
How to make hair thick

How to make hair thick
Beautiful thick and magnificent hair is not only a gift of nature, but also the result of proper daily care for them.

What needs to be done daily so that the hair retains its vitality, does not fall out, remain brilliant and elastic? What means are best used and which is not used - this is a difficult choice and requires not just going to the store for the next shampoo or styling. Even the funds seen in the cabin will not always be able to have the proper effect of the house, as they are not designed to use daily. Correct care and tips on the use of professional tools, as well as the hand of the master-scalloper, will help to make hair thick and magnificent.

How to make hair thicker: daily care

How to make hair thicker: wash hair


Much depends on the correct daily care and washing, you can make the hair thicker without the use of professional methods and means.

  1. One of the perpetrators of the weakening of the hair, the loss of their vitality, brilliance and elasticity, giving the feeling of incredible density - this is the use of incorrect shampoos for washing hair and head, masks and balms that are inappropriate to the structure of the hair and to the scalp.
  2. The best choice is shampoo with a minimum number of different chemical additives. This applies to colored dyes, mother -of -pearl and fragrances. All these components in no way affect the quality of washing, being only an advertising course. Choose a transparent shampoo, with a natural dim shade, without bright perfumes.
  3. Use shampoo, which is suitable for your type of hair in terms of your properties.
  4. No shampoo will help to make thin hair thick, but can not damage, give them brightness and shine. Hair does not always require daily washing, except for oily hair and with the daily use of fixing agents that need to be washed off.
  5. You can not abuse masks and hair balms. Masks and balms for long hair are used only on the main hair length, but not on the roots, if this does not apply to the product specifically for the scalp.
  6. Any shampoo leaves a thin film of chemical compounds on the hair, which thickens from washing with this shampoo. It is recommended to choose two shampoos with similar properties and alternate them.

How to make hair thicker: using hair care products


Advertising of fixing hair products, care products after washing sometimes forces you to make a difficult choice - an expensive or cheap remedy, one or more at once every day.

Short hair least of all needs additional care products to make hair thicker and thicker. It is enough to keep them clean, light laying with a hairdryer will raise the hair at the roots, and the hairstyle will be voluminous. It is better to use thermal protection products with thermal impact: sprays, foam and mousses.

Medium -length hair is more capricious and require a more thorough selection of care preparations. The ends of the medium -length hair are more dried and thickened, such hair is most often susceptible to styling with mechanical tools: curling iron, ironing, curlers, as well as chemical means of impact - chemical curls, chemical straightening, multiple coloring and highlighting.  You can maintain health and make medium hair visually thicker, for which you need:

  1. Select shampoo for daily care.
  2. Perform hair rinsing after washing, preferably cool with acidified water, which will help to smear the hair scales and create a smooth surface of the hair itself, which will not further detach at the ends and break along the entire length.
  3. For the ends of the hair, it is recommended to use liquid and drip fluids, serums, sealing the edge of the hair.
  4. Laying tools can be used any, but at the end of the day they need to be washed off from the hair. The remedy for styling on the hair greatly dries the surface of the hair, it becomes rough, dull, intertwines with other hair and breaks off.


Long hair requires the most careful care.   When choosing funds, it is necessary to maintain hair density, take into account:

  1. At the ends, long hair is always dry, and the scalp can have oily, and normal, and dry. If the hair at the roots of long hair is oily, then before washing it is recommended to apply protective oils with thorough combing to the ends of the hair. Shampoo is selected in this case for long hair, oily at the roots. For normal and dry at the roots of long hair, shampoo is chosen by the condition of the scalp. At the same time, shampoo is applied only to the skin area, the ends cannot be soaked, it is enough only to get shampoo when washing off.
  2. At the end of washing, the balm is applied exclusively to the ends of the hair, it is not recommended to apply it to the roots, this will close the pores of the skin, will not make it possible for the full breathing to the bulbs, weight and remove natural splendor.
  3. Fluids and serums in drip form are necessarily applied to the dry ends of the hair. In dry rooms with heating or under the influence of the sun and wind, the hair is very dry. Moisturizing sprays for daily multiple use will help to avoid brittleness.
  4. Laying with thermal effects for long hair is often not recommended, but if there is such a need, then sprays or mousses for thermal protection are mandatory.

How to make hair thicker: means and tools for the correct creation of hairstyles


  1. The effect of high temperature on the hair has never affected them well. It is advisable to generally abandon the irons, the blossom and hot air of the hair dryer, but it does not always work out. The ideal option is to use curlers that do not require high temperature differences.
  2. When using an iron, try not to hold back the strands of hair between hot plates for a long time, short -term exposure. Before using the curling iron and ironing, the hair must be completely dried and the protective agent should be applied to them, it can not be touched with hot forceps to wet hair, this will completely break their structure and restore the hair, then it will not work.
  3. After using curlers, the hair is combed with a wide comb, it is advisable not to use metal brushes, it will damage the upper layer of hair after removing the curlers, and the hair will begin to break.
  4. To preserve thick hair, you can not use long -term metal hairpins that squeeze the hair in places of contact. Hair breaks off and falls from tension at the very root.

How to make hair thicker: hair restoration


Can I make hair thicker without recovery and nutrition? Rather, not.

To restore hair, professional means, masks, wraps and folk methods are used.  Professional masks have a very strong degree of influence, they are recommended for all types of hair after consulting with the master. Masks of prolonged exposure are carefully applied to the hair, on the strands, smearing each of them. Hair is covered with polyethylene and warm towel for thermal exposure. The mask is washed off after about half an hour with slightly warm water.

More complex methods are lamination and glazing of hair, these methods will be described below.

Make hair thicker than folk methods


If there is no desire to get a quick and short result, and there is a willingness to patiently follow in the direction of the goal and make your hair with thick folk methods. The natural first -aid kit has always helped to achieve a healthy look and cure even the most weakened hair.

  1. One of the most powerful means that can make hair thicker is henna. The usual henna gives bright shades that do not always delight the eye, but as an alternative-a colorless henna, which, after three or four treatments, will give the hair volume, healthy shine and splendor.
  2. After each wash of the hair, rinsing with a decoction of herbs must be made with a habit. Blond hair rinses with chamomile, which gives a slight sparkling shade. Dark hair will give the power of nettle, slightly darkening the hair. Red -haired people are recommended rinsing with calendula. The grass is poured with a liter of water, and for 20 minutes it is cooked over low heat, filtered, cooled and can be rinsed.
  3. A good remedy for stimulating blood circulation in hair follicles is a tincture made of pepper pepper, which rubs into the hair roots and with a warm towel is withstanding half an hour. This procedure helps to launch the work of all small capillaries, activate the exchange in the hair bulb, which will give more power to the hair.
  4. Masks made of burdock oil, yolks and mayonnaise can be a good tool. The mixture is applied to the hair with a brush on the strands and withstands half an hour. Then the hair is washed with a soft shampoo.
  5. An excellent hair density is a mask of yolks and honey. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp and withstands for 15 minutes, and then thoroughly washed off with shampoo. This mask is especially nutritious and suitable for thin and weakened hair.

How to make hair thicker with professional methods


Some of the professional methods how to make hair thick is hair lamination. A special composition is applied to the hair with a master that tightly envelops each hair with a thin film that protects the hair from damage, and makes hair thicker and thicker.

The composition for lamination contains wheat extracts, proteins and other active substances. The film glues hair scales, smoothing porosity and restoring damage. The beneficial substances from the film are held for a long time on the surface of the hair, feeding them and maintaining moisture.

The effect of lamination is immediately noticeable, the hair becomes thick, healthy, shiny, obedient, according to research, the volume of hair as a result of this procedure increases by 10-15%. The effect of the procedure lasts up to one and a half months, then lamination can be done again.

How to make hair thicker visually

The visual volume can be given to the hair and using a correctly selected hairstyle. Most often, they try to make rare hair with thick hair with combs and many waycraints. This is fundamentally wrong.


Thin straight hair looks perfect in short haircuts with a voluminous filled top, asymmetric haircut forms give an additional volume effect.   Darnest hair of medium length looks more magnificent in hairstyles with a raised top, thick bangs and clear, not filled with strands at the face. A voluminous sensation in long hair can be achieved by a step cut near the face.


Make hair thicker with increasing


The problem of rare hair torments many, and when no methods of exposure help, another radical method remains - hair extension. This procedure will change both the volume of hair and color, and length, and in some cases even the texture.

You can use two methods of building and adding volume:

  • extension for a short period of time using clip;
  • building for a long period welding small strands of hair to the base of the native strands.

Using a clip, you can create a voluminous hairstyle in a couple of hours, such a volume with additional hair will last a couple of days until the next hair washing. Suitable for a short -term effect for special occasions.

Long-term hair extension is a long and tedious procedure that takes up to 5-9 hours. In addition to the base of their strands, up to 450 strands of hair is glued throughout the head. Such overhead hair is held for up to three months, then correction is required. A huge variety of shades of hair for increasing will not only make the hair visually thick and magnificent, but with this method you can adjust the length of the hairstyles in certain areas, create a volume on the back of the head, in the temporal region or bangs.

  Make hair thicker with a chemical curl


You can not discount such a method of increasing the volume and density of hair as a chemical curl. This method has been for many years, and he has undergone many changes. Chemical compositions are being improved, become more gentle and not damaging the structure of the hair. Thin and straight hair from a natural wave will always look rare, even if it is not. A chemical curl in any manifestation will slightly deliver the structure of a straight hair, and the desired volume will be achieved. It is not necessary to perform chemical curls throughout the head. To cut Kare, it is enough to cut a few strands on the back of the head in the thick of the hair.   The hairstyle will become voluminous and magnificent. In the same way, you can give a splendor of the bangs.

How to make a child's hair thicker?


Many children at birth already have hair on their heads and quite a lot, some are born without a single fluff on their heads. But the clan hair does not indicate what hair will be in the child later. Tender and thin children's hairs up to 3 years are usually soft and are completely replaced in an older age. In summer, the hair in children fades greatly under the influence of ultraviolet rays, easily change the color and structure under the influence of water.

Care for children's hair, so that they look thick and strong, should not be based on advertising and the products offered by beautiful videos.  In the first year of life, in detergents for hair should be absent laurylphat of ammonium or sodium in a concentration of more than 2%. If this amount of substance is exceeded, shampoo can cause irritation of the baby’s skin, reduce the protective layer, which will lead to dryness and falling of thin, fragile hair. Subsequently, with improper use of shampoo, delicate young hair follicles can be damaged. Up to a year, the use of soap solutions for washing the baby’s hair is practically not required, in exceptional cases, if the child is very dirty.

Proper care of children's hair consists in timely washing and proper combing. Girls who have already grown hair to the shoulders and below should not braid tight braids for the whole day and tighten horse tails with an elastic band or a hard hairpin.

Combustion of hair is the necessary ritual that each child should remember. When combing children's hair, which are often confused, you need to start from the ends of the hair, use soft brushes with bristles. Washing with children sparing shampoos after a year, the use of children's air conditioners for easy combing is an indispensable attribute of care. It is good to use and decoctions of herbs for rinsing children's hair.  Be sure to perform haircuts of children's hair so that they do not cut off and are not confused at the ends.

How to make a child's hair thicker: prejudice and reality



It was previously believed that the density of turning hair is achieved only if the child is overwhelmed in one year. It is then that the hair will begin to grow thick and lush. These are ordinary prejudices. In any case, fluffy children's hair is exchangeed by three years. And there is no need to shave hair to the child, the number of hair follicles from this manipulation will not change. The formation of hair follicles ends at about fourteen years of age, and do not frighten the threatening sounds of the machine. Children's fluff will be replaced by ordinary strong hair of an adult, and this will happen gradually.

How to make hair thicker. Video



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