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How to combine wallpaper

How to combine wallpaper
Features and methods of combining wallpaper in the room.

To create a unique style of rooms in modern interiors, the combination of wallpaper is widely used. The color change on the plane of the walls and ceiling can largely change the perception of the room. If you want to give the room dynamism and originality, create an atmosphere of comfort and comfort in it, you can use the techniques of combining wallpaper of various textures, tones and patterns.

The effects of wallpaper combining

It is recommended to carry out planning and combine wallpaper in the interior, taking into account visual effects. With their help, you can smooth out some walls of the walls, visually balance distances and volumes, as well as the illumination of the room. Combined wallpapers in the interior will coast some shortcomings and emphasize the advantages, completely transforming the room. Using various color solutions and geometric zoning, various results of decorating the room can be achieved. By focusing attention on individual elements, wallpaper can divide it into different functional zones. As a rule, in order to create a successful combination, it is necessary to select the canvases of echoing colors and shades. To familiarize yourself with the principles of combining on the Internet, you can view various photos of combined wallpapers.

Combining wallpaper, you can achieve the following tasks:

  • visually expand the narrow and long room, or give the harmony of the square room by the method of highlighting one or two walls by creating a color accent;
  • balance too low or too high ceilings;
  • visually adjust the lack of illumination;
  • optically expand the room of a small area by gluing with light combined wallpaper;
  • distract attention from small errors in the form of irregularities of walls or ceiling using bright wallpaper with a pattern.

How to combine wallpaper: Rules

Various types of wallpaper are presented on sale, including ready -made collections of paintings of combined drawings. Such combinations can also be made independently. With the existing choice of types of wallpaper, excellent combination results can be achieved.


When planning how to combine wallpaper, try to consider the following rules:

  • to create a harmonious atmosphere, it is necessary that the colors of the combined wallpaper as a whole echo with the interior of the room;
  • do not get involved in excessive decoration, highlight one or more key points in the interior, and plan the design of the room in the future, starting from them;
  • to get a suitable combination, it is recommended to buy all the wallpaper in one place - either, going for a purchase, take the images of already purchased wallpaper with you. When choosing, you should not rely on "maybe." To create a holistic picture in the design of the room, the accuracy shown in the selection of shades and textures is important. Attach the wallpaper to each other in the store - so you clearly make up their combination;
  • to make it convenient to glue the wallpaper, as well as select the edging for them, it is recommended to use the canvases of the same width, as well as choose the material from one manufacturer.

How to combine wallpaper: useful tips

There are various methods and features of a combination of wallpaper. Combining tones and patterns in various ways, you can get unique decorative coatings. When planning, take into account the future location of the furniture in the room.

Close shades of the same color, as well as pastel wallpaper tones will create an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation in the room. Combining contrasting wallpapers, you can give the premises an atmosphere of brightness and dynamism, focus on the style solution of the interior. A win -win option is the choice of matte wallpaper of a calm shade, against which you can successfully beat a saturated canvas or with a bright pattern. Wallpaper with a large floral pattern, stripes or geometric elements is recommended to be balanced by plain wallpaper.

Various options for combined wallpaper in the apartment - photo:




How to combine wallpaper: methods

For the result to please you, planning - how to combine wallpaper among themselves, consider the following points:

  • the combination of various textures of wallpaper - often smooth canvases are perfectly combined with wallpaper with a relief surface. Combined wallpaper for the hall will create a unique style, if you combine two or three types of plain and with a pattern of wallpaper. At the same time, the use of paintings completely different in style should be approached with caution, as well as the use of more than two types of different wallpapers in the interior;
  • combining the wallpaper competently, in the room you can create several functional zones. With the help of contrasting combinations or smooth transitions used in places of the presence of arches and partitions - or using visual zoning techniques (through various color solutions), the optimal separation of space can be achieved. For example, the following style solution is widespread - combined wallpaper for the kitchen is selected in such a way as to distinguish between the working area and dining. Such zoning looks quite harmonious and gives the room an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility;
  • one of the basic techniques for combining wallpaper is to emphasize one or more adjacent or opposite walls. For this, wallpapers of saturated tones are used, with patterns or catchy large pattern. A proven technique that does not visually change the geometry of the room is a combination of combined wallpaper with different patterns, but against the same color background. Light furniture in a room with light wallpaper can be beaten by placing it against the background of a wall with wallpaper of a rich color;
  • you can make focus on a certain part of the wall of the room by beating the furniture or a certain part of the interior. In this way, a zone is distinguished by a fireplace, a chest of drawers, a bed, a desk, an exposition of several paintings, etc. With the help of changing the drawing of wallpapers, it is not difficult to advance to emphasize the niche, ledge or arch. To harmoniously combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can place color accents in the form of paintings of wallpaper smoothly switching to the ceiling next to the head of the bed; 101
  • the decoration of walls using panels and panels of various proportions is traditionally carried out by placing wallpaper segments in moldings (overhead volumetric strips from a variety of materials). Combined wallpaper in the living room or bedroom can be decorated in the form of rectangles of various proportions, single or alternating on the walls. A similar design of combined wallpaper looks most successful in the interiors of the classic style;
  • in a narrow long room, the wall opposite the doors can be visually closer, gluing it attracting the attention of wallpaper with a large pattern;
  • if the furniture, as well as decorating elements, are not supposed to be located near one of the walls, then the free plane is decorated with wallpaper canvases with patterns, while the rest of the walls are decorated with plain wallpaper or canvases with an inconspicuous pattern;
  • on a long wall, you can apply the alternation of strips and unobtrusive small pattern, or plain and with a large pattern of paintings. Such a combination, made using a single color background, will bring the dynamics into the interior. By alternating stripes, you can visually reduce the length of the wall, or optically increase the distance from the floor to the ceiling;
  • the traditional technique of decorating interiors in the classic style is the horizontal separation of walls when different wallpapers are combined on them at the top and bottom, connecting the joints of a border strip. In order to emphasize low furniture favorably, plain wallpaper is glued from below. If there is a little furniture in the room, then wallpaper with a large pattern will be combined with high cabinets.

How to combine wallpaper: jacket disguise

For edging wallpaper, as well as in places of horizontal joints of paintings of the same thickness, a border tape is glued. It is glued to paper wallpaper on top of the joints. Vinyl wallpapers are located on the wall so that there is a place for placing a border tape between them.

The joints of the combined wallpaper of various textures, the edging of the canvases, inserts from the wallpaper are designed using flat or voluminous molding, as well as the interior baguette.

How to combine wallpaper - photo





How to combine wallpaper- video



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