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Shugaring at home

Shugaring at home
How to make epilation of sugar paste yourself.

Eastern women to care for their appearance traditionally use the oldest removal method - using special sugar paste, the recipes of which are transmitted from generation to generation. It is worth noting that the methodology used has not changed since then and is still the same in applying thickened and warm composition based on sugar on the skin. This mass is caramelized and in a frozen state is removed from the skin along with the hairs. Such a simple and fairly effective procedure for hair removal is currently known as “shugaring” (from the English. Shugar - sugar).

The advantages of shugaring

In modern conditions, you can make hair removal in various ways, in salons or at home. The modern beauty industry includes in its arsenal a significant number of various methods and means for removing hair. As a rule, this cosmetic procedure must be carried out regularly, so it is necessary to choose the most suitable way of hair removal, taking into account the characteristics of the skin and hair, as well as the individual susceptibility of the body to such methods of exposure. Pretition with the help of depilation creams or wax is not always quite effective, in addition, these agents can often cause irritation on the skin and the appearance of ingrown hairs.


It is quite possible to avoid such inconvenience by applying shugaring hair removal to remove unwanted vegetation on the body - in the cabin or at home.

In this way, it is quite possible to get smooth and silky skin without a single hair. For hair removal, you can apply the finished shugaring paste - or cook it at home yourself.

Among the advantages of shugaring at home, it is worth noting:

  • the low trauma of this procedure is, unlike waxing, shugaring removes hairs, without taking with it the skin particles. Thus, after the session, you should not be afraid of the appearance of inflammation and redness of the skin, as well as damage to tissues and blood vessels. In addition, sugar shugaring is a less painful procedure, since it is less grasped with the skin;
  • the ability to remove the shortest overgrown hairs (from a length of 2 mm). Moreover, due to the features of the consistency of the composition, removal occurs in the direction of their growth, therefore, after the procedure, the skin inflammation and the ingrown hairs are practically absent;
  • the long -term effect of exposure (about three weeks) - the caramelized composition rigidly captures the hair and removes it along with the bulbs;
  • the natural composition of the acting mixture - in sugar sugar sugar, there are no harmful chemical dyes, fragrances and preservatives. It consists completely of natural components and is hypoallergenic, therefore it is suitable, including for particularly sensitive skin;
  • the simplicity of this procedure - sugar paste is more convenient to operate compared to wax, in addition, it does not stain clothes and floor, it is easily washed off the skin and dishes;
  • economicity - for shugaring, you can get by with small costs. The components of the mixture are inexpensive and quite affordable, they can get hold of them in the nearest store. Tentatively, one kilogram of sugar is enough to conduct procedures for several months (up to six months).

Before and after shugaring - photo:

How to conduct shugaring at home

If you set out the goal for the first time to try the shugaring effect or want to repeat the salon procedure for hair removal yourself, for starters it is recommended to prepare a small portion of the acting mixture using recipes for shugaring at home. To carry out this procedure, it will be necessary to master the technology for making sugar paste of the desired consistency. Having mastered the basic recipes, you can further determine for yourself a suitable technology for preparing the mixture and develop a convenient epilation technique. With the help of shugaring at home, you can independently process various zones of the body - remove excessive vegetation on the legs and arms, as well as on the face, epilate the armpits and the deep bikini zone.

Shugaring at home - useful tips

To obtain the optimal result of this type of hair removal, some useful tips should be taken into account:

  • a couple of days before the shugaring procedure at home, use a soft scrub to exfoliate the keratinized layer of the skin;
  • a day before hair removal, it is advisable to abandon the use of creams in the zones of hair removal;
  • to reduce the possible painful sensations from hair removal, take a hot bath immediately before shugaring at home. Steamed skin much easier to tolerates the removal procedure;
  • it is recommended to apply a lotion or tonic for degreasing to cleansed skin;
  • epilation must be carried out on completely dry skin - to remove moisture residues, you can use the talcum.

Shugaring at home: Paste preparation

The method of hair removal by shugaring is based on the effect of caramelization of sugar paste. Thus, to conduct shugaring at home, you will need to cook a kind of sugar syrup. It includes only three ingredients - sugar, lemon juice, as well as ordinary water. A paste for shugaring with citric acid acts similarly to paste with lemon juice, and is suitable for skin with increased sensitivity.

According to numerous reviews, not everyone can get the composition the first time to perform the epilation of the desired viscosity. The paste prepared in compliance with the proportions according to the Shugaring recipe freezes immediately after applying to the skin, and it is easy to remove it along with hairs. If sugar sugar is not welded enough, the mixture will not give the desired effect of hair removal, since it will be too liquid, flowing from the body. In this case, it can well be harnessed. And vice versa, if you overexpose the composition on the fire, sugar syrup is caramelized and is excessively thickened to the state unsuitable for the procedure. Having stuck in time to remove the suitable mixture from the fire, you will receive a remedy with optimal consistency. If you want to prepare a large number of pasta for several hair removal procedures at once, it is worth considering that from frequent heating it can change the consistency and come into unsuitability - therefore, after preparation, it is worth packing it in several separate containers for one -time use.

Try to apply the next recipe for sugar paste for home shugaring.

Pour 8 tablespoons of granulated sugar into a small saucepan, add 3 tablespoons of water, stir to a gruel -shaped state and warm up on the minimum heat, constantly mixing thoroughly. As the sugar mass dissolves, the liquid consistency and transparency will gradually acquire. After boiling, sugar syrup will begin to be caramelized, highlighting a characteristic sweetish smell and acquiring an increasingly saturated yellowish-golden hue that resembles the color of honey. From the start of cooking to the appearance of signs of condensation, it will be necessary to wait about five minutes. Do not forget to stir the syrup.


It is worthwhile to carefully monitor the process of preparing the mixture, literally without leaving it a single step, so as not to miss the moment of readiness, otherwise the syrup can digest, darken and get drunk in a matter of minutes. Its cooking time depends on many factors-the cooking temperature, the thickness of the walls of the pan, etc., in general, the duration of the temperature exposure will be about 10-15 minutes.

The readiness of sugar for shugaring can be determined as follows-after the appearance of a light pencil shade that resembles light beer in color, dip a spoon into a mass heated on fire and drip into a pre-prepared glass with cold water. An insufficiently thick syrup in the water will “bloom” - in this case, it will be necessary to boil a little more sugar. The finished syrup forms a drop of a distinct shape in water - when this result is achieved, add 3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the syrup, stir the paste and remove the pan from the fire. Next, you will need to wait a couple of hours (about so much time is needed before the mass cools until the temperature is acceptable for hair removal). It will be necessary to show some patience to avoid burns, since caramelized syrup cools down for a sufficiently long time. At the same time, he will “reach” a little more to the consistency to be removable, thickening and gaining viscosity.

For owners of sensitive skin, in order to avoid irritation during hair removal, it is recommended to use a softer version of the shugaring composition - with citric acid (in the above recipe you will need to add it in the amount of two tablespoons instead of lemon juice).

Shugaring at home: Stages of procedure

Sugar hair removal is quite realistic at home, you will need a little free time to conduct shugaring.

To remove hair, sugar paste cooled to body temperature is suitable. If necessary, it can be slightly heated in a microwave or on the stove to a comfortable warm state.

The procedure can be done in different variations using a bandage or manual technique for applying the acting composition for shugaring. In the first case, it is necessary to pre -prepare strips of cotton fabric or thick paper, with which you need to remove the frozen paste along with the hairs from the body. In the second case, the caramelized mass is removed directly by hand.

In addition, a slightly different shugaring technique at home is also common, for which you will need to prepare a mixture of a more viscous consistency. In this case, hair removal is carried out using balls of the acting mixture the size of a walnut. A piece of pasta is kneaded and applied, spreading with force on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, then remove the frozen layer with a sharp movement along with hairs.


It is important to note that the hands should be completely dry while working with sugar - for this you can pre -sprinkle them with talcum.  In addition, hair removal can be carried out in elastic disposable gloves.

Prepare a suitable spatula (paper or plastic sticks, as well as a dumb table knife), gel after depilation, paper towels, talcs are suitable for applying the mixture.

Stages of hair removal at home:

  • sitting conveniently, on a completely dry, previously cleansed and low -powered skin, apply sugar paste with a spatula - in the direction against hair growth. To do this, you need to do actions like those that you usually perform by spreading oil on bread;
  • next, cover the treated area with a strip of fabric and press it, and then remove it with a clear sharp movement - in the direction of hair growth;
  • to reduce unpleasant sensations and calm the skin, after the procedure done to the processed area, apply the gel after depilation.

A few hours after hair removal, Shugaring at home soften, red dots and small redness in the area of \u200b\u200bhair removal will completely disappear.

Shugaring at home: Bikini Zone


Some women very painfully tolerate the shugaring of the bikini zone, since the skin in this area is delicate and is particularly sensitive.
Minimize unpleasant sensations when removing hair can be as follows:

  • plan for conducting an epilation procedure for the afternoon - according to statistics, from 12 to 16 hours, people are less susceptible to pain;
  • immediately before making shugaring, wipe the processed area with an ice cube;
  • in the presence of a low pain threshold, 30-40 minutes before the start of the shugaring of deep bikini, you can take painkillers-for example, ketonal or pentalgin.

It should be borne in mind that the optimal hair length for shugaring is 4-5 mm, the hairs can be slightly longer on the legs. The exception is undesirable vegetation on the face, which, as a rule, is much thinner and shorter.

Regardless of the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe body, the success of shugaring at home will be largely determined by the clarity of compliance with the methodology of working with sugar paste. It should be remembered that the acting mixture is applied against the direction of hair growth, it is necessary to remove it strictly in the direction of their growth.

Shugaring hair removal - photo

SUGARING: Epilation with Liquat Sugar at Legs.

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Shugaring at home - video



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