
How to open a coconut

How to open a coconut
Open the coconut correctly and enjoy the exotic taste.

Coconut is an exotic fruit covered with a thick layer of fibers.  Inside the coconut membrane is a white pulp with a pleasant aroma and a piquant taste, as well as a transparent liquid-coconut milk with a saline-sweet taste. It is not necessary to go to Africa to taste this sweet fruit, you can easily buy it in any supermarket. However, after the purchase, only one question arises - how to open a coconut?   It is in this matter that today it is worthwhile to figure it out more details in order to avoid possible mistakes.

Some tips on how to choose a coconut


  1. The first thing you should pay special attention to when choosing a coconut is the integrity of the fetus. In the shell, chips, cracks, scratches should be completely absent. All these damage leads to the appearance of mold, rot, which will not be added to the coconut. If you notice the described coconut, then it is better to go around such an exotic side. An old, rotten and unbearable coconut will have a terrible taste with bitterness, and you will not get pleasure from the sweet and alluring coconut milk.
  2. By weight, the coconut should be quite heavy. Check the ripeness of the coconut, shaking it a couple of times. If you hear the sound of a liquid inside, it means that the coconut is ripe and juicy.
  3. Carefully examine the three dark spots on the fruit, they are located at the dull end of the coconut. It is these “eyes”, so these spots can be called that can also tell you a lot about the ripeness and taste of the fetus. They should be tone darker than the shell of coconut, without mold, rot and damage. If the “eyes” have a dark color, then this means that when the fetus was torn off the tree, the mounting place is already slightly dried, which indicates the maturity of the fetus.
  4. It is very difficult for an inexperienced person to choose the perfect coconut, even knowing such simple subtleties. Therefore, if you have “extra” means, then buy several coconuts at once, as a rule, by probability theory, one of three fruits will certainly be ripe and juicy.

How to open a coconut at home: instructions with step -by -step photos


Before proceeding with the opening of the coconut at home, coconut milk should be removed from it. To do this correctly, find three small holes on the surface of the coconut. In some coconuts there may be more, but such cases are extremely rare. It is these “eyes” that are the softest places of the fetus. Two black holes are covered with a dense shell, and the third is easily the pressure of any sharp object.


With the help of a nail, an awl, a knife or other sharp devices, pierce a soft hole, turning the tip deep into the hook hole. To accelerate the process, it is better to pierce another “eye”, but here it is already necessary to make more efforts.


Pour coconut liquid into a glass or other container convenient for you.


To make the coconut easily open, it should first be “beaten”, achieving the appearance of a crack on the surface of the coconut shell. Any heavy item will help in this, but it will be most convenient to use the hammer. Using this tool, we begin to tap the coconut just below the place with the "eyes". It is here that the most vulnerable and fragile part of the coconut is located. We hit the fruit strongly, but in moderation, gradually scrolling it along the horizontal axis, achieving the formation of the district crack.


With the help of a knife or other sharp object, we split the coconut into two equal parts, turning the tip at the place of the split.


We enjoy the result.

How to open a coconut. Video



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