
How to teach a child letters

How to teach a child letters
The article will tell you how to introduce the baby to the alphabet in an entertaining form. Your main task is to direct the curiosity of the fidget in the right direction!

“Ma-Ma-La Ra-Ma”-in the soul of each of us, these straightforward syllables cause a nostalgic response. School, desk and primer ... How long it was! And today, already by the parents ourselves, we ask ourselves: how to teach a child to letters? Parental participation in preschool teaching the baby is a source from which the future schoolboy and student will draw inspiration and desire to learn the new. It depends on how relations with science develops in childhood, how successful a person will become in the future.

How to teach a child letters: when to acquaint the baby with the alphabet

In the recent past, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe early development of the child was stunned by the mass consciousness like an exploding bomb: the baby, figuratively speaking, did not have time to be born, as his mother already had a detailed program of comprehensive development and training of the long -awaited child. Today, not all parents are irresistible pedagogical excitement. Some mothers and dads rely on the competence of educators of children's preschool institutions, others rely on 15-minute daily views of teaching cartoons. But everyone, without exception, admits - the baby will still have time to get acquainted with the concepts of “duty” and “routine”, so now he has every right to a happy carefree childhood.

Psychologists also support such parental judgment: most of the kids who, on the initiative of the “advanced” mother, began to memorize letters and numbers from the diapers, did not show the miracles of genius or any other unique abilities as they grow older. Moreover, in small “hostages” of science, doctors “suddenly” find a lot of diseases accompanying early learning. Children's unstable psyche and the not yet formed brain to mother, attempts to force events react with logoneurosis, nervous tics and impaired coordination of movements. In connection with this very favorable time for the careful first steps in teaching a child, psychologists consider the age of 3.5 - 5 years to letters and numbers. At the same time, they must take into account the characteristics of the psychological state and physical health of the child. It will not be difficult to teach the child correctly if you turn training into a creative game!


How to teach a child letters: features and nuances

The nature of a person has an interesting property: teaching a child to read letters is much easier than to learn with him in order. And now you will understand why. The process of forming speech begins with a very important “final” period when the baby tries to imitate the sounds that surround him. “Myu-Muu”, \u200b\u200b“Co-ko”, “Din-Din”-the simplest onomatopoeia train a phonemic hearing, which in the future will help the child learn to read.

A little later, the baby tries to repeat rhythmic nursery rhymes and jokes behind his mother, and parents can praise themselves for perseverance when the baby begins to retell small fairy tales and compose their own stories. At this stage, it is very important that the child is in a full -fledged and rich language environment: he needs to talk a lot with him and in every possible way to encourage his interest in the pictures in books and, of course, in reading. In parallel, adults need to pay attention to the development of graphic skills of the baby, namely, draw sticks, circles and other elementary signs with him. This will help teach the child to write letters when the time comes.

Those parents are mistaken who believe that to think about the question of how to teach a child the letters is necessary after the baby speaks well. To understand how the graphic icons are connected with the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds, the child will need a living memory (which he has from birth) and rich abstract thinking (which his parents will help him to develop).


How to teach a child letters: the success of learning is in the game

How to teach a child to letters will tell you a creative and gameplay. Preschool children develop, study and know the world, playing. Children's consciousness reacts sensitively to bright emotional outbreaks: the brighter the experience, the faster it will be deposited in memory. And the baby finds joy, happiness and delight for himself exclusively in children's fun. That is why all attempts to put the little one for the primer “bite the granite of science” in most cases end in collapse - teach the child to remember the letters, if only to put up his education in an entertaining unobtrusive form.


How to quickly teach a child letters: General principles

How many parents are so many teaching methods, because everyone chooses what he likes. However, do not forget about the rules that you need to adhere to, no matter what method of studying the alphabet you stop.

  1. We begin acquaintance with letters with those that are reddened in all the alphabets in red. These are vowels. By the way, to puzzle the young student with the concepts of “letters”, “sounds”, “vowels”, “consonants” are not necessary at all. It will be enough to tell him that there are magic letters that can be sung (vowels), and the letters bewitched, which do not have their own songs (consonants).
  2. When studying vowels with the child, be sure to sing the sound of each of them. Starting to master the consonant letters, remember one important recommendation: you need to pronounce the name of the letters (“de”, “me”), but the sounds (“d”, “m”). So you can easily teach the child to combine letters into syllables for reading when you master the alphabet.
  3. All classes with the baby, even if they are in a playful way, is better to spend in the morning, and after lunch, it is unobtrusively inviting the child to repeat the material covered: for example, you can pay the attention of the little one over the biblik, similar to the letter “o”, with which you are with which you We met this morning.
  4. Schoolly, follow the condition of the baby: it is not the right time to study the letters when he is sick, did not get enough sleep or something upset.
  5. The duration of the training game should be no more than 15 - 20 minutes. The exception is cases when the baby is so interested in the process that he himself invites you to play more.


How to teach a child letters: articulatory gymnastics, pronounce sounds correctly

It will be difficult for the baby to remember the letters if he does not know how to pronounce them correctly. To teach a child to pronounce letters, the pronunciation of which is given to him with difficulty, there is a special articulation gymnastics.

Ideally, the correct pronunciation is finally formed by preschoolers by 4-5 years. But sometimes, due to the physical or mental features of the development of the baby, this process can be delayed indefinitely. Pronunciation defects are a serious obstacle to studying the phonetic system of native speech. It is impossible to ignore the problem in the hope that the child will develop it. Speech disadvantages can remain with a person for life.

So, whenever you study a new letter with the baby, pay attention to if he has problems with its pronunciation. Help him if something does not work out. So, most often the children's language “stumbles” during pronunciation:

  • survivors: w, g, s, h;
  • walking: C, C, Z, Z, C;
  • sonor: p, r, l, l.

What the exercises of articulatory gymnastics look like, we will consider using the pronunciation of the sounds “l” and “l”, which babies with speech defects often replace the sound “B”. How does the speech apparatus “work” with the correct pronunciation of “l” and “l”? The lips are ajar, the upper teeth do not touch the lower (open), the tongue rests on the upper incisors. At the same time, the tongue on the sides is omitted so that the cracks remain between him and the indigenous teeth that pass the stream of air.

To train the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of the sounds “l” and “l”, teach the child the next exercises that need to be done in front of the mirror.

  1. "Painter". We stretch the lips in a smile, a little open our mouth and the tip of the tongue "paint" the palate.
  2. "We inflate the cheeks." We bite the tip of the tongue between the teeth, and then let a stream of air along the cheeks, while inflating them. The air must pass through the side edges of the tongue freely.
  3. "Book of the steamer." Open your mouth and stretch your lips in a smile. At the same time, you need to bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth and pronounce the sound “s”, stretching it: “y-s”. As a result, we get a sound resembling the sound “l”.

The same sets of exercises exist for correcting the pronunciation of other sounds.

Boy Making Faces

How to teach a child letters: choose a methodology to your liking

If dad and mom were very responsible for raising a child in the “pre -2nd period of his development, the baby will certainly want to learn to read when he reaches 4 - 5 years. There are many ways that will tell you how to teach a child to letters. All you need is to find a technique that can interest your baby.

How to teach a child letters: letters-toy letters

Buy the baby magnetic alphabet. The letters should not be too small, also make sure that the magnets in them are held tight enough. Allow me to play the child to play with the alphabet: let him hold the letters in his hands, show you which one he likes more, attach the magnets to the board.

1 - 2 letters in 3 - 4 days - the optimal speed of training. When the child will already know about a third of the alphabet, you can play like this: invite a little student to close his eyes and put some letter into his palm. Let the child in touch try to guess which letter holds. Try to immediately correlate the sounds with the words that begin with this letter: “K” - “cat”, “Kolobok”, “Carlson”. It will be easier for the baby to remember the letters if you teach them to associate them with his favorite fairy -tale heroes.

You can play hide and seek with letters: in the children's room, put magnets near those things whose names begin with this letter: “l” - a lamp, “o” - a window, “k” - a bed. Invite your child to find them.


How to teach a child letters: edible letters

Having prepared sweet cookies in the form of letters, you will give great pleasure to a little sweet tooth: you can have a bite and refresh the recently learned letters in your memory. Do not forget that the child learns the world around the tactile and taste sensations. By the way, the creation of the alphabet is not limited by one cookie: you can add letters from sweets, straws or crackers.


How to teach a child letters: the letters "Hend Made"

Letters of any shape and color can be released from plasticine, cut out of colored cardboard, and craftswomen can sew a soft alphabet of fabric. Show fantasy and endow each bean with an individual trait. It doesn’t matter what it will be - eyes, legs with handles or multi -colored ribbons - the main thing is that your baby will like these interesting details and be remembered!



How to teach a child letters: drawing lessons

On a dense album sheet, draw the contours of the letter that you and the child at the moment teach. Invite the baby to paint the drawing with his favorite color: this can be done with pencils, watercolors or finger paints. And if you want to make your lesson even more fruitful, cut out more of the same or different geometric figures from colored paper. Together with the child, make an applique: Came the space inside the letter with these figures. As a result, the baby will teach not only the letter, but also the figure.


How to teach a child letters: home sandbox

Pour figured pasta and cereals of different types into a bowl: millet, buckwheat, Fig.   On the cardboard, draw the outlines of the letter being studied, cover the space inside the letter with a layer of PVA glue. Together with the baby, "paint" the letter with cereal and pasta. This lesson stimulates the imagination and develops fine motor skills. In the study of the alphabet, the cereal can be used as a canvas for graphic exercises: pour semolina or flour on the tray, and then show the child how interesting to draw letters and pictures with a finger.


How to teach a child letters: in a family circle

You will quickly understand how to teach the child letters if you explain the baby between the alphabet and the names of his native people. Tell the child that each person has his own letter: “m” - mother, “p” - dad, “and” - Ivan. Get the album with dense sheets on the spring where you will stick photos of the relatives. You can also add photos after joint walks: to the zoo or circus, for example (“C” - elephant, “K” - clown).     Children's associative thinking will immediately fold the image and the letter together - to teach the alphabet it will be entertaining and simple.

Grandmother Reading A Book to Her Children and Parents

How to teach a child letters: Learning with cartoons heroes

To diversify the learning process, find training cartoons on the Internet, where teachers are your baby's favorite characters: Luntik, Aunt Owl, Smeshariki. However, it is important not to get carried away and not to shift the child’s tuition to the shoulders of fairy -tale heroes - only the direct mother’s participation and interest will help the young student fully master the alphabet.


During the walk, the child recognizes and confidently calls the letters that he sees on signs, posters, advertising cabins? You can consider yourself an as in the question of how to teach a child the letters! You coped!

How to teach a child letters: do not stop at the achieved

Having conquered the first peak of the “letter” iceberg, do not slow down and move forward: explain to the baby what syllables are. It is most convenient to do this when you get acquainted with vowels and begin to study consonants. Take, for example, the letter "T". Intrigue the child, saying that the evil sorceress has bewitched this consonant, so she cannot sing. But the vowels came to the poor manner to the rescue, and now they sing together: “Ta-a-A”, “TU-U-U”, “TI-I-I”. It will take very little practice for the baby to understand what's what. As soon as he begins to sing syllables, immediately proceed to reading the simplest words: “house”, “current”, “poppy”. Work with syllables visualizes and facilitate magnetic alphabet.

The study of the alphabet is not lazy to combine with the drawing of the elements of printed letters with a pencil on paper, a stick on the sand or in the snow. When the time comes to teach the child in capital letters, his hand will be trained enough to evenly and beautifully display the lines in the prescriptions.


When your child delights you with the first fairy tale, read on your own, you can only support the preschooler’s interest in reading. Carefully follow his interests to buy suitable children's literature. Perhaps very soon you will be surprised to find that your fidget loved the books more cartoons.

How to teach a child letters. Video


Katya Maxi 15.11.2015 Answer

Only do not buy the alphabet for the first time, always the letters are separately. I can advise magnetic letters with characters from popular cartoons. It’s easier to remember the letters (on the letter L-Luntik, on the Z-Zolushka). Good luck and you with your children)))
