
Peeling Calcium at home

Peeling Calcium at home
How to make a peeling calcium chloride at home.

A common cosmetology manipulation that allows it to improve fairly and effectively to improve the skin condition, is a chemical peeling. One of his varieties is the peeling calcium chloride (the so-called "roller") was widely used in Soviet years. Such a procedure forced soft upgrades and skin rejuvenation was characterized by a rather high cost, while the composition of the active ingredients was kept in strict secrecy.

Peeling Calcium: Procedure Operation Principle

The epidermis constantly pass the processes of aging and dieting skin cells, accompanied by its further regeneration and update. Demanding cells can be removed from time to time mechanically (using various scrubs), or more efficiently, using the chemical peeling procedure - controlled and dosed damage to the skin layer, as a result of which its recovery process is activated, as well as the production of collagen and elastane organism, updated epithelium.

Currently, the procedure for peeling faces calcium chloride can be carried out in cosmetic salons, and also to do on their own at home - with the help of a publicly accessible and inexpensive pharmacy preparation.


Peeling face with calcium chloride is considered a superficial small-acting procedure, when conducting which actively actors do not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. The main component of peeling (calcium solution chloride) enters a chemical reaction with soap foam (and specifically with soluble potassium and sodium salts contained in the natural soap). As a result, calcium salts and potassium chloride are formed. These substances are formed on the skin whitish flakes, which, with a light massage, rolling, effectively remove dead skin cells. Soap, being alkali, in the peeling makes effectively eliminating excess skin fat.

According to the reviews of cosmetologists, piling calcium chloride ("Rata" procedure) was widely used in the 90s, simplicity, efficiency and safety of this method was confirmed by decades of application. When conducting sessions for Pilling for Face Calcium chloride, as a rule, there is a slight pinching, burning, tingling, the skin redness is observed, it increases for some time its sensitivity - this reaction is quite normal. According to the pivering of calcium chloride, it is convenient to carry out the so-called "weekend session" in the evening on Friday - thus, during the weekend, the skin will be fully restored after the procedure and will delight you with its freshness re-acquired by elasticity and shine.

Peeling Calcium: Benefits and Harm

Peeling components are not toxic and easy to use, after the procedure will follow the rapid recovery, which does not require a noticeable lifestyle change. Calcium peeling chloride can be carried out at any time of the year. Cosmetologists recommend that this procedure for girls and women of different ages is especially useful - it will be especially useful for owners of normal and fat, including the problem, inclined to skin rashes. For a combined type, a peeling is recommended for peeling of individual sections of the skin (T-zone).

Useful effects of Piling Calcium

Applying the peeling procedure with a solution of calcium chloride, one can achieve the following results:

  • qualitative purification and narrowing of the skin of the face - this method acts more efficiently compared to mechanical cleaning;
  • getting rid of fatty shine and removing black dots;
  • reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes, reducing the amount of rashes;
  • smoothing traces of pedestal and equalizing the relief of the skin cover, getting rid of small wrinkles;
  • increasing the elasticity and elasticity of the skin;
  • lightening the skin and give it freshness, aligning its tone, improving the color of the face.

Peeling Calcium: Contraindications for the procedure

In view of the fact that peeling calcium significantly suits the skin, it is not recommended to apply this procedure in the following cases:

  • for dry, fine and sensitive skin - as in these cases it is possible to exacerbate problems inherent in it (peeling can provoke irritation, peeling, as well as the appearance of pigmentation and inhomogeneous face spots);
  • in the presence of various damage and inflammation of the skin, dermatological problems and virus diseases of the skin during the period of exacerbation;
  • during pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding.

How to spend peeling calcium

The procedure of chemical peeling calcium chloride is used in salon conditions - with the intensity of the effect and the concentration of active substances, the beautician selects individually, depending on the initial state of the skin and severity on it defects. This peeling is used as a preparatory procedure before deep cleaning of the person, as well as as a means that stimulates the processes regeneration and skin renewal, followed by improving its condition. The full course of peeling chloride calcium usually consists of several sessions for a month, then make a monthly break, after which the procedures can be repeated.


At home, it is easy to make calcium peeling chloride and soap - a small preliminary preparation will be required, as well as 20-30 minutes of free time on the procedure directly.

Piving Calcium: Preliminary Preparation

In some cases, there is a manifestation of allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the active active ingredient, so before conducting a session of peeling chloride calcium, it is necessary to make an allergic sample. To do this, apply a small amount of calcium chloride solution on the wrist skin or forearm, wait 5-10 minutes. The feeling of light burning in this case is a normal reaction, when there is a sharp burning, irritation, skin, and in the event of the appearance of a rash, this procedure is not worth it.

For home peeling with calcium chloride, you will need:

  • 5 either 10% solution of calcium chloride (can be found in any pharmacy, this drug is released without a recipe). The release form is in ampoules or in a glass bottle. Pay attention to the release date. The ampoules with the solution can be stored for a long time - 24 months, the shelf life of calcium chloride in the bottle is 10 days. To carry out the first session of the peeling, use 5% solution, with normal tolerance of the fund, in the future you can use 10% drug. If you failed to buy a drug 5%, the desired concentration can be obtained, diluting the existing means of the agent of physical;
  • soap without additives and fragrances (not liquid) - the common children's soap bar is optimally suitable;
  • cosmetic cotton discs. 17

Peeling Calcium: Stages of the procedure

How to conduct a session of peeling with calcium chloride at home:

  1. Prepare (place within reach) solid baby soap, several cotton disks, an ampoule with calcium chloride solution, as well as a suitable mirror.
  2. Next, it is necessary to prepare the skin of the face to carry out the peeling - the existing components are applied to clean and dry skin. Clean your face carefully from pollution and cosmetics, work, blot your skin towel and wait for a complete burden.
  3. Open the vial or gently open the ampoule with calcium chloride, wrapping it with a core with a cotton or a napkin and breaking the tip in the direction "from ourselves." Pour the contents of the ampoule into a separate clean capacity.
  4. Moisten the cosmetic disk with a solution with calcium chloride and apply a means on the skin of the face. Waiting for the drying of the fluid on the skin, gradually apply the following layers of solution - at the first session of the peeling, such a procedure should be done 4 times, when conducting further sessions, the number of layers can be increased to 8.
  5. Machine abundantly, hands either a cosmetic disk and walk on the skin of soap foam, avoiding the area around the eyes and over the upper lip, obscure the face and start to ride the solution from it.
  6. As a result of the chemical reaction of soap and chloride calcium on the skin, bellish flakes are formed. Moving along massage lines and cautiously massaging face, you must neatly rush with skin soaps, including particles of oroging skin. In the event of a strong redness of the skin, tingling or unpleasant burning sensation, meaning that you have overdoing, the procedure should be stopped and rinsed with water. 21
  7. As needed again, wet your cotton disk by or fingers in the soap foam and continue the rolling process without lingering in one place, to the easy "sketching" of clean skin.
  8. At the end of the procedure, rinse the face with warm water. Do not wipe your face with a towel, it is recommended to light the skin slightly.

In addition, it is possible to make peeling in another way (it is considered more gentle) - First, the face is applied to the face, and then abundantly wet the skin with a solution of calcium chloride, massaging it with circular motions before removing the rods, after which it is necessary to wash warm water.

Peeling Calcium: Skin Moisturizing After the procedure

Peeling calcium chloride significantly dry the skin, so after this procedure requires its moisturizing and mitigation. To do this, it is recommended to apply a soothing mask or a light moisturizing cream on the face.


At the same time, you can use the following face masks recipes:

  1. Take 2 tbsp. Aloe juice (either the finished aloe gel), add 0.5 tbsp. Olive oil and 1 tsp. Liquid honey, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the wet skin of the face and leave for absorption for 20-30 minutes. When the mask serves, rinse the face of water room temperature.
  2. 2 tbsp. Ground oat flakes make the decoction of a lime color or chamomile, add a freshly prepared cleaner from 1/3 banana, mix. Apply the composition for 205 minutes, and then wash the room temperature water.
  3. 2 tbsp. Smetanes thoroughly mix with chicken yolk and 1h.l. Honey. This mask should be applied to the humid skin of the face for 15 minutes, and then washed away.

Peeling Calcium: Useful Tips

For the optimal effects of peeling calcium, the following features of this procedure must be taken into account:

  • it is not recommended to peeling in places of peeling, skin irritation, areas with increased sensitivity;
  • in order to avoid chemical burns, do not leave the calcium chloride solution on the skin - immediately after applying the necessary components, a rut should be made;
  • after peeling calcium, the skin is characterized by increased sensitivity for some time - to avoid the appearance of hyperpigmentation, it is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun, as well as in the solarium. For several days, it is necessary to go outside, apply on face cream with sunscreen filters or protective cream from weatherproof (wind and frost);
  • in normal leather for exfoliation of cells, it is recommended to peeling calcium chloride no more than 1-2 times a month. For oily leather with extended leather, it is recommended to use this procedure with a 5% calcium chloride solution once every 7-10 days. In the presence of problem skin with a tendency to acne deterioration to normalize its state, the use of peeling calcium 2 times a month is shown.

Calcium chloride peeling - video


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