
How to care for the newborn correctly

How to care for the newborn correctly
How to properly care for a newborn child. The first days and the first months after birth.

Looking at our parents, we remember how they raised us and think that they always knew how to. In fact, everything is completely different, and the fact that today we, perhaps, are not quite approaching the role of parents, does not mean that in the future we will not learn everything. Therefore, the conversation will be relevant about how to care for newborn children.

The first days of care for the newborn


Of course, the very first days of the baby, parents are not easy. But you need to discard all the fears away, since it is precisely these days that you need to be extremely careful, perform all procedures to care for the newborn at home correctly and do not forget about anything. We, in turn, in order to analyze all the most important moments so that you have no questions left.

Morning procedures for the care of newborn

baby After Bath #11

The fact that any person should bring himself in full order every morning is a fact that applies to newborn. Therefore, in the early days of the life of a newborn, care necessarily includes morning procedures.

Here's what you need to do after awakening your little miracle:

  • remove all the clothes from the baby;
  • leave it for a short time to lie with naked (this fruitfully affects the skin of the child);
  • inspect the entire surface of the skin of your child for the presence of undesirable redness or a sweatshirt;
  • if redness is detected, use a children's cream to lubricate them.

Now you can start washing the baby, which is recommended to be performed in the direction from top to bottom. You will need:

  1. Boiled water.
  2. Cotton wheels.

First of all, wipe your eyes, directing your movements from the outer edges of the eye to the inner ones. By the way, it will not be superfluous to periodically change cotton pads so that the hygiene is at the maximum level.

Take for wiping your ears, skin behind your ears, as well as the face of your baby and his neck.

Next, you need to take up the child’s nose. Carefully listen to the baby’s breathing and make sure that nothing prevents him from breathing freely. If this is not the case, clean the nose to the newborn.

Do not forget to look into the diaper. It must be changed to clean, so that the young man begins his new day completely clean and prepared for new adventures.

Newborn care: navel care

Mother Holding Baby

In the early days of the newborn, the care of the navel and the small wound in it plays an important role. In no case should not be forgotten.

Any wound on the children's body certainly requires appropriate care, and the umbilical body is the very first of those.

You can process such a wound only once a day. The most suitable time for this is the time after bathing. It is then that the crusts in the wound will be perfectly soaked, and all the mucus that can be there is washed.

The 2 most common ways to care for the navel are distinguished:

  1. Antiseptic processing along with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Processing with boiled water.

We will analyze both methods in more detail.

The simplest is the method with boiled water. To do this, you only come in handy at room temperature and cotton pads, which all parents should have in abundance. Wipe the wound with a disk, then well dry the baby's navel.

As for the second method, first you need to decide which antiseptics can be used. Here is a small list:

  • diamond greens;
  • iodine;
  • calendula tincture;
  • potassium permanganate (five percent);
  • alcohol -based chlorophylipte.

Find two sticks with cotton wools at the ends and dip them separately: one of them into an antiseptic, and, in turn, the second - in hydrogen peroxide. First, treat the umbilical wound with peroxide, and at the end of the procedure with an antiseptic.

Carefully observe the fact that the skin does not inflam around the wound. If you have any suspicions, contact the doctors immediately.

Newborn care: washing

soles of a Crying Baby on a White Towel

After each time that your baby goes to the toilet, it must be washed. To do this, you will have to completely undress the child.

  1. Put the baby on the left palm so that his face is turned to you, or at his forearm, so that the head is directed in your direction.
  2. The lower part of the baby’s body needs to be set under water at room temperature.
  3. The genitals of the child, as well as his buttocks, need to be soap with soap, and then rinse it with water.
  4. The skin of the child after the procedure must be wiped with a towel.

As for the soap that needs to be used, children's liquid soap will be an ideal option.

By the way, such a procedure should be done only in case of defecation. If the baby just helped, special hygienic napkins for children are also suitable for his washing.

Departure in the first months of the life of a newborn

The most important points that must be remembered in the early days of the child’s life, we dismantled. The time has come to go to those procedures that you, as young parents, will need to be performed daily over the past months.

Care for newborn: Change of diapers

Change of diapers

It is not difficult to guess that you have to change the diapers more than one hundred times, so you need to know how to do it correctly. We’ll talk about this.

It is unlikely that for anyone it will be a secret that today the vast majority of parents use disposable diapers.

But not everyone knows that one diaper can be used no more than 4 hours. When you put on a diaper on the baby, it is recommended to carefully monitor that moment so that he does not close the umbilical residue. So you risk preventing the fastest healing of the wounds.

You also need to follow that your child does not pass in the diaper all day. The baby's skin requires fresh air, so periodically, at least a couple of hours a day, he should be without a diaper.

Also, follow the condition of the baby's skin under the diaper. Diplosion should not appear there. They can occur if your child is dressed not in the weather, and overheats in clothes.

Newborn care: bathing


It is certainly necessary to pay attention to the bathing of the child, because the proper care of the hygiene of the newborn in the first month is the key to the healthy life of the child.

It is necessary to know that in the event that in the hospital, when discharge, your baby has been vaccinated with BCG, it is not recommended to bathe the child for two days, since the injection site cannot be wetted.

As for further actions, throughout the time, while the umbilical wound will heal, the child needs to bathe for no more than 5 minutes in boiled water, the temperature of which should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius.

By the way, it is quite allowed to use the following decoctions for bathing the baby:

  • decoction of chamomile;
  • a decoction of a series.

Such procedures will have a beneficial effect on the skin of the baby.

When the wound on the navel heals completely, the baby can be transferred to bathing in ordinary tap water. By the way, the bathing time can also be increased, now it can be up to half an hour.

For swimming, you need to remember some rules:

  1. You need to dip the child into water gradually, starting the procedure from his feet.
  2. Support the baby in water and do not worry that water can get into his ears or eyes.
  3. It is necessary to keep the door to the bathroom open, as this will allow the child not to freeze after water procedures.
  4. Each time during water procedures, wash the baby buttocks, as well as the genitals.
  5. Several times a week wash the baby’s whole body with special baby soap, and his head with a children's shampoo.
  6. At the end of water procedures, you should take a towel with which gently get the skin surface of the baby. No need to wipe it, because you can apply irritation to his skin.

Newborn care: proper nail care


Legs on the handles of children require careful care. All because they grow very quickly. They should be trimmed several times a week. But do not use the first scissors that fall, since special scissors are needed that have rounded ends. Cut the nails as follows:

  • with rounded edges on hand;
  • on the feet - exactly.

Features of caring for newborn

For most children, the same care rules apply both in the early days and in the first months. But do not forget that there are boys and girls, and for them there are also their nuances. About those below.

Care for a newborn boy

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To begin with, let's talk about the case if you have a “man” growing. Despite the fact that men, it seems, are not so picky when they are still children, they should be paid no less attention than the girls.

Therefore, you need to carefully prepare and stock up on the following devices:

  1. Patch.
  2. Cotton wheels.
  3. Cotton sticks.
  4. Wet napkins for children.
  5. Children's cream.
  6. Children's oil.
  7. Disposable diapers-pampers.

A first -aid kit for a newborn child should include at least the following drugs and devices:

  • zelenka;
  • gauze;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • patch;
  • alcohol.

It is advisable to always have such a first -aid kit with you, because it is not for us to tell you how often children can get hurt. And such a first -aid kit will not take much place.

First of all, hygiene of little boys are important, who must be washed correctly after defecation.

When washing, you need to act in the direction from the anus to the genitals of the child. And you need to wipe the child with gauze, gently wetting his skin.

As for the bathing of boys, it should be carried out in the evening before going to bed. Bathing is carried out in pre -boiled water. In this case, the baby’s body temperature should fully correspond to the temperature of the water. It is recommended to add 5-6 drops of potassium permanganate to the water.

When the boy is clean, it is recommended to rub his skin with special oil for newborns.

Periodically, you need to monitor the area of \u200b\u200bthe genitals of the newborn boy. If you notice that he is worried from time to time, bends his legs, and rashes or redness appeared in the genital zone, then he should be some kind of itching, you need to see a doctor.

In general, the genitals of the infants need to always pay attention. For example, when bathing, it is not recommended to use any bath foam. Even if it is specially designed for kids.

In addition, it is forbidden to try to push the head of the penis. It is impossible to harm her in the first months of life.

To carry out measures for the hygiene of the genitals, it is recommended to open the head only a little, washing it a little with water.

In other nuances, the differences in the care of both boys and girls are small, or completely absent.

Care for a newborn girl


It is not difficult to guess that the subtleties of caring for girls are mainly in the same intimate hygiene. The anatomical features of the female genitalia are such that even minor damage and wounds can cause subsequent infection.

When you have a girl, in the very first days after birth on her labia you can notice a cream -colored raid. These are the remnants of segma, which is a original lubricant. If there is little plaque, it will be absorbed into the skin itself in the coming days, but if its number is more abundant, it is better to remove it. This is easily explained by the fact that the fats contained in the raid are quite quickly oxidized, which will inevitably cause inflammation.

You will need to remove plaque:

  1. Cotton swabs.
  2. Boiled water, chilled to barely warm temperature.

Wipe the area of \u200b\u200bthe large labia with wet cotton swabs, without climbing inside, and for 2-3 days, you will notice that the plaque will completely disappear.

As for the laundry of girls, it must be carried out after each change of diaper. And if boys can always be simply wiped with a napkin, then it is unacceptable for girls.

Using a hygienic damp cloth, you can always remove the remaining feces, but without washing under a stream of water, you can’t do in any way.

Rinsing must be performed in the direction of the vagina to the anal hole in order to avoid fecal masses in the vagina. Indeed, otherwise, the probability of infection is very high.

It is also necessary to monitor the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands in little girls. This is because in the first days after their birth the mammary glands can swell and turn red. In this case, contact a qualified specialist-pediatrician.

Komarovsky - care for a newborn child. Video

At the end of our conversation, in order to save you from all sorts of questions that you may have, we recommend that you watch the video from the Dr. Komarovsky’s school about what care is required for a newborn child. Remembering the advice from this video, you will probably be ready for any surprises in parental life.


victoria 06.09.2017 Answer
Elka 25.11.2017 Answer

We have long been loved by the Baby Moments Chicco body and hair shampoo. He earned our trust in his composition. Its composition does not have dangerous ingredients, such as parabens and SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). It is hypoallergenic and is suitable for use already in the first year of life. The composition includes oats extracts, this soft component is useful for any type of skin, and especially sensitive, prone to allergies.
This shampoo foams well, has a pleasant light smell and a fairly thick consistency, and most importantly, does not pinch the eyes.
And it can also be used as a bathing tool, so this is a universal thing for bathing from the head to the heels. The skin after bathing is soft and the hair is obedient and easily combed.

Oksana 12.02.2019 Answer

When a child appears, there is a panic, what and how to do so as not to harm the baby. I learned a lot of new things for myself from the article
