
Honey masks for leather and hair. Recipes of honey masks

Honey masks for leather and hair. Recipes of honey masks
Overview of the best honey hair masks, bodies and faces prepared at home.

All girls want to look good, but many believe that regular visits to beauty salons is expensive. And in time, and for money. In principle, it is, but it is still not necessary to neglect them, it is necessary to at least periodically resort to the services of at least a hairdresser and a beautician. In addition, you can prepare yourself masks for the face, body and hair and periodically apply them. In nature, there is a universal component from which all these masks can be prepared! It is inexpensive, and for sure it is already in the refrigerator in each of you. Speech, of course, goes about Honey! We present to your attention an overview of the best honey masks for the face, body and hair.

Honey masks. Interesting facts about honey

  1. Honey is, in fact, a partially digestible nectar bees collected by them from plants.
  2. In total, for the development of 50 g. Möday, the Pchele requires about 50,000 flowers.
  3. The word "honey" came to us from Israel, and it translates as "magic spells", which is not surprising at all.
  4. Honey was highly valued in the ancient world. So, without having no currency, in Egypt or Greece, it was possible to calmly pay honey!
  5. The expression "honeymoon" has roots in Norway, where newlyweds all their first month in marriage should have eaten honey and drink drinks from it.
  6. Honey is able to remove alcohol from the body. Torments hangover? Try to make a honey sandwich. And the taste of childhood will probably remind and help!

Honey face masks - recipes

Honey has many vitamins and trace elements in its composition, so that it has a wide range of exposure on the skin:

  1. Adjusting the water balance of the skin, which prevents its early aging.
  2. Due to the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, honey nourishes its useful substances.
  3. Treatment of acne rash, because Honey is known for its antiseptic properties.
  4. With regular use of honeymills, the face skin becomes elastic and taped, without giving signs of aging will.

This and much more explains why the Honey masks for the face at home are so popular today.

Honey face mask from wrinkles

Woman as many years old as she looks! And who of us does not want to look good? It is necessary to take egg squirrel and mix it with 1 tsp. Honey and 2 tbsp. Flour - Mask is ready! Apply a smooth layer on the face for 20 minutes. Excellent wrinkle prevention, because at 25-30 years old can be started to practice.

Honey acne face mask

Skin problems for the most part have teenagers during puberty. But doubly disappointly when you're an adult woman who took place, and suddenly on you! Thanks to the miraculous antiseptic properties, the honey mask is able to cope with unwanted acne and return the skin to be shine.

The combination of honey and lemon on the hearing of each of us, because they only save themselves in a rainy damp fall, in the midst of colds and influenza. It turns out that this couple is able to work wonders not only with our immunity! It perfectly cleans the skin, eliminating it from acne. The recipe for a honey mask for problem skin is extremely simple.

Lemon juice mix with honey in an equal proportion and the resulting mixture apply on the face to a quarter of an hour.

Medovo-egg mask for face

This mask is good at once on two signs. The first one is universal and will suit every girl. The second is probably opening the refrigerator, you will find there at least 1 chicken egg!

It is necessary to separate the yolk, add to it 1 tbsp. Money and vegetable oil, mix everything thoroughly. Such a mask can turn out to be sufficiently liquid consistency, therefore it is worth it to apply it with hands, as usual, but using a cotton disk. It is advisable to do it in two layers, but before applying the second, wait when the first will get dry. The regular application of the mask will add the skin of the face of elasticity and elasticity, and also apparently and adjusts the water balance.

Honey-lemon mask for skin lightening

If you dream to lighten your skin, get rid of pigment spots, and at the same time and moisten it, then such a mask is the perfect option. Simply, quickly, and most importantly, the ingredients probably have ingredients.

Lemon itself dries the skin, it is because it is impossible to wipe the face with his juice without adding anything: in our case, the second ingredient is honey.

Honey and lemon are mixed in equal proportions and are applied with a thin layer on the face for 20 minutes.


Honey Hair Masks - Recipes

Beautiful well-groomed long hair - the dream of every girl. Proper nutrition, regular visits to the hairdresser and home care - three components that guarantee and you become the owner of such luxury. We serve some interesting recipes for homemade honey hair masks.

Egg Honey Hair Mask

Perfectly suits the owners of dry and damaged hair. How again the Egg is coming out in the arena as auxiliary to the honey component. The recipe for a honey mask is extremely simple: on a water bath herald 2 tbsp. Honey. But follow the temperature: you can not allow overheating to avoid the loss of valuable vitamins and minerals. To the honey, add 1 egg and 2 tbsp. Olive oil (another ingredient, which is actively used in cosmetology). Mix the mixture and apply on the hair for an hour under the towel. For a consistent effect, try to protect your hair from the destructive effect of the hair dryer, fluff and ultraviolet. If the hair is dry, then they are unhealthy, this is a signal that in the body some kind of failure! Do not exacerbate the situation with new-fashioned laying.

Mask for hair from honey and oil

If the hair is deprived of the shine, then they may or do not like your shampoo, or lack vitamins. A comprehensive approach is important here to achieve the desired result! The mask in addition to everything will give an excellent effect. It would be more, because in addition to honey, it uses a ray or olive oil in it, and they have long established themselves as wonderful hair care products. Take the above ingredients in an equal proportion, put on a water bath, mix thoroughly! That's the whole recipe! Mask apply along the entire length of the hair and carefully wrapped with a towel.

Hair mask from honey, brandy and eggs

Excellent composition, if you want to grow as soon as shiny and healthy hair. Surely your husband has a reserve of brandy, and it is unlikely to be offended if you borrow with him literally a teaspoon!

Whipping the yolk and transform it from 2 tbsp. Honey and 1 tsp. Cognac, apply along the entire length of the hair and leave for half an hour. For a consulting effect, you can make an easy head massage.

Hair mask from honey and cinnamon

Again, the mask will suit those who want to strengthen their hair and repel them in a record short time. And what fragrant it will be, just imagine! Take 1 tbsp. Cinnamon and mix it with 2 tbsp. Vegetable or cosmetic oil, then minutes 15 hold onto the water bath: so cinnamon will transmit its nutrients with oil. The mixture is then cooled and 1 tbsp is diluted. Liquid honey and thoroughly mixed up to a homogeneous consistency. Again, you need to apply a mask along the entire length of the hair, paying attention to the skin of the head. After an hour, washed off with warm water.

Honey mask with hair oils

For nutrition, recovery and hair growth, this option is perfectly suitable: take a honey, pumpkin and almond oil in the water bath in a proportion of 3: 1: 1. Mix everything thoroughly and apply over the entire length of the hair, not forgetting about the skin of the head. The mask can be left for 2 hours.


Honey body masks

Our body sometimes needs not less cosmetic care than face. Honey normalizes the water balance, nourishes the skin, smoothes it, and among other things, honey - hardly the main enemy hated cellulite! Honey home cooking masks are an excellent way out for those who dream of an ideal figure.

Honey massage

Almost the most popular cosmetology procedure at home! With regular use, such a mask, the skin will be smoothed, cellulite will leave, and with it unwanted volumes. And if this procedure is combined with proper nutrition and regular sports, then your figure will become the one that you could not dream about! For masks need only honey, and natural. If you wish, you can add 1-2 droplets of grapefruit essential oil. So, honey is applied to a smooth layer on problem areas - legs, buttocks, sides, belly. Then the hand is tightly pressed against the sophisticated mead of the site and leaves sharply. And the whole problem area is so massaged. It is unpleasant, sometimes even painful, but the result will not make himself wait! Do the procedure for 5-15 minutes every other day. 10 sessions are just enough.

If you have varicose veins, problems with vessels and a low pain threshold, then such a procedure does not fit you! After the massage, there may be bruises, so in the summer it is better not to resort to honey massage.

Body mask from honey and eggs

And again they come to the scene! With the help of a mask, you will get the tone of the buttocks. Ingredients Mix in equal proportion and apply the resulting mixture on the hips and buttocks by a quarter of an hour.

Body mask from honey, pepper and nutmeg

Extreme mask for fans of acute sensations, which will not stop before going to achieve the goal. But if you have sensitive skin or a tendency to allergies, this option will not suit you. So, it is necessary to mix ground nutmeg, burning red pepper and fresh lime honey in equal proportions. Mix in problem places and leave for 15 minutes. If the feeling of burning is unbearable, rather wash off! Mask perfectly accelerates blood, forcing fat cells to be removed from the spaced places and eliminating cellulite.

Honey masks: reviews

"Honey around the head" - approximately this conclusion can be done by studying the reviews on the Internet about honey masks. Simplicity, accessibility and efficiency take this ingredient to the top ten most popular, which are used by girls around the world.

The most important thing is the regularity of application. For example, if there are wrinkles on the face, then one procedure will not remove them. It is necessary at least 5, and even better 10. But not for the year, but, let's say, for 2-4 weeks.

If you want to lose weight by resorting to honey masks, you should not consider it as a panacea! Yes, skin tone will improve, the line of the figure will become more clear. But if you, at the same time, there are boards sitting on the sofa, you can not even dream of weight loss. Sport and proper nutrition - the key to weight loss, and massage and wraps should be considered only as an auxiliary procedure!

Honey hair masks also received approval on the Internet, but not all ingredients are suitable for girls. It has already depends on the type of hair, so try, experiment!


Let's summarize

Honey masks have a rather simple, which includes no more than three ingredients, for the most hostess available in the kitchen. This is a certain plus, because it is not necessary to run to the store and look for one or another often an expensive product.

We studied. How to cook a honey mask at home for certain purposes. But do not forget that honey is a strong allergen, therefore, before the first application, apply a small amount of its flexion to be sure to make sure of allergies. It is easier to use it heated in a water bath, but no more than 50 degrees in order to avoid loss of its useful properties.

So, with the goal and the well-organized routine of the day to be beautiful in the modern world quickly, simple and inexpensive! Try and share your impressions!

Video " Honey mask for dry skin skin "


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