
Causes and symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults, children, pregnant women. Folk remedies with vasomotor ritin

Causes and symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults, children, pregnant women. Folk remedies with vasomotor ritin
What is a vasomotor rhinitis? Causes of its appearance and symptoms of manifestation. How to treat an ailment with the help of conservative medicine and folk remedies.

Pathology called rhinitis familiar to each fifth, but not everyone heard about the vasomotor ritney. Doctors are called vasomotor rhinitis the failure of nasal respiration, in which the lumen is narrowed. This is not due to the inflammatory process, but due to the violation of the tone of the vessels placed in the nasal cavity. How to recognize such pathology and is it possible to cure such a notch? Let's deal with.

Vasomotor rhinitis - what it is and what happens?

Nasal human shells have a variety of large and small capillaries, due to which functioning mucous. When malfunction of these vessels, nasopharyngeal lumen is reduced, and mucous work actively, producing excessive secretion. It turns out that the patient is present chronic vasomotor rhinitis.

Medicine identifies two forms of the disease: allergic and autonomic.

Allergic vasomotor rhinitis

Allergic form is often referred to as seasonal as exacerbation basically falls on different periods of flowering plants. Vasomotor rhinitis causes allergic specific allergen, which is in contact with the mucosa. As a result of such exposure sick notes:

  • spontaneous appearance of abundant mucus secretions;
  • presence of migraines;
  • a feeling of fullness, accompanied by itching and burning.

Neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis

The main "culprit" neurovegetative form of the disease is a general neurovegetative dysfunction. Also provoke nasal vegetative-vascular dysfunction may:

  • physiological abnormalities in the structure of the nasopharynx (nasal septum spike pin, fracture, bending of the nose);
  • the harmful effects of chemical origin;
  • occupational hazards (permanent residence in a dusty environment);
  • smoking.

A distinctive feature of neurovegetative form vasomotor rhinitis is its permanent presence. Regardless of flowering, the presence or absence of any allergens.

Causes of vasomotor rhinitis

For many years, doctors and scientists have "fought" on the study of the root causes of the emergence of dysfunction of nasal blood vessels and concluded that chronic vasomotor rhinitis can occur for the following reasons:

  • Abuse of nasal drops with vasoconstrictor activity. They are addictive, and people just can not breathe, until drip such drugs.
  • Hormonal imbalance, which occurs during pregnancy, during the adoption of hormonal contraceptives, during certain periods of the menstrual cycle.
  • Vegeta dystonia. The disease is characterized by dysfunction of vessel walls, including those located in the nose. It entails a deterioration in the quality of human life.

Another causes of vasomotor rhinitis can be:

  • "Not dulled" ARVI;
  • strong nervous shock (stress);
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • asthma;
  • a sharp change of inhaled / exhaled air (exit of heat in frost).

In the risk area, get a "as a gift" chronic vasomotor rhinitis are people who are often encountered with the following possible root causes of the disease:

  • second hand smoke;
  • long-term degradation;
  • addiction to acute food;
  • alcohol abuse.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of pathology, it is very important to identify it on time and begin the appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

The disease itself is not life-threatening, but the accompanying symptoms can be pretty "sang" life. Thus, the vasomotor rhinitis in adults has the main symptom in the form of a nasal respiratory impairment, which is present periodically or permanently. Unstable oxygen flow into the lungs provokes its lack of blood. Because of this, the brain, heart, venous and vascular system suffers. All this leads to nervous disorders provoking:

  • insomnia;
  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • pain in the head;
  • "hard breath";
  • the memory is worse.

Also may indicate a vasomotor rhinitis of the following symptoms:

  • edema's education, which is accompanied by redness of the wings of the nose;
  • spontaneous sneezing, appearing periodically or present constantly;
  • watery discharge;
  • feeling of cutting (pressure) in sinuses;
  • burning and itching;
  • the loss of smell is initially not felt the smell, during the progression of pathology there may be the abyss and taste sensations;
  • fighting mucus with one nostrils to another;
  • if the rhinitis of allergic origin, then a slight increase in temperature, redness and tear of the eyes can be observed.

Vasomotor rhinitis in a child

In childhood, vasomotor rhinitis is sufficiently dangerous, as it can provoke more serious diseases of nervous and respiratory systems. It may appear because of:

  • supercooling;
  • polyps removal;
  • frequent colds;
  • abuse of vesseloring drops;
  • the start of puberty.

The symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis in the child is not much different from the manifestations present in an adult, and the deterioration of breathing provokes:

  • reduction of memory;
  • migraine development;
  • appearance of dizziness.

In the absence of proper treatment, the mother may noted a decrease in appetite, sleep disorder, fast fatigue.

The longer the child is observed vasomotor rhinitis, the stronger the complications that occur during the chronic form of pathology are visible and manifest themselves as:

  • disorders of smell, hearing;
  • distortion of child speech;
  • deformation of the facial muscles due to the constantly open mouth.

Vasomotor rhinitis and pregnancy

Pregnancy is very often accompanied by a vasomotor rhinitis. Since the "culprit" is a hormonal imbalance, which is inherent in the period of pregnancy to all women.

The tone of vessels directly depends on the presence of a certain number of hormones in the body. When the balance of their presence is broken, the vessels begin to narrow, thereby provoking the development of vasomotor rhinitis. In pregnant women, such pathology in the nose cavity can occur with increasing the presence of sex hormones.

Since an interesting provision does not provide for the reception of medicines, then a vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy needs to be treated comprehensively and under the strict guidelines of the gynecologist.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis conservative ways

Hearing such pathology, patients are increasingly wondering - how to treat vasomotor rhinitis? There are quite a lot of ways, since in addition to medical practices, actively used:

  • ethnoscience;
  • modern achievements;
  • change lifestyle.

Below will look at how to cure vasomotor rhinitis.

Traditional medicine with vasomotor ritin

After diagnosis - vasomotor rhinitis, the treatment is not worth it in the "long drawer". Before proceeding with therapy, it should be excluded the possibility of manifestation of an allergic form. Since during seasonal allergic rhine, the symptoms of the disease passes after elimination of allergen.

Appoints a complex of therapeutic measures. The doctor individually, given the form of the disease, the age of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

The main way to eliminate the swelling and mucous selection is the nasal cavity sanitation. This procedure normalizes the tone of vessels, reducing the disease to the minimum. Salt solutions are used for washing. They dilute the mucus, which is easier after washing.

It produces a very simple procedure. Using a syringe, the syringe or special teapot (sold in pharmacies) was dissolved in a tilted state is introduced into one nostril and out of the other. For washing, you can use:

  • special mineral solutions;
  • saline solution (9% natriyahlorid);
  • antiseptics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • with weak solutions containing antibiotics.

drops treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

In the topical treatment often used drops. They have a direct impact on blood vessels, normalizes their work. Which drops are used for vasomotor rhinitis? Consider each group in more detail:

1. Adrenomimetiki more known as a vasoconstrictor drops. Their action is advisable to vasoconstriction, thus relieving puffiness and eliminate congestion. This tool provides instant action, which lasts for 4-12 hours. The disadvantages agonists should include the risk of addiction, so they are used no more than 5-7 days. Doctors usually at vasomotor rhinitis for stabilization discharged:

  • Snoop.
  • Rinostop.
  • Farmazalin.
  • Rinorus et al.

2. Hormonal corticosteroids. Means of this group are released only in the form of nasal sprays and they act as an anti-inflammatory agent. Frequently used are:

  • Nasobek.
  • Aldetsin.
  • Gnadion.
  • Bekotid.
  • Nasonex.

At the last stop in detail. Nazoneks used in vasomotor rhinitis by acting directly on the blood vessels, while not absorbed into the blood plasma (not ingested). It is allowed to use for both adults and children from 2 years.

3. Antihistamine drops. They are used in the form of allergic disease. The action of these drops is directed to inhibition of free histamine, which by reacting with the allergen contributes to the manifestation of an allergy. By popular antihistamine drops include:

  • Klarotadin.
  • Zyrtec.
  • Levocabastine.
  • Tavegilum et al.

Medicines for vasomotor rhinitis

If the diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis, the drug may not only be local action. Depending on the type and severity of the disease a physician may prescribe oral preparations. Basically, it means from allergic vasomotor rhinitis, characterized by seasonal or permanent (year-round) symptoms. These include:

  • Astemizole.
  • Loratodin.
  • Ketotifen.
  • Claritin et al.

Also used inhalation. In more advanced cases are assigned nasal blockade with the use of:

  • novocaine;
  • long-acting glucocorticoids;
  • sclerosing agents.

Operative treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

When vasomotor rhinitis operation is only indicated for cases where medication therapy did not produce the desired effect or the problem is anatomical abnormalities present in the nasal cavity. By operative (surgical) intervention methods include:

  • Submucosa vasotomy when the lower shell nose section part vessels excised mucosa.
  • Septoplasty implies a removal of growths (polyps, spikes) in the nasal cavity and the nasal septum alignment.

To the more popular methods of treatment include modern operational methods in which the treatment is carried out and vasomotor rhinitis laser impulses. These include:

  • Laser destruction, through which dilate blood vessels.
  • Elektroplazmennaya coagulation, involves the destruction of the vessels with a special instrument coagulator.
  • Ultrasonic disintegration - a procedure, which takes place with the use of ultrasound, which destroys the dilated blood vessels.

Operations contributes to the disappearance of swelling, stop nasal discharge, relieves congestion. Mucous operate stably and vascular tone wall bounces back.

Folk remedies at vasomotor rhinitis

If the diagnosis is pronounced vasomotor rhinitis folk remedies can alleviate the condition of the patient, improving his quality of life. But it is worth remembering that traditional medicine is not a panacea. Therefore, use of the people of the recipes you need in combination with conventional treatment. Share recipes that are able to speed up recovery and reduce the appearance of disease symptoms.

Drops against vasomotor rhinitis

  • In the 1 st. l. vegetable oil which is pre-boil and cool, lead 2 drops of garlic juice and 1 tbsp. l. carrot juice. Stir and bury 3-4 times a day. A solution for application is prepared daily.
  • Beet juice diluted in equal proportions with water. Keep the drops in a cool place in closed containers. Bury 2 drops up to 5 times.
  • Aloe juice to survive. His instill 2-3 drops of up to 4 times a day. Tampons also be effective using the aloe juice.
  • Pure birch sap - 2 drops in each nostril once a day.

Recipes for nasal lavage with vasomotor rhinitis

  • 1 h. L. honey combine with 1 tbsp. warm water. After complete dissolution of the liquid may be washed with the nasal cavity to 4 times per day.
  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile color pour cup of boiling water for 20 minutes and when cool broth may be washed with the nasal cavity.
  • 0.5 h. L. sea \u200b\u200bsalt per cup of water. After dissolution of the salt water used as washing.
  • 1 h. L. dry mint pour 1/2 boiled water. When cooled add 0.5 tsp honey dissolve. Irrigate your nose for a few days.

Ointments with vasomotor rhinitis

  • Chop the fresh leaves of walnut to mushy state. Add the weight of petrolatum. The resulting ointment tampon lay in the nasal cavity of three times a day.
  • In equal proportions to mix honey with oil hypericum. The resulting ointment dipped tampons and insert them into the nostrils.
  • 2-4 times a day to lubricate the maxillary sinus fir or lavender oil.
  • At a ratio of 1: 1 mix marigold flowers with Vaseline. Pre-crushed marigold flowers.
  • Help cure vasomotor rhinitis ointments used interchangeably - walnut, kalendulovaya.

How to treat vasomotor rhinitis in the home?

In addition to the traditional treatment of the people and the recipes lighten their condition and reduce symptoms and can be at home. To this end, the following steps should be performed:

  • Proper nutrition. As strange as it may sound, but a balanced diet - it's one of the ways of treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in the home. Some people have hidden problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which involve throwing gastric secretion into the esophagus and the respiratory tract. Normalization power minimizes reflux (cast), thus eliminating the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Cold and hot shower. For ghost vessels tonus is recommended that alternate pouring the hot, then cold water. Such procedures will also help to strengthen the immune system.
  • Moderate exercise. They reduce the frequency of attacks. Excellent help walking long distances, jogging, swimming. In addition to physical strengthening, such loads are beneficial to the nervous system.
  • The elimination of risk factors. In other words, for vasomotor rhinitis necessary to exclude the influence of external risks, such as smoke from smoking, dust, and other air fresheners.

The greatest effect will be a comprehensive approach. Therefore, vasomotor rhinitis with recommended resort to both traditional medicine, and to processes for national and therapy at home.


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