
Skin cleansing with almond peeling

Skin cleansing with almond peeling
Almond peeling in the cabin and at home

Every girl wants to be attractive. Therefore, today cosmetology salons offer many procedures for cleaning and rejuvenation of the skin. From the entire list you can choose to everyone for yourself the best option. One of the popular skin treatment sessions is almond peeling. It can be done both with the help of a cosmetologist and independently.

What is almond peeling?


Almond peeling is called superficial chemical peeling, which affects only the upper horny layer of the skin. The main component of this type of skin cleaning is almond acid. It is obtained by hydrolysis from the bitter almond extract. The penetration of this agent in the skin is not as deep as other types of similar acids. The reason for this is the large size of its molecules. Thanks to this quality, almond peeling for a person can be bolded by one of the most gentle. This procedure can be used with different types of skin. This also applies to people with super-sensitive skin. In addition, almond peeling due to low risk of developing hyperpigmentation can be used even in the summer.

Who is the almond peeling show?

This type of cleansing the skin is able to provide a beneficial effect in various skin problems. In particular, it shows the effectiveness of:

  1. When acne and pink acne.
  2. If there are any post-acne (scars, dark spots, chronic comedones).
  3. When oily seborrhea and folliculitis.
  4. If there is a shallow wrinkles.
  5. When unevenness (tuberosity) skin.
  6. To clean "black spots".
  7. At low elasticity and skin tone.
  8. If there are spots, "unhealthy" complexion and freckles.
  9. If there is a bad microcirculation in the skin.
  10. To narrow enlarged pores.

In addition, almond peeling is used as one of the procedures in the preparation of skin for resurfacing laser. This method also has anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect. This is not all that capable almond peeling. Comments about this cosmetic procedure is mainly positive.

Almond peeling: contraindications


However, there are some contraindications to its use. Among them:

  1. The presence of abrasions, scratches, burns, open sores and pustules on the face.
  2. Allergic reactions on one of the components almond peeling.
  3. Various dermatological disorders of the skin.
  4. Aggravation of herpes virus infection.
  5. Too sensitive and thin skin.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation.
  7. Increased body temperature.
  8. Yet it is impossible for data sessions for skin cleaning after prolonged exposure of the skin to sunlight.

Properties mandelic acid


Tell me more about the "abilities" of the main ingredient of almond peeling:

  1. Mandelic acid, and therefore, the preparations on its basis have keratolytic action, therefore can be successfully used to exfoliate the skin surface. Due to this top layer of the epidermis is loosened and removed superfluous, "chronic" particles.
  2. Moreover, mandelic acid has a bacteriostatic and antiinflammatory action, whereby means based on it stop the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Thus sparing properties of the acid can reduce the risk of infection and the appearance of the skin resulting in redness procedure.
  3. This acid is also used for facelift. This is due to the fact that there is production of elastin and collagen. This, in turn, activates cell renewal, smoothes shallow wrinkles.
  4. This substance protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment. So, it can block harmful free radicals, as it has antioxidant properties. In addition, as some cosmetologists say, this acid binds heavy metals, as a result of which they are better output from the body.
  5. Almond acid also has bleaching properties. This happens due to the fact that the burdered layer is removed. This property allows you to make skin smoothly and lighter.
  6. This substance also contributes to the elimination of the blockage of the food follicles and reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, the pores are smoothed, and the state of inflammatory gumons improves. In addition, thanks to the effects of this acid, black dots, folliculites and angry rash disappear.

Benefits of almond peeling


Almond acid has several significant advantages over other substances used in the skin cleaning procedure. So, in some people there is intolerance of retinoic and glycolic acid. To them, as an alternative way, the use of cosmetic skin treatment based on almondic acid is shown. Peeling is precisely such a procedure. This acid is also effective with fatty seborrhea, acne, extended pores and hyperpigmentation.

When almond chemical peeling is much less likelihood of complications such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

In addition, the sparing procedure is generally much better tolerated by patients than other effects of alpha-hydroxy acids. In contrast, the almond (fenoksiglikolevaya) acid brings pain and discomfort.


Almond peeling procedure, some say beauticians, even in summer, can be carried out. After all, it does not lead to a negative reaction of the skin when exposed to sunlight it. Mandelic acid inhibits excessive melanin production process. However, to achieve this, you should follow the instructions accurately cosmetologist, and daily application of the protective sunscreen. If you are not sure whether can comply with all the recommendations, it is better to abandon this procedure in the summer.

More worth noting that the cleaning procedure on the basis of this acid may be used as care products and skin care zone cleavage hands. To date, funds for the purchase of almond peeling is not difficult.

Undoubtedly, the advantage of the procedure is that after her person can immediately visit various events, and not wait for the house. After all, due to this peeling, severe edema and strong skin redness appear.

Stages of almond peeling


Now we will analyze the stages of the almond peeling procedure itself. How to do it?

  1. First of all, prepiling training is carried out. You need to start to prepare another week before the procedure starts. Preparation involves applying cream at night with almond acid content. Using this tool will make the skin more even and will better prepare for further procedures.
  2. At the next stage, makeup is removed and the skin cleans. Therefore, if decorative cosmetics are applied on your face, it should be cooled to clean it. This can be done using simple cleansing lotions, and after them it is desirable to use milk, which contains about 7-8% of almond acid.
  3. When the skin is cleaned, degreasing and tonization can be carried out. For this procedure, it is sufficient to use a tonic, which contains 10% almond acid.
  4. The next step is usually prepiling, which is needed in order to improve the penetration of almond acid. In addition, at this stage you can find out how your skin is sensitive to this kind of procedures. Thus, the cleansing agent with 5% phenoxyglycol, milk, glycolic acids applied to the skin of the face.
  5. Then the almond acid is directly carried out on problem areas of skin. Before this stage, the prevention means is usually not flushed. Almond acid (30-50%) holds about 10-20 minutes. The first procedure usually lasts no more than 5 minutes. Cosmetologist, given the recommendations of the manufacturer's company, individually, for each client, chooses the time, number of layers and concentration. Sometimes other types of acids are used in addition to almondic acid. One of the types of this procedure is salicylovo almond peeling.
  6. The next step of the procedure is neutralization. Here the main task is to neutralize the activity of almondic acid. First, a special neutralizer is applied to the face, after which the cleansing agents used during the procedure are thoroughly cleaned with water.
  7. Now the skin must be moistened and calm down. For this, for example, you can use a soothing mask. It is desirable to include aloe, sage, calendula or chamomile extracts. Such a mixture is kept for about 25 minutes, after which a post-winged moisturizing cream is applied.
  8. Finally, postpiling care is carried out, which includes three stages: cleansing, moisturizing and protection against UV impact. Such leaving procedures are desirable to spend every day for 5-6 days from the moment of cleaning session.


How much do the procedures of almond peeling? Here everything is purely individually, and depends on the state of your skin. Sometimes 1-2 sessions are enough, and in some cases a beautician can recommend 6-8. The only thing is not recommended to carry out peeling procedures more than 9-10 times.


It's important to know! Now on the Internet you can read many recipes and recommendations for making almond peeling at home. However, cosmetologists do not recommend this, since quite active acid is involved in the course of the procedure, and its improper application can very much (cause severe skin burns). Only independent application of cleaning masks based on almonds, but not almond (phenoxyglycol) acid is allowed.

Almond peeling: "To" and "after"

Almond peeling: photo



Almond peeling: video

Almond-based domestic peeling:

Chemical almond peeling, which is held in the cabin:


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