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How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones
How to get rid of chubby and sagging cheeks. We form elegant cheekbones.

The visiting card of a woman is her face. In his youth, his oval pleases with its elasticity, over the years the elasticity of the skin is lost, the muscles that support the skin become weaker. Thus, a gradual sagging of the cheeks is observed and the second chin is outlined. Sometimes, as a result of weight gain, the cheeks become too chubby and depress their owner with excessive fullness. Due to the sharp weight loss, the skin sagging, including quite young women. You can remove the cheeks and make cheekbones with elegant and beautiful using a set of events. Following the simple rules and performing special exercises, it is really possible to restore and keep a beautiful oval of the face for a long time.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: the problem of too chubby cheeks

Too full cheeks can appear due to excess weight - in this case, along with the whole body, a certain fatty supply accumulates the face. As a result of reducing the calorie content of the diet and increasing physical activity, it is quite possible to cope with this problem.

Sometimes, with a fairly harmonious and proportional physique, too puffy round cheeks that are upset by their owner may also be present. To convince that it looks quite cute and pretty, you can as much as you like - if a person is dissatisfied with his appearance, full cheeks will only prevent him from approaching perfection.

You can make cheekbones on the face with a worst with the help of visual correction - a little experimenting with various options for applying makeup, you can learn to largely correct the oval of the face. To do this, try to follow the above recommendations:

  • having stood in front of the mirror, carefully inspect in it a face cleansed of cosmetics. Mentally imagine your ideal image, and then using a tonal cream one or two tones darker than the natural shade of your skin, process the areas that remain outside the desired oval. Complete the makeup with powder - its darker tone will allow you to distract attention from too chubby areas, visually adjust the volume. Using makeup brush, work out smooth transitions of the applied cosmetics, processing the face from the central part along the contour using circular movements;
  • visually adjusting chubby cheeks and approaching ideal facial contours can be used with blush. To remove the cheeks, lighter and brighter blush are applied along the cheekbones - approximately from their middle and obliquely towards the temporal part. The blush is darker, preferably natural matte shades without mother -of -pearl, apply a little lower on the cheeks. You can determine how to make the cheekbones more elegant, with the help of the following simple trick - pull your lips with a tube in front of the mirror, depicting a fish. The dimples that appear at the same time should be darkened a little. When choosing a cosmetic agent for such a face correction, the natural tone of the skin should be taken into account - it is important that the makeup shade is harmoniously combined with it and look quite naturally on the face.

Reasons for sagging cheeks

As the main reason for sagging the skin of the cheeks is age. Under the influence of age -related changes in the body, the production of collagen fibers decreases.  Due to the loss of elastan, dehydration of the skin and the launch of aging processes, as well as under the influence of gravity, the cheeks are gradually sagged. With the help of special exercises and cosmetic procedures, such changes are quite realistic to delay for a long time.

In addition, as factors contributing to the sagging of the cheeks, they appear:

  • heredity - if your mother and grandmother suffered from such a cosmetic drawback, it is likely that you have a similar structure, and sagging cheeks and the second chin can appear with you;
  • an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and a decrease in muscle tone, as a result of the oval of the face “floats”;
  • excess weight and (or) sharp weight loss - the accumulated excessive fatty reserve fills the subcutaneous layers, forming unaesthetic “shaves” on the face. With a quick sharp weight loss, the stretched and weakened skin of the cheeks is collected in sagging skin folds resembling the “bulldog” cheeks.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: salon correction procedures

The modern cosmetology industry offers a variety of methods of non -surgical correction, with which it is effectively dealing with the problem of too complete and saggy cheeks:

  • bio -reinforcing - the formation of the facial frame by introducing a gel with the content of hyaluronic acid;
  • lifting massage of a person from a professional cosmetologist;
  • thermolifting;
  • biorevitalization in the form of subcutaneous injections;
  • injection lipoliz (laser liposuction) using the drug Akvalix.


It should be borne in mind that these methods should be used in the presence of serious indications. If, in the presence of the slightest signs of sagging skin, run to the cosmetologist with a request to remove cheeks in a week in any way, soon less radical methods will be absolutely ineffective.

Turning to plastic surgeons, through liposuction or plasticity of buccal areas, you can effectively get rid of excess fat and remove sagging cheeks. With the help of well -chosen methods of their implementation, it is quite possible to forget about such problems for a long time. It should be noted that such effects are not recommended to use up to 25-30 years. With age, the excessive swelling of the cheeks often leaves on its own. In the case of plasticity used at a young age, a face with formed graceful cheekbones over time can acquire a tired and painful appearance.

Therefore, you should not rush to appeal to plastic surgeons - such interventions give a temporary effect and are often not harmless. As a rule, surgical correction methods entail a rather long recovery period. In addition, to maintain a long -term effect of surgical correction, it will require proper care, regular exercises and massage.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: a set of measures at home

To remove saggy cheeks at home, you will need to work hard. It is unlikely that the results will be as fast and impressive as when using salon procedures. Nevertheless, with perseverance and the use of regular measures, home remedies are quite effective, in addition, they are painless and safe.


If you do not know how to remove the second cheeks, the use of an integrated approach is optimal. By controlling body weight, you can reduce the likelihood of sagging cheeks under the influence of excess weight. To give the skin of elasticity, you should use the following recommendations on how to remove cheeks and make cheekbones:

  • the cleansing of all body systems from the inside will contribute to the effective renewal of skin cells and increase its elasticity;
  • it is necessary to maintain daily facial skin care - taking into account its individual needs, including daily protection, moisturizing and nutrition, careful daily skin cleansing and periodic deeper cleaning;
  • having selected a convenient pillow for relaxation and night sleep, you can avoid problems with posture. It is recommended to change a soft high pillow to a flatter orthopedic one. Try to straighten the spine when walking, keep your head and neck straight, lifting your chin slightly. As a result, the cheeks will seem less puffy, the oval of the face will be tightened;
  • change the regime of physical activity. Aerodynamic training (running, cycling) contribute to weight loss, but not always effective for the formation of muscle tissue. With the help of strength exercises, without being carried away by excessive loads, focus on the accuracy of the execution and the number of repetitions. Having honed a slender figure, you will receive a bonus in the form of a fit contour of the face; 27
  • with the help of a specially selected face gymnastics course, you can tighten the second chin and cheeks over time. It is quite real with the help of special exercises to make graceful cheekbones - such gymnastics will help to tone the muscles and will largely improve the oval of the face.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones with proper nutrition

To remove the cheeks quickly, you do not need to starve. It is quite possible to do this by revising your diet.  It is recommended to increase the share of the consumed vegetables and fruits. Plant protein and fiber contribute to increasing the elasticity of tissues and blood vessels. A healthy diet, enriched with various beneficial substances, has a beneficial effect on the state of the epidermis and muscle fibers.

Choose a soft sparing diet to your taste and distribute the daily food consumption at 5-6 meals. To remove the cheeks, refuse harmful nutrition, including various types of fast food, fried and fatty foods. Try to reduce the amount of baking, salt and sweets consumed. To remove cheeks and make cheekbones, it is useful to chew on hard foods as a kind of muscle charging.


Before eating, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water. In general, during the day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid. In the hot season, as well as if you are exposed to increased physical exertion and sweat intensely, in order to avoid dehydration, the amount of water consumed should be increased. Otherwise, suffering from dehydration, the body will begin to store fluid for the future, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences - a worsening skin condition, facial swelling and cheeks.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: the use of face masks and massage

At home, various masks based on improvised means can be used to pull the faces and cheeks - egg protein, honey, lemon juice, and dairy products are suitable in their quality. It is also convenient to use ready -made modeling masks to correct the oval of the face (they can be purchased in pharmacies or cosmetic stores). To remove cheeks, choose products with seaweed, lecithin and allantoin.

With the help of regular massage or self -massage, blood circulation can be improved and to a large extent to return the clarity of facial shapes. In the presence of the so -called "bully cheeks", which has a second chin and sagging of tissues, sculptural plasticizing massage is ideal. Having carefully studied the video method of sculptural massage, you can try to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. In addition, the use of simple techniques in the form of patting and tapping the cheeks will help improve blood microcirculation and will help restore skin elasticity in this area.


How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones: exercises

Solve the problems of changes in appearance - eliminate the emerging double chin, strengthen the muscles of faces, restore the clarity of forms and remove the cheeks will help the following exercises:

  • sit comfortably, throw your head back and try to rhythmically move the chin up - so that the upper jaw is under the bottom;
  • by placing your head directly and tightly closing your teeth, move your lower lip, trying to excite it as low as possible;
  • tilt your head as down as possible and move the chin in both directions, trying to reach the shoulders alternately;
  • close a pencil in your teeth and, moving your neck and chin, write out various figures and words in the air;
  • inhale deeply, gathering more air into the mouth. Roll air in your mouth, holding your lips tightly closed. Gradually release it with sharp tremors with arbitrary frequency;
  • having become straight and folding your lips in a tube, sampled various vowels in an arbitrary order;
  • become straight, straighten the spine and shoulders. Leaning your head forward and pressing the chin to the chest, reach them to the right shoulder. Returning to the starting position, throw your head back and return to the initial position again. Repeat this sequence of actions for the left shoulder;
  • having become exactly, cross your arms over your chest, taking yourself by the shoulders. Stretch your neck as much as possible, take a deep breath and hold your breath for a few seconds, and then lower your head to its original position.

How to remove cheeks and make cheekbones - video



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