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Signs and symptoms of inflammation of tendons. Treatment of inflammation of tendons with medicines. How to treat inflammation of tendons by folk remedies at home

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of tendons. Treatment of inflammation of tendons with medicines. How to treat inflammation of tendons by folk remedies at home
The article is told how to treat inflammation of tendons with medical, as well as folk methods. Presented recipes.

Due to the tendons, the muscle tissue is fixed to the bones. Due to excessive physical exertion or due to the penetration of the tendons of infection, they can be inflamed. Inflammation of the tendons of the knee and other joints in medical terminology was called - tendinite. This disease cannot be ignored, it is necessary to treat it, because otherwise the inflammatory process can further spread to the joints and bone. About how to treat inflammation of tendons with medical and folk methods - let's tell later.

Causes of inflammation of tendons

Tendinitis is a disease of the tendons that flows in the form of inflammation. The name of this ailment is common to all tendons in the body. When diagnosing diagnoses, depending on the localization of the disease, the name of the tendon is attached to the general name, for example, Achilla tendinite. The inflammation of the tendon in the overwhelming number of cases ends with its rupture, reincarnation or first.

Before proceeding with the treatment of inflammation of tendons, let's understand with the reasons that can provoke the development of this ailment. So, inflammation of ligaments and tendons may occur for the following reasons:

  • If you often wear uncomfortable shoes or high-heeled shoes. In this case, the tendons of the foot, ankle and knee are most often traumatized.
  • If you are often playing sports, fitness. Note, sport is health, but everything should be in moderation. After all, too exhausting training can not be given positive, but, on the contrary, a negative result.
  • Tendinitis can develop as a concomitant disease with such ailments as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, tuberculosis.
  • The tendons can be inflated in people who during the working day are in the same position. Often, hairdressers, artists, office workers and others are trendy.

Inflammation of the tendons: symptoms

Success in the treatment of tendinite depends on the timely diagnosis. Symptoms in which you need to contact the orthopedist are as follows:

  • Permanent or periodic pain in the area of \u200b\u200btendons. It may be a good pain in rest, as well as sharp attacks after or during physical exertion.
  • Stiffness. With inflammation of the tendons, the mobility of the joints significantly decreases, a person cannot move normally without pain.
  • Immobilization of joints. Usually appears in the later stages of the disease.
  • The presence of traces of inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tendon. The skin can redden, increase its temperature, appear swelling.
  • The emergence of signs of joint deformation.
  • The presence of noise during the operation of the joint.
  • In the presence of such symptoms, the consultation of a specialist is obligatory.

Treatment of inflammation of tendons

Treatment of tendinite should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication can only lead to the deterioration of the patient's condition. The tactics of therapy depends on the complexity of inflammation and its localization. However, there are general recommendations that are used for any form of tendinite.

In this disease, the patient is prescribed:

  • Peace regime and the immobilization of the joint with inflamed tendon.
  • Local treatment with cold. This will help remove the swelling, pain.
  • The use of painkillers, both in common and local action.
  • Antibiotics treatment. Applies only in the presence of infections.
  • Corticosteroid treatment. Resort in extreme cases in the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures and medical gymnastics. These procedures accelerate recovery, reduce inflammation.
  • Shock-wave therapy.
  • Outohemotherapy.

Treatment of inflammation of tendon with the help of cortisone injections to the inflammation area is not carried out. Although it can have a short-term effect in the form of removal of swelling and inflammation, the effect of the drug may damage the tendon. It is also worth being careful when treating anti-inflammatory pills. For a visible effect, it is necessary to prescribe large doses of drugs that can harm health.

Inflammation of the tendon: folk treatment

Treatment of inflammation of achilla tendons

  • For the treatment of inflammation of the muscle tendons and arthrosis of small joints well helps warm sea salt, mixed with heated river sand. In this mixture, immerse my legs and hands, and keep until it cools.
  • You can prepare a mixture of essential oils - basilic, fir and lavender (everyone take 2 droplets). It rubs twice a day the affected areas of the body.
  • Thanks to anti-inflammatory properties, orange juice, like orange itself, helps relieve pain with tend you and arthritis, reduce stiffness of tendons, joints and muscles. According to scientific data, it is enough to drink 1 cup of orange juice a day in order to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

How to remove inflammation of the tendons of the foot, knee and hips

  • With the help of sea salt, you can treat the inflammation of the tendons of the ankle and foot, as well as osteochondrosis. To do this, you need to mix 0.8 kg of salt, 1.5 tbsp. Mustard, 1/3 cup of hot water. There is also a small amount of bran for uniform consistency. This mixture must be applied to the affected area, cover with a glued, top with a blanket and keep it so while it does not cool.
  • Stren with vinegar and glycerin is used to treat inflammation of the knee tendons. He is famous for his sharp odor, which literally can bring to tears. At the same time, volatile substances are distinguished, which, in fact, are vegetable antibiotics capable of killing harmful microbes. Due to the fact that the mixture includes glycerin, it is soft and smoothly to fall on the affected area. Slip this solution into the tendon zone in the evening, every other day.
  • With inflammation of the hip tendon, as well as the scholars in the joints and rheumatism, it helps rubbing with tincture of chronic roots. This mixture is usually done on alcohol, vodka.
  • In chronic inflammations, the tendons on the legs must be rubbed into the affected areas in the morning the mixture of 1 tsp. Olive oil and 2 droplets of geranium oil. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the load on the tendons, joints and on the spine. In addition, it is known that olives are useful in certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in particular, when gougraning, arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  • With inflammation of femoral tendons, essential oil made of nutmeg. It is produced by distillation of nutmegs with water vapor. It has a warming and relaxing effect. Oil improves blood circulation, it is capable of removing spasms and irritate the skin slightly. Due to the fact that it warms the tendon, joints and muscles well, this oil is widely used in massage oils and creams.
  • Inflammation of knee tendons can be cured with the following compress: 2 tsp. Vegetable oil, mix with 2-3 droplets of lavender oil and basil. We apply a solution on a gauze bandage. Apply to the affected areas of the body. This compress can be done twice a day. To improve the effect, before applying a gauze bandage, the mixture should be labeled directly into the patient of the foot.

Treatment of inflammation of tendon on hand

  • Of the fresh horseradish, they are preparing parires that are useful when tendting, rheumatism of joints and facial neuralgia. In the articular pains, the following compress will be useful: we skip the root root through the meat grinder, we rub an apple on a shallow grater, and mix the ingredients. This mixture applies to patients with body zones in the form of compress.
  • The inflammation of elbow tendons can be cured due to the following compress - mix 1 tbsp. Waters (20 degree temperatures), 1 tsp. Salt, 1 tsp. olive oil. We put the bandage on the sore plot, keep 15 minutes.
  • With the inflammation of the tendon of the finger, the following composition will be useful - 20 grams. dried herbs of the purse, 10 gr. Chamomile. The resulting blend of herbs is brewing in 1 cup of water. We put the bandage on the damaged area.
  • The inflammation of the tendons of the brush can be removed using this mixture - we take 1 tbsp. The calendula tincture, we wat a piece of bandage in it, and impose on a damaged area. If there is no calendula tincture, you can use the infusion of the socket.

  • For the treatment of inflammation of the tendon of the shoulder joint, the next people's method will suit. We take half the bulb onions, finely cut it, add 2 tsp. Sea salt. On both sides, this mixture wrap in gauze, and apply to the damaged area. It is worth remembering that the bow can cause an allergic reaction, so keep such a compress no more than 10 minutes per day.

Prevention of inflammation of tendons

Methods of prevention of illness:

  • During the working day, try to change the body position as often as possible.
  • Do not fond of excessive sports workouts.
  • Alternate physical exertion in a timely manner.
  • If they felt pain in the joint area, we carry a few days an elastic bandage. This will help to avoid further injuries of a damaged area.

Inflammation of tendons: photo


Inflammation of tendons: video


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