
Causes and symptoms of urethritis in women. How to treat urethritis in women - preparations, candles, antibiotics. Popular treatment of urethritis in women at home

Causes and symptoms of urethritis in women. How to treat urethritis in women - preparations, candles, antibiotics. Popular treatment of urethritis in women at home
What is urethritis? How the disease occurs in women. Medication treatment and folk remedies.

Ureteritis is one of the often diagnosed pathologies of the urogenital system in the population. The disease is inflammation of the walls and mucosa of the urethra (urethra). Ureteritis is a male pathology. However, due to the physiological features of the structure of the female channel of urinary, the development of pathology is subject to both women. How is the disease diagnose which types of urethritis exist and how to treat urethritis in women?

Ureretrite - Features of women

Pathology pathogens - fungi, microorganisms or sex infections. The cause of frequent diagnosis of urethritis in women is the anatomical structure of the women's urogenital system. Urethra Women has a significant difference from the male allocation body. In the building, the female urethra is wider and short, has access to the vagina, which favors the easier penetration of various infections and pathogenic microorganisms in the bladder or kidney. With untimely diagnosis and lack of treatment of urethritis, the infection rapidly extends to urinary tracts and leads to complications. Very often, the satellite of urethritis is cystitis (bladder inflammation). This disease has similar symptoms and is a complication of urethritis. Woman appeals to doctors after the occurrence of cystitis.

Ureteritis in women - symptoms

The first signs of urethritis in women do not have bright characteristic symptoms. A woman is discomfort, cut, pain when urine, which prevents her daily life. This symptom is the initial stage of inflammation. As a rule, women are not in a hurry to doctors, as unpleasant symptoms are quite quickly passing, moving to another shape, and the disease continues to develop. At the next stage, pain and cuts appear increasingly and are more pronounced. Sharp pain and cuts can appear not only when urination, but becomes constant. Without proper treatment, there is a chance of further infection of urinary organs. Such complications are possible as inflammation of the appendages, endometritis and other diseases of the female sexual sphere. The most unfavorable outcome of the disease is infertility.

Most often about the development of urethritis make themselves felt such symptoms as:

  • Frequent urges in the toilet, burning, sharp pain when urination.
  • Redness, itching, burning pain in the vagina, which is intensified during the period of menstruation.
  • In chronic urethritis - pain and cuts over the pubic, at the bottom of the abdomen.
  • The appearance of purulent discharge with a specific odor of the urethra, the color of the selection from greenish to yellow.
  • Detection in the urine of blood.

Female urethritis: Views

In medicine there are several types of urethritis, depending on what was the pathology causative agent:

  • Infectious urethritis caused by specific pathogens: chlamydia, ureaplasm, mycoplasma.
  • Nonspecific urethritis in women caused by Streptococcal, staphylococcal infection, gonococci.

The main varieties of urethritis in women:

  1. Candadose urethritis. The occurrence of the disease contributes to the infection of urethra and its mystery fungus of the genus Candida. The reason for the infection is most often the decrease in the immunity of the patient and the long-term intake of antibiotics. This type of illness often goes into chronic urethritis in women.
  2. Allergic urethritis. Inflammation in the urethra cause various kinds of substances, drugs or food, which cause an allergic reaction, swelling of the mucous membrane. The urethritis of this species is dangerous in that it can lead to a complete overlapping of urine outlet from the urethra.
  3. Bacterial urethritis. Pathology develops against the backdrop of nonster nonspecific microorganisms (intestinal chopstick, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci). The pathogens, being in the urethre, are activated by reducing the immune system. Treatment of pathogenic microflora requires a professional and competent approach.
  4. Trichomonovad urethritis. This type of pathology develops against the background of patient infection by trichomonaceous infection, transmitted during sexual contact. The cunningness of this disease is that the first symptoms of infection by trichomonade are manifested only by 10-14 days after infection with sexual infection. Inadequate treatment can go to chronic urethritis, which is heavier than treating.

Reasons for urethritis in women

Factors such as:

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner. Infections transmitted during sexual contact become the cause of the disease.
  2. Supercooling of urinary organs.
  3. Temporary weakening of the immune system, change in hormonal background in women due to pregnancy, menstrual cycle, climax.
  4. Gynecological diseases that reduce local immunity.
  5. The use of acute, salted, smoked food, alcoholic beverages aggravate the problem and lead to the exacerbation of the disease.
  6. Cystitis can create urethritis in women and be a consequence of the disease of the urinary channel.

Urerette - Diagnostics

If the symptoms of urethritis are found, it is not recommended to engage in independent treatments, the faithful decision will be the appeal to the urologist or a gynecologist, which is prescribed additional laboratory tests and surveys to set the correct diagnosis. It costs to remember that the female genitals are in close connection with the urethra system, any violation of microflora can cause inflammation of the urethra. The doctor conducts an inspection of the outer hole of the urethra and is diagnosed:

  • General studies of urine to identify the number of leukocytes, the presence of the inflammatory process;
    Study of urine on non-communo and urine bacteriological sowing to determine the etiological causative agent of the disease.
  • Taking the scraping from the urethral method of PCR and the study of the material.
  • Urethroscopy is an instrumental method for studying the urethra mucosa.

Ureteritis in women - treatment

Treatment of primary urethritis without complications can be held at home, the hospitalization of the patient is not required. It suffices to comply with all prescriptions of the attending physician. In the treatment of pathology, a complex treatment scheme of antibiotics, vitamins, application of candles, a number of physiotherapeutic procedures is applied. For each patient, the doctor is selected an individual treatment of urethritis and drugs, depending on the diagnosis of the disease.

  • Antibiotics - mandatory means for uretrite in women who are prescribed after a number of studies that determine the sensitivity of infection to antibiotics. Often, the urethritis is prescribed: digit, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, pefloxacin in tablet form or for intramuscular administration. Combined treatment with several antibiotics is possible. One of their most effective antibiotics, which is appointed at the first symptoms of the inflammatory process with uretrite in women - a monuleur. This is an antibiotic based on phosphomycin in the form of a powder. The effect of the drug is aimed at suppressing the activity of microbes and microorganisms - causative agents of the disease.

  • Along with the reception of antibiotics, for local exposure to the focus of infection, drugs are used in the form of candles that are injected vaginally. Candles with uretrite in women quickly remove unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching, burning pain, redness of external genital organs. The use of vaginal candles allows effective treatment of urethritis pregnant women, nursing mothers and those women with antibiotics are contraindicated. Effective in the treatment of urethritis candles Hexicon, metronidazole, Genferon.
  • Polyvitamins are prescribed to raise and strengthen the weakened immune system.
  • Antiseptics. Antiseptic preparations that have an anesthetic effect on the infection are widely used as a drug from urethritis. Antiseptics can be assigned to both internal reception and outdoor use: scriptures, physiotherapy, taking the bath. One of the most well-known antiseptics during urethritis is Furadonin. Also used to treat Kanefron, Miramistin.

In addition to the treatment of inflammation of urethra drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures are effectively applied:

  • Special baths using antiseptic tools to eliminate infection.
  • Introduction to the vagina tampons treated with antiseptic.
  • Electrophoresis in the disease zone.

Non-media methods are used to combat illness:

  • Compliance with the right lifestyle and diet. It is strictly excluded from the food is sharp, salty, pickled and acute food, as well as to reduce the use of spices, alcohol, fast food, fried products. It is recommended to include fresh greens, fruits, vegetables, and milk products and milk. It is required to observe the drinking mode, drinking at least one liter of pure water per day.
  • Careful personal hygiene, restriction of sexual contacts, a decrease in physical activity during the exacerbation of urethritis - the necessary conditions for rapid recovery.

Popular treatment of urethritis in women

Comprehensive treatment of urethritis medicines allows you to fully cure from an unpleasant disease. Independent treatment without the necessary reception of the course of antibiotics can lead to serious complications, and urethritis can become chronic. The treatment of urethritis in women at home should be directed only to the removal and weakening of the symptoms of the disease, to be used as an addition to the main integrated treatment.

  • Infusion of parsley: 1 tbsp. Parsushk leaves pour on 500 ml of cold water, let it be in a dark place. Apply infusion inside 3 tbsp. l. every two hours.
  • Herbal tea from currant leaves. 3 hours of raw materials pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist about 20 minutes as tea. Drinking herbal tea throughout the day.
  • Lime tincture. To quickly eliminate burning, cutting and itching. Take advantage of the tested adopter of the linden: 2 tbsp. l linden color pour 2 tbsp. Boiling water and put on fire. Drove the Lipa for about 10 minutes on slow fire, then cool and strain. Take a half-table of tincture before bedtime.

Prevention of urethrita of women

To protect yourself from a cunning disease, a woman needs to comply with the correct way of life and take prophylactically measures:

  1. With sexual intercourse, it is necessary to use barrier contraceptives to protect yourself from infection with venereal and infectious diseases. As a rule, a woman gets sick of urethriter after sexual proximity to an infected partner. In women, the infection is manifested much later than in men and quickly applies to all organs of the urogenital system.
  2. To reduce the number of pathogenic organisms after sexual intercourse, it is necessary to purlery - some of them will wash off urine.
  3. Be sure to comply with personal hygiene, which is the basis of women's health.
  4. We regularly attend the gynecologist, at the first corresponding symptoms when urine, immediately contact a specialist.
  5. Try to support the immunity by the reception of the course of polyvitamins, avoid stress, the supercooling of the body.

All women should remember that urethritis is easier to treat at the initial stage, so careful attitude towards its body and health will help avoid the basic factors of the disease that provoke the development of the disease.


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