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Signs and symptoms of tendon inflammation. Treatment of tendon inflammation medicines. How to treat inflammation of tendons with folk remedies at home

Signs and symptoms of tendon inflammation. Treatment of tendon inflammation medicines. How to treat inflammation of tendons with folk remedies at home
The article tells how to treat inflammation of tendons with medical, as well as folk methods. Recipes are presented.

Thanks to the tendons, muscle tissue is fastened to bones. Due to excessive physical exertion or due to the penetration of infection tendons into the tissue, they may become inflamed. Inflammation of the tendons of the knee and other joints in medical terminology is called tendonitis. This disease cannot be ignored, it is necessarily treated, because otherwise the inflammatory process can spread further to the joints and bone. We will tell you about how to treat inflammation of the tendons with medical and folk methods.

The causes of inflammation of the tendons

Tendinite is a tendon disease that proceeds in the form of inflammation. The name of this ailment is common to all tendons in the body. When making a diagnosis, depending on the localization of the disease, the name of the tendon is attached to the general name, for example, Achilles tendonite. Inflammation of the tendon in the overwhelming number of cases ends with its gap, degeneration or murder.

Before moving on to the treatment of inflammation of the tendons, let's deal with the reasons that can provoke the development of this ailment. So, inflammation of the ligaments and tendons can occur for the following reasons:

  • If you often wear uncomfortable shoes or high -heeled shoes. In this case, the tendons of the foot, ankle and knee are most often injured.
  • If you often play sports, fitness. Keep in mind, sport is health, but everything should be in moderation. After all, too exhausting training can not be given positive, but, on the contrary, a negative result.
  • Tendinite can develop as a concomitant disease with ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, tuberculosis.
  • The tendons can become inflamed in people who are in the same position during the working day. Often tendonites are sick of hairdressers, artists, office workers, etc.

Inflammation of the tendons: symptoms

Success in the treatment of tendinitis depends on the timely diagnosis. Symptoms in which you need to consult an orthopedic:

  • Constant or periodic pain in the tendon. This can be aching pain at rest, as well as sharp attacks after or during physical exertion.
  • The stiffness of the movement. With inflammation of the tendons, the mobility of the joints falls significantly, a person cannot move normally without pain.
  • Immobilization of the joints. Usually appears in the late stages of the disease.
  • The presence of traces of inflammation in the tendon. The skin can turn red, its temperature rises, swelling occurs.
  • The appearance of signs of joint deformation.
  • The presence of noise during joint operation.
  • In the presence of such symptoms, a specialist consultation is required.

Treatment of tendon inflammation

Todinite treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist. Self -medication can only lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. The tactics of therapy depends on the complexity of inflammation and its localization. However, there are general recommendations that are used in any form of tendonitis.

With this disease, the patient is prescribed:

  • The rest mode and immobilization of the joint with inflamed tendon.
  • Local treatment with cold. This will help relieve swelling, pain.
  • The use of painkillers, both general and local action.
  • Antibiotic treatment. It is used only in the presence of infections.
  • Treatment with corticosteroid drugs. They resort in extreme cases with the inefficiency of conservative treatment.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises. These procedures accelerate recovery, reduce inflammation.
  • Shock-wave therapy.
  • Autohemotherapy.

Treatment of inflammation of the tendon with cortisone injections to the area of \u200b\u200binflammation is not carried out. Although this may have a short -term effect in the form of relief and inflammation, the effect of the drug can lead to damage to the tendon. It is also worth being careful in the treatment of anti -inflammatory tablets. For the visible effect, it is necessary to prescribe large doses of drugs that can harm health.

Tendon inflammation: folk treatment

Treatment of inflammation of Achilles tendons

  • To treat inflammation of the tendons of the muscles and arthrosis of the small joints, warm sea salt, mixed with heated river sand, helps well. We immerse our legs and arms into this mixture, and hold it until it cools down.
  • You can prepare a mixture of essential oils - basilic, fir and lavender (we take each 2 droplets each). It is rubbed twice a day with the affected areas of the body.
  • Thanks to the anti -inflammatory properties, orange juice, like the orange itself, helps relieve pain with tenditis and arthritis, reduce the stiffness of tendons, joints and muscles. According to scientific data, it is enough to drink 1 cup of orange juice per day in order to reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

How to remove inflammation of the tendons of the foot, knee and hips

  • With the help of sea salt, you can treat inflammation of the ankle and foot tendons, as well as osteochondrosis. To do this, mix 0.8 kg of salt, 1.5 tbsp. mustard, 1/3 glasses of hot water. A small amount of bran is added there for uniform consistency. This mixture must be applied to the affected area, covered with oilcloth, with a blanket on top and hold it so until it cools down.
  • Fuck with vinegar and glycerin is used to treat inflammation of the knee tendons. Fuck is known for its pungent smell, which can literally bring to tears. At the same time, volatile substances are released, which, in fact, are plant antibiotics that can kill harmful microbes. Due to the fact that the mixture includes glycerin, it gently and evenly lays down on the affected area. Rub such a solution into the tendon zone in the evening, every other day.
  • With inflammation of the hip tendon, as well as with a breakdown in the joints and rheumatism, rubbing with tincture of crushed horseradish roots helps. Such a mixture is usually made on alcohol, vodka.
  • In case of chronic inflammation of the tendon on the legs, it is necessary to rub the mixture of 1 tsp to the affected areas in the morning. olive oil and 2 drops of geranium oil. Thus, you can significantly reduce the load on the tendons, joints and the spine. In addition, it is known that olives are useful for some diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and in particular, with gout, arthritis and osteochondrosis.
  • With inflammation of the femoral tendons, nutmeg essential oil will help. It is produced by distillation of nutty nuts with water steam. It has a warming and relaxing effect. Oil improves blood circulation, can relieve cramps and slightly irritate the skin. Due to the fact that it warms up the tendons, joints and muscles well, this oil is widely used in massage oils and creams.
  • Inflammation of the knee tendons can be cured using the following compress: 2 tsp. vegetable oil, mix with 2-3 drops of lavender oil and basil. We apply the solution to the gauze bandage. We apply to the affected areas of the body. Such a compress can be done twice a day. To improve the effect, before applying a gauze bandage, the mixture should be rubbed directly into the sore area of \u200b\u200bthe leg.

Treatment of inflammation of the tendon on the arm

  • Generations that are useful for tendonitis, rheumatism of joints and front neuralgia are prepared from fresh horseradish. With articular pains, the following compress is useful: pass the cornephride of the horseradish through a meat grinder, rub an apple on a fine grater, and mix the ingredients. This mixture is applied to the sick body zones in the form of a compress.
  • Inflammation of the elbow tendons can be cured due to the next compress - mix 1 tbsp. water (temperature 20 degrees), 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp olive oil. We put the bandage on the sore area, hold for 15 minutes.
  • With inflammation of the tendon of the finger, the following composition will be useful - 20 g. Dried grass of the bag, 10 gr. Chamomile. The resulting mixture of herbs is brewed in 1 glass of water. We apply the bandage to the damaged area.
  • Inflammation of the tendons of the brush can be removed with the help of this mixture - we take 1 tbsp. Tinctures of calendula, moisten a piece of bandage in it, and apply to the damaged area. If there is no tincture of calendula, then you can use the tastric infusion.

  • For the treatment of inflammation of the tendon of the shoulder joint, the following popular method is suitable. We take a half onion onions, finely cut it, add 2 tsp. sea \u200b\u200bsalt. On both sides, we wrap this mixture in gauze, and apply to the damaged area. It is worth remembering that onions can cause an allergic reaction, so hold such a compress no more than 10 minutes per day.

Prevention of tendon inflammation

Methods for the prevention of the disease:

  • During the working day, try to change the position of the body as often as possible.
  • Do not get carried away with excessive sports training.
  • Timely alternate physical activity with mental.
  • If you feel the pain in the joint, wear an elastic bandage for several days. This will help to avoid further injuries of the damaged area.

Inflammation of the tendons: photo


Inflammation of the tendons: video



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