
What is awesome vascular dystonia. Causes and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Diagnosis and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults and children

What is awesome vascular dystonia. Causes and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Diagnosis and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults and children
Each adult man at least once applied to the therapist in the symptoms associated with vegeto-vascular dystonia. To date, this disease can be considered one of the most common in Russia.

Vegeth-vascular dystonia is one of the most common diseases associated with violations in the vascular system of the human body. Symptoms and causes of its manifestations are described even in many medical textbooks on neurology. However, today there are many myths and disputes regarding the emergence of this disease, which forced scientists and doctors to doubt the feasibility of such a name and diagnosis.

Vegeth-vascular dystonia can manifest itself both in children and in adults. According to statistical data, about 70% of those who applied with similar symptoms diagnose the attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, and in children such diseases manifests itself in 25%. Simple words, vegetative-vascular dystonia is a failure in equilibrium of two vegetative parts of the human nervous system.

In this article, consider the symptoms and signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, methods for the diagnosis of this disease and the main methods of treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in adults and children.

Vegeth-vascular dystonia - what it is

Among scientists and physicians often there is such a joke, which in Soviet times, with various complaints, one diagnosis was set - ORZ, in modern medicine, the same thing happens, only the letters at the diagnosis are completely different - EDRs or vegetative-vascular dystonia. According to statistics conducted by medical institutions, it is 70-75% of appeals to the therapist ends with the formulation of such a diagnosis. Vegeth-vascular dystonia in adults and children is one of the most common diseases in Russia, about 8 out of 10 people know about this disease not by the hears.

Vegeth-vascular dystonia is a violation in the work of the human body vascular system, which lead to insufficient supply of all organs with oxygen tissues. It is worth noting that in modern medicine, vegetative-vascular dystonia syndrome is not considered as a separate disease, and is considered a combination of various symptoms of violation of the work of the internal organs of human, which are associated with the temporary disorders of their nervous regulation. In essence, the meaning of the diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is in various failures of the autonomic nervous system of man. The operation of all internal organs is coordinated by the peripheral nervous system, which, in turn, consists of two parts - the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic. These two systems affect organs and other human organism systems oppositely, for example, a sympathetic nervous system accelerates heartbeat, and parasympathetic, on the contrary, slows down. If both systems are in equilibrium, organs work without disorders and no symptoms of the disease are manifested. Under the attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, there is a violation of this balance and the predominance of one of the systems.

To date, they do not cease to subscribe a dispute about whether there is actually a disease or it is just a myth. Since the mention of the ICC, this complex of symptoms has changed its name many times. Often it is possible to meet such definitions: vegetative dysfunction, angiogenesis, pivotetative neurosis, vasomotor dystonia. Now it is customary to designate this disease as neurocirculatory dystonia, but many doctors and patients still operate with an outdated Soviet name.

Types of Vegeth Vascular Dystonia

Today in medicine there are several classifications of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which are characterized by various features and severity of the disease. Consider the most popular types of WDR.

Types of VSD by nature of the flow:

  • Fitting type of vegeto-vascular dystonia. It is a manifestation of seizures or crises of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this form, the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia appear quite rarely, with visible good health. Provice crisis can any stress, mental or nervous disorder, fatigue and overwork.
  • Permanent or permanent type of FMR. It is a constantly flowing disease that requires regular treatment with drugs from vegetative-vascular dystonia. In the process of illness, there are no jumps or crises, and there are no periods of facilitating symptoms.
  • Mixed type of FMR. This form of the disease includes the parole type and permanent.
  • Latent type of vegeto-vascular dystonia. In this case, the disease is practically no no happening, it is possible that some weak symptoms may appear to which the patient practically does not pay attention.

Types of vegetative-vascular dystonia depending on the reaction of the cardiovascular system of the human body:

  • Cardial type of vegeto-vascular dystonia. With this form of the disease, patients most often experience sharp or blunt pain in the heart or in the chest. A rapid heartbeat and an accelerated pulse, increased pressure and bouts of concerns are also manifested. Such pains do not pass when taking tablets from angina.
  • Tachycardial type of FMR. Patients with such type of disease suffer from increased pressure. There is a pulse frequency up to 160 minutes of a minute, vibration of vessels and a blood knock to the temples.
  • Hypertensive type of vegeto-vascular dystonia. Such a form of the disease is characterized by temporary leaps of arterial pressure, which does not rise above 170.
  • Visceral type of vegeto-vascular dystonia. This form of ICC is accompanied by problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Often, severe abdominal pains are manifested, bloating. There may be violations in the intestine, which are expressed in diarrhea or in constipation.
  • Hypotonic type of FMR. It is characterized by a temporary decrease in pressure, about 90/60, sometimes below. Patients may decrease the temperature of the hand and legs, sweating increases.
  • Asthenic type of vegeto-vascular dystonia. Such a course of the disease is characterized by a sharp decrease in endurance, the body temperature can slightly increase and trembling in the hands.
  • Respiratory type of FMR. With this type, there are disorders of the respiratory tract. Patients may have grazing chest pains and difficulty breathing, yawning and dry cough.
  • Mixed form of vegetative-vascular dystonia. With this form of the disease, there is a combination of various types of disease.

Types of vegetative-vascular dystonia for the prevalence of disorders:

  • Generalized VDC. With this form of the disease, symptoms affect several human body systems.
  • Systemic vegeto-vascular dystonia. In this case, the disease affects only one organism system.
  • Local form of FMR. Local manifestation of symptoms.

Causes of Vegeth Vascular Dystonia

Vegeth-vascular dystonia in men and women can appear for various reasons that sometimes do not indicate this disease. Consider the most basic causes and factors that cause a complex of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  • The reason for the appearance of the symptoms of the ITR becomes various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, during which toxins are produced, violating the work of two types of vegetative nervous system. Such diseases include: liver pathology, failures in the work of the gallbladder and urinary tract, disruption of intestinal microflora, gastritis, ulcers, colitis, ulcer.
  • Vegeth-vascular dystonia can manifest themselves in diseases of the nervous system, especially with diseases of the hypothalamus, limbic system.
  • The reason may also become infectious and colds, during which the human immunity is weakened. Due to the fatigue of the body, the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur erroneously.
  • Very often the reason for the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be stress, as well as poor nutrition. In this case, the human nervous system may suffer, which, in turn, violates the mechanisms of its adaptation to negative impact.
  • The reason for the emergence of vegetative-vascular dystonia can be a sedentary lifestyle, sitting work. All this leads to the appearance of excess weight, which negatively affects the muscular apparatus and the cardiovascular system.
  • Headaches with vegeto-vascular dystonia can appear with nervous and mental disorders that provoke depression, irritability, excitability. These factors lead to the manifestation of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Emotional, mental or physical fatigue and overvoltage and overstrain can lead to the appearance of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Vegeth-vascular dystonia in adolescents, symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women, especially during pregnancy, can manifest itself due to hormonal perestroika in the body.
  • A frequent reason for the appearance of VDs can be a sharp change of accommodation or climate.
  • Endocrine diseases, such as diabetes, hormonal failures.
  • Allergies can also cause vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is proved that with a frequent manifestation of allergic reactions, the risk of symptoms of VD increases.
  • Genetic factors can affect the appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia. There are some pathologies whose emergence provokes symptoms.
  • Abuse of alcohol and smoking is a rather serious factor provoking vegeto-vascular dystonia. Therefore, it is always recommended before the beginning of the treatment of this disease throw drinking and smoking.

Symptoms of Vegeth Vascular Dystonia

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women, men and children may differ. At the same time, the totality of symptoms with a given disease will depend on the specific type of FMR. It is important to conduct a survey on time, since some symptoms may be signs of more serious diseases that need to be treated immediately. Let us give a description of the most common symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  • One of the main complexes of symptoms is the cardiovascular syndrome, which is characterized by various violations in the activity of a particular system of the human body. It may be tachycardia or arrhythmia, pressure drops, dryness and pallor of skin, decrease in temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bthe upper and lower extremities.
  • Cardialgic syndrome is also a complex of symptoms of manifestation of vegetual-vascular dystonia. It is manifested by various pain and squeezing, burning in the heart and chest. Such symptoms may appear suddenly, without any external reason, while drugs from angina do not help.
  • The symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia refers to hyperventilation syndrome. In this case, we are talking about increasing the frequency of respiration, a difficulty inhale and a constant shortage of air. This all leads to the fact that blood loses too much carbon dioxide, which leads to the oppression of the respiratory center. Dizziness, muscle spasms, loss of sensitivity in brushes and footsteps can be observed.
  • The irritable bowel syndrome can also be a complex of symptoms indicating a vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is a naewing, sharp and static pain in the lower abdomen, frequent bloating, stool instability and frequent calling for defecation. In addition, such violations from the gastrointestinal tract can be noted, as the absence of appetite, nausea and vomiting, the difficulty of the process of swallowing, pain under the spoon.
  • An indicator of vegetative-vascular dystonia is the syndrome of disturbed sweating. This complex of symptoms include an increase in sweating in the field of palms and stop.
  • Violation of urination is also a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia. This happens without visible problems in this system of the human body and is manifested by pain in urination, as well as frequent urges to urination.
  • A sexual disorder can be attributed to the complex of symptoms. In this case, the sexual attraction can be normal or reduced. In men, there may be a violation of erection and ejaculation, and in women - vaginism.
  • The thermoregulation disorder syndrome is another complex of evidence of a person in humans. In this case, a patient may have a slight increase in body temperature, about 37.5 degrees, without a general deterioration of the state of the person. Or, as an option, an inverse picture may be observed when a person may have a slight decrease in body temperature - up to 35 degrees. At the same time, these symptoms may be temporary or be permanent.

All of the above symptoms may become more complicated by untimely treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and lead to frequent fainting, asthenia and general deterioration of health. In this case, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin the reception of drugs with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Basic ways to diagnose vegeto-vascular dystonia

A diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia can not only be a therapist, but also a neuropathologist, cardiologist. It is not necessary to hide from this disease and refer to it are unpervently, even though ICC is a rather common violation of a huge number of people. Manifested symptoms with vegetative-vascular dystonia can serve as a signal about the emergence of much more serious health problems, for example, violation of the activity of the cardiovascular system. How this disease is diagnosed:

  • To diagnose IT, first of all, the doctor collects a complete and detailed history. He needs to know about hereditary predisposition. If in the family, for example, there are often cases of ulcerative disease, hypertension, bronchial asthma, neurodermit, the risk of detection of vegetative-vascular dystonia increases. In the diagnosis of FMRs in children is studied by the flow rate, the presence of complications.
  • When consulting with the therapist, it is important to describe your condition, complaints in detail, because it will help in the diagnosis of the disease. Often it is precisely the patient complaints that make such a diagnosis. Therefore, it is important to indicate whether there are pains in a vegetative-vascular dystonia in the heart area, whether breathing is difficult if you have fainting and other symptoms of this disease.
  • Perhaps you may need consultations from doctors of other specialties. Most often send to an endocrineologist, cardiologist, neurologist.
  • A laboratory study is also carried out, which includes a common blood test, the biochemical composition of blood plasma. At the same time, the calculation rates are studied, the level of hormones. You may also need urine analysis, which is carried out in acute necessity. For ICC, all indicators of these analyzes are practically not deviated from the norm.
  • In addition to studying your analyzes, the doctor will be interested in an instrumental study that will help him make a full picture of your complaints and general health. To obtain more accurate information, you will need to carry out an ultrasound study of all organs, brain and vessels, electrocardiography and echocardiography to identify heart lesions. It is also recommended to carry out electroencephalography, echohetephalography to identify violations in the central nervous system of man. In addition, the doctor monitors blood pressure during the day. Sometimes there may be tomography of the head and spinal cord, the radiography of the spinal column.
  • Only after the clarification of all the circumstances of the disease and exceptions similar in the symptoms of the ailments, the doctor can diagnose in a patient a vegetual-vascular dystonia, which is immediately necessary to begin to treat.

How to treat vegeto-vascular dystonia

The doctor prescribes the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, depending on the degree of manifestation of symptoms, their gravity, gender and the age of the patient, the type of VDC and many other reasons, therefore, it is not necessary to talk about some uniform treatment of this disease. First of all, preference is given not to medication, which consists of the following techniques:

  • First of all, it is necessary to completely change your image and normalize the mode of work and recreation. It is important to get enough sleep daily, the normal sleep length for each person will be different, but it is at least 8-9 hours. At the same time, it is also necessary to take into account the created conditions for a full sleep. The room should be cool, bed and mattress necessarily comfortable and suitable for you in growth and weight.
  • It is also important to alternate periods of rest and labor. You can not continuously be in front of the computer monitor or the TV. If it is impossible, then it is recommended to make a small rest every hour. Learn to alternate mental and physical work, which will allow your body to rest during the day.
  • It is impossible to conduct a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to take at least 40 minutes on foot. When diagnosing you, ITR will not be superfluous to play swimming, aquaeerobics, dancing, skiing and bicycle. The patient must be abandoned by physical exertion associated with sharp rise and lifting weights, jumps.
  • An important method of treatment of vegeto-vascular dystonia is a diet that will allow to normalize the state of the human nervous system and the whole organism as a whole.
  • In addition, physiotherapy is often used: a contrasting fan shower, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy. In the treatment of WDR, effectiveness proved acupuncture and massages that contribute to the relaxation of the body, restoring full sleep, pressure normalization.

If it is impossible to cope with the above methods with the disease, the doctor prescribes treatment with pills from vegetative-vascular dystonia.

  • Medicinal preparations of potassium and magnesium, for example, magnefar, Magvit, which improve the conductivity of nerve impulses.
  • Nootropics are prescribed (mezes, piracetam). They will help improve blood circulation in the nervous system, restore metabolic processes.
  • Beto-adrenoblockers are also prescribed with vegetative-vascular dystonia to reduce blood pressure.
  • Sometimes you have to resort to tranquilizers to eliminate panic and anxiety at the attacks of the VDC. This preparations can be attributed to phenozepam.
  • Antidepressants that are prescribed to regulate the work of the nervous system.

Features of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

Approximately 25% of children suffer from different complexes of symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Moreover, most cases are detected in preschool age and suffer mainly girls. In our modern world, children are experiencing great stress. This is, first of all, with huge loads at school, kindergarten, change of the situation and constantly emerging circumstances that are new to the child. The negative impact on the nervous system of young children also affects the introduction of new products, curricula.

In children, the diagnosis of this disease is made much more complicated, since the vegetative nervous system is not entirely developed and is movable. Due to excessive motor activity and constantly changing mood, the picture of the disease may be washed, however, thanks to new technologies, early diagnosis can be achieved.

Children have completely different symptoms: changing the skin shade, sometimes rash, it happens itching, swelling, a strong weight loss or a set in weight because of a failure in the endocrine system, a sharp change of driving state of anxiety and panic, is lost interest in his favorite classes.

For the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children, preference is given not to medication treatment, it is resorted to the use of drugs only in extreme cases when the manifestation of symptoms prevents the child to fully live.

Features of vegetative-vascular dystonia in pregnant women

Pregnancy is at the same time a joyful and difficult period of a woman when not only life changes, but also the general state of women's health. The treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in a woman will also differ significantly as the disease itself. Quite often during pregnancy, disorders are observed in the vegetative nervous system, which is associated with an increase in the load, with a change in the hormonal status and metabolism. All these processes should be regulated by the peripheral nervous system, which in this situation can not always cope.


  • Often there are pains in the field of chest, strong swelling, decrease or pressure increase.
  • Pregnant women often have a cough or shortness of breath.
  • Employed irritability manifests itself, the state of the coma in the throat.
  • The symptom of ICs in pregnant women is a frequent mood change, a feeling of panic, anxiety, anxiety.
  • Frequent urination, nausea.

The doctor must carry out complete diagnosis to assign the necessary treatment, which in the case of pregnant women is very limited. Drugs at this time can not be taken, therefore it is recommended to change the recreation mode, to lead a more movable lifestyle, to eat correctly, do yoga and go to the pool.

Vegeth-vascular dystonia is a violation of the human nervous system, which affects the failure of one or more human body systems. This disease, like many others, is easier to warn than after healing. Therefore, it is important to conduct a healthy and mobile lifestyle, to eat and create only positive emotions for yourself.


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