
How to pil over the body at home

How to pil over the body at home
Every woman wants to have soft velvet skin. Peeling is a direct path to achieve this goal.

There is no woman who would not seek to be beautiful. But what beauty without beautiful, young and delicate skin?  It is so good that there is a way to preserve youth and beauty of the skin - peeling. What is it? And how is it useful? Consider in this article.

General information about body peeling


Piling in cosmetology is the procedure for exfoliation and removal of the upper layer of the skin, which consists of dead cells. As a result, the skin looks more beautiful and younger. Also, after peeling, the effectiveness of subsequent skin procedures increases.

Nowadays, there is a wide selection of peeling options. Such the main types of exposure can be distinguished:

  • the use of chemically active substances;
  • use of various enzymes;
  • mechanical exposure;
  • laser peeling, ultrasound or radio waves;
  • biological peeling.

The depths of exposure are distinguished by such types of peeling:

  1. Superficial - affects only the upper layers of the epidermis: granular and horn.
  2. Middle - Piling affects all layers of the epidermis up to the capillary dermis.
  3. Deep - exposure to the level of reticular dermis.

What type of peeling will be the most optimal for an individual depends on the type and needs of his skin. In order to well understand this issue and get the greatest effect, it is important to consult a specialist in the field of cosmetology.

Why do you need body peeling


Active release of the surface of the skin from dead cells stimulates the self -healing of the skin, which usually slows down with age. In addition, peeling perfectly cleanses the skin of both external contaminants and from its own skin problems. We can say that when doing peeling, we help the skin quickly and better perform our natural functions.

Peeling procedure helps:

  • lease the color and texture of the skin;
  • clear the pores and prevent their undesirable expansion;
  • stimulate the natural synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • improves blood circulation in the system of small vessels of the skin.

Reviews about peeling for the body and face of those who have adhered to all the rules for its conduct, usually only positive - who will not be pleased to have beautiful, clean skin?

The Pinging service is offered by a practical every beauty salon, but it can be done at home. The following is a brief description of the features of salon and homemade peeling.

Body peeling in the cabin


In beauty salons, you can make professional peeling of the face and body.

There are several options for salon peeling for the body that differ from each other in terms of the mechanism of exposure:

  1. Mechanical peeling is the easiest. Its essence is that the skin is massaged by special cosmetics that contain abrasive exfoliating particles, that is, it is massage-piling.
  2. Chemical peeling - involves the use of chemically active substances: acids, minerals, clay. This option is used not for the whole body, but only as peeling of the face or neckline, skin of the hands and area of \u200b\u200bthe neck.
  3. Hardware peeling - refers to the most modern types. The achievements of science and technology are used here: laser, ultrasound, vacuum technique. This allows you to eliminate even significant skin defects. Typically, such techniques are used not for cosmetic, but therapeutic purposes for prescribing a doctor, as they have a fairly aggressive effect.


Regarding the depth of peeling - in the salon they can provide any kind: superficial, middle, and deep. Also, it is in the cabin that you can find the necessary specialist - a cosmetologist. He will tell you what kind of peeling the skin needs. Middle and deep are usually necessary for those who have some kind of skin problems: age wilting, scars, excessive or uneven pigmentation. It helps in the fight against stretch marks, scars, a tendency to acne.

Another plus of salon peeling is that you can add other procedures that are useful for skin and ultimately deal with problems such as cellulite and skin aging. It is even possible to contribute to the treatment of obesity.

In addition, after the completion of all procedures, the cosmetologist can advise regarding the features of skin care, its present condition and how to improve it, recommend the correct postpilled care.

Body peeling at home

Body Care: Young Woman Applying Lotion

Salon peeling, of course, is very effective and allows you to safely use more options, but it has a certain price. Given the fact that for a constant excellent appearance of the skin, regular procedures are needed, the total cost may be rather big. Therefore, those who take care of their skin regularly performs the face and body peel, it is useful to know how such care can be carried out at home.

It is especially convenient at home to perform a surface peeling that will help cleanse the skin from keratinized particles and external contaminants. Most people of this option are enough for the skin to look beautiful and remain healthy.

What is needed for peeling the body at home

You can use both salon materials (but for this you need to pre -buy a tool used both by body peeling) and means that can be found in your own refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. Here is a list of the most common materials that are in almost every house and which are very convenient to use for peeling:

  • small sea salt;
  • natural coffee (gushcha);
  • sour cream;
  • oatmeal flakes.


At home, the body peeling is performed in the shower. For this you will need:

  • body scrub or one of the above products;
  • hard washcloth;
  • a brush for the back with a long handle;
  • pumice;
  • body lottery.

It must be remembered that no such procedures can be carried out if the skin is only tanned or there are wounds on it. But if everything is fine, you can start peeling.

The sequence of actions for performing body peeling at home:

  1. Massage with a hard washcloth - this will help bring the skin to tone and prepare for further action. Such massage must be carried out from below in the direction up.
  2. A shower under warm water is necessary in order to warm up the body.
  3. Piling of the legs. This is usually done using pumice. But if the skin on the feet is quite rough, you can first soften it with a half -hour bath of a mixture of water and milk.
  4. Body peeling. To do this, you need a scrub or other peeling tool to distribute throughout the body and massage in circular movements in the direction from the bottom up, that is, perform massage-piling of the body. It is more convenient to clean the back using the brush for the back with a long handle.

This technique is suitable for body peeling. It is impossible to use the same tool and materials for peeling of the face, since the skin of the face is more sensitive and delicate. For peeling the skin of the face, there are separate methods.

How to prepare a peeling tool at home


The body for peeling the skin of the body can be bought, but it is much easier and more convenient to cook it yourself. The following are several recipes that help to do this.

For peeling the skin of the body and legs, you can use the following options:

  • salt peeling for the body: mix small sea salt with olive oil, apply to the skin, massage with light circular movements;
  • mix ground oatmeal, honey and lemon juice (take 25 g of honey and half the lemon for 10 g of flakes), slightly heat the mixture, apply without rubbing to the skin;
  • just lubricate the skin with kefir or sour cream, leave for 15 minutes or longer (you can completely dry), then remove the film formed on the surface of the skin.

These are the simplest and most affordable home peeling options. Of the more complex, but quite effective there are many good reviews about almond peeling, which is especially good in hot weather. In order to prepare a peeling mixture, the following products will be needed:

  • almond oil - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • puffed toe - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • finely chopped almonds - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • water - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • kaolin - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • aloe pulp juice - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • lavender oil-8-10 drops.

Almonds, tolerance and kaolin are mixed in one container and poured with warm water (60-70 degrees), then add aloe and almond oil, they are waiting for the mass thickened. Lavender oil is added to the thickened mass.

The resulting mixture is applied like a mask 10 or 15 minutes before going to the shower or taking a bath. You can use this peeling option 1 or 2 times a week.

Recommendations and contraindications for body peeling


Like any other complex cosmetic procedure, peeling has contraindications. In order not to harm your health, it is important to know them.

Contraindications to the use of body peeling:

  • wounds on the body;
  • only tanned skin;
  • burns;
  • pregnancy and lactation (concerns median and deep peeling);
  • allergy to components of peeling products or increased sensitivity to any of them;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammatory changes on the skin.

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Even if there are no contraindications, you should not forget about caution. The following are the recommendations of cosmetologists, which are applicable in any case:

  1. After peeling, it is important to carry out postpilled skin care - use regenizing cream and drugs with a photo -protective effect.
  2. You can’t go sunbathing immediately after peeling - this can lead to sunburn, even in case of a short stay on the beach.
  3. You need to be careful with the peeling frequency (no more than 2 times a week) and the intensity of pressing on the skin.
    The peeling tool can only be applied to wet skin.
  4. Caution is extremely important when choosing peeling tools if they are used to peel the face and can get to the area around the eyes and mouth.
  5. The presence of acne and irritation on the skin is a contraindication for peeling.
  6. It is necessary to choose the type of peeling, given the season, the intensity of solar radiation and your skin type.

DIY body peeling. Video



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