
How to teach a child to count

How to teach a child to count
We teach the child to count correctly.

Many parents are worried about how to teach a child to count. The acquired skills will come in handy in everyday life, and will also create a base for further development of mathematics at school. In order for classes to benefit and the child acquires an understanding of the foundations of mathematical concepts, parents need to gradually interest him, presenting the ability to consider as a fascinating and healthy occupation in everyday life. Most experts believe that it is necessary to start learning to count as soon as possible, since acquired account skills develop memory and quick wit in the child.

How to teach a child to count: learning rules


In order for training to take the account easily and naturally, try to comply with several simple rules:

  1. Teach the child in a playful way.
  2. To teach the child to read and count, break out educational information into minimal blocks that do not require a long concentration of attention - so that the child can master them in a few minutes.
  3. Act softly and without coercion - if the child is tired, switch his attention to another lesson.
  4. Effective is training “in a spiral” - you can correctly teach a child to be considered using the methodical repetition of the material covered with consolidation and gradual complication.
  5. In order to teach the child to count, it is recommended to organize the study of the principles of mathematics without significant gaps between the initial and subsequent school method of submitting information.

How to teach a child to count: where to start


Mathematics training takes place in several stages:

  1. Admission - this includes at first a comparison of the properties of objects (a lot, short or long, heavy or light, etc.), and then the mention of numbers and mathematical concepts in order to teach the child to count.

For example, such comparisons and questions:

  • my spoon is more than yours;
  • once upon a time there were three pigs;
  • do you want to play alone, or with children in the sandbox?
  • you have a lot of cookies. Will you share with Masha?
  • do you have two pens? Find the second mitten.
  1. Completing the skills of a simple account.
  2. Consolidation of account skills and memorization of patterns.

Before the parents begin to teach the child with complexity and subtraction, he must learn the oral account. Some children show interest in the account of two years, others later - in order to easily teach the child to count, first of all it is worth relying on his individual characteristics. You will need simple consistent classes, a little attention to your child, perseverance and patience.

How to teach a child to count: a sequence of learning


The training takes place in the following sequence:

  1. First you need to teach the child to count the numbers up to ten. Parents are required to help the child understand and learn the numbers, principles of addition and subtraction within ten. First, the baby remembers numbers and some simple examples of the account, extracting ready -made solutions from memory. Subsequently, the skills of simple accounts are automated - thus, memory and ingenuity develops.
  2. Further, the task is gradually becoming more complicated - over time, the child remembers double -digit numbers, masters the methods of their addition and subtraction. It is easiest to teach the child to consider dozens with the help of counting material and training games, in which visual and tactile memory is involved, memorization of the assimilated steps is worked out. An oral account develops the quick wits that will be required in the future. To quickly solve mathematical problems, over time, it will be necessary to teach the child to consider a column (to study addition and subtraction).

How to teach a child to count: Practical classes

At first, the child will need to understand what a unit is. He begins to compare that one item is behind a unit, and then he masters that with the addition of a unit the following serial number will turn out. After mastering the unit, teach the child to count to five well, and then up to ten. It will be convenient for him to imagine some objects. Use counting material, gradually increasing the number of numbers studied.

How to teach a child to count up to 10

Count the objects drawn in pictures together, as well as surrounding things. When dressed, pay attention to the amount of clothes - we put on one T -shirt, two socks, some trousers, etc. Count your fingers, steps, trees on the street, children, cars. You can recount everything. Invite your child to figure out how many purchases have been made, let him remember what remains to buy. Let the child in the process of joint reading consider the illustrations and count the ducklings painted in the book, cats, balls and cups - everything that caught his eye. To consolidate the results, repeat the numbers passed. To teach the child to count quickly, use rhymed counts convenient to memorize. Speaking them and looking at the pictures, you can easily and naturally teach the child to count in the game.

How to teach a child to count: Examples

When the child realizes that it is useful to be able to consider, since it is possible to divide the received sweets or apples equally, he will be happy to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. When setting on the table before meals, ask the child to serve a certain number of spoons or forks. Another time, let him consider how many cutlery will be needed. Gradually, the child will understand that when adding one item, the next number will be obtained, and when subtracting - the previous one. After that, you can learn to add it and subtract in various ways. You can ask the child to add imaginary objects to the visible things, and calculate what happens, for example, like this:

- How much will it be if you add two more to your two apples?


Such simple tasks develop a child’s quick wits and teach him to calculate. If the baby is difficult to answer, you do not need to criticize it, simplify the task, count with it. Examples of how to teach a child to count can be gleaned from children's developmental books and coloring with pictures. If the baby does not understand that when adding one item, the next number is obtained in order, illustrate this thought with the help of a task:

“We see two ducklings, another one came running to them.” How many ducklings became?

As a result, a child of such thoughts realizes that the addition of a unit gives the following serial number. Similarly, you can explain subtraction to the baby. It is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the number. Explain that out of two smaller ones you can add (make) a larger number, and vice versa, that more consists of several smaller ones.

The child needs to remember the sequence of numbers and be able to determine what is the next or previous number. It is useful to consider up to ten not only units, but also with deuce, fives. For example, we consider deuces:

- Under the fence you can see eight paws of goslings. How many goslings are there? (Answer: - eight goslings).

Five can be counted using the wall clock. In parallel with the study of the account, you can start writing numbers from 1 to 9.

How to teach a child to count up to 100


It is important to track the conscious memorization of the principles of oral account.  After fixing the numerical sequence from zero to 10, it is necessary to learn to be considered dozens. It is necessary to explain to the child that after ten the same account rules apply. Show him how the numbers are formed up to 20 - ten and one, ten and two, etc. An older child can explain how dozens of up to hundreds are formed. By understanding the principles of the numerical composition and connection, then the child will be able to learn to count to 100.

How to teach a child to count in a column


First you need to familiarize the child with the concept of discharges. Explain to him that units are written in the last place, dozens go ahead, and in front of them are hundreds - etc. To teach the child to count in a column, ask him to record numbers - units under units, dozens under tens, similarly hundreds, draw a line below under the components. Tell the child that you need to start with the last numbers.  If the amount turned out to be less than 10, then it is immediately recorded. Otherwise, the number of units are recorded, and the number of dozen is kept in the mind. Next, dozens and the number that was remembered in the mind as a result of the addition of units are folded. Explain that hundreds and thousands fold the same way. When the child learns to put the numbers in a column, you can start developing subtraction.

How to teach a child to count - video



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