
How to make a European manicure with your own hands. Unscrew manicure

How to make a European manicure with your own hands. Unscrew manicure
Differences in European manicure and classic. How to make an unspeakable manicure

From a long time ago, deserved  confession,  european manicure, also  him and mod uNDERDEN, so how v presented  procedure cuticle removes without participation Schipchikov  and others stalkcutting devices. On today day given procedure not counts dangerous, she is enoughthe same affordable for  Absolutely everyone  representatives  beautiful paul. Perform her can not only v manicure cabinet, but and v home environment. It will be very by hand amete that, what men  Also  not rarely they come running to so method care for  with your nails.

Differences between european and classic manicure


The main thing difference two species  manicure is method appeals with cutten, classical method implies removal circums  with help manicure kusachek, what categorically excluded v european manicure. All piercutting items excluded, cuticle  Removes  only special solution and orange stick. All rest actions by go manicure absolutely the same.

Types european manicure


UNDERDENDED manicure can produce a few ways:

  1. With a dry method  nails  no need  previously  smell v liquids. All, what should do, this moisten them special cosmetic remedy for hands. Like way not recommended do on weak and brittle nails, but he very practical and convenient, if need to fast and qualitatively do manicure, even  being v road. Dry method separate those, what thanks to such processing nail plates, varnish on nails will keep much longer.
  2. Liquid way uNDERNED manicure represents yourself steaming hands and moisturization nails  at help liquid solution. IN bath for hands add different oils and others suitable cosmetic means.
  3. Hot way european manicure more all fits for injured nails. Before processing hands in advance cooked cream need to heat so, to he reached temperatures  V  45 degrees. Under such procedure perfect suitable electric bath.

Advantages  European  manicure


Main dignity  European  manicure consistent v security actions. To you not you will need it kusachki or scissors, all, what necessary  for the procedure -  this some files, orange wand and moisturizing means. Exactly that's why chance cut or send any infection excluded, in addition, the growth of the cuticle slows down.  Important dignity  more  is that, what many cash means and time procedure not  By requires, that's why what european manicure can do not only houses, but and being v road, on rest or even on work.

Flaws European  manicure

  1. European view manicure practicing  more often  on hands with the finest skin, that's why what grunt, not well -groomed skin not  It seems possible  put away without schipchikov for nails.
  2. Also not costs forget o volume, what so sight processing it is necessary  constant care. How more often you you will care for nails, those better you will receive the result at the end.
  3. Not costs expect wonderful results after first and even third processing nail plates.

Contraindications for european manicure

Not should resort to procedure uNDERNED manicure, in these cases:

  • notwell -groomed hands with rude cuttenv this case better at first bring their v due view at help classic manicure;
  • necessarily check skin covers on  availability  allergic  reactions  on all  Components  cosmetic  means;
  • for freeded nails method counts not suitable, that's why what liquid for removal varnish maybe spoil narmed beauty.

Which tools need for european manicure

unscrew manicure

For creating a European manicure  necessary not so well  And  many tools. For their acquisitions v specialized shops to you you will need it maximum 1000 rubles.

  • orange sticks for processing circums;
  • oils and cosmetic lotions for moisturizes fingers v bath;
  • laser file for nails;
  • polishing batf for grinding nail plates;
  • special pencil for everyday care for cutten on oil.

How do european manicure


  1. For togo to reproduce on nails european manicure,  It should be superficial  bring nail plates v order and atdrive old varnish  with help special liquids for removal varnish.
  2. If u you no v availability oils and lotions for moisturizes hands, that v bath recommended add a little juice lemon, what it will help to you soften circulus. IN case, if you decided take advantage hot method processing, that for baths perfect suitable olive oil.
  3. If to you necessary undercut length nails, that better, certainly, take advantage manicure scissors. Take it a file, she it will help give desired form nails, rasp need to v one direction, otherwise nails start separate.
  4. For processing circums use oils or cream with  Big  content  different  vitamins. Mixture should apply on skin around nail plates and detain his on some minutes.
  5. Take it orange wand and a little move circulus v side grounds nail, after what carefully clean her.
  6. Apply moisturizing cream not only on nails, but and on hands, this it will help not only to impregnate skin useful properties, but and disinfect affected sites.
  7. At help manicure batf pull out and polish nail plate.
  8. At need  degrease nails at help liquids for removal varnish, then  apply base or color varnish.

Video lesson how to make a European manicure

For togo to not allow errors v  european ( non -cramped) manicure,  we recommend look video lessons:

Comments women, those who did european manicure

«Very i regret it, what earlier not runned to similar method and injured circulus. If would i i knew, what all so just, forgot would pro tweezers once and foreverOlga

«On yourself business very comfortable methodology, no injuries, can do manicure v anyone convenient place. Time at all not requires. » Irina

«In many manicure offices uses popular this service, few who thinking, what this all can just do houses, not having spent money. » Marina

«Never not i ran for fashionable trends v neil arte, all life i did it classical manicure and not i complained. Stopped use procedure v manicure cabinet, that's why what me not suits hygiene. Learned do european manicure on one's own and i'm thinking, why i earlier not i found out pro this method. »

«Recently girlfriend recommended to me european manicure, i tried it, but cuticle continues grow. Don't know what doChristina



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