
Homemade hair masks with rapid oil

Homemade hair masks with rapid oil
An article on effective methods of hair recovery with natural oil-based masks. All recipes are available for use at home.

Science of ages of women do not observe about the miraculous qualities of the rapid oil. Legends say that beautiful Nefertiti supported the beauty of their curls with it. The burdock is often included in modern shampoos, but it is the mask on its basis that gives the best effect.

Repeated oil is available on sale in any pharmacy. Having spent a small amount of money and armed with new knowledge, hoped from the article, you can significantly improve the condition of the hair and give them a chic look.

Favorable impact of therapy oil on hair

Repelique oil is a real storehouse of vitamins, proteins, flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, manganese, zinc, iron, mineral salts. It contains inulin, which increases the protective functions of the skin and normalizes the fat balance. Masks with buried the hair are treated at the same time outside and from the inside, increase vitality, improve the appearance and care about the state of the scalp. They contribute to strengthening blood circulation in vessels, strengthen the roots.

Repelique oil applies with the following problems:

  • slow growth, hair loss;
  • dryness, irritation, itching the scalp;
  • dandruff, fatty seborrhea;
  • brittle, damaged, secant hair;
  • the initial stage of baldness, alopecia.

With regular use of looped oil masks, you are guaranteed to forget about similar problems.


Homemade Hair Masks with Tool Oil - Contraindications

The indisputable advantage of the rapid oil is the absence of contraindications. An exception can only be very rare individual intolerance. If you first decided to use the burdock, test the skin on sensitivity. Apply oil on the wrist if for half an hour not notice the itch or redness, boldly proceed to cooking the mask.

Homemade Hair Masks with Tap Oil - Application Rules

The best effect is achieved with a long-term course of treatment consisting of several procedures. In difficult and launched cases, show patience and perseverance. The most optimal course is one and a half months of hair recovery, then a two-week break.

  • The effect of a rayful mask will increase at times, if it is warm, preferably in a water bath.
  • After that, you should use a polyethylene cap and wrap your head towel.
  • The mask can be left for several hours or at night.
  • For normal and dry hair, the procedure can be used two - three times weekly, for fatty - less often, three or four times a month.

Taking note of these rules, you can choose from the proven and best recipes one that you perfectly suitable, and your hair will become healthy, strong, beautiful and shiny.


Homemade hair masks with rapid oil

The burdock oil is used both without additional components and in cooperation with all sorts of useful ingredients.

Hot hair mask with rapid oil

This is a simple but highly efficient and popular recipe.

  • Heat oil.
  • The amount of means calculate in accordance with hair length.
  • When applied, pay attention to the tips and roots.
  • Take your head with a towel.
  • It is recommended to keep at least one hour.


Therapeutic hair mask with burdock and castor oils

  • Stir in the bowl of castor and top oil in an equal volume, warm the resulting oil mixture, apply for full length.
  • After three hours or more, smash thoroughly.

The procedure moisturizes the skin of the head and hair, eliminates peeling, irritation and dandruff, strengthens the roots. The mask enhances hair growth, gives a lush hairstyle.


"Arab" mask from bald and hair loss with rapid oil

  • Pour into a bowl of two tablespoons of friction oil, bee honey, lemon juice.
  • Heat on the steam bath.
  • Slightly cool down and add two egg yolk.
  • Mix and apply on the scalp, keep at least one hour.
  • The mask is recommended to be applied once a week for a month.

This is one of the most efficient and effective recipes against baldness. The mask strengthens the roots, improves hair growth, has high nutritional properties.


Mask with mustard and burdens for oily hair

  • To two tablespoons of friction oil, add two tablespoons of dry mustard.
  • Use it precisely dry mustard powder, but not finished mixture.
  • Add half a tablespoon of sugar sand, one yolk, 30 ml of hot water.
  • Apply for half an hour.

The burning sensation provokes a reinforced tide of blood to hair roots, which contributes to their strengthening. If burning is strong, with the next procedure, reduce the amount of mustard or add sour cream. Mask has a beneficial effect on greasy hair, because it eliminates excessive salinity.


Vitamin Hair Mask with Trees and Olive Oils

  • Mix an equal amount of rapid and olive oils, pour a couple of drops of vitamins A and E (you can squeeze out of the capsule).
  • Heat, apply on the skin and hair along the entire length.
  • Keep more than an hour.

A mask can be used in a day. It strengthens hair roots and improves growth, gives volume and a luxurious shine.


Hair Mask with red pepper and burdock

The mask is not without reason, is recognized as one of the best.

  • To warm oil, add half a teaspoon of red pepper and egg yolk, mix, massaging gently rub into the scalp, wrap a towel.
  • Will last from fifteen minutes to half an hour.

Burning is a natural action of pepper, but if it is very strong, the hair should be washed and subsequently reduce the amount by half. Red chili pepper improves circulation, strengthens hair follicles. Application of this method twice a week will allow a month to stop hair loss. Pepper and mustard mask is useful to alternate. The intervals should be made soothing mask kefir or sour cream.


The mask for damaged hair with burdock and egg

If your hair is damaged perm, coloring or hair dryer, pay attention to this recipe.

  • Mix one egg, two tablespoons warmed burdock oil, a few grams of vitamins A and E.
  • Apply, wrap towel, keep at least an hour.
  • During treatment to avoid the corrosive effects on the hair.


Moisturizing mask for dry hair with burdock butter and yogurt

  • Mix equal amount of yogurt and warm burdock oil, pour in one egg yolk.
  • Apply on the hair and scalp, tie a scarf, keep a few hours, then rinse.

This mask can be some fun.

  • The three tablespoons of yogurt, add a spoonful of burdock, olive oil, castor oil and an egg yolk.

Mask beautifully softens, moisturizes and strengthens the hair. Due to the hair kefir formed protective film protects the hair from drying and negative influences. Not recommended for color-treated hair, since yogurt has a bleaching ability.


Invigorating hair mask with cognac and burdock

  • Mix a tablespoon of castor oil and burdock oil, add 60 grams of honey, a teaspoon of brewer's yeast, a teaspoon of brandy.
  • Heat on a steam bath, add two beaten egg whites.
  • Shake well.
  • Apply on the hair, keep the warm turban few hours.

Can be applied twice a week. Mask accelerates hair growth, gives a silky and healthy shine.


Hair mask with rapid oil with the effect of lamination

  • 15 grams of food gelatin are driving a tablespoon of water, leave half an hour for swelling.
  • Add a tablespoon of buried.
  • In the water bath, wait for the dissolution of gelatin grains.
  • Water hair.
  • Wrap a towel of an excessive moisture.
  • Take the mask in warm form along the entire length.
  • No need to rub into the scalp.
  • Remove in an hour.

The healing effect of the mask is to glue the scales of the hair rod, the hair structure is sealed, thus the effect of homemade lamination is achieved, almost no inferior to the salon procedure. This way you can treat sequencing tips, without resorting to the haircut, which is an undisputed priority for those who grow up the length and protects every centimeter.


Mask for luxurious shine and thickness of hair with rapid oil and cocoa

  • 50 grams of cocoa powder without additives and warm milk are diverted to the consistency of sour cream.
  • If the hair is fat, replace the milk with water.
  • Add a tablespoon of friction oil.
  • Apply in warm form.
  • Try the turban, after a few hours, wash.

The mask gives shine and radiance with dark hair. It is not recommended for blondes, because cocoa can colored blonde hair slightly.


Mask for volume with yeast and rapid oil

  • 20 grams of yeast and warm milk and a teaspoon of honey to divert to the consistency of sour cream, put for thirty minutes to heat.
  • Pour on the tablespoon the oil of the reurenger and the caster, mix.
  • Apply, wrap your head towel.
  • After an hour you can wash off.

The procedure gives the amount of hairstyle, improves hair growth, prevents their fallout.


Hair mask from dandruff with top oil and aloe

  • In the warm replenish oil, add half the tablespoon of aloe juice.
  • Distribute along the entire length, rubbing into the skin energetically.
  • Wrap, wash in a few hours.
  • Juice of the meal can be used both home and pharmacy.

Such a procedure moisturizes the skin of the head, relieve from peeling and dandruff.


"Green" hair mask with rapid oil and decoction of nettle

  • Two tablespoons of speckled leaves pour into the incomplete glass of boiling water, let it be.
  • After half an hour, strain.
  • In herbal decoction, add a couple of tablespoons of the rapid oil.
  • Stir, apply on your hair.
  • Turn the turban, after a few hours, scream.
  • The mask gives shine, silkiness, strengthens hair roots.

As an alternative to pharmacies there is a rapid oil with nettle extract.


How to wash your head right after applying a ray mask

The ray oil, like any other, is very hardwent off. Sometimes not even several times to wash your hair with shampoo several times, the silent film remains. You can easily get rid of such difficulties, if you know a special trick. No matter how strange it sounds, you need to carefully distribute the shampoo on the hair to wetting them with water, then rinse. The procedure will provide better clutch of oil with detergent. You will make sure that this way is to do it much easier and faster.

Happy Young Woman Wiping Hair With Towel

The expected result of using the friction oil in the treatment of hair

People who regularly use burial oil, enthusiastically and gratefully respond about this method. Modern ready-made masks from the store often contain preservatives or only provide a temporary cosmetic effect. While the patient rehabilitation of the ruin really restores and strengthens the structure of the hair, carefully cares for the skin of the head.

beautiful Woman With Long Natural Shiny Hair, Brown Hair

Video about the benefits of rapid oil


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