
Treatment and prevention of hair loss

Treatment and prevention of hair loss
How to treat and prevent hair loss

Moderate hair loss is a completely natural process. Each hair lives on average from 3 to 7 years, and, sooner or later, the time of death comes. Every day, 50-100 hair leaves the head of a person, but new, young ones grow up for replacement. The growth of young hair does not advance as quickly as falling. Sometimes it happens that the hair falls very intensively, and we notice the hair that has fallen everywhere: in the bathroom, on the pillow, on clothes. Do not rush to panic. Try to conduct a simple test. Take a bunch of 15-20 hairs and pull it quite strongly. If 3 or more hairs are left in the hand, there is a problem of falling out.

Causes of hair loss


To begin with, you can try to understand why the hair falls out. Medicine has such reasons about a hundred, the most global are the environmental situation and heredity. It is almost impossible to fight these reasons, and the rest of the prerequisites for hair loss can be disassembled and what is not suitable.

The main causes of hair loss:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. It may occur after childbirth or during menopause. Sometimes it appears after taking contraceptives.
  2. Stress and psychoemotional loads.
  3. Fungal and bacterial diseases of the scalp.
  4. Hair damage as a result of chemical curling, dyeing. Hair damage as a result of hairstyles: combs, tight tails or braids.
  5. Iron deficiency as a result of severe blood loss.
  6. The lack of vitamins and trace elements arising from improper, insufficient or unbalanced nutrition.
  7. Chronic diseases and chronic fatigue.

Hair does not fall out immediately after any disease or stress, but after 2-3 months. Therefore, it is difficult to recall the reason, and sometimes impossible. All these causes are called symptomatic, that is, they arose after violations or pathologies. Hair loss caused by one of these prerequisites can be stopped.

Hair loss prevention


To avoid hair loss, take care of them correctly:

  1. Try not to use hair dye often, do not use a chemical curling. Use hair dye without ammonia or based on natural dyes.
  2. Drying hair with a hot hairdryer, the use of pain and ironing, have a great influence on the condition of the hair. All these manipulations injure the hair, make it dry and weakened.
  3. When caring for hair, use only those shampoos, balms and masks that are suitable for your hair type. It is very good to make hair masks from natural products: eggs, honey, vegetable oils, kefir.
  4. Make a light massage of the scalp to improve blood circulation.
  5. Get rid of dandruff. Currently, it is known that dandruff is a fungal disease and there are a huge number of ways to cure it.
  6. Avoid frequent exposure to sunlight on the hair. The sun can have an aggressive effect on the hair follicles, so on hot summer days it is better to wear a hat.

To prevent hair loss, adhere to a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Do not use unbalanced diets or monodite for weight loss. The result of losing weight from them is deplorable, and the impact on the condition of the hair and the body as a whole may turn out to be pernicious.
  2. Drink 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day.
  3. Take antibiotics only in case of emergency.
  4. Engage in physical education, walk, walk in the fresh air.
  5. Try to get enough sleep and avoid strong stress.
  6. Include only high -quality products in your diet so that the body receives protein, as well as the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Eat more dairy products, fruits and vegetables.
  7. Include different cereals in your diet: oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat. Pay special attention to pearl barley porridge, it is just a pantry of vitamins and trace elements. You can cook a huge amount of delicious and healthy dishes from pearl barley. Find your recipes and make them loved.
  8. Exclude semi -finished products and fast food from your power, do not abuse fried dishes.

Treatment of hair loss


If you notice that hair loss has accepted the threatening scale, and you cannot prevent it yourself, it is better to consult a trichologist. To find out the cause of hair loss, the doctor directs to diagnostics. Most often, a trichogram and a blood test for biochemistry are required. The doctor prescribes treatment when the diagnosis is accurately made.

In the complex treatment of hair loss in women are used:

  • drugs for oral administration;
  • creams, lotions and shampoos for local use;
  • laser therapy;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • scalp massage;
  • means of traditional medicine.

Hair shampoo


The use of shampoo alone cannot relieve such a complex problem, so shampoo is used in complex treatment. The most popular shampoos against hair loss:

  1. Fitwan shampoo is recommended to care for dry hair that falls out and seize.
  2. Shampoo Selencin. This is a dermatological shampoo, which includes effective medicinal and folk remedies against hair loss.
  3. Aleran shampoo, which is used from hair loss and to stimulate their growth.
  4. Shampoo Vichy. This professional shampoo with Aminexil received good reviews as a tool from hair loss. In order not to get on a fake, buying a wi shampoo from hair loss is better in a pharmacy. Shampoo strengthens the hair follicle and saturates the hair with vitamins of group B.

Vitamins from hair loss


To stop the process of hair loss, all vitamins are necessary that are important for a full -fledged human life. Therefore, the simplest decision is to make a complex of vitamins. Some experts consider it more correct to take vitamins of different groups separately. The most effective vitamins from hair loss are C, A, E, and B vitamins B. Therefore, these vitamins can be taken separately in courses. There are special vitamin complexes to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin. They have proven themselves best:

  1. AEVit.
  2. Vitrum Beauty.
  3. Pantovigar.
  4. Perfectil.

If the problem of hair loss occurs in a nursing mother, Vitrum Penal, Supradin, Elevit Penal and others are recommended.

Folk remedies for hair loss


One of the components of complex treatment of hair loss is the use of folk recipes. The advantage of traditional medicine is that all this is tested by more than one generation. All ingredients that are used in recipes are natural and fresh. Treatment of traditional medicine recipes requires perseverance and sequence, 2-3 masks cannot radically change the condition of the hair.

Hair masks from falling out


When hair loss, you can use the yolk to wash the head. In this case, shampoo should not be used. The hair after washing yellow will be shiny and well -groomed. The yolk is part of many homes for hair loss.

Mask with red pepper. Burning pepper warms the scalp, activates metabolic processes and accelerates hair growth. If you do not tolerate red pepper, you can replace it 1 tbsp. l. dry mustard powder. The mask will need:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. burdock, castor or any vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. alcohol tincture of pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. Aloe juice (if there is no fresh juice, you can take a pharmacy drug in ampoules).

Masks with onion juice.  Very often, onions are used to strengthen hair. You can use one gruel of onions without additives. So that the hair is not too dry, it is good to add a teaspoon of olive or other vegetable oil to the gruel. We apply a warm mixture first on the roots of the hair, rub slightly. In order for the hair to get useful substances, we distribute the mask over the entire length of the hair. We wrap the head with a towel so that the procedure time goes comfortably and imperceptibly. It is recommended to keep the onion mask on dry hair for at least an hour, for oily and normal hair, the procedure time increases by 1-1.5 hours. Remove the mask with warm water, rinse the hair with shampoo. To remove an unpleasant onion smell, it is necessary to rinse the hair with water acidified by vinegar. Add 1 tbsp per 1 liter of water. l. vinegar, better than apple.

1. Mask with onion juice and egg yolk.

  • 1 tbsp. cognac;
  • 1 tbsp. onion juice;
  • 1 tbsp. burdock oils or a decoction of burdock root;
  • 1 yolk.

2. Honey-on -um mask.

  • 1 onion, grated on a fine grater;
  • 1 tbsp. liquid honey (if honey is suchate, melt it in a water bath).

3. Kefir-ray mask for dry hair. Take 1 tbsp. l. Onion juice, honey, cognac, sea salt and fat kefir or yogurt. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the hair.

4. The mask is vitamin. Mix in equal proportions the juice of onions, lemon and carrots, add a teaspoon of burdock or castor oil. The use of such a mask for two months, will accelerate hair growth and help overcome problems such as dryness and brittleness.

5. A yeast mask with onions. You can take any yeast for this mask: dry or pressed.

  • 20 grams of yeast pour 1 tbsp. warm water, leave for 15 minutes;
  • 2 tbsp. onion juice;
  • 1 tbsp. castor or burdock oil.

Oil from hair loss


Different oils are used to strengthen and growth of hair. You can find what is right for you, you can only samples. Oils have proven themselves from hair loss: burdock, castor, linen. These oils are used to prepare hair masks. Such masks not only strengthen the hair, but also improve their appearance, making it shiny and well -groomed. Any of these oils can be purchased at a pharmacy, but you can cook excellent natural oil from hair loss at home. In this case, you will definitely not doubt the quality of the oil. You can cook burdock oil. This plant is full in our flora, and we all remember it since childhood. Which of the girls did not run the hedgehogs from the burdock in the hair? This plant has unique healing properties for hair.

Recipe 1.

Pour 75-100 grams of green leaves of burdock with a glass of olive or sunflower oil. Insist during the day. Then put the container in the water bath and boil for 15 minutes. Filte oil. Use for the preparation of hair masks. In the refrigerator, it is saved for a long time.

Recipe 2.

This recipe for oil from hair loss is more complex and time -consuming. Although burdock oil prepared in this way is more saturated. In the fall, dig the roots of the burdock, wash them and dry them. Grate peeled roots, pour vegetable oil. Insist the roots of the burdock for 3 weeks, strain. So you can cook classic oil from burdock that our ancestors used.

Gurchased oil masks are used to strengthen hair after severe diseases, childbirth, breastfeeding.

Home tinctures to strengthen hair


An effective tool for hair loss is tinctures that can be added to masks or used to rinse hair. Tinctures of medicinal herbs can be bought at a pharmacy, but they are prepared for alcohol. Home tinctures can be cooked on vodka or on cognac, they will act softer on the scalp. Tincture prepared for itself from natural products has a lot of useful qualities. The finished tincture can be stored in a cool place for several months, it has a low cost and, most importantly, it is prepared with love.

Tincture from parsley to strengthen hair. Pour a glass of vodka or cognac chopped parsley and two finely cut cloves of garlic. Insist 10-15 days. Strain, add a teaspoon of healing infusion to the hair masks or rub into the scalp for 30-40 minutes before washing.

Tincture of acute red pepper. Finely chop 2-3 pods of spicy pepper, pour a glass of vodka or cognac. Insist a week in a dark place. Add filtered tincture to masks to strengthen hair and to accelerate their growth.

Lotion with green tea. Brew a glass of green tea stronger, strain. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and 30 ml of cognac or vodka to chilled tea. Store the lotion in the refrigerator. The lotion with green tea perfectly tones the scalp, improves the growth and condition of the hair. Apply to the hair after washing, hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Cope with hair loss is a difficult task. But, if a serious disease is excluded, each girl can try to solve this problem on his own.

Treatment and prevention of hair loss. Video



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