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Bisha's fat lumps - removal of bisha lumps, photo before and after

Bisha's fat lumps - removal of bisha lumps, photo before and after
With fashion for a clear oval of the face and thin cheekbones, the operation of the resection of the lumps of Bisha has gained great popularity. We will talk about how to Uzbek from the lumps of Bisha.

Bisha fatty bodies are clusters of fat lumps located in the lower part of the cheek, under the cheekbones, between the mucous membrane and skin. They were named after the outstanding French physiologist who first described their properties. Visually, Bisha lumps create an additional volume in the cheek area. Therefore, in the mid-2000s, when the fashion came on a clear line of cheekbones, the operation to remove fat lumps became almost the most popular in plastic surgery. Hollywood stars massively began to make a resection of Bisha lumps in pursuit of beautiful cheekbones, and, after them, ordinary girls, including in Russia, went to the plastic surgeon.

The function of the bisha lumps


  • In infant age, Bisha's fat lumps facilitate the process of sucking milk.
  • In the first years of life, they also ensure the normal functioning of the chewing muscles.
  • Fat clusters on the cheek protect the jaw from injuries.

Bisha lumps are mainly needed only in childhood. And it is in childhood that they are most noticeable on a small face - therefore, all children have chubby cheeks. Over time, the face grows, and the size of fat clusters remains almost unchanged. In the adulthood, lumps of Bisha, in fact, do not carry any function. If you are recovering or, conversely, you lose weight sharply, it will also not affect your cheekbone - lumps of Bish - quite dense fat compounds, which the total body weight practically does not affect. With age, lumps of Bisha can fall, making the lower half of the face saggy, in adulthood they form nasolabial folds and deep wrinkles in the lower jaw.

Photos of celebrities before and after resection of Bisha lumps

Many Hollywood stars went for such an operation - their faces became visually thinner, and the cheekbone line was clearer.

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Operation to remove bisha lumps

The resection of the bisha lumps is a full -fledged operation that usually takes place under general anesthesia. There are two options for its implementation:

  • An incision is made up to 2 cm along the mucosa, from the inside of the cheek. The muscles of the cheeks are exfoliated from the shell of the lump, the accumulations of adipose tissue enclosed in the capsules are pulled out and cut out. In some clinics, this procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, the operation takes about 20-30 minutes. Patients with an unstable psyche are recommended for general anesthesia.
  • If the resection of the bisha lumps is carried out as an additional procedure for other plastic surgery on the face, the incision is made from the outside of the face, which facilitates access to fat forms and their removal.

Sometimes, instead of removing the bisha lumps, they are moved beyond the zygomatic bones - this allows you to add additional volume to the cheeks on top.

The resection should only be carried out by an experienced surgeon. Otherwise, there is a risk that the shell of the capsule with adipose tissue will be damaged and part of the adipose formations will remain not remote. This can lead to noticeable facial asymmetry or even inflammatory processes - if part of the adipose tissue is cut off, but not extracted.

Speaking of a well -performed operation, there is almost no complications. However, harm to the body from general anesthesia is quite serious.

After surgery, patients quickly return to the normal rhythm of life. Healing occurs within 3-7 days, pain in the cheeks and swelling can bother up to two weeks. Within a month after the operation, doctors recommend not straining the front muscles, eat liquid food and sleep on the back on a high pillow.

Fat lumps of Bisha. Contraindications to the operation

  • Reduced immunity.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Acute respiratory infections.
  • Inflammatory processes in the face, neck, in the larynx, in the oral cavity.
  • Caries, periodontitis - they can also lead to poor healing, the development of inflammatory processes in the section, suppuration, etc.
  • Poor blood coagulation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract: anesthesia during surgery, as well as a course of antibiotics and anesthetic after extremely negatively affect the digestive system.
  • Significant thinness or excess fullness, unstable weight.
  • Age up to 25 years - to this age, the visual effect of the swelling of the cheeks from the presence of bisha lumps can come to naught.

Fat lumps of Bisha. Indications for the operation

  • Round shape of the face.
  • Excessive fat deposits in the lower part of the face.
  • Age -related facial changes: sagging cheeks, leather folds and wrinkles in the lower part of the face.
  • Other plastic surgery: liposuction of the chin, skin tightening, the introduction of zygomatic implants. To enhance the cosmetic effect, such operations are often accompanied by the resection of Bish fatty lumps.

Fat lumps of Bisha. The opinion of specialists

Often the opinions of experts regarding the consequences of removing the bisha lumps are quite contradictory. Surgeons notice that the operation does not always lead to the expected strong cosmetic effect. Bisha's fat lumps, in fact, are very insignificant in volume. If the patient has a complete full person, the result may be almost absent. And, although on a worse face the effect will be unchanged for life, with an unbalanced diet and weight in weight, rounded features can return again - due to other fat compounds. And in old age, with a decrease in subcutaneous fat, a face with remote lumps of Bisha can look too thin and give age.

Often plastic surgeons offer this operation only in addition to others. And slightly remove the swelling of the cheeks with the help of proper nutrition, physical exercises and competent makeup.

How to remove Bisha's fat lumps. Exercises for cheeks

  1. With a closed mouth and tightly closed lips, make circular movements with a tongue on the front of the teeth - ten in each direction. Repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Rejoice your head, press the lower lip tightly to your lower teeth, open your lips, as if you pronounced the letter “o”. Slowly move the lower jaw forward and up. Fix it in this position until you feel muscle pain.
  3. With a pressed lip to the lower teeth, move the jaw to the right and left.
  4. Press the muscles of the cheeks to the cheekbones as tightly as possible, stretch your lips and make them circular movements - in one and in the other side alternately.
  5. The tongue twisters and diction exercises also fruitfully affect the development of the muscles of the cheeks.

Remember that regularity is important in exercises, and the effect of them will not be noticeable immediately. However, this is the simplest, healthy and painless way to get beautiful cheekbones.

Remove the fat lumps of Bisha. Correct makeup emphasizing the cheekbones


  1. First, apply the base under the makeup and take a wide brush with slightly beveled edges and powder, darker for one tone.
  2. Apply powder under the line of cheekbones. This is done in one movement, from the temple to the middle of the face. To do this as clearly as possible, try to pull the cheeks.
  3. Bred the edges of the line with a sponge to achieve a natural effect.
  4. Apply a dark tone to the line of the oval of the face and blend.
  5. You can apply blush or bronzer to the convex parts of the cheekbones.
  6. To achieve contrast, you need to put the strokes of the pale tone on the area above the cheekbones, the area of \u200b\u200bthe chin and the area between the line of the cheekbones and the line of the oval of the face.

Fat lumps of Bisha. Pros and cons of plastic surgery


  • On the thin face, the operation with a high degree of probability will give the desired effect.
  • This will improve the cheekbone line quickly and effortlessly.
  • The operation is relatively simple and rarely leads to serious cosmetic defects.
  • The operation is relatively inexpensive. The average price in Moscow is 25-30 thousand.


  • Any extra intervention in the body: anesthesia, antibiotics and painkillers cause certain harm to health.
  • After the operation, discomfort will last for some time.
  • No one can predict how the face with the resection of the bisha lumps in old age or when gaining weight will behave.
  • Plastic surgery is planted. A large percentage of those who have performed one operation continue to be improved by surgical methods all their lives.

Review of bisha lumps in the video



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