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Salicylic peeling at home

Salicylic peeling at home
Features of the Salicylic peeling procedure.

The intense rhythm of modern life, as well as a lack of time for skin care, often adversely affect its condition. As a means of cleansing the skin of inflammation and irritation, as well as stimulating the regeneration of the skin, you can use salicylic peeling. After its use, faded skin will smoothed out, acquires an even tone, a healthy and well -groomed look.

Thanks to the healing effects of salicylic acid, this peeling is characterized by an effective anti -inflammatory effect, as well as the ability to penetrate into various layers of the skin and stimulate the processes of its regeneration.

The principle of action of salicylic peeling

Peeling effectively cleanses the face of acne and comedones, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, ensures effective exfoliation of the skin, exfoliating the dead particles and removing them. As a result of the procedure, tissue updating is accelerated, clogged pores are cleansed, blood microcirculation is normalized, and the likelihood of various foci of inflammation, in particular acne, is reduced.


You can regulate the chemical effect using a solution of various concentrations:

  • pilling with a concentration of the drug up to 20% is used for surface treatment of oily skin, as well as a problem type;
  • peeling with a concentration of a drug 25-30%, penetrating the median layers of the skin, is also very effective against acne, as well as for exfoliating the skin and stimulating its regeneration. In addition, this composition is used to increase the elasticity of the skin and level its relief, including to eliminate shallow facial wrinkles.

After the peeling, there is usually some increase in the sensitivity of the skin, manifested in redness of its surface, peeling, sensations of tingling and/or slight burning. Data residual manifestations of the exposure of peeling usually disappear after a few days.

As a result of the procedure of salicylic peeling of the face:

  • the skin is noticeably smoothed, acquires elasticity and elasticity. With the help of peeling salicylic acid, you can achieve the effect of rejuvenation of stiff skin, eliminating sagging, as well as tightening the contours of the face;
  • thanks to the keratoleic effect of salicylic acid, the type and condition of the skin prone to various rashes is significantly improved, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized. With the help of this peeling, you can significantly reduce the scars of the post -acne, narrow the pores and leve the tone of the skin;
  • skin pigmentation becomes less noticeable.  Salicylic chemical peeling is successfully used to combat age pigmentation, as well as for whitening freckles;
  • you can eliminate the consequences of photo starting - soften and align the ripe skin.

Salicylic acid in significant concentrations acts on the skin quite aggressively, so softening extracts of herbs, enzymes or fruit acids are usually added to the composition of median peels with its participation.


For the skin of the face, neck and neckline, a course of 4-6 procedures of weekly salicylic peeling is used. This procedure is also used to improve the condition of the skin of the hands-for this it is recommended to carry out 3-5 peeling procedures with monthly gaps. To get rid of acne, hyperkeratosis, seborrheic dermatitis, you will need about 5-8 weekly peeling sessions. To reduce the manifestations of hyperpigmentation, about 8 sessions with a frequency of 2 times a month are used.

Two varieties of salicylic peeling can be used:

  • for the face - liquid peeling;
  • for processing ripe skin on elbows and knees, as well as palms - salicylic paste.

Advantages and contraindications of salicylic peeling

According to reviews about salicylic peeling, this procedure is characterized by a sufficiently soft effect in combination with high effectiveness.

In addition, the advantages of this peeling include:

  • universality - this effect can be used to process various areas of the face and body, as well as for people of various age groups;
  • ease of peeling, as well as the ability to dose and control the effect of actively acting components on the skin;
  • not toxicity of the composition;
  • piling affects the pores and hair follicles without affecting the deep layers of the skin;
  • the procedure is small for the skin - thus, the probability of subsequent side effects after salicylic peeling is minimal.

The use of piling face with salicylic acid is recommended:

  • for problem skin with acne and comedones, post -acne scars, various seborrheic dermatitis, folliculitis, hyperkeratosis;
  • in the presence of hyperpigmentation of various types, signs of skin wither, as well as photoaging.

This peeling can be carried out for different types of facial skin, but it should be borne in mind that there are still some contraindications to its use.

These include:

  • pregnancy, as well as the period of lactation;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • the presence of damage and inflammatory processes in the aggravation stage;
  • skin hypersensitivity, intolerance to the active components of peeling;
  • the presence of sunburn;
  • taking hypoglycemic drugs;
  • infectious diseases, elevated body temperature.

In rare cases, after the peeling procedure, complications may occur in the form of prolonged peeling of the skin, exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases, the occurrence of a chemical burn with further prolonged inflammation and edema of the skin. Such post -piling side effects mainly occur due to a violation of the methodology of the procedure.

Salicylic peeling procedure

It should be borne in mind that this procedure is a chemical effect by applying a controlled burn, after which the surface-median layers of the skin occurs. Thus, salicylic peeling is recommended in a cosmetic salon under the supervision of an experienced specialist, with strict observance of hygiene and safety rules. The cosmetologist will select an individually concentration of actively active substances, the duration of the procedure and the intensity of exposure. In addition, you can apply a gentle version of salicylic peeling at home. The duration of the peeling session is about 40 minutes.


Depending on the planned exposure - sparing surface peeling or deeper, it is necessary to prepare for the session. Two weeks before the planned peeling, you will need to refuse to visit the pool and sauna, solarium. In addition, during this time it is not recommended to sunbathe under direct sunlight, do not use a scrub, use hommanship. To achieve the optimal effect, special soft care products (cleansers and creams) are used for precipiling preparation. In addition, at the beginning of the peeling session, the cosmetologist processes the skin of the face with a special solution.


The peeling procedure consists of the following stages:

  1. Preliminary cleansing - first, cosmetics and pollution should be removed from the skin. After that, the cosmetologist makes a special antiseptic solution for degreasing skin on the skin, increasing the susceptibility of the skin to the subsequent effects of the active components of the peeling.
  2. Approaching a composition for peeling - a solution of salicylic acid or salicylic pasta. These funds cause a feeling of pinching, a slight burning or tingling - such a reaction is normal. In the presence of a negative reaction of the body (the appearance of a sharp burning sensation, severe redness and skin itching), the applied composition should be immediately washed away using a neutralizing solution. If the reaction to the active components of the peeling is standard, after the planned time, the skin is treated with a neutralizing solution that calms the epidermis and the effect of the effect. The salicylic composition for peeling of some manufacturers can be washed off directly with water.
  3. After aggressive exposure to peeling on the skin, it is necessary to apply a softening mask or moisturizer.

It should be borne in mind that after the procedure, on the third day, peeling of the skin usually begins - in this way, in the process of regeneration, it gets rid of dead particles. It is worth patiently to wait for the natural skin renewal.

How to make salicylic peeling yourself

To conduct homemade peeling with salicylic acid, specially balanced finished products, presented on sale by various manufacturers of cosmetics, are suitable. For example, you can buy a salicylic peeling that does not contain particles of mechanical exfoliation from the Stopproblem brand. This tool is a salicylic enzyme peeling with the addition of herbs extracts, and according to the manufacturer, it is suitable even for owners of sensitive skin. Before the behavior of peeling, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the instructions.


Judging by the reviews presented on the Internet, such tools give real results of improving the condition of oily skin - reduce the amount of rashes, level out the relief, cleanse pores, refresh and matte the skin. As for dry, dehydrated and sensitive skin, it should be borne in mind that the chemical peeling procedure can provoke a significant deterioration in its condition.

Salicylic acid peeling at home is carried out similarly by the salon procedure, but the effect on the skin should be more sparing - significantly lower concentrations of the actively active substance (salicylic acid) are used.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • preliminary cleansing of the skin of the face of pollution and residues of cosmetics, followed by antiseptic treatment;
  • application of the composition with actively acting components;
  • its neutralization is the removal of the skin from the skin, as well as processing it with a restoring protective agent.


For soft peeling, you can use acetylsalicylic acid tablets (aspirin):

  • Pick 1 aspirin tablet into powder, mix with a pinch of soda and dissolve in a teaspoon of water, mix thoroughly with a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the resulting composition to dry cleansed skin, leave for exposure for 10 minutes, and then rinse your face with water at room temperature;
  • grind 1 aspirin tablet in powder and mix with 1/2 tsp. The usual face cream, apply to the skin, rinse after 30 minutes.

Salicylic peeling - photo


Salicylic peeling at home - video



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