
How to choose a phone for a child

How to choose a phone for a child
Your child needs a mobile phone or not needed - only you decide. In turn, we will tell you how to choose the right gadget for children of different ages.

We are so accustomed to modern benefits that the lack of a mobile phone is regarded by many as personal tragedy and even in some way inferiority. Indeed, today there are mobile phones (or even several) even among schoolchildren, not to mention politicians and businessmen. Whether it is worth accustoming the kids to a convenient and simple negotiation device - each parent must decide on his own. But the student, of course, is necessary for the student - this will help parents learn at any time where their child is located, and the children themselves will be able to quickly find parents in the event of unexpected problems or troubles. The phone for the child must be chosen correctly. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the one to whom it is acquired. The second important criterion is the price. Well, it already depends purely on the capabilities of the parents.

How to choose a phone for a child: phones for young children


Each child, barely starting to crawl, seeks to repeat everything behind adults. And if the parents do not part with the gadgets for a minute, it is clear that your tablet or smartphone will be your favorite toy. In order not to be upset due to the breakdown of his favorite toy, which will certainly occur due to the inquisitive peanut, striving to try everything on the tooth, buy a special developmental phone for children.

Which phone is better to buy a child?

  1. For the smallest consumers, large phones with large details and a small set of buttons are suitable. A pleasant melody (preferably several), the sound of keystrokes or sounds that animals make. There are few functions, but the peanuts love to clat on buttons up to a year, which at the same time make various sounds.
  2. Your baby has grown a little more and abandoned the boring toy? It's time to go to the children's world for a new purchase. Phones imitating adult gadgets, but performing purely educational functions, will help you take the child for some time. Suitable phones such models that will teach your child letters and numbers, forms and colors. The choice of such toys is huge-up to 2-3 years, such a "cell" will become a child’s favorite companion.
  3. The baby is poured - from 3 to 5 years old you can purchase a more complicated model. By the way, a modern toy phone is in no way inferior to original mobile phones for adults. Here you have sensory models, there are models where parents can record several proposals for the baby. Or the child himself will be able to leave messages for adults.

The price of teaching children's phones is different and depends on the manufacturer. Such models will cost from 300 to 3000 rubles. Do you need a real mobile phone for a 3 -year -old child? A mobile phone is not a trinket for a long time, but a necessity. At least for an adult and responsible person. Can an adult and responsible person at 3 years old? This is doubtful.

Mobile phone for children

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At what age is it worth buying a cell phone for a child? Today, supporters and opponents of this issue have been divided again: there is an opinion that mobile phones are harmful to health, introduce a fragile psyche, moreover, the child can become a victim of robbery if the model in his hands costs a lot of money. Be that as it may, but the first mobile phone for a 5 -year -old child should be simple, functional and, in addition, to benefit.

Due to the fact that the interest of babies is growing in the novelties of electronics, household and office equipment, a new line of mobile phones appeared on the market - created exclusively for children.

  1. BB-Mobile Teddy Fone. This company works, as they say, for the younger consumers, however, the company sets the prices for its models not children.       The most famous phone of this line is Teddy Fone. A mobile phone that looks like a regular plastic children's toy is for pink girls, and for boys - blue. The child will be able to quickly call four phone numbers, and also in case of danger, click the “anxious button”, which will send SMS to all four numbers. According to the creators themselves, this is a phone for children aged three to eight years. True, whether it will be interesting to a younger student with such a device is already a question. Children's design and the lack of “bells and whistles” will not add prestige to the student, but classmates will cause laughter for sure. The cost of the apparatus will cost parents a tidy amount - from 4,500 rubles. For this, they will receive the full control of the child’s phone: the ability to monitor the movement of the child and, thanks to the built -in sensor, even listen to his conversations. By the way, everyone can call the Teddy Fone number - this is a significant minus of the device.
  2. BB-Mobile Guard. A coolest model of a children's mobile phone. Unlike previously considered bear cub, this children's gadget looks like an adult model, but is also produced in two colors - pink and blue. The price of the device is from 4000 rubles. The difference from Teddy Fone is that you can record 50 numbers in this model, there is a screen, you can receive and write SMS. Plus this model - parents can monitor the child’s phone: all the calls except the outgoing 50 numbers recorded in the memory are deviated, adults themselves can set (program) the phone in the “ordinary” mode or in the “in the lesson” mode (you can’t call anywhere, All calls of the incoming deviate). In addition, you can’t insert someone else's SIM card into Guard-the phone will block himself and the card.
  3. VB-Mobile "Funny Smeshariki". A stylish, bright and original multimedia phone, which is made in the form of a favorite cartoon. The “filling” of the apparatus is really rich: design, case, content, melodies for calls, screensavers - all this is dedicated to the cartoonger. The phone has a camera (0.3 MP), Internet access, radio, you can install 2 SIM cards.

There are other models, but they are made in China and are little suitable for the first phone to the child.

According to consumers, these devices have three significant drawbacks: high price, an uncomfortable interface and the absence of additional functions. You can buy a mobile phone for children in specialized stores, in online stores or in a large hypermarket that specializes in sophisticated children's toys.

How to choose a phone child in primary school


Your baby has already grown up - not at all the baby, he went to the first grade to that, which means that if he had not had a mobile phone by this time, now is the time to take a closer look at certain models. True, in our time there are still such educational institutions that prohibit the use of elementary school students with mobile phones, but this is already very rare. So, the phone for a 6 -year -old child should be adapted for a younger student. Immediately agree that the phone is not a toy, but a means of communication with parents, so steep and sophisticated models fall away immediately. Moreover, you should not indicate for the child as an argument his price - explain that it is dangerous - senior schoolchildren or completely extraneous hooligans on the street will easily take away the gadget: and well, if the child will not beat.

At the same time, it is useless to explain to your child at this age that it should be treated very carefully about the cellular. Phones for children 7 years old, as well as a phone for a child of 8 years old should be the simplest. It will not be a pity to lose, scratch, drop, drown - but you never know what can be at school!

Going to buy a phone for a child, use the following tips.

  1. Pay attention to the gadget body - it should be monolithic.
  2. See inexpensive models, but do not save too much, since the life of the child may depend on the performance of the device.
  3. The mobile phone display must be large - why the child once again strain his eyes to read the message or play.
  4. If you persuade the student, buy a phone with a black and white screen-it annoys your eyes less.
  5. Radio is suitable as the main entertainment.
  6. As additional functions, the child can be useful to a flashlight.
  7. Do not even consider a telephone with free Internet access for a primary school student. Also, you do not need a phone for children based on android. Children at this age will not go into the World Wide Web, they will disappear there, and you will need to replenish the score all the time and hope that the child will not become a visitor to adult sites.
  8. Particular attention should be paid to the polyphony: the call should be loud.
  9. Do not buy your child a mobile phone already as someone in use. You cannot be 100% sure that it will not let you down at a crucial moment.

How to choose a phone for a child over 10 years old


Usually, by 10 years of age, children are noticeably growing up, so it is already difficult to get rid of them with a simple mobile phone. A cell phone for a child in high school is already a more advanced model - with a bunch of additional functions and “bells and ground”. The adolescence is a time of maximalism and renunciation, novelism and nihilism, do not offend your child, satisfy his need to be like everyone else or even a little better: listen to what a daughter or son wants and try to choose a mobile phone together. If your child is experiencing any problems and does not want to share with you, write down a helpline for children in a new phone.

  1. First of all, pay attention to an inexpensive phone for a child-modern economy class models have a rather interesting filling.
  2. The keyboard of the phone should be large and comfortable, since children at this age often communicate by means of SMS.
  3. Choose a phone with a large display - this will help to quickly read SMS and not spoil your vision.
  4. The touch phone for children of this age is better not to purchase. Pay attention to the "clashes" or sliders.
  5. Pay special attention to the appearance of the mobile phone - the design of the apparatus can raise the status of its owner.
  6. As for additional functions, there must be a camera (well, how can it be without it!), MP3-player, bluetooth, USB port and, of course, games-do not save, all this must be on the phone for children.
  7. Be sure to check that the battery holds the charge well-at least 5-6 hours in conversation mode and up to 20 hours in standby mode. The health of the child may also depend on this.

How to choose a phone for a child over 14 years old


A mobile phone of a high school schoolchild will choose for himself. You are unlikely to have time to keep track of all the new products that appear on the market, so you just have to ask the child to look after the model cheaper.

You will be surprised, but the phone must be obligatory in the phone:

  1. Touch screen.
  2. Wi-Fi module.
  3. Photo and video camera (mandatory, because no one canceled the selfies).
  4. Large amount of RAM.

Everything else for high school students today, alas, is not so important.

The best phones for children: market review

  1. Samsung Star 3. A budget beautiful model, which is a sensory monoblock. The thickness of the phone is 11.5 mm. Multifunctional apparatus: Blutuz, Radio, Games, Wi-Fi, Camera 3.2 MP. Large display. Price: from $ 140.                      samsung_star_3-301 (3)
  2. Samsung C3011. Elegant budget model. There is a camera (0.3 MP), bluetooth, radio. The price is from $ 55.                                                                                                                                                    maxressdefault
  3. Nokia asha 200. A very elegant and solid model is a monoblock with a full-fledged QWerty-keyboard. Multifunctional model: there is a camera (2 megapixels), bluetooth, GPRS, a large amount of memory. A huge TFT screen, it is possible to change the colors of the case. Price: from $ 100.                                                                                                          Nokia asha 200 Range.
    Nokia X1-01. Cheap, but beautiful and functional apparatus: radio, expanded organizer, games. Big TFT screen. Price: from $ 45.                                                                     maxressdefault (1)
  4. Nokia 103. Probably the cheapest of the new phones. It is very simple: the screen is black and white, there is a radio and a flashlight. Price: from 16 euros.                                                                     maxressdefault (2)
  5. Nokia 1280. A simple and universal phone: a large black and white screen, games, a flashlight. It is possible to change the color of the case. Price: from 800 rubles.                                          Nokia_1280
  6. Samsung GT-E1080. A good budget model, the main advantage of which is excellent polyphony, increased strength of the case, color screen. Price: from 800 rubles.                                                                                                                                                                     d90011688_4
  7. Samsung Tobi GT-S3030. One of the best models for children: a bright slider with a camera (1.3 megapixels), an audiopreter, bluetooth and games. It is possible to change the body of a mobile phone, download new music and pictures. The only negative is price: from 4650 rubles.                                                                                                                          GT-S3030SIACEK-2244173-0

When choosing a mobile phone for a teenager, you can also pay attention to the following models:

    1. Samsung GT-C3050Candy Pink-Price: from 2400 rubles.
    2. LG Gu230Pink - Price: from 2100 rubles.
    3. LG GS205 Black - Price: from 2000 rub.
    4. Sony Ericsson W205 Black - Price: from 3450 rubles.

How to choose a phone for children. Video


Alena 26.09.2016 Answer

The child has Fly FF241, suits everyone. There are a lot of functions for the child, nothing superfluous. It works without problems. Budgetary.
