
Aurora haircut: hairstyle features

Aurora haircut: hairstyle features
Aurora haircut - haircut process, styling methods

One of the haircuts having favorite The situation according to the rating is occupied by the haircut of Aurora. She was one of the most popular in the 80s of the past century of hairstyles. At the moment, not many women are familiar with her under this name, but she did not lose her own positions in the fashion world. It is only worth sorting out the current varieties of this ladies haircut in memory. Aurora presented the world of haircuts Cascade and Italian. The rules of their playbacks are the same: curls of various lengths, staircase, the effect of torn tips. Aurora distinguishes the only distinctive feature - in the top of the hair, the hair will cut somewhat shorter, and below, on the contrary, retains the length.

This haircut is often preferred by rockers, punks and other youth subcultures. Of the stars with this bold hairstyle, Rihanna, Julia Mavrina from the television series “Daughter - Mother”, individual members of the Ranetki group, can be indicated. In different periods, this haircut was worn by Nadezhda Granovskaya, Vera Brezhnev, Jennifer Aniston And Jennifer Lopez. These representatives of the weaker sex are distinguished by excellent taste, look colorful and fashionable.

Advantages of Aurora haircut


Haircut reproduced easily, however preferably, of course, pick up specialist, which disassemble v texture yours vegetation and Find  suitable, directly for yours forms faces, length curls. Usually, professionals recommend leave curls v area faces on level chin. This hairstyle not need different  comb and others devices. Necessary get out exclusively Round  comb and foam. Hairdryer  you you can instantly do suitable laying. Women with wavy hair it will be required  a little more time on care for his own haircut. From numbers others positive sides:

  • increase volume hair;
  • thin hair look most lively;
  • haircut suitable for straight and for curling hair, except togo, for hair different lengths;
  • laying not removing many time;
  • hairstyle suitable representatives anyone age.

TO word, before visiting hairdresser, preferably stand up photography or illustration with pattern haircuts, so how not all professionals understand this name. Most she familiar under name « Cascade», « Ladder», « Italian».

Peculiarities haircuts Aurora


  1. Not should fulfill haircut  A vrura the representatives of the weaker sex with wriggling small curls. Because what hairstyle it looks impeccable exclusively on straight hair, showing single strands and steps. Women with cookedly hair will be spend colossal volume time and efforts on laying own rebellious hairstyles.
  2. Hairstyle aurora is suitable for thin hair. She undoubtedly it will help form necessary volume and will give hair visual density for check impositions strands friend on friend.
  3. For women with round and oval face similar hairstyle maybe partly affect on their external form, more precisely obtained volume visually increase face.
  4. Aurora  returned v our time v quality youth trend, what and explains her fame among rocker, rebellious, informal movements. IN data images single strands collapse v colorful tones, and hairstyle founds enough amusing vanguard view.
  5. Big advantage A verors v volume, what she not require special service and painful laying. Hair costs only wash and dry. Growing, haircut not lost own basic forms.

Technology execution haircuts Aurora

Haircut Aurora on long hair


Aurora  on long hair maybe create exclusively highly professional master, that's why what fromfor dRAME  curls hairstyle it has the opportunity buy broken  And  sloppy appearance. Performing such haircut long hair,  to you will necessary say goodbye with essential component hairstyles. Haircut obligated get view dRAME strands by all lengths hair. Not hurry to be upset, that's why how haircut  Aurora  give yours appearance uniqueness, screening  and  At the same time, a little tenderness. Exists weight options for laying such style hairstylesyou you can implement a little disheveled view, put hair on one side, put it or the same harse hair, and success to you guaranteed.

Haircut Aurora on medium hair


On hair average lengths haircut Aurora  most known and wide distributed. Given variety haircuts implies length up to it to shoulders and result  amazing  volume, what does her easily accessible for women with round configuration faces, visually pulling and lengthening his. Basic for  Aurora  on the hair of medium length  is length front hair, they should be strictly neither briefly speaking, neither longer set. Otherwise there is chance lose all result famous haircuts. Competently scheduled Aurora  will look simply perfect.

Haircut Aurora on short hair


Similar hairstyle capable reproduce yours freedom -loving atmosphere, determination and pursuit move, contrary to generally recognized tROBLE and laws. Given variety aurora counts genuinely youth style and suitable practically all women, not considering owners round and square persons, that's why what luxury haircuts capable visually increase face.

Videoexample execution haircuts Aurora

Laying haircuts Aurora


  1. Everyday laying v genre 80x. Hair extremely surrounding beat, produced bouffant v front shares hair, bang combed back v haircut, or continued be roller necessary forehead.
  2. Laying curls v genre 80x years. Hair women layed with support bigude, next haircut fixed varnish for hair. Hair in advance combed. Likely there was and chemical curling. Achieve result  such kind curling maybe, v case if apply with this the goal   curlersconquers.
  3. Elementary everyday laying. Dry hair hairdryer with application insignificant quantities foams for hair. Twist yourself tips with help convex brushes inside.  Such styling  come in handy for everyday everyday life, a except togo, haircut Suitable and  for work.
  4. Romantic laying haircuts aurora. Hair necessary put itbut you can  and save straight. Pinch with one side hairstyles beautiful hairpin with flower. By spring you you will look with such kind laying very sensitive and sublime. Permissible collect hair v tail on side, fix his beautiful elastic band with flower. IN real time similar laying also counts very stylish.
  5. The famous laying at help ironing. This view laying haircuts Aurora  implies laying hair special iron. IN real time v fashion gorgeous, direct, well -groomed curls. Bang also located carefully, her can tighten or straighten special round brush. Her can do direct, spit and assemetric.
  6. Laying for evening leisure. Suitable laying v this case counts laying with comb. Hair v upper parts  combed, fixed varnish for hair, maybe bangs hide back elegant rim, a behind make bouffant. By sides hair can fix elegant hairpins.
  7. Laying v style retro. Fix hair v front parts  fashionable tape v retro genre. Behind  Make it  bouffant, which great will look with such kind haircut. Haircut fix varnish for hair. Hair, except togocan put it. Permissible create this hairstyle with comb, a tips twist out. Look you you will simply marvelous!



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