
How to eat during pregnancy

How to eat during pregnancy
The nutrition of a woman during pregnancy should be as healthy and balanced as possible. Mom’s diet directly affects the intrauterine development of the fetus.

Nine months the baby is under her mother under her heart, receiving from her all necessary for the growth and development of matter. That is why the nutrition of a woman during this period is so important. The mother receives how healthy and balanced food it depends on what she can share with her baby, without prejudice to her own health. It is clear that the food should be balanced and vitaminized, but how to achieve this when toxicosis torments in the first months, then taste preferences change? First, let's talk about the amount of food.

Nutrition during pregnancy: not for two, but 2 times better

healthy Pregnant

It was previously believed that it is useful for a pregnant woman to eat for two. Now this popular postulate is called into question? Do I need to eat more? An extra mass will not only not benefit, but also harm the baby. Modern doctors aim pregnant women to take better food. A woman weighing about 60 kg of childbearing age, not busy with heavy physical labor, needs to receive about 2000 kcal per day. A pregnant woman needs a little more-about 2500 kcal, and in the later stages-2700-2900 kcal per day.

An analysis conducted by specialists shows that the most common signs of malnutrition during pregnancy are the lack of food, the improper ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and low quality of products. Excess power is less common.

What is fraught with improper nutrition during pregnancy?  It can lead to gestosis, and as a result, to premature birth, early detachment of the placenta. With a lack of vitamins and trace elements, in particular, anemia occurs, a decrease in the level of red carts in the blood worsens the placenta of oxygen. Poor nutrition of the mother can lead to a delay in the intrauterine development of the baby, cause a child to decreased resistance to infections.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy


The diet during pregnancy should include everything necessary. These are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Proteins are rightfully considered a “building material” for the human body. That is why during this period it is so important to eat meat and milk. Even those who adhere to vegetarian principles in ordinary life, with normal tolerance of meat, should not be abandoned. On the day of meat (including poultry or fish), you need to eat 100-150 g. Milk and dairy products should be consumed at least 500 g. Do not forget about eggs.

It is best to use carbohydrates not in the form of buns and pies, they are found in cereals, vegetables, black and bran bread. There should not be many fats, but they are necessary. Vitamins are best absorbed from food, so fresh vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet daily.

Among the minerals, you can especially distinguish magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. The first four are necessary for the formation of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the child, sodium and potassium are very important for regulating the water-salt balance in the body. Some doctors, observing the woman, paint food during pregnancy by weeks. We will talk about how to correctly organize it in trimesters.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: the first trimester

Last trimmester-gain

Frankly speaking, nutrition when planning pregnancy is already worth paying attention. The better the preparation occurs, the calmer the process of bearing the baby will pass. In the first week of pregnancy, food should be just healthy. Do not eat harmful foods that can adversely affect the "fixing" of the embryo.  Proper nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy is not always possible. Toxicosis makes its adjustments, which deprives many women to eat. During this period, intolerance to certain products occurs, many have a aversion to the process of eating. But even in the absence of appetite, you need to try to provide yourself and the baby with everything necessary. Smokers and drinking alcohol, you should abandon these habits, since they will have a pernicious effect on the development of the fetus.

At the initial stage of the development of the embryo, the body needs folic acid. It can be obtained from apples and cabbage. Vitamin B12 is contained in animal products, so you need to eat meat. Dairy and dairy products will help to enrich the body with calcium, which will be needed a little later.

It is advisable to eat as much greens, fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. It should be remembered that during heat treatment, vitamins are destroyed and useful substances are partially lost.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: second trimester


After 12 weeks, the nausea in most pregnant women recedes, giving the opportunity to eat everything that you want. As in the first trimester, the diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits. During this period, the body needs vitamin A. Therefore, daily a woman should eat several red or orange vegetables or fruits in which it is contained. Greens of dill and parsley will also be very useful. It is advisable to eat meat. The best option will be not fried, but steamed or stewed food. The fat content of food should not be high, this will avoid a quick weight gain. It is useful to eat sprouted grain and dairy (dairy) products with low fat content.

Folic acid in the second trimester is still necessary for the body, so do not forget about apples and cabbage. The normal level of folic acid will be an excellent prevention of hypertension and premature birth. Food during pregnancy from 13 to 26 weeks should be enriched with vitamin C. The daily need for it is 100-200 mg. A lot of vitamin C is contained in blackcurrant, cherry, red pepper and green onions. Kiwi and rosehips are rich in them.

You can not do without vitamin E. It can be obtained from vegetable oils, liver and eggs. And since it is fat -soluble, for better assimilation, it is best to eat with oil.

For the absorption of protein and iron, the body needs vitamin B6, which is contained in the most protein foods: meat, nuts and cereals. Of these, you can get vitamin B 12, which is simply necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

When organizing food during pregnancy in the menu, it is advisable to include a variety of products, the diet should in no case be scarce.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy: Third trimester


In the last months of bearing the baby, it is important to include in the menu products rich in calcium, iron, vitamin D, C and K. The daily need for the child in calcium is high, so daily dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt should be present in the diet. If a woman has intolerance to dairy products, she can make up for the need for calcium due to bran, cabbage, sunflower seeds, persimmon, beans, etc.

It should be remembered that after 34 weeks, calcium consumption should be reduced in order to prevent hypercalcination of the fetal head. Proper nutrition during pregnancy in the later stages will lead to a successful outcome of childbirth. For the prevention of rickets in the baby, food during pregnancy should contain algae and fish. Red caviar is very useful, which, in addition to vitamin D, contains a lot of useful trace elements.

To strengthen immunity, food containing vitamin C, which is contained in cherries, currants, rosehips, mountain ash, white cabbage and cucumbers, is useful.

It is important that food during pregnancy is fresh. This will help to avoid poisoning and unjustified risks.

Diet during pregnancy


During the waiting period, it is important not to overeat. The food should be fractional and as useful as possible. It is important not only what to eat, but also in what form. For example, it is better to use potatoes boiled than fried. Salted or smoked fish is better to prefer a baked or steamed. Do not abuse sweets, it is better to replace fresh fruits or dried fruits.

Food in early pregnancy must be balanced. The body of the mother himself still needs a lot of useful substances. In order to share with the child, you need a certain stock.

Nutrition during pregnancy: what is impossible


Not all foods during pregnancy are useful. There is also what is prohibited at all. For example, the use of raw fish is extremely undesirable. Sharp foods during pregnancy are also contraindicated, for example, chili pepper. You should not eat cheeses, in the manufacture of which non -pasteurized milk is used, such as Feta, Bree, Camamber. Molds are also best postponed aside.

The use of coffee, due to the content of caffeine in it, should be moderate. Raw -made products can be potentially dangerous.  During pregnancy, a woman’s nutrition should first of all be safe for the fetus. By the way, the bulk of the recommendations are preserved after childbirth. In addition, food after pregnancy requires a special approach if a woman is breastfeeding.

Food during pregnancy, tips from Elena Malysheva. Video



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