
How to burn calories

How to burn calories
Several working methods in order to burn calories quickly and efficiently.

The process of weight loss is accompanied by strict calorie control. Its essence is that during the fight against extra kilograms you should lose a day more calories than taking food during food intake. It is worth understanding that after consuming a different amount of calories, your body needs activity so that it can be able to recycle food and get rid of fat deposition.

Literally on each packaging of our products purchased by us, the manufacturer indicates not only the composition of the product itself, but also the number of calories contained in its 100 grams. In cases where the product has no packaging, respectively, its calorie content is not specified, a special high-calorie table will always come to your aid. Exactly with her using you can find out how much calories contains any fruit, vegetable And any other product. In order to control the original calorie cycle in the body, you need to be able to consider them correctly, as well as familiarize yourself with several ways to combat them.

How to burn calories: learn to consider calories


If you wondered not only to lose weight, but also control the consumed and spent calories, then you will be useful to the notebook in which you can record all the data obtained for all time, such as product name, weight and quatory. You can get information about the daily rate of your body from a professional nutritionist or independently calculate. To do this, you should calculate the total number of calories used for day, without diets, in normal mode. Next, it should be gradually reduced to the dose so that you can save the organism every day than from 600 grams.

Experts argue that on average the caloric rate in women is about 2000, and here the men have 3000 in men. All this is direct depending on your activity during the course of the day. In case you want to clarify how much a calorie or another dish, then it is quite simple. In order to immediately understand the essence of the formula for calculating calorie dishes, you need to clarify the calories and weight of each product that is part of the dish that you prepare. After that, the amount of calories multiply by the weight of the product and divide by 100, all the indicators are fixed, and you can successfully calculate general calories of any dish.

What products burn calories?


Fans of fruits and berries should be aware of which of these products are suitable for burning calories:

  • raspberry, blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries and currants - their maximum calorie content is 50 kilocalories;
  • grapefruits, lemons, oranges, tangerines and limes are not able to give you more than 40 kilocalories;
  • watermelons and pineapples contain 20 kilocalories in one slicer;
  • apricots, mango, plums and apples are also able to accompany your weight loss.

Different types of vegetables are ready to come to help in the fight against overweight, keep the level of sugar under control and not only:

  • varieties of cabbage, broccoli, black radish, radishes, celery and green peas burn to 30 kilocalories;
  • zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, peppers of different species, beet, spinach, carrots, turnips, onions, garlic and eggplants have a favorably affect the cleansing of the body and, of course, on burning calories.

In its own way, the extra calories is greens, such as:

  • parsley, Basil, Kinza, Dill, Mint, Melissa, Rosemary, Thyme and Salad.

In any dishes you can add spice calories:

  • ginger, cumin, coriander, curry and pepper.

The most active burner Calories are considered green tea, except It can be used purified non-carbonated mineral water and freshly squeezed juices prepared from those products that are also included in the list of products burning calories.

During weight loss, you should use the required amount of proteins, in order to eat delicious products and at the same time lose weight. These products include:

  • meat, fish and bird without the content of fatty elements. It is better to cook such dishes for a couple or boil, use without broth.

A vegetable salad with greens is perfect for the side dish. You ask how to do without dairy oxygen Products? Quite right - in no way! That is why it is allowed to use a degreased curd mass, yogurt and kefir.

How to burn calories: ways

How to burn calories at work and in everyday life

When you work, walk or do home, you spend energy, it means that you are in a kind of way to burn calories. But, how to find out how much you lose calories, doing those or other matters daily? Everything is very simple:

  1. Houses of home, for example, cleaning, cooking and so on will help you burn around 2.9 kokaloria in one hour.
  2. Sexing eliminates from 2.1 kilocalories and more per hour.
  3. 10 minutes of passionate kiss will burn approximately 25 calories in your body.
  4. For women with young children, it will be useful for women that walking with a stroller will allow to get rid of 2.2 kilocalories.
  5. Freshing And the preparation of the baby to the walk will also help eliminate from 2 or more kilocaloria.
  6. Few people know that 2.1 kokaloria is spent on a car while riding a car.
  7. Styling of hair, work at a computer can save you from more than 2 kokalorius in 1 hour.

How to burn calories: life trivia


  1. Put during the adoption of the bath or soul - it will help to clean the body from 20 calories.
  2. 10 minutes of perky laughter is estimated in loss of 7 and more kilocalories.

How to burn calories: physical exertion

  1. Morning charging is able to overcome a minimum of 4.3 cyocaloria per hour.
  2. Dance and Po 6.9 Cylolarii Will leave the body in just 60 minutes.
  3. But swim in the pool in one hour Assist to get rid of OT. 6.6 Kloikalorius During the same time.
  4. Running on the stairs there and back again eliminate 12.9 Kloikalorius.
  5. Riding a bike removes approximately 7.7 Kloikaloriy.
  6. The most effective way to combat extra calories is considered a rope and hoop. Classes with such sports inventory Assist to eliminate up to 300 calories for some half an hour.
  7. The usual run is eliminated from 450 calories in 60 minutes.
  8. Squats will help burn to 400 calories for half an hour.

Experienced specialists argue that 1 kg of human weight contains about 7,700 calories. For a living organism is considered harmless slimming by 500 grams per week. Burn calories correctly, learn to count the calorie rate, and you will gain perfect Figure!

How to burn calories. Video


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