
Callanetics for beginners. Calanetics - exercises for weight loss, results, photos before and after. Features of Calanetics with Rhatina, Pinkney, Dubodellova

Callanetics for beginners. Calanetics - exercises for weight loss, results, photos before and after. Features of Calanetics with Rhatina, Pinkney, Dubodellova
Exercises Callanetics - the opportunity to be healthy.

Slender figure, beautiful posture and health almost at any age is not a myth and not fiction, but only the result of painstaking work.

Some seek to improve their physical form with the help of active classes in fitness clubs and gyms. Mass diets are directed to the fight against excess body, both sufficiently strict and softer. Of course, the best results are obtained with competent combination of physical load and correction of the diet.

Callanetics - acquaintance

Before starting to engage in Callanetic, it is necessary to determine what the exercises are present. The complex includes a set of technician, the mastering of which makes all the muscles of your body work. Exercises are developed by American Callan Pinkney. The woman had serious problems with the spine, so he could not produce a strong load on him. As a result, it created more sparing, but from the equally effective set of technician based on Asan from yoga. The set of exercises of Callanetics with Callan Pinkney is aimed at stretching deep muscles. As a result, the body is experiencing tangible energy consumption. That is why the set of exercises of Callanetics is effective and in the fight against unnecessary kg.

  • Course Callanetic consists of 29 exercises, the execution of which occurs in the statics (that is, at rest).
  • The load at the same time is the entire body. Special attention is paid to the so-called problem zones - buttocks, hips, stomach (abdominal press). At the same time, the back, hands and shoulders are also involved.
  • Calorie consumption for 1 hour of classes by Callanetic is comparable to energy consumption for 7 hours of shaping or 1 day by aerobics.

Callanetic classes - an easy and effective way to return the vigor of the body and spirit, regardless of age

Since during the class of Callanetics there is an active work of the whole organism, it is often a question of constraints for performing these techniques. There are really there.

Contraindications and restrictions on Callanetic classes

  • If less than a year has passed since any surgical intervention, with the beginning of classes they will have to pay off.
  • After the cesarean section, there should be at least 1.5 years before starting training on this system.
  • Another type of physical activity is necessary for people with asthma disease.
  • If there are serious violations of vision before starting training, a doctor is needed.
  • Varicose veins is not a contraindication to classes by Callanetic, but exercises for strengthening legs (squats and semi-postal) is better eliminated.
  • If you have a spinal disease, also initially get a medical advice for the safety of the execution of Callanetics techniques. In this case, the exercises should be performed especially slowly and smoothly, without sharp movements and turns.
  • The presence of hemorrhoidal nodes is a categorical contraindication to squats.
  • After the transferred infectious disease, first take care of the restoration of the body (do the course of vitamins, for example), and then proceed to training. It is better to withstand pause in 1-2 weeks.

The benefits of class Callanetic

Meanwhile, the exercises of Callanetics give results comparable to full-fledged complex workouts, bringing the unquestive benefits of the whole body.

  • There is a rejuvenation of the body. Already after 10 hours of training, you "lose" 8-10 years.
  • Improve the flexibility and mobility of the joints.
  • Fat sediments leave, including in problem areas. To date, Callanetics is one of the most popular weight loss techniques.
  • As a result of workouts, you not only remove the fat, but also form an attractive muscular relief.
  • Normalization of metabolic processes occurs. This factor is an integral condition for the harmonious work of all organs and systems.
  • You will learn to better feel and control your body.
  • Exercises improves posture and is good osteochondrosis prevention.
  • The study of all muscles improves their tone.
  • Despite the active involvement of all the reserves of the body, the muscle overvoltage does not occur, so the body does not experience stress.
  • Callanetic can be engaged in home at home at a time convenient for you.
  • A person of any age and the level of physical training can begin to master the technician.

For classes, you can use any particular, "directed" complex or contact the video instructors' allowances. Callanetics with Catherine Rykov - the author's methodology based on the technician Callan Pinkney. Exercises contribute to the normalization of weight, improving posture and strengthening all muscles. The technique of Ingi Dubodelova in Callanetics, aimed at normalizing pressure and respiration, elimination of shortness of breath, improved blood circulation and, of course, getting rid of excess weights.

Rules for performing exercises by Callanetics

  • Perform only what is set to you. Do not forced your body to what it is not yet ready.
  • Do not overvolt and do not forget about your holiday. If you need to make 50 repetitions, and you have done only 20 and already experience a tangible pain in the muscles, take a break.
  • Even if you are tired, do not refuse exercise. It is better to make it a smaller number of repetitions than not to perform at all.
  • Exercises are better in front of the mirror. So you will see yourself and better fix the necessary positions.
  • Breathe try in your usual rhythm, not accelerating and without delaying the air.
  • Exercises perform better in full silence, so as not to be distracted and not to be knocked down from the rhythm.
  • The duration of the lesson should be at least 1 hour. Frequency - three times a week. If you are difficult to immediately cast a watch workout, break the exercises to groups whose execution will take 15-20 minutes. When you reach the first results, the frequency of classes can be reduced to two per week.
  • Exercises are performed on an empty stomach or after meals must pass at least 2 hours.

The easiest way, and at the initial stages and better, perform exercises of Callanetics on video lessons. So it will be easier for you to exercise correctly, which means the most safe and efficient as possible.

Callanetics for beginners

The first steps in the work on Callanetics techniques is better to start with the base complex. In the future, you can easily go to more complex exercises.

  • Stand straight. The back is straight, the legs are slightly placed. Slowly bend legs in the knees, with straight arms in front of them. Hold in this position for 1 minute. Next, give hands behind your back, and put your head and neck forward. And re-fix the position for 60 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • In the standing position, lift the right hand vertically up (the left is omitted and "looks down" down). Restart right hand to the ceiling, and left - to the floor. Hold in such a position for a minute. Repeat the technique 10 times.
  • Going to your back and raise both legs so that they formed a straight angle with the surface of the floor. Tear from the floor shoulders and raise your hands vertically up. Secure this position for 20 seconds. The number of approaches is 20 times.

Lessons Callanetics

Depending on the purposes of classes, you can perform both the exercises with a "narrow" orientation, and contact the video lessons on Callanetics.

Callanetics complex for warm-up

  • Relieves muscle tension in the buttocks and thighs. The number of repeats - 40 times. Sit on a chair equipped with a back and armrests. Lean tassels on his chair and slightly lift the pelvis. The back is straight, the chin upwards.
  • Next Preheat the muscles of the back, arms and legs. Stand with your legs apart at shoulder width. Raise your arms straight up and pull on the tips of his fingers. In this case, stop fully pressed to the floor. Pull the belly and stretch for a few seconds. Next, bend your knees and drag the hands forward. forward tilt body and hold this position for 1 minute. From this position, pull the arms back as possible, with the chin stretched forward. Perform several times the hand movements back and forth, and straightened. The complex is completed. The number of repeats - 4 times.

  • Preheat the shoulder girdle muscles following exercise will help. Repeat 80-100 times. Stand up straight. Arms out to the sides. Extremities are at shoulder level, palms "look" up. Pull the arms back, trying to keep the blades. Clasp your hands in "lock" and move the shoulders.
  • After beginning your heating side body muscles. In a standing position, set his left hand on the thigh (left), lift the right hand upward. Tighten the buttocks and stretch your right hand. Hold this position for 1 minute. Next, tilt the body to the left. The back with the direct and intense. Return to starting position and repeat the same actions for the right side.
  • Stretching muscles of the legs and back. Standing on your feet, bend your knees slightly. Palms touching the floor at the same time. Bow legs hands, dip your head between your knees and try to lower the body as low as possible.
  • Study of the neck muscles. The number of repetitions - 5 times in each direction. Stand up straight. Back straight, hands on the waist. Retract the muscles of the buttocks and stomach so that the stomach remained at the same place, and the pelvis leaning forward. Lower the chin and try to relax the neck muscles. Gently rotate the head to the right, pulling the chin up to the endpoint. Fix the position for 3-5 seconds and return to starting position. Next, perform a left turn.

Callanetics exercises for the waist and abdominal muscles

  • Lie on your back on the floor. Legs bent at the knees. Slightly lifting the shoulder belt pull arms in front of the palms and drag between the knees. Hold for 1 minute at a given position and then return to the starting position.
  • Lying on the back, reject one foot from the floor (ascent to a small height). The second leg also need to raise and bend in the knee so that the angle between the thigh and the shin is straight. Socks are stretched. Repeat the shoulders from the floor again and pull the palms ahead for 1 minute. Return to the basic position and repeat the same actions for the second leg.
  • The initial position is similar to the first exercise. Set the palms on the inner surface of the hips and with the effort try to repel them. With this shoulders are slightly raised, the head is aimed forward.
  • Lower on the side and bend legs in the knees. Slightly lift the limbs above the floor and pull the palms to the heels 1 minute. Next, repeat the exercise lying on the other side.

Exercises Callanetics for hips and buttocks

  • Stand your back to the chair, set the hand on the back of the furniture on the width of the shoulders. Feet straight, heels are switched together, socks diluted apart. Climb as high as possible on the fingers (the heels are closer). Bend a slightly knees, the back is straight, the shoulders are relaxed. Raise your head up, strain the buttocks and push the pelvis forward with force. Draw in this position for 60 seconds, and then return the pelvis to its original position. Now bend the knees again, but now go down to 2-3 cm. Tighten the buttocks and stay in this position to the subsequent minute. Return to the starting position.
  • Stand around the chair. Install the right foot on its back. Raise your hands vertically and stretch. You must feel the stress of the abdominal muscles. Next, perform a smooth slope to the right leg and straighten. Make 50 repetitions and go to the execution of this exercise for the left leg.
  • Go to your back. Bend your legs in the knees and dig them on the width of the shoulders. Next, slowly alternately throw the right leg on the left knee and vice versa. At the same time, the rise of the right leg is accompanied by a turn of the head into the right side, the left legs - respectively, on the left side.

Exercises Callanetics for good stretching

  • Sit on the floor and divor the straight legs to the sides. Bend the right leg in your knee and try to reach your hands to your left legs. Secure this position. Repeat similar actions for the left leg.
  • Sit on the floor. Foot straight, diluted as wide as possible. Squeeze the buttocks and lower limbs as stronger to the floor. Secure this position (about a minute). Next, tilt the case forward, trying to get closer as close as possible to the floor. The brushes worst the calf muscles.
  • The initial position is similar to the previous exercise. Scroll to the right slightly. Lower the brush below the knee (the lower, the better). A little more "Trust" the case. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Next, go back to the basic pose. Take 50 repeats for each side.

Callanetics: reviews who have mastered the technique

About any direction, whether nutrition, sport or any products are best describing the reviews of people who tested it on themselves.

Svetlana: "I am engaged only 2 weeks, and the result is already noticeable. With Callanetic, my photos before and after training are very different. Yes, the first time the exercise was difficult, but now the techniques are mastered and performed easily. "

Maria: "After childbirth he has greatly added in weight and could not find a way to lose weight. Half a year of occupations allowed us to part with 15 kg without exhausting diets. "

Anna: "I am engaged in Callanetic a month. Like not only the result of training, but the process of performing exercises is a concentration on your body and sensations. "

However, better than any words will say the results of Callanetics, which are visible in the photo.

To get acquainted with Callanetic techniques, together with Tatyana Rogatina, we offer in the next video of the plot.


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