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How to choose a washing machine

How to choose a washing machine
Tips on how to choose a washing machine. Reviews, advantages and disadvantages of popular manufacturers.

Modern life without a washing machine cannot be imagined. And, of course, most housewives already have it. But, unfortunately, such a technique refers to the list relatively short -lived, so you need to know how to choose it and what characteristics to give preference. We will discuss this in detail today.

How to choose a washing machine: what you need to pay attention to

It is no secret that with the modern variety of brands and the development of technology, almost every separate washing machine will differ in its certain characteristics and functions. Therefore, in order for the selected product to deserve the title “Best Washing Machine”, you first need to understand all possible nuances and subtleties.

How to choose a washing machine: dimensions and volumes


First of all, you need to think about the dimensions of your future washing machine. After all, no matter how functions she possesses, and no matter how much you did not like it, and if she does not fit into the bathroom or another place intended for her, there will be little sense from her.

Fortunately, modern manufacturers offer a lot of various options that will be even in a scanty living room, which is so common in the capital, for example.

The main characteristic that you need to pay attention to is the volume of things that the machine can wash at a time.

Here is a small list aimed at helping to understand what volumes are suitable for different people and whole families:

  1. The volume of up to 3 kg of linen will arrange both one person and a small family in which 2 adults live and 1 child.
  2. A drum that contains up to 5 kg of linen is characteristic of a machine that will fit a family of 4-5 people.
  3. There are also drums with maximum loading up to 7 kg. Such machines are suitable for large families in which 7 or more people live.

How to choose a washing machine: a drum of a washing machine

The drum is another element that requires attention when choosing a suitable washing machine. You should definitely know what material it is made of. Often they come in two types:

  • from plastic;
  • from stainless steel.

It is very interesting that in most cases when such a question is put on consideration, it is initially not completely true. The fact is that the drum itself is often made of steel. But it is in a special sealed tank, the material of which is a very important point.

Previously, tanks were made exclusively from steel, or from enameled metal. The steel does not rust by default, and the metal covered with enamel rusts, but the corrosion process itself prevents the coating itself.


Today, tanks began to be made of plastic. Interestingly, many manufacturers are trying to patent their tanks, inventing the names of plastic. For example, this is:

  • Polynons;
  • Carborer;
  • Polyplex.

So the question of what to choose.

Unlike stainless steel and enamel, plastic has less heat transfer. Therefore, we can conclude that if you want to save on electricity, it is better to choose a machine with a plastic tank, because in this case the loss of heat will be smaller.

The next, very important point is the noise produced by a machine with one or another type of tank. If we talk about the pressing mode, then the difference is almost invisible, because each of the tanks will have almost the same indicators.

But looking at the noise indicators during ordinary washing, again the plastic tank leads.

As for the indicators of strength, here, quite obviously, the steel tank leads. Obviously, it is the machine with a steel tank that will last you longer, but this, perhaps, is the main characteristic that interests most women who plan to buy a washing machine.

How to choose a washing machine: technical indicators

Often the technical characteristics of washing machines are indicated by Latin letters. If we talk about the washing class, then here the characteristics are as follows:

  • And B - high quality washing with careful attitude to fabrics;
  • C, D, E - average quality;
  • F, G is the lowest quality.

In the same way, the characteristics of the pressing of the machine often indicate. And by the way, it is precisely to them that you need to pay attention to, and not to the maximum number of revolutions during spin. The number of revolutions is good, but it is the letter class that can give you an answer to the question of how wet things will be after spin.

Classes of energy consumption of washing machines are marked in the same way. Choosing a class A or or technique for yourself, you can save well on electricity.

If you delve into the number of revolutions when spinning you need to buy cars, then the choice is ambiguous.


Although, according to many experts, the most suitable speed speed ranges between 600 and 800 turns per minute. Most of the materials from which things are made will be perfectly squeezed at such speed. Unless you still have to dry jeans. For such clothes, an indicator of 1 thousand revolutions per minute will be ideal. This is a landmark, go to him when choosing.

How to choose a washing machine: yalism for washing programs

After analyzing the technical characteristics, you can proceed to the functionality and programs that you need. Many people believe that the more programs the washing machine has, the better the quality of its washing. This is an erroneous opinion. Today, there are models in which the number of different modes and functions is simply running in. And it should be noted that this is not very convenient, since the average user begins to get lost and confused.


This explains why the best models have 3-5 different programs and are not worried about their larger number. The main thing is to have the following presents for washing:

  1. Silk.
  2. Wool.
  3. Flax.
  4. Cotton.
  5. Synthetics.

How to choose a washing machine: drying function

Some machines have a built -in linen drying function. This, of course, is convenient, but there is a spoonful of tar in such convenience. There are several disadvantages that can dissuade you from acquiring a machine with drying:

  1. High cost.
  2. The impossibility of drying all things, provided that the drum is completely loaded.
  3. Increased wear of linen with periodic drying in the machine.

Therefore, you should think several times before buying a machine with such a function.


How to choose a washing machine: protection system

In the end, a very important point is the presence of a variety of protection systems in purchased products. To choose a quality product, pay attention to the following few points:

  1. Tight buttons (protection against random presses).
  2. Turning on, as well as shutdown when clamping a button (protection against children).
  3. High thermal insulation (protection against burns).
  4. Correct and good grounding.
  5. Luke blocking during washing.
  6. A special latch for control and changes in temperature conditions.

How to choose a washing machine: loading a washing machine

It is no secret that there are different types of machines that are classified by the type of loading. It is necessary to pay a little attention to them by dismantling the main advantages and disadvantages of each of those.

How to choose a washing machine: vertical washing machine

First of all, such a machine differs in its small dimensions. After all, often, such washing machines are narrow, which allows you to install them even in scanty bathrooms. Dimensions can be as follows:

  • 60 centimeters - width;
  • 85 centimeters - height;
  • 30-60 centimeters-depth.

In addition, the plus of vertical loading machines is that their drum is attached to both sides, which makes them less demanding on centering and leveling in level.

Vertical load

The main advantage, of course, is a great compactness. In addition, such a machine allows you to easily load and get linen almost without leaning at the same time. But, in fairness, it should be noted the disadvantages of such washing machines:

  1. Many of them do not have so many functions that are characteristic of ordinary machines with horizontal loading.
  2. Some vertical washing machines do not have squeezing linen.
  3. Most of these machines do not look as attractive as their horizontal analogues.
  4. The upper part of the machine is unsuitable for use as a small table.

How to choose a washing machine: a washing machine machine with horizontal loading

To begin with, we note the advantages of such more popular, washing devices:

  1. Great stability.
  2. The presence of a window, that is, and the ability to observe the washing process.
  3. More acceptable prices for front -line washing machines.
  4. Many different wash modes.
  5. The presence of spin modes.
  6. More electronic filling.

As for the shortcomings, here they are:

  1. Somewhat big dimensions.
  2. The need for the correct installation of the machine, in compliance with the level and centering.

Front loading

Washing machines: reviews

If you believe the reviews of housewives who most often work with washing machines, then a more popular type of machine is like devices with front loading. But, in fairness, it should be noted that the difference is not too great. It can be described approximately as 60 by 40, if we talk about the percentage ratio.

Someone likes to load linen almost without leaning, but to someone to watch the washing process in the hatch. Someone prefers minimalism and saving a place, and someone has a spacious house in which any, even a large machine, will not take up much space.

In general, the choice is yours. The main thing is that we brought you facts and examined all kinds of nuances.


Which washing machine to choose

Everyone knows that today in household appliances stores, the choice of cars is simply colossal. All of them are full of unique design, their interesting functions and names of many brands. We will try to figure out who and what is the same, as they say.

Which washing machine to choose: Washing machine Zanussi

Such machines have no special complaints from consumers. Often their exit from the working system is the reason for the use of poor -quality water, or interruptions with power supply. Other reasons for the cessation of the operation of the washing machines are not so often found.

Devices have a special function called "ALC". It serves to control the water level and thanks to it, the quality of washing improves significantly, despite the fact that the consumption of water and electricity decreases.

In addition, the machines of this company are equipped with a special rinsing system, due to which the ability to mix clean and used water is excluded. This allows each subsequent rinse cycle to carry out the linen with crystal clean water.

Also, many women speak about Zanussi washing machines as those that are able to withdraw very serious spots. This is true, because such units use a special bio-phase.

Zanussi machines do not differ in a huge range of modes, which is often and characteristic of reliable, high -quality manufacturers who do not chase for overly large number of unnecessary functions.

Which washing machine to choose: machine electrolyux

The advantages of such machines can be described by a small and completely understandable list that does not require unnecessary clarifications:

  1. Electronic type leak protection.
  2. Frontier from unexpected electrical overloads and voltage jumps.
  3. A special drum that provides the most accurate washing.
  4. Convenient, with its simplicity, a tray for powders and detergents.
  5. The presence of the functioning function of steam and drying of linen.
  6. Time Manager, which allows you to set the time required for washing.


Which washing machine to choose: Candy washing machine

Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of Italian Candy machines.

First - advantages:

  • Candy machines often have quite a lot of useful functions, such as soaking linen, as well as its drying. Sometimes the number of programs preinstalled by the manufacturer can exceed two dozen.
  • Almost silent work. Most cars from the modern model of Candy have a very quiet job.
  • Low energy consumption, as well as water.
  • A very extensive model range, capable of satisfying even very picky buyers. After all, looking at least at the washing machines photos, you will understand that at least with the design, you will not have problems.


  • Candy machines are very sensitive to voltage drops. Even a small jump contributes to turning off, and sometimes even more serious consequences.
  • Not too much strength of external elements of the unit, such as covers, hatches and other parts.
  • Unreliable electronic block. Quite often, it is he who causes a breakdown of Candy machines.


Which washing machine to choose: machine indesit


  • The widest price range that allows you to fit into pre -established material framework for your costs.
  • Large lineup.
  • A fairly large number of functional programs.
  • Innovative technologies that allow you to achieve quite low energy consumption.


  • In most models of Indesit machines, a weak place are bearings that often fail.
  • Vibration with spin can reach peak indicators, which is quite capable of leading to mechanical damage to the unit.
  • The possibility of leaks of the hatch is high, or the depressurization of the hoses.


Which washing machine to choose: Bosch washing machine


  • Most Bosch models are very compact.
  • Increased functionality at minimal energy costs.
  • The presence of a display that displays not only information about washing, but also about possible errors and malfunctions.
  • Implementation of the control system for the number of foam and output of excess, if necessary.


  • On some models during operation, problems with the closing of the hatch are manifested.
  • Quite a large noise when spinning.


Which washing machine to choose: Samsung washing machines

Samsung washing machines are one of the most popular, and this is a fact. We note their main advantages:

  • Very relevant in our time, power control.
  • The presence of a ceramic heating element protected from corrosion and the appearance of scale.
  • The use of a drum called Diamond, which does not damage the structure of the fabric.
  • The presence of the Aqua Stop system, which allows control over potential leaks.
  • Using the Silver+function, which allows disinfection of linen.


Of course, Samsung was not without flaws. Here they are:

  • After years of use, physically the wear of those parts that are made of rubber or plastic begins to appear.
  • If the machine is used too often, for example, in a large family, a problem with closing/opening the hatch will become noticeable after a while.
  • In case of voltage drops, a failure in electronics may occur, requiring rebooting.

Washing machine. Video

But here you have a advice from a television of a television, beloved by many people, called "Live Great." Watch the video about the correct selection of a washing machine, and you will probably remember all these tips for the future. And the fact that they will be useful to you can not doubt it.


maxim 03.07.2015 Answer

Thank you very informative!

Georg 31.08.2017 Answer

and the Atlant is normal? Is it enough for a long time? We looked closely But something reviews cannot find normal or review
