
Hair masks with burdock oil

Hair masks with burdock oil
An article about effective methods of healing hair with natural masks based on burdock oil. All recipes are available for use at home.

From time immemorial, women know firsthand about the miraculous qualities of burdock oil. Legends say that the beautiful Nefertiti maintained the beauty of its curls with its help. Burdock is often included in modern shampoos, but it is masks on its basis that give the best effect.

Burdock oil is available on sale in any pharmacy. Having spent a small amount of money and armed with new knowledge gleaned from the article, you can significantly improve the condition of the hair and give it a gorgeous look.

Favorable exposure to burdock oil on the hair

Burdock oil is a real storehouse of vitamins, proteins, flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, manganese, zinc, iron, mineral salts. It contains inulin, which increases the protective functions of the skin and normalizes the fat balance. Masks with burdock treat hair at the same time outside and inside, increase vitality, improve the appearance and care about the condition of the scalp. They contribute to increased blood circulation in the vessels, strengthen the roots.

Burdock oil is used for the following problems:

  • slow growth, hair loss;
  • dryness, irritation, itching of the scalp;
  • dandruff, fat seborrhea;
  • brittle, damaged, split hair;
  • the initial stage of baldness, alopecia.

With regular use of burdock masks, you are guaranteed to forget about such problems.


Hair masks with burdock oil - contraindications

The indisputable dignity of burdock oil is the lack of contraindications. An exception can only be a very rare individual intolerance. If you first decide to use the burdock, test the skin for sensitivity. Apply oil on the wrist, if for half an hour you do not notice itching or redness, feel free to proceed to cooking the mask.

Homed hair masks with burdock oil - application rules

The best effect is achieved with a long course of treatment consisting of several procedures. In complex and advanced cases, show patience and perseverance. The most optimal course is a month and a half of hair improvement, then a two -week break.

  • The effect of a burdock mask will increase significantly, if it is heated, preferably in a water bath.
  • After that, you should use a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel.
  • The mask can be left for several hours or at night.
  • For normal and dry hair, the procedure can be used two to three times weekly, for oily-less often, three to four times a month.

By taking note of these rules, you can choose from proven and best recipes the one that is perfect for you, and your hair will become healthy, strong, beautiful and shiny.


Hair masks with burdock oil

Burdock oil is used both without additional components and in interaction with all kinds of useful ingredients.

Hot hair mask with burdock oil

This is a simple, but very effective and popular recipe.

  • Heat the oil.
  • Calculate the amount of product in accordance with the length of the hair.
  • When applying, pay attention to the tips and roots.
  • Wrap your head with a towel.
  • It is recommended to keep at least one hour.


Hair Mask with burdock and castor oils

  • Mix the castor and burdock oils in equal volumes in a bowl, heat the resulting oil mixture, apply to the entire length.
  • After three hours or more, rinse thoroughly.

The procedure moisturizes the scalp and hair, eliminates peeling, irritation and dandruff, strengthens the roots. The mask enhances hair growth, gives a magnificent volume to the hairstyle.


"Arab" mask from baldness and hair loss with burdock oil

  • Pour into a bowl of two tablespoons of burdock oil, bee honey, lemon juice.
  • Heat in a steam bath.
  • Cool a little and add two egg yolks.
  • Mix and apply to the scalp, hold at least one hour.
  • The mask is recommended to be applied once a week for a month.

This is one of the effective and effective recipes against baldness. The mask strengthens the roots, improves hair growth, has high nutritional properties.


Mask with mustard and burdock oil for oily hair

  • To two tablespoons of burdock oil, add two tablespoons of dry mustard.
  • Use dry mustard powder, but not a finished mixture.
  • Add half a tablespoon of sugar, one yolk, 30 ml of hot water.
  • Apply for half an hour.

Burning provokes an enhanced rush of blood to the roots of the hair, which helps to strengthen it. If you burn it strongly, in the next procedure, reduce the amount of mustard or add sour cream. The mask has a beneficial effect on oily hair, as it eliminates excessive surveillance.


Vitamin hair mask with burdock and olive oils

  • Mix the equal amount of burdock and olive oils, pour a couple of drops of vitamins A and E (can be squeezed out of the capsule).
  • Heat, apply to the skin and hair along the entire length.
  • Keep for more than an hour.

The mask can be used every other day. It strengthens hair roots, improves growth, gives volume and luxurious radiance.


Hair mask with red pepper and burdock oil

The mask is not without reason recognized by one of the best.

  • Add half a teaspoon of red pepper and egg yolk to the heated oil, mix, massage gently rub into the scalp, wrap it with a towel.
  • Come from fifteen minutes to half an hour.

Burning is the natural effect of pepper, but if it is very strong, the hair must be washed and in the future it is doubled by its amount. Red chili pepper improves blood circulation, strengthens the hair follicles. The use of this method twice a week will allow you to stop hair loss in a month. Pepper and mustard masks are useful to alternate. In the intervals, soothing kefir or sour cream masks should be made.


Mask for damaged hair with burdock oil and egg

If your hair is damaged by a chemical curl, staining or a hairdryer, pay attention to this recipe.

  • Mix one egg, two tablespoons of heated burdock oil, several grams of vitamins A and E.
  • Apply, wrap it with a towel, hold at least an hour.
  • During treatment, it is recommended to avoid aggressive hair effects.


Moisturizing mask for dry hair with burdock oil and kefir

  • Mix equal amount of kefir and warm burdock oil, pour one egg yolk.
  • Apply to the hair and scalp, tie the scarf, hold for several hours, then rinse.

This mask can be slightly diversified.

  • To three tablespoons of kefir add one spoon of burdock, olive, castor oils and egg yolk.

The mask perfectly softens, moisturizes and strengthens the hair. Thanks to kefir, a protective film is formed on the hair that protects the curls from drainage and negative effects. It is not recommended to use for dyed hair, since kefir has a bleaching ability.


Invigorating hair mask with cognac and burdock oil

  • Mix on a tablespoon of castor and burdock oil, add 60 grams of bee honey, a teaspoon of beer yeast, a teaspoon of cognac.
  • Heat in a steam bath, add two whipped egg protein.
  • Beat it well.
  • Apply to the hair, keep under a warm turban for several hours.

You can use it twice a week. The mask accelerates hair growth, gives silkiness and healthy shine.


Hair mask with burdock oil with lamination effect

  • Dilute 15 grams of food gelatin with a tablespoon of water, leave for half an hour for swelling.
  • Add a tablespoon of burdock.
  • In a water bath, wait for the dissolution of gelatin grains.
  • Wet your hair.
  • Wipe excess moisture with a towel.
  • Put the mask in warm form along the entire length.
  • No need to rub into the scalp.
  • Wash off in an hour.

The healing effect of the mask consists in gluing the scales of the hair rod, the structure of the hair is sealed, thus the effect of home lamination is achieved, which is practically in no way inferior to the salon procedure. In this way, you can treat split ends without resorting to a haircut, which is an indisputable priority for those who grow the length and protect every centimeter.


Mask for luxurious shine and density of hair with burdock oil and cocoa

  • 50 grams of cocoa powder without additives and warm milk dilute to the consistency of sour cream.
  • If the hair is oily, replace milk with water.
  • Add a tablespoon of burdock oil.
  • Apply in warm form.
  • Wrap the turban, wash off in a few hours.

The mask gives shine and radiance to dark hair. It is not recommended for blondes, since cocoa can dye light hair a little.


Mask for volume with yeast and burdock oil

  • Dilute 20 grams of yeast and warm milk and a teaspoon of honey to the consistency of sour cream, put for thirty minutes in heat.
  • Pour in a tablespoon burdock and castor oil, mix.
  • Apply, wrap your head with a towel.
  • After an hour you can wash off.

The procedure gives the volume to the hairstyle, improves hair growth, prevents their loss.


Hair mask from dandruff with burdock oil and aloe

  • Add half a tablespoon of aloe juice to warm burdock oil.
  • Distribute along the entire length, rubbing vigorously into the skin.
  • Wrap, rinse in a few hours.
  • The juice of the centenary can be used both home and pharmacy.

This procedure moisturizes the scalp well, relieve peeling and dandruff.


"Green" hair mask with burdock oil and nettle decoction

  • Pour two tablespoons of nettle leaves with an incomplete glass of boiling water, let it brew.
  • After half an hour, strain.
  • In a herbal broth, add a couple of tablespoons of burdock oil.
  • Mix, apply to the hair.
  • Tie a turban, wash off in a few hours.
  • The mask gives shine, silkiness, strengthens the roots of the hair.

As an alternative in pharmacies, there is burdock oil with nettle extract.


How to wash your head properly after applying a burdock mask

Burdock oil, like any other, is very difficult to wash off. Sometimes it is not enough to even wash the hair with shampoo several times, the sebaceous film remains. You can easily get rid of such difficulties if you know a special trick. No matter how strange it sounds, you need to carefully distribute the shampoo on the hair before wetting them with water, then rinse. The procedure will provide better adhesion of oil with a detergent. You will be convinced that this will be much easier and faster to do in this way.

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Expected result of using burdock oil in hair treatment

People who regularly use burdock oil enthusiastically and gratefully speak about this method. Modern finished masks from the store often contain preservatives or have only a temporary cosmetic effect. Whereas patient recovery of the burdock really restores and strengthens the structure of the hair, carefully cares for the skin of the head.

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Video about the benefits of burdock oil



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