
Moisturizing face masks at home

Moisturizing face masks at home
How to prepare good and efficient moisturizing face masks at home.

The face is a business card of a woman, it is precisely for him first of all that a man looks, contrary to generally accepted opinion, as if their first glance falls on the figure. Insomnia, dancing until the morning, stress and excitement - all this moment finds his reflection on his face, so it is so important to give time for his care. If you have a feeling of tightness, peelings appear periodically, it means you should urgently think about the high-quality moisturizing of the skin of the face! After all, dry skin is doomed to early aging, and what woman will you like it? Yes, and man too. Each woman should care for themselves, remaining young and beautiful. Do not even do it for someone. Do it for yourself! When a beautiful, stylish and confident woman looks at you from the mirror - nothing will raise the mood better than that. Qualitative and full face care does not necessarily include regular expensive procedures at the beautician. Of course, it is advisable to periodically visit it, but still there is a wonderful opportunity to unload your budget and save on time to care with miraculous moisturizing masks for the skin of the face.

Moisturizing masks for dry skin

Why is it so important that the skin of the face constantly remained moistened? First of all, water is a source of oxygen, so important for the life of the skin cells. With its help, toxins and other harmful substances are out of cells. And, moreover, water extends the youth of the cells, improves the complexion, eliminates the discomfort associated with the peeling of the skin.

The moisturizing mask for the face, whatever the composition of Nee, is suitable for any skin type, the additional moisturizing does not hurt anyone. But special attention should be paid to those who have a dry skin type, and peeling on the face is an integral part of life. In this case, the masks are not desirable, but mandatory. They are easy to prepare independently at home, spending at least time and finance.


Moisturizing face masks from cucumber

Cucumber is undoubtedly the most popular ingredient face mask. We are constantly visible in films or parodies. And there are several reasons: it's easy, it's fast, it is available, it finally works! The cucumber consists of about 80% or even more of the water, because it is easily divided by it with the skin of the face. Of course, it is better to use our domestic cucumbers, in no case are not imported, stuffing unknown than to extend the shelf life. That is why all masks from cucumber are relevant in the summer: approximately from May to September.

Moisturizing face cucumber face mask with cream

  • It is necessary to grasp the cucumber, with the help of gauze to squeeze juice from the resulting cereal, mix it with cream in the proportion of 1: 1 and thoroughly stirred with the addition of 20 drops of pink water.
  • Apply a mask with a smooth thin layer on a face for 20 minutes and thoroughly rinse.

In addition to the effect of moisturizing, this mask has a whitening effect.

Moisturizing face mask from cucumber

Another option is a cucumber mask: take the mid-sized cucumber and grate it on the grater, and the cracker is evenly distributed on the face, leave for 15 minutes, why clean it thoroughly. You can not rub the cucumber on the grater, but cut it into it with thin round slices.


Homemade Moisturizing Face Mask of Potatoes, Avocado and Möday

All ingredients should be natural and ripe. Honey has long been known for its useful properties and as a medicament, and as a component of many hair masks, and in the area of \u200b\u200bcosmetology.

  • It is necessary to take half of the average sizes of potatoes, grate it and add 4 drops of lemon juice.
  • 1 Avocado (choose the most ripe). Meanwhile, it is necessary to smash in Cashitz and mix with 1 tsp. Honey.
  • All ingredients are mixed, and the resulting mask is evenly applied to the face for 10-20 minutes.



Moisturizing face mask with yolk and potatoes

  • We must boil potatoes in the uniform, take 1 pc. And to smash his fork.
  • Mix with 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp. Milk, mix everything and apply on the face for 15 minutes.


Moisturizing Aloe Face Mask

Aloe is very popular in the cosmetology market and are the components of many face masks. All this is due to a wide range of vitamins and minerals contained in Aloe. It greatly moisturizes, fights with age signs and returns a flowering view when regular use!

  • So, you need to take 1 tbsp. Aloe juice, the flesh of the two leaf of the meal and rub with egg yolk.
  • To the mixture add 2 spoons of milk or cream (than the skin is greater, the less fat should be the last ingredient).
  • Mask is ready, the main thing is thoroughly mixed it.
  • Apply on the face for a period of half an hour, then washed away.


Natural Moisturizing Grass Mask

Herbs are used in many industries, and cosmetology is no exception. Phytotherapy has always been and will be popular among women of all ages, because it really works!

  • For moisturizing the face, it will be necessary to stock the flowers of the Zverboard, yarrow, chamomiles and hop cones.
  • Take the herbs in an equal proportion, boil them with boiling water and cool to room temperature or slightly warmer.
  • You need to add 2 yolks to the obtained infusion, 1 tsp. Honey, 1-2 tbsp. Lemon Juice, all this thoroughly beat and mix to homogeneous consistency.
  • The mask must be held half an hour and repeat at least once a week, then the result will be guaranteed.


Moisturizing face and skin masks around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is the most sensitive and suffering from surrounding factors. Constant work in front of a computer or with documents, stress and anxiety - all this instant affects the loss of precious moisture from this area, which, in turn, affects premature aging. Because the daily skin care must separately include the care of the area around the eyes! From stress and anxiety is not going anywhere, but, as they say: "You can not change the situation, change the attitude towards it." Permanent nerves and voltage directly affect our health and beauty, therefore it is necessary to learn to maintain their emotional background as calm as possible.

Skin care around the eyes implies the use of a special cream for this area, morning and evening wash procedures, removing makeup before bedtime, regular visits to a beautician, and, of course, homemade moisturizing masks play not the last role in creating a beautiful young look.

Moisturizing skin mask around eye from essential oils

Essential oils have long been known and widely applicable in the field of cosmetology. Use them on such a gentle plot like the skin around the eyes, it should be extremely carefully, avoiding getting into the eyes. In its pure form, they cannot be applied to the skin. They should be mixed with basic oil (olive or any cosmetic) or with cream.

Here is one of the mask options: take 2 drops of essential oils parsley, dill, juniper and fennel, mix from 1 tsp. Skin cream around the eyes and apply to the desired area for 2 hours. After the composition of the moisturizing face mask, remove a wet cloth.

Moisturizing Aloe Mask for Skin Around Eye

And again we come back to Aloe. This time it is not necessary to mix it. Just squeeze a few drops and gently apply to the area around the eyes and on the skin of the eyelid, ideally do it before bedtime and leave all night.


Moisturizing face and neck mask with yolk and oil

In pursuit of a beautiful face, many women forget that there are other parts of the body, outstanding the true age of their owners, such as neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline (still hands, but about that another time). For them it is worth constantly careful, use special creams and make a moisturizing face and neck mask, the recipe for which is extremely simple.

  • It is necessary to confuse 1 chicken yolk with 1 tsp. Liquid natural honey, add 1 tbsp. Olive oil and thoroughly mix it all.
  • Apply on the face, special attention is paid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and neckline for 20-30 minutes, then rinse.


Feeding moisturizing face masks

In addition to moisturizing, you should not forget about the skin of the skin. It is like water and food for any human or animal organism! It is necessary to periodically make masks that saturate the skin with all sorts of nutrients and microelements.

Just moisturizing masks are recommended for women after 30 years, after a detrimental impact of UV rays (vacation at sea or permanent visit to the solarium), such masks are suitable for any type of leather, and nutrient masks are necessary for dry or combined skin, as well as after exposure Wind and frost. And those and others should be periodically done for the prevention so that the skin of the person receives the necessary "food and drink" in sufficient quantities.

Moisturizing face mask from any dairy product

Absolutely any dairy fat is an excellent express solution of a domestic nutrient mask. It may be milk, kefir, ryazhenka ... You just need to mix it with starch, otherwise the mask will be too liquid and put on the face of 15 minutes.

Moisturizing lemon and oatmeal mask

It is necessary to brew 2 tsp. Oatmeal flakes (only cereals should be real, not fast infant) to the state of thick cockpit and squeeze 7 drops of natural lemon juice in it. The resulting mixture apply on the face for 30-40 minutes.


Moisturizing face masks: reviews

Cucumbers, potatoes, oatmeal and aloe - these ingredients are very praised on the Internet. They are available, there is almost always in every home, and when regular applications are able to work wonders. Olive oil for some girls is a real panacea, but at the same time for others it turned out to be completely inappropriate. It is not capable of absorption, leaving fat traces on the surface of the skin. It should also be extremely careful with essential oils, even though they have miraculous properties, but if even a small particle part of the eyes, they are able to cause terrible allergic reactions.


Let's summarize

You can chase as much as you like to chase the fashion, buying dear clothes, pumping the lips and increasing the eyelashes. But still, while there is no beautiful figure, and the face of unhealthy color is constantly peeling, hated wrinkles are peeled, the money will be thrown in vain. After all, the beauty of the woman lies primarily in her youth, and you can save youth correctly, doing sports and walking behind the skin, just then you can think about everything else.

We studied the set of moisturizing face masks, the recipe of which is extremely simple and implies the use of ordinary healthy products. It does not take much time and will not affect the family budget.

Now make a moisturizing face mask is easier than simple, and with regular skin care, areas around the eyes, neck and neckline, has become real as long as possible to keep youth and beauty!

Video " Effective moisturizing face and neck mask "


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