
What is the sinecod, indications, contraindications are prescribed. Instructions for the use of sycoda. Is it possible to synecod for children and pregnant women? Analogs of the medicine Sinecod

What is the sinecod, indications, contraindications are prescribed. Instructions for the use of sycoda. Is it possible to synecod for children and pregnant women? Analogs of the medicine Sinecod
The competent use of the drug Sinecod will quickly and effectively alleviate the condition with dry unproductive coughing.

A cough is one of the unpleasant, but frequent satellites of a number of respiratory diseases. Depending on the type of cough (dry, humid), as well as the causes of its occurrence, the doctor prescribes one or another tool. An incorrectly selected drug may not only help, but also worsen the condition of a person as a whole. The prescription of drugs that inhibit the cough reflex should be carried out strictly on the recommendation of the doctor. Do not self -medicate, especially if it concerns children and future mothers.

Sinecod: Instructions for the use of the drug

The main task of the drug is to eliminate painful and unproductive cough by exposing its active components on a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe brain. The drug is the drug of direct (central) action. Sinekod will help get rid of coughing, not being a drug drug (neither chemically nor pharmacologically is an alkaloid of opium). Therefore, the medicine can be chosen as a means of prolonged therapy.

Sinecod: The composition of the medication

The main acting component of the drug is the buttohtamirate of citrate. Its concentration differs depending on the form of the release of the drug. So:

  • Sinecod in dragees contains 20 mg of the active component in each tablet.
  • 1 ml of the drug in the form of a syrup contains 1.5 mg of Butumerates.
  • 1 ml of the drug in the form of drops (also the liquid form of the drug) contains already 5 mg of active substance. This form of the Sinekod means can be prescribed for children from the age of 2 months.

In addition, the preparation (in the tablet form) includes auxiliary components, which include: lactose, talc, colloidal titanium dioxide, macrogol. A solution to syrup and drops is a solution of sorbitol, sodium sugar, glycerol, vanillin, ethanol, benzoic acid, sodium hydroxide, distilled water. Drops and syrup have an identical composition. The only difference is the concentration of the active component of the butitamirate of citrate.

Pharmacological properties and effects of the medicine Sinecod

After the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract (the drug is taken only orally), its active and quick absorption occurs. The highest concentration of Butumerate in the blood plasma is noted 1.5 hours after taking the drug. The medication has a pronounced:

  • Antitratus effect. The ability of the drug Sinecod to eliminate dry cough is based on blocking the cough center. At the same time, respiratory functions (respiratory center) are not depressed and preserved the same.
  • Bronch -expanding effect - as a result of stopping the spasm of small and medium bronchi, the lumen in the latter increases. The drug helps to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • The medicine normalizes the physiological work of the bronchial glands, due to which there is a moisturizing the inner surface of the bronchi with a secret. As a result - relief of breathing.
  • The saturation of blood with oxygen increases, the indicators of the spirometry are improved.
  • Sinekod also has a moderate anti -inflammatory effect (affects non -specific inflammation factors).

The components of the drug and their derivatives do not accumulate in the body, therefore, when taking the drug, the onset of the effect similar to the preceding administration of the medication should be expected.

The form of the release of the drug Sinecod

The drug is produced in three forms:

  • In the form of dragees. The tablets have red and rounded, flattened shape on both sides. Each blister contains 10 dragees. This is the optimal form of the Sinecod drug for adult use.
  • In the form of drops. The solution is colorless or slightly yellowish. Vanilin, which is part of the medication, gives the liquid a characteristic aroma of vanilla. The bottle with the drug can be 10 ml or 20 ml.
  • In the form of a syrup. Sinecod in this form is a transparent liquid with a vanilla aroma placed in a bottle of dark glass. Available in volumes of 100 ml and 200 ml.

Sinecod: dosage and method of using the drug

The dosage of any drug should be agreed with the attending physician, especially when it comes to children or pregnant women. Self -medication in such cases is categorically not allowed. In what cases and how to take a sinecod so that the medicine is the most effective? Regardless of the shape of the dosage, the sinecod is taken before meals. The tablets should be swallowed entirely (without warming up or chewing) and washed down with a small amount of water. According to the instructions for the drug, Sinecod can be prescribed in such quantities:

  • Sinecod tablets. This form of the drug is allowed by adults and children whose age has crossed the mark of 6 years. Adults and children over 15 years old can take 2 tablets 2 or 3 times a day. For children of the age category of 12-15 years, the dosage is lower and is 1 dragee three times a day. If a child is from 6 to 12 years old, a dosage of 1 tablet twice a day may be prescribed to him.
  • Sinecod drops. In the age interval of 2-12 months, a child can be assigned up to 10 drops 4 times a day. From a year to 3 years-60 drops per day, divided into 4 doses. After three years, the appointment of drops in the amount of 25 drops 4 times a day is allowed.
  • Sinecod syrup. At the age of 3 to 6 years, the dosage of the drug is 5 ml three times a day. In the range of 6 - 12 years, the medicine can be prescribed in the amount of 30 ml per day, divided into 3 doses. During treatment in adolescence (12 - 18 years), Sinecod can be prescribed 15 ml three times a day. The dosage of adults is 15 ml 4 times a day.

Such a form as drops and syrup of Sinecod for use for children is more convenient, although taking into account the dosage can be chosen in the treatment of adult patients.

Sinekod: analogues of the drug

The modern market for drugs is full of a variety of drugs for coughing a variety of orientation. Sinecod is designed to stop the cough reflex, as well as reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, thereby ensuring the broncholitic effect. The anti -inflammatory effect is also present, although less clearly expressed. The analysis drugs that have a similar effect include:

  • Stoptussin (a combination of antitussive, mucaltic and expectorant effect).
  • Influenzetron-broncho (antitussive).
  • Pulmo cough syrup (antitussive agent with bronchospasmolytic effects).
  • Panatus Forte (suppresses the cough reflex).
  • Libexin.
  • Omnitus.

Sinecod: Application and indications for therapy

An indication for the use of a drug is a painful unproductive cough of a variety of etiology. Including:

  • Exhausting cough with cough.
  • Dry cough accompanying diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Cough of smokers.
  • The tool can also be used to reduce the cough reflex during surgical interventions and conducting diagnostic measures (bronchoscopy).
  • Sinecod with laryngitis can also be prescribed if the patient is tormented by an obsessive and unproductive cough. The effect of the drug occurs directly on the center of the brain, which is responsible for the appearance of a cough reflex. At the same time, breathing is not inhibited, the effect on the intestinal motility is not.

Sinecod: Features of therapy with the drug

The duration of taking the drug should not exceed 7 days. Further use of the drug must be agreed with the doctor.

  • Simultaneous treatment with expectorants, fluxes and taking the drug Sinecod is not allowed. In the presence of sputum, it is necessary to stimulate its excretion from the body. The suppression of cough will lead to stagnation of mucus in the pulmonary system. As a result, the occurrence of severe complications, including secondary infection of the respiratory system up to the development of pneumonia. That is why Sinecod is not prescribed for wet coughing.
  • Sinecod for adults and children with diabetes can be prescribed in the form of drops or syrup, because In this case, the sweeteners are sorbitol and sugar.
  • The drug can cause drowsiness. This fact should be taken into account when managing various kinds of mechanisms (including by car), as well as the implementation of any work related to increased attention.

Contraindications to the use of Sinecod

Like any medicinal product, Sinekod has a number of restrictions on use. These include:

  • The first restriction on the drug Sinecod is children's age. Each form of the drug (drops, syrup or dragee) allows use from a certain age. An absolute contraindication is the age of the child up to 2 months.
  • Future mothers whose pregnancy is less than 12 weeks. The use of the drug is allowed with great caution only in the second and third trimesters of gestation.
  • It is undesirable to use the drug during breastfeeding.
  • Individual susceptibility to individual components of the drug.

Sinecod during pregnancy

Unfortunately, colds, and with them a painful cough, often attack women during the expectation of the little one. And then the question arises, is it possible to use a sinecod during pregnancy?

Sinecod: Safety of use during pregnancy

Clinical trials of the drug for pregnant women of animals did not show deviations in the development of cubs, so the drug Sinecod is considered a conditionally shealing agent for expectant mothers. However, this statement is valid only from the second trimester of the expectation of the peanut (i.e. after the 12th-14th week). Therefore, the use of the drug is allowed only after the ratio the expected benefit/possible harm to the pregnant woman and her baby. At the same time, a woman “in a position” should also take into account the fact that the main orientation of the drug is the relief of the symptoms, and not the elimination of their cause.

Sinecod: Hidden risks of therapy with the drug during pregnancy

Not only the acting substance itself, but also additional components of the drug can cause negative reactions from the woman. The latter include:

  • Allergic reactions of various manifestations.
  • Disruption of the digestive system.
  • Inhibition of reactions or on the contrary - overexcitation.

If the dosage or frequency of admission was violated (or incorrectly calculated) the following states may occur:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Dizziness, violations of equilibrium.
  • Reduction of blood pressure.
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Deterioration of the state of the pregnant woman, regardless of the gestation period, requires urgent treatment for medical help.



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