential oils - they are wonderful and nourished the scalp. Take tangerine oil, cedar or ylang ylang.

By the way, you can even add food into the mask - for example, mustard or cinnamon, as well as drinks containing alcohol - the most common brandy and vodka.

The mask must be deals directly on the roots of the hair. Experts argue that on average hair growth after using this means is about 4 cm per month. Believe!

Kefir hair loss mask


This mask will help terminate hair loss, as they are well powered. What is noteworthy to cure the hair onions there is no need to mix kefir with something else. True, apply a mask must be regularly, as the feeding must go all the time.

As a bonus in Kefir, you can add honey, yeast, onions, grasses, cosmetology and essential oils.

Kefir mask for sequent hair

Kefir fungus is known for regenerating action, which allows you to restore sequencing tips. True, it is still necessary to comprehend - all damaged ends of the hair, and then nourish their kefir mask (keep in mind, you need to do it regularly), you will forget that you have problems! You will not need scissors, hair will grow smooth and healthy.

To forget about the sequential hair ends, mix kefir to choose from such ingredients peach, brandy, yeast, cosmetology oils, grasses, ethereal oils.

Kefir fat hair mask

Kefir is able to ensure the correct care fatty with its hair structure. To do this, it is necessary to use a degreased milk product (maximum 1% fat).

As additional components to use: bread, brandy, potatoes, mustard, egg protein, lemon, herbs, essential and cosmetology oils.

Kefir Mask for Dry Hair


Kefir feeds dry hair, but it is necessary to use a product with increased fatty - at least 3.2%, but Ideally - 6%.

As additional ingredients, ingredients such as egg yolk, honey, beer, glycerin, mayonnaise, herbs, essential and cosmetology oils can be added to kefir.

Kefir Hair Clamp Mask

Kefir has a unique property of lightening hair! True, everything is on the halfone, but this ability of the fermented milk product can be strengthened! To do this, you need to additionally add "clarifiers", and you will see the result even on dark hair.

  1. Dark-haired and red-haired girls can add cinnamon, lemon or rhubarb to kefir.
  2. Blonde girls can add lemon, yolk or onion juice to kefir.

This mask is applied to all hair.

Thanks to this mask, you can either enhance or weaken the effect of kefir on your hair and get a new effect every time this wonderful agent.

The result depends solely on the proportions and from your chosen ingredients!

Kefir Hair Mask: Recipes from the "People"

Happy Young Woman Applying Hair Mask in Bathroom

Kefir is used as a reliable home "Assistant" for a long time, therefore women and began experimenting with a dairy product using it not only as a food product. So that you do not experiment wasted (yes, it is quite possible if you use the wrong proportions), we suggest familiarizing yourself with the proven kefir masks, which they deserve respect from the fair sex representatives.

All funds that will be mentioned below do not require tremendous costs: neither physical nor material, but despite this, masks are very good - the result will only please the result.

Kefir hair mask "Egg"

Wonderful mask, which nourishes your hair suffering from avitaminosis.

The mask is preparing: the egg thoroughly beat, add 100 g kefir, mix. Ready to use!

Kakao Hair Mask

The mask not only feeds the hair, but also is able to give them a deep and very beautiful color.

The mask is preparing like: Beat egg, add 100 g kefir and 15 g cocoa. To mix everything. Ready!

Kephyr mask for hair "yeast"

Excellent remedy for hair loss: your curls will become dense and shiny.

The mask is preparing like this: 15 g of yeast pour into 50 g of water, adding 100 g kefir after a quarter of an hour. Mix everything thoroughly. Can be used!

Kefir Hair Mask "Honey"

It feeds and strengthens curls from the inside and outside. If your hair falls out, be sure to try to return them to them with the former puff, using this advice.

Mask is preparing like this: Beat egg, add 50 g kefir and 15 g of honey. To mix everything. Can be used!

Kefir hair mask "Oil"

This mask will perfectly help cope with the secting hair ends.

The mask is preparing as follows: 100 g kefir mix with 50 g of oil (vegetable: sunflower or olive). Stir and can be used!

Kefir hair mask "mustard"

This mask is universal - it does not only nourish, but also normalizes hair growth and sebaceous glands.

The mask is preparing as follows: 100 g of kefir and 15 g of mustard powder mix, add yolks, heat 10 g of honey and 10 g almond oil, mix everything. Immediately before applying on your head, it is necessary to add 5 drops of rosemary oil.

Kefir Hair Mask "Henna"

Thanks to this treatment, you can restore damaged hair. Here it is necessary to use a colorless henna!

The mask is preparing as: 20 g of henna dilute 30 g of water, pour 100 g kefir and yolk. Mix. Mask is ready for use!

Kefir Hair Mask "Yellow"

Effective tool for care for lifeless, brittle and very dry strands. The mask is prepared like this: beat the yolk and 150 g of kefir, heat the 15 g of the repaid oil and add to the kefir. Means can be used!

Kefir hair mask "Lemon"

This remedy feeds the hair and can clarify them.

The mask is preparing like this: out of lemon squeeze 50 g of juice (ready-made juices from the store are not suitable), add yolks and 20 g of oil (vegetable: sunflower or olive) and 100 g of heated kefir. To mix everything. Mask is ready for use!

Kefir hair mask: how to use


  1. To feel the result, feel healthy hair and see the changes with your own eyes, you need to use homemade kefir - skis milk. This is the main secret of all the above-described funds.
  2. Dry and lifeless hair - use the fermentation product with fat content from 3.2% to 6%. This must be taken into account even when it does not say about it in the recipe.
  3. Fat hair - use low fat kefir (maximum 1%).
  4. Mixed Hair Type - Take 2,5% Kefir.
  5. Kefir before mixing with other ingredients need to be heated in a water bath. Kefir should not be hot - warm.
  6. If you decide for the first time on the use of a kefir mask, first spend the test on an allergic reaction - apply a mask on the body (ideally for the ear) and wait for the result.
  7. Mask from kefir should be applied to dirty hair. Previously need to wet a little.
  8. After you have applied a mask, you need to bite your head: cover with a package of cellophane, and then something more significant to create a greenhouse effect.
  9. If the mask contains burning ingredients (for example, sour, bitter or alcohol), hold the tool for no more than 30 minutes. In all other cases, the mask can be withstanding 2-3 hours.
  10. Kefir hair mask is simply removed: the wash should be carried out first simply warm water. As soon as the mask can wash, wash your hair with shampoo.
  11. The best result is to pass the whole course of treatment. It is necessary to make 10 masks with a frequency once every 5 days.

Kefir hair masks. Video


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