
Loading days

Loading days
How to throw off a couple of kilograms without exhausting diets and workouts?

Many are probably familiar to the situation when during the celebration of significant dates we can gain more than 3 extra kilograms. Unloading days are not considered as such a stress for the body, in contrast to prolonged and painful diets. In addition, the regular excess of the body's unloading has a positive effect on human well-being, even if he does not have the need.

The benefits of unloading days for weight loss


An important feature of unloading days is considered to clean the body from harmful food elements. Of course, to eliminate the fat margin accumulated for a long period will not be possible, nevertheless, the procedure is considered useful. If overweight represents inconvenience for you, experts recommend carrying out unloading no more than 2 times in 7 days. You can not only hold your body from the use of harmful food, but also encourage metabolism to properly function. When unloading the body is cleaned of slags and eliminates fat stock. Under the concept of "unloading day" implies 3 main tasks:

  1. Provide the body complete freedom from used For a long time eating.
  2. Elimination of accumulated slags and toxins.
  3. Light transition to proper nutrition that is not call stress.

Important rules of unloading days


  1. In unloading days, you should not load the body, both intellectually and physiologically. It is preferable to unload in silence, at home, habitual atmosphere.
  2. Already after liquidation malicious Substances from the body are forbidden to go to the dump products that were excluded from your diet for a couple of days. This can lead to stomach stretching, and the intestine may incorrect to learn large portions of not a simple food that will lead to disorders.
  3. With a one-day refusal of irregular food, the load on the liver increases significantly, so it will be correct to replace tea for decoction of special medicinal herbs, they can acquire In any pharmacy point.
  4. Also, you should not overdo with suitable products suitable for unloading day, you will die meal. Of course, the outcome of the unloading day directly depends on the structure of the human body, for example, from the mass of its body. Need to remember that vegetables should be used Not more than 1.5 kg per day, and products with a protein content of not more than 650 gr.
  5. Try not to think about feeling hunger, think about everything except food. Take yourself easy An occupation that will make you focus. Try to be as far as possible from the refrigerator.
  6. When appetite appeates, it is allowed to help the body of a glass of kefir or skimmed yogurt.
  7. Inherent condition for unloading becomes drinking Order, it is recommended to drink a minimum of 3 liters of net non-carbonated water per day.
  8. In order to not only lose weight, but also to clean the body from slags, you should go to the bath, sauna, swim in the pool, visit the masseur.
  9. It is not necessary to use laxative medicines on the day of unloading, diuretic means should also be excluded. It will be correct to take advantage of them 2-3 days before the discharge period.
  10. The discharge period is considered peculiar micro-stress. However, his short term and tension Give you great fruits.
  11. Do not forget that such procedures have their own contraindications. Unloading days can not be carried out:
  • pregnant women and undergoing lactation for women;
  • people suffering from chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • diabetics.

Before starting to carry out unloading days in your body, we recommend that you have to take advice from your attending physician.

Common Types of unloading days

There are several techniques for unloading days. You can choose the most simplified and suitable For your body.

Unloading day at kefir

A similar type of unloading has long been practicing experienced nutritionists. The riddle consists in the method of cooking a drink, as a special start fills the drink by all the necessary bifidobacteriums and trace elements.

Pluses of kefir unloading:

  • the advantage of kefir unloading is her easewhat will help clarify the view monodi.suitable for your body;
  • drink reduces The course of decomposition in an absolutely all intestinal tract is rapidly affecting the metabolism and the absolute elimination of its final products;
  • when using it dairy tea product can be improved the digestive process that will lead to the frester skin color and reduce the possibility of the appearance of an allergic reaction;
  • esophagus B. crottle Terms will be setting up.

Cons of kefir unloading:

  • the method is considered not suitable for people who do not assimilate dietary dairy Products. This can lead to involuntary cuts in muscles and gas formation in the intestine.

Menu for kefir unloading

For day unloading, you will need approximately 1.5 liters of kefira or sources. Such a volume of drink must be divided into 5-6 portions. It is necessary to approach the choice of kefir as you can closely, since too fresh drink can cause diarrhea, for a good absorption of kefir in the body the right choice will be the product of two-day downtime.

Unloading day on buckwheat caress and rice


Pros of unloading on buckwheat caress and rice:

  • the pluses of unloading on the croup include the fact that they supply the body with useful trace elements;
  • buckwheat porridge with the addition of kefir can have a positive effect on the intestinal cleaning;
  • rice contributes to the removal of excess moisture.

Minuses of unloading on buckwheat caress and rice:

  • the disadvantages of this technique are minimal. It should be paid to the fact that buckwheat porridge will not be able to correctly clean the body to people who are tormented by frequent constipation, rice unloading is more suitable for them.

Menu for buckwheat and rice unloading

  1. One vessel of buckwheat porridge Fill in two glasses in advance bohepiece Water, cover with a dense material, which will give the opportunity to save heat throughout the night. Buckwheat and spices prepared by such a way you need to eat three doses together with the lean kefir.
  2. One rice vessel (more suitable long-grain) fill with hot water, cook for one minute, then pour water and yet Once to peak rice, adding two glasses of water. The finished dish should be divided into 3 servings, after which it is powered throughout the day.

Unloading day on apples


Pluses of the unloading day on apples:

  • the apple owns a huge reserve of useful vitamins C, E, B1, B2, P, which most thoroughly affects the metabolism. It contains iron and potassium, its fiber excellently affects the intestinal tract.

Minuses of a discharge day on apples:

  • people tormented from excess acidity and possessing other diseases of the digestive system have the opportunity to cause an exacerbation of the disease, so some types of apples will need to be excluded.

Menu for apple unloading

  1. During the day It is allowed to eat 1.5 kg of apples in the usual or baked form. A special effect on unloading has a fruit cooked in an oven or microwave oven. This method of preparation contributes to the formation of pectin in sufficient quantity.
  2. Divide 1 apple on 5-6 identical parts and eat them during the day.
  3. In addition, it is necessary to drink 5-6 cups of compotation or apple juice without adding sugar sand.

Unloading day on chocolate


Pluses of a discharge day on chocolate:

  • chocolate is considered excellent antioxidant. As a result, the mental state and the activity of the cardiovascular system is improved. Thanks to the hormone, which is present in chocolate tiles, a person gets cheerfulness and energy. Almost all society believes that chocolate is a malicious product. But it is only necessary to stick to the borders in the absorption of this sweetness. And in this case, a chocolate unloading day that elementary limits the use of chocolate, can help you not only throw a couple of extra kilograms.

Minuses of a discharge day on chocolate:

  • before use, you should consult with your attending physician, because chocolate can adversely affect the liver.

Menu for chocolate unloading

Lovers of sweet ideal suitable This type of discharge day. Throughout the day, no more than 500 grams of chocolate are allowed, drinking tea without adding sugar or pure water.

Loading day on cottage cheese


Pros of cottage cheese discharge day:

  1. Cottage cheese is a product provided with a sufficient amount of calcium, which is necessary to impart attractiveness and fortress nails, radiance hair and luxurious smile. It also contains proteins and fats important for skin cover.
  2. Unloading on the curd mass is considered a gentle and not a tedious process, because you have the opportunity to prepare from its huge amount of delicious dishes, not rounded Feeling hunger with various liquids.
  3. Cottage cheese is useful for everyone, in addition, there are no contraindications to its use.
  4. This product is well absorbed in the body and does not represent any load.

Consumers' disloading day:

  1. The curd discharge method will not be effective if you want to get rid of a large amount of overweight. This process allows you to eliminate no more than two kilograms.
  2. The method is considered contraindicated for people with lactose intolerance.
  3. For this type of unloading day you have to Significantly spend money because price Cottage cheese is far from minimal.

Menu for cottage cheese discharge day

On one-two-day Unloading You will need approximately 600 grams of cottage cheese. In addition, it is allowed to drink a maximum of 2 glasses. green Tea.

How to correctly hold a unloading day


  1. Weight invariance can be kept in such a well-known method as protein unloading days. You can eat beef, fish or chicken with the most insignificant fat content. You can use any fruits and vegetables, the only one should not, for the preparation of salad, use oil, but you can add a little salt or lemon juice. For a whole day, you can drink about 3 liters of water.
  2. Start the morning with the adoption of 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, then add a protein cocktail that you can acquire in pharmacies or special sports departments. You can eat 150 grams of beef or veal, then drink coffee or tea without sugar and milk.
  3. Start the next day of discharge power from the glass of pure water, then use it in food 150 grams of boiled beef, eggs and vegetation can be used as a side dish. After that it is allowed to drink a cup of green tea.
  4. After four hours, welcome 200 grams chicken, prepare Salad from Chinese cabbage. Drinking can be green or mineral clean water.
  5. Through the same amount of time, you can cook the beans, bay it with one glass of tomato juice.

Comments losing weight on the unloading day

"Conducted an unloading day for weight loss 1 time a week, 1.5 kilograms leaves, then stopped, as it was difficult to bile for that period, I did not know what the medicine need to take. Five months behind, the mass is not refundable. Currently, I again spend unloading with buckwheat. " Irina

"Yesterday I spent - 59.3 kg, all the day I saw exclusively kefir, today I woke up-58. I am surprised, now I will spend every Monday kefir days. " Olga

"Planned to reset 10 kilograms, but I did not know what a diet to choose and how it would be decided. I learned that in one day of unloading you can throw up to 2 kilograms. Now every week I find for myself two days, cleaning the body. " Kate

"And I spent all kinds of unloading for your organismThe result is disappointing. Kilograms stand still. " Marina


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