
How to use face proofreader

How to use face proofreader
How to disguise flaws and make flawless skin with the help of proofreaders

As if we dreamed of perfection - we are all people and in flaws our individuality. Watching the perfect skin and flawless makeup of Hollywood stars, so I want this perfection to bring in your life. Then, before proceeding with makeup, you need at least to align the tone of the face and get rid of flashes. For example, disguise freckles, pigment specks, an annoying pimple or consequences of yesterday's turbulent night under the eyes. Fortunately, it is easy to cope with all this, having a newest achievement of cosmetology - a palette of proofreaders for the face. You can, of course, buy a tonal basis-corrector for the face and try to correct everything with its help. But no matter how much it wanted to solve problems with one fell, each, no matter how cool, an individual approach is needed, receiving and even your facial corrector.

Corrector correctly on face

  1. 15-20 minutes before applying a corrector for the face, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream with light texture. The cream must fully appreciate, and the skin becomes matte. Otherwise, just blot it a little dry napkin.
  2. A little corrector apply to the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of the face and slightly distribute the pillows of the fingers. No need to rub a tonal corrector for the face into the skin, it should remain a thin layer on its surface and perform its function.
  3. Dry facial correctors must be used before applying the tonal bases, and liquid and color - on the contrary.
  4. By performing point correction of the face by correcting, do not apply too much tools - disguise only those areas of the skin that need it. Do not overdo it with applying a corrector to face, otherwise, instead of even tone, get pieces and stains.
  5. In order to properly and exactly apply a liquid corrector on the skin of the face, mix it with a tone base, and then proceed to correction.
  6. To combat dark circles under the eyes, a pencil is more suitable for a person corrector. It is necessary to apply a small number of corrector with dotted points along the line of the correction zone and fingers or a special brush evenly to grow to a smooth skin tone. In conclusion, apply a light layer of powder to the tone to the corrector to give the skin of a matte color.
  7. Very neatly, with light movements, apply a tonal basis after the correction of the dry proofreader for the face. You do not need to raise the basics while adjusting the face by the directorists, otherwise you simply wake them up and the whole result will be reduced.

Face Proofreaders Palest

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In the palette of the proofreaders for the face, there must be funds of the first and second groups, different colors and appointments. Dry and liquid proofreaders for a different color face are designed to solve a certain skin problem.

Colors of face proofreaders and their application:

  • Corrector for face lilac color.

The lilac position corrector is applied to mask circles under the eyes of fatigue and pigment spots. It is also used to correct the sites with irritation and redness on a very bright and yellowish face.

  • Corrector for yellow face.

You can use this corrector to correct the small flaws of subcutaneous capillaries of the person, small bruises and even bruises. This color of the facial corrector is effectively used to combat the effects of fatigue, dim or earthy skin color. It gives the skin even natural paints. You can use the coronaler for the face of yellow color to mask too protruding veins or even tattoos. Often, professional make-up artists use a yellow face concealer as the basis for makeup on the eyelids before applying shadows.

  • Corrector for pink face.

Pink color The corrector gives fresh tone too pale face skin and refreshes her color. Often, such a person corrector is popular with people with a dark or gray-shaped out of the contour around the eyes. It becomes a real salvation, because such a shade of the skin of the face is poorly alignment and lightening with a corrective tonal base. Pink-color corrector gives the person to youth, so the older generation of women is popular.

  • Corrector for the face of green.

Green corrector, or mint corrector, is used to mask in various kinds of face skin imperfections. Pencil corrector is used exclusively for reddened skin sections: pimples, irritation, redness. In this case, such a tone corrector does not cover your skin with green, no, but creates the effect of blur or light haze in the field of application. Due to this, the red color becomes less noticeable on the face.

How to pick up a color from the Palest Corotees for the face


Before choosing a corrector for the face, exactly define the type of your skin, the tone of the tonal base for makeup and the necessary corrections that you want to make for the perfect makeup.

  1. For girls with light skin, it is better to stay on the tonal corrector of light-pink shades, and for dark-free representatives of the beautiful floor - on peach colors.
  2. If the proofreader for the person is needed to disguise dark spots or circles under the eyes, pick it up onto the tone of the lighter base. However, remember that too light colors will only exacerbate the problem.
  3. To mask any kind of irritation, it is necessary to apply a cream corrector for a green face with a dense texture.

Green face corrector


The green facial corrector stands out among all its popularity and universal appointment. Visually, it looks like an old-fashioned tube of lipstick and has a cream soft texture. Such pencil corrector for a person can be used on any imperfections of the skin of the face.

How to use a green face proofreader:

  1. Although the green facial corrector in the pencil is convenient for use, it is better to refrain from directly applying its texture on the skin straight from the tube. It is likely that, especially at home, there will be problems with a uniform distribution on the surface of the skin.
  2. In advance, acquire a set of special brushes to correct the face by the directorists. Subsequently, use them only to apply any proofreaders on the face.
  3. Apply a green corrector for problem areas of the skin of the face with light, abrupt movements.
  4. On separate pimples, point irritation or rash Apply to the proofreader for a person separately.
  5. Although the green facial corrector and universal, do not try to use it for disguise, especially problematic dark zones under the eyes. In this case, using the corrector risks to achieve a purple shade of the face in the locations of the correction.
  6. To achieve a better effect of masking inflammation after applying a green corrector to face, slightly add powders in these places.
  7. Do not use the crumbly powder simultaneously with the green proofreader for the face.
  8. Do not overdo it using a green corrector for the skin of the face. It is only indoors, it seems almost colorless on the face, the direct hit of sun rays and the natural light can give your little trick with correction correction.

Moisturizing face cream using a green corrector

How to choose a proofer

Professional makeup artists use the green corrector not only for point masking of facial flaws, but also produce moisturizing basics from it under makeup. This technique can be used to align and improve the color of the pale skin.

  1. Take a ceramic deep container. In it we will mix the components of the cream.
  2. As the main ingredient under the tonal basis, except for a green corrector, pick a moisturizing, preferably an anti-inflammatory agent. A well-known baby cream or dairy texture face cream or daily face cream.
  3. A little green facial corrector remove from a tube and mix carefully with a small amount of cream in the tank.
  4. Now evenly apply the resulting mixture of the corrector to the entire face down from the ear to the ear, including the neck zone. Do not forget whether the face corrector needs to be ruled very high quality so that smooth transitions come.
  5. Do not begin to make makeup, while everything is pretty absorbed, it is about 15-20 minutes.

It is important not to use metal objects or dishes for the manufacture of this basis. Use ceramic or wooden items.

Correct Disadvantages With Palest Correctors for Persons

  1. To disguise small mimic wrinkles, you need to use a dry light corrector for the face. Adjusting such problem places with cream proofreaders will only aggravate the position.
  2. To disguise not in time the jumped pimple, apply a little green corrector - it will remove the redness of inflammation. Then, add a layer of a yellow color corrector from above - to align the color under the natural tone of the skin. Finish the masking of a lilac proofreader, which will remove the darkening.
  3. Effectively remove the dark circles under the eyes will help the liquid corrector for the face. During the correction, apply the corrector with a special brush with light movements along the contour of the eye, moving towards the bridge. Do not overdo it with the number of facial corrector - so that it looks natural enough to cover only a dark zone.
  4. The corrector for the face of yellow color will help disguise small scars. Just apply a dense base to the skin of the face, make a correction with a yellow proofreader from above and complete everything with a light layer of powder.
  5. Matting proofreaders are applied both on the problematic T-zone and on the skin of the face.
  6. An antibacterial masking corrector will help effectively cope with irritations and rashes on the face. Using it locally, you instantly hide the appeared pimples and prevent the emergence of new ones.
  7. When selecting the color of the corrective means, never choose it into parts of the hand or wrist - the color and tone of the skin are still different at different parts. Apply a little corrective means of different tones on the T-zone and choose the optimal shade.
  8. Apply a facial corrector gradually, always small portions. You will be able to add if necessary, you can be painless, but if you move - spoil the subsequent makeup to the correction. But if you do everything right and the result fasten the powder - the perfect makeup is provided to the end of the day.

Facial Corrector Video


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