
How to teach a child to write beautifully

How to teach a child to write beautifully
We teach the child to write: Methods and features of learning

It is recommended to teach a child to write letters after he has mastered the reading technique. However, such a technique is one of the most complex, as it requires the use of many skills.

In order to teach the child to write the studied alphabet, it is necessary to develop the muscles of the hands and fingers, coordination, patience and perseverance. By training the motility of the fingers, the child will be able to prepare for the letter and easier to master this complex process. Daily 15-minute exercises should be liked by the child and help not only for the development of writing, but also to develop creative abilities.

Today, in pursuit of accelerated rates of training in specialized preschool groups, quite little time is devoted to beautiful handwriting. Even if parents write very carefully and legibly, then their child may not have time in the learning process to correctly master the skills of writing. But teaching a child to write quickly does not always mean that handwriting will be beautiful and understandable.


How to teach a child to write beautifully?

If at 3 years your baby has already mastered reading skills in syllables, then you should gradually prepare him for the study of the writing technique. Calligraphically, you can learn to write a child from 5 years old. After the short daily training of the fingers, the baby is recommended to do the massage of the hands and fingers from fatigue.

A beautiful letter requires the correct capture of a pen or pencil and proper posture, so even if the baby simply draws and crookedly holds or sits incorrectly, it will be extremely difficult to retrain it later. Therefore, control the process of creativity and teach the child to initially hold the device and back correctly. To date, there is a wide variety of trihedral pencils and pens or special nozzles to correct the location of the fingers.


How to teach a child to write: development of motor skills

In order to teach the child to write well, do with him such preparatory and developing exercises:

  1. Application. Colored paper and scissors also develop the imagination of the child. Cut various figures and make pictures from them with the baby.
  2. Constructor. Develops thinking and creative inclinations.
  3. Modeling. Plasticine and release of various figures from it are trained by the muscles of the hands and fingers.
  4. Origami. He trains brushes and fingers.
  5. Puzzles. Help to concentrate attention.
  6. Coloring. Colored pencils and special books with pictures for coloring will help learn accuracy.
  7. Drawing on sand or asphalt. Provides unlimited space for fantasy and active hand for hand.
  8. Drawing. Ask the child to draw per day on any object or draw objects. This will train attention to details and perseverance.
  9. Needlework. You can sew buttons and shreds of fabric, creating pictures from improvised means. Embroidery and weaving from beads also help to focus on work.

Before teaching the child to write numbers and letters, you should practice in the application of individual elements of the letter, for example, sticks, lines, circles, etc., also should also be carried out for the correct orientation (left and right side). Before learning, it is necessary to train motor vision and its coordination by copying letters, numbers and their individual elements so that the child realizes how to transfer what he saw on paper.


How to teach a child to write: reasons for ugly spelling

In the manner of writing, some shortcomings of training or the absence of an individual approach in group classes may be hidden. In many schools today they do not seek to teach a child to write words beautifully, since in pursuit of an accelerated pace of learning, teachers simply do not have separate hours for calligraphy. Therefore, parents should pay attention to how the baby writes.

Pay attention to how the child sits, how he holds the pen, whether he has the correct posture and whether he is distracted when writing. Perhaps in the classroom he does not fit the desk and its height or simply distracting a sitting neighbor nearby. Also pay attention to the spelling of the letters themselves, words and distances between them.


How to teach a child to write carefully?

How to teach a child to write: sitting rules when writing

There are several basic rules of writing hygiene that will help the child sit smoothly, which is the basis for good handwriting:

  1. Elbows on the same level. If the elbows touch the table, then the load on them should be the same.
  2. Tilt of the table. A small slope of the writing surface will allow the eyes to get tired less and ensure the correct position of the hands and elbows on the desk.
  3. Direction of light. Light should be directed only on the left side.
  4. The position of the back and shoulders should be even. The table and stool should fit the child as much as possible in height, which will allow you to hold the back and shoulders exactly and at the same level. The chest should not touch the edges of the table, and the legs do not hang out in the air, when writing, only the head leans.
  5. With a free hand, hold the paper or notebook. The paper should be located slightly under the slope in order to avoid curvature of posture when writing.
  6. The back of the chair. The child should not lean his back on the back of the seat, but stay directly at some distance, both from the table and from the chair.


How to teach a child to write: hold the pen correctly

In order to teach the child to write in words, you should pay special attention to writing accessories and how he holds them, because the quality of the letter directly depends on this. A pen or pencil should lie on the middle finger, and the index and large should press the device for writing not too much. The hand should rely on the side of the location of the little finger.

The pen should not be tightly compressed and crushed by the index finger until it bends. This leads to an increase in the tension of the muscles of the hand and slows down the spelling due to rapid fatigue. The index finger should not be located too close to the rod basis of the handle, which also leads to a distortion of the letter.

Too long or short, voluminous or thin pens are not suitable for teaching writing, as they significantly complicate the process and distort the quality of handwriting. Today, many parents are trying to teach the child to write purely with the help of a feathers. Such an old way of writing allows you to adjust the position of the fingers for writing and instilling the habit of correctly hold the pen in the hand.

Also pay attention to writing devices with a rubberized insert and a triangular shape. Studies have shown that it is this form that allows the child to instinctively hold the pen correctly, and the rubber nozzles adjust the location of the fingers. Rubber inserts should be soft and with specially located recesses for the thumb and forefinger, which facilitates the child to memorize their correct location.


How to teach a child to write a left -hander?

Lefts need special attention when studying the skills of writing:

  • in order to avoid mirror -reflected spelling, pay attention to the left -sided orientation of the lines and lines in the notebook;
  • perform training at a slow pace until the child feel confident, and you will not notice the full development of his skill;
  • letters skills are difficult to send the letter from left to right and the factor that when writing the text is closed with a hand;
  • the trajectory of writing letters and words when writing should be dismantled in detail in the details when learning left.


How to teach a child to write: a pose when writing for a left -hander

In order to teach to write a left -handed child, it is also necessary to pay special attention to the position and arrangement of the hands during the process:

  • the direction of light must be transferred to the right side;
  • the pose should be convenient and free enough;
  • with the right hand, the child holds a notebook and moves it along the table as necessary;
  • the hand should not rely on the back of the hand;
  • the hand is located under the line for writing text;
  • the pen must be kept at a level of 4 cm from the rod;
  • the notebook must be placed in the left side.


How to teach a child to write competently?

For literacy of writing, it is necessary to study the rules of spelling that regulate the correct spelling. Literacy is not an innate quality, and it needs to be trained. First of all, the foundations of competent writing are laid in early childhood with the development of the child's speech.

If the family is not literate, the words are pronounced fuzzy or distorted, then having adopted a special pronunciation manner, your child will use it when writing. Therefore, it is very important to talk with the baby correctly from his very birth and give him good skills. A competent letter depends on the literacy of the child’s thoughts, so the problem may not be in the intensity of classes and knowledge of the rules, but in everyday pronunciation.

Reading literature also has a beneficial effect on the literacy of any person. With constant reading of books, automatic memory works, which allows you to remember the spelling of words. Follow the sources of the information that your child uses, because the literacy of the letter will also depend on the quality of what you read.

To teach the child to write writings, it is necessary to develop his thinking and memory. When reading literature, ask him to retell the general meaning of the book, and then express his personal opinion on the situation. Thus, you will train the memory from what you read and develop the imagination and thinking of the child, and the more he will share his opinion with you, the easier it will be to express his thoughts on paper.

A good practice for writing essays is to keep a personal diary. You can invite your child to write down his secrets there or just share thoughts and ongoing events in writing. This practice will allow developing independent thinking and subsequently writing works will not be a big problem.


How to teach a child to write: how to deal with inattention?

If the literacy of the child’s speech is strikingly different from the text he wrote, then you should pay attention to the fact that it is distracted by writing. To complete the tasks of the house, it is unacceptable to turn on the TV or music, the situation should be calm. When studying at a school, pay attention to who your child is sitting with, since often the best friend in the desk does not leave enough time in the lesson for careful training.

To increase the level of attention, you can occupy a child with various games. For example, ask him to highlight some objects or letters on the sheet with appropriate colors. Also advise the baby to re -read the errors written for detecting or pronouncing first in a whisper, and then to himself the text when writing.

If errors are observed precisely when writing tests, then you should train in writing under the dictation of the house. Thus, it will be easier for a child to cope with the fear of responsibility to a serious control, on which the teacher’s assessment depends. Also, do not compare the successes of other children with the failures of your child and do not scold the negative mark received, since such an attitude will only aggravate the situation and will repel the child’s desire to teach.

In order to properly control the training, it is necessary to detect the cause of interference in incompetence in time and be able to correctly and timely adjust the shortcomings. Do not neglect the problems at an early stage or shift responsibility for learning to teachers. You must be a friend of your child and help him entrust you with your problems, which must be solved peacefully.


How to teach a child to write: the development of individual handwriting

Already starting from the fifth grade of learning, the child’s handwriting acquires individual features, since the pace of curriculum is accelerated, and no one is following calligraphy. If the child tries to withdraw beautiful letters, then soon he will stop having time and bring negative marks home. Therefore, already at this stage, children, trying to catch the pace of learning, completely forget about the beauty of the letter and take the letters as it hit, but quickly.

As you know, in stationery stores you can find only simple prescriptions for first -graders, but what if the handwriting deteriorates already in more adulthood? To help you and the child will come the computer font “Tempo”, the symbols of which can be printed and used as a prescription of a beautiful “adult” handwriting. Such training will help not only to delight the eyes of parents and teachers, but also to the child to make out the written abstract.

How to teach a child to write. Video

The first steps for teaching letters skills are consecrated in detail in the next video material:



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