
How to teach a child syllables

How to teach a child syllables
Learning to read by syllables. Fundamentals of children's learning methods

After studying the alphabet, it is necessary to teach the child syllables in order to continue learning and instill reading skills. However, your baby should be interested in teaching no less than yours, so you need to attract his attention to reading.

Reading will not only be a very interesting activity for the child, but also help to develop thinking, memory and logic. You can teach to read in syllables simply and quickly if you use game methods and thereby cause interest in the process. It is impossible to force the child, and if there is no desire, then you should look for the psychological problem of his absence before learning.

Children's modern psychology offers several effective methods to teach a child to read syllables and instill a desire for a further reading process. The main techniques are practiced by more than one family and show the positive results of such tips. If you have already learned the alphabet with the baby, then following these simple recommendations, you can start the next stage of training - reading.

Mother and Daughter Reading Together

How to teach a child syllables: define goals

Sometimes parents try to teach the baby to read him for school as soon as possible. This reading involves memorization and does not make sense for personal development. Therefore, reading must be approached as the next stage of development, so that the child begins to think and learn from the read material.

The baby’s ability to read will certainly please parents, and therefore use all methods to voluntarily attract his attention to the process. Screams, quarrels, threats, punishment will not help training, but only aggravate him and cause isolation and negative attitude to the process, which will completely repel the child's desire. Therefore, in no case should you make your baby memorize the material, this will cause only further psychological injuries.


How to teach a child syllables: choice of material

A book for learning should be selected colorful and with a large number of pictures in order to arouse interest in the text written nearby. To teach the child to pronounce syllables, read with him in syllables so that he remembers their sound. Periodically repeat the material with it to give him the opportunity to practice pronunciation, but do not forget about your positive mood and the child’s desire to participate in the process.

Before studying syllables, it is necessary to study the alphabet so that the child knows how they are pronounced. Knowledge of the alphabet is already half guaranteeing easy and quick training in syllables. Do with the tiny daily, so that after the correct and easy pronunciation, teach to put syllables in words.


How to teach a child syllables: if there is no desire for learning

Try to respond to the refusal of learning calmly and try to find its reason. Basically, these can be uninteresting materials or a poorly organized learning process. Choose a book in the store with the baby to find the material of interest to it.

Children's psychology has long established that children from the first days of life are trying to copy their parents and understand much more than others consider. Therefore, if you want to instill a crumb of reading skills, then start reading yourself and set a good example in this way. If parents read, then their baby will certainly become interested in the process and show a sincere desire to learn how to do the same.

From birth, the children are more attached to the mother and this is a normal process, since they subconsciously feel a connection that has been established for 9 months. Therefore, it is better to teach reading to my mother, because women are more affectionate. However, if dad reads the newspaper in the morning, then the child will be interested in such a process, and the father can also explain the basic rules of reading.


How to teach a child syllables: teaching a child to speak syllables?

There are two main misconceptions in reading reading. Firstly, the child does not have to know the letters of the alphabet, and secondly, the study of the whole alphabet is not required. Many children, having already learned the alphabet at 3 years old, cannot learn how to read the syllables even at 5 years old, which causes increased anxiety of parents.

The difficulty of this stage is that the letters in the alphabet are pronounced differently in comparison with their use in different syllables. For example, “A” and “B” are read perfectly from the syllable “BA”. This is the main difficulty for the crumbs in the understanding that there may be several options for pronouncing letters and words with them, for example, in the words “stork”, “sponge” and “woman”.


How to teach a child syllables: we learn to divide words into syllables

You can teach to divide into syllables according to the following principles:

  • vowels + consonants;
  • vowels;
  • consonants + vowels.

For example: “Ma-shi-na”, “O-Reh” and “O-la-ko”. Teach the child to read, not remember letters and syllables. To facilitate the learning process, prepare cards with syllables, where on a large area the same size and spelling of syllables, which are most often found in the baby’s everyday speech.

Cards can be purchased in stores, do it yourself or download on the site and print. To get started, use simple syllables consisting of consonant and vowel letters. Use cards to compose simple words that are folded in two- or three-syllable words.

The display of cards should be accompanied by your sound pronunciation, and then repeat the baby's request. Next, laying out the cards, repeat the word by syllables and show the child’s cards alternately. Repeating you, the baby will begin to pronounce simple syllables and words, and then he realizes the meaning of the word, which is accompanied by a sincere joy of understanding read.


The training should not be tired of the child, so conduct it with short 15-minute courses, but repeating the material during the day. For the first time, do not give a lot of material, 3 syllables are quite enough. In the following days, repeat the already studied and give new, so out of 10 syllables you can learn about 30 words.

Draw and sculpt the letters and syllables from plasticine, playing, teach the child to identify letter signs. At the beginning of training, it is better to invent words-subject words that are understandable to the child and consist of a small number of easily read syllables. If the baby is capricious, then it means that he doesn’t succeed and it is worth repeating the material calmly, if he became bored, then it is worth making new material to attract his attention.

It is not recommended to explain to the child in the first classes about the types of letters, this will only tire him and distract from the main goal of the lesson. The schemes used in primers can also confuse the crumb, as they contain a lot of extra signs, in the process the child himself will notice the similarity of some letters and will be able to steam syllables. Do not write syllables through a hyphen, use cards, so the child will be much easier, because he will not be distracted by unknown signs.


How to teach a child syllables: learning to connect syllables?

So, having studied all the syllables, the child begins to actively join reading and loudly pronounces everything that he sees on the street. Thus, you read and remember with him more and more words, and the baby also joins the letter, trying to portray letters and studied syllables. So, it would seem, you can already give him a book, and the training will be completed, but not everything is so simple.

The child still does not know how to read various syllables and at this stage to add various syllables - not to lose the baby's interest in reading, which can be caused by disappointment from the inability to read the book. To solve this problem, we need to postpone with a printed publication and contact cards again, but another kind. At this stage, we need to reduce the size of the letters, go from cards with syllables to cards with words and start teaching not only simple nouns, but also verbs with adjectives.


In order to teach a child to fold syllables, prepare cards with syllables and pictures for simple words from them. The meaning is that the child should independently find syllables to the picture and read the resulting words with you. Thus, teaching a child to make syllables is easiest and this process will interest him for further training.

You can start by making a word from syllables, and then move on to the search for the picture depicting it. Subsequently, in order to teach the child to drain syllables, you can already in the reverse order indicate the image and give the baby the opportunity to independently find cards with syllables and fold them correctly. Next, you need to prepare pictures with whole words to teach to read syllables together already in pictures with their specific signatures.


How to teach a child syllables: preparation of pictures with words

It is better to type letters on the computer and print them in different colors by syllables. So all letters will be the same size and type of spelling, and the color will indicate the presence of syllables in words. Choose bright and understandable pictures, mainly denoting nouns, they can be made independently (draw or cut out of magazines) or buy in specialized stores.

Also diversify the sorting cards. For example, ask the baby to divide animals and cars or plants into groups. Thus, it will be easier to navigate not only in reading the text, but also in the meaning of the words that are selected after sorting and re -read or independently folded by a tiny syllables.


KAA to teach a child syllables: Learning to read

After the development of syllables and words, as well as the complete awareness of their meanings, you can proceed to the compilation of phrases using the same pictures with signatures. For example, an adjective and noun or noun and verb. Do not forget to repeat the addition of words from syllables so that the child systematically memorizes and assimilates the material.

In the same way, you can make simple sentences and learn to read them, and then give the baby the opportunity to put them independently. Only after such practices can you proceed to reading simple and colorful books with pictures and signatures to them. If the child is scared or refuses to switch to books, then perhaps you accelerated training at some stage, and the baby did not have time to learn the material studied.

Return to the lessons passed and repeat the studied, praise the child so that he feels that he does everything right and he succeeds. Do not let him close in yourself and do not express dissatisfaction with his mistakes. Learn until the baby feels quite confident, but only then complicate the material.

Read books by a few words so that the baby manages to understand the meaning of words. After reading several sentences, invite him to tell about what he read. It is very important at this stage not only the ability to read the text, but also its complete awareness and memorization, so you will also train memory.


How to teach a child syllables: learn to write

The memorization of the text can be accompanied by drawing the heroes of the book and writing some title letters that are used to designate them. So the child will be able to memorize the meaning of what he read and learn to reflect it in a letter form. From the letters, you can gradually make words and portray them on paper.

Children do not know the basic principles of writing words and can portray letters as you like. For example, with excess details, mirror, upside down and score. Such masterpieces will be understandable only to the baby and will very upset him if his parents do not understand his written rebus.

At this stage, again, the main thing is not to upset the child by the fact that he does something wrong and this will discourage him with a desire to further study the secrets of reading and writing. Therefore, give the baby not clean sheets, but with different cells. Thus, it will be easier for him to navigate in the correct arrangement of letters, and this will help to compose readable words and sentences by depicting them on paper.

Remember that the child should not be afraid of possible mistakes and your strict attitude in this regard. He should also be interested in training all the time, so use all your imagination and diversify the lessons as much as possible. To consolidate the material, repeat the traveled and use teaching children's video tutorials daily.


Teach a child syllables by video

Use simple cartoons and videos to assimilate material with bright animation. For example, a developing cartoon with a steam locomotive voices the collected letters and converts them into syllables, and the child repeats after him. Such an example of a video roller can be viewed below:



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