
Diamond Embroidery with Aliexpress - Catalog, Sets, Photos

Diamond Embroidery with Aliexpress - Catalog, Sets, Photos
A variety of diamond embroidery to Aliexpress will surprise any needlewoman.

Needlework goes down with the development of mankind, and all the time finds new directions. One of the most ancient art types is embroidery. With its help decorate bedding, clothing and interior items. More recently, a new course called diamond embroidery. In stores for needlework, whole sets for this interesting occupation are sold, but it is not cheap. But, on Aliexpress There are paintings of diamond embroidery at very affordable prices and the choice of them is simply imagined.

Aliexpress Diamond Embroidery: Basic Concepts, Set

Diamond embroidery is not entirely similar to the traditional concept of embroidery by threads, ribbons or beads. To create a sparkling masterpiece instead of a needle and threads need rhinestones and tweezers. This kind of needlework involves the laid out of rhinestones, sequins, stones and other multi-colored accessories on the canvas with a stamped pattern. Each element on one side has a special foundation that it is placed on a specially designated segment on the canvas with the adhesive basis. In fact, this fascinating occupation resembles a mosaic and can be an excellent addition to the design or gift of Hand & Made.

To create a beautiful panel with technology diamond embroidery No special skills required. It is enough to arm a good creative mood, patience and a convenient place to work. Installing stranges can be both in a family circle, which can be an excellent lesson for family leisure.

If you are interested in diamond embroidery, buy sets on Aliexpress possible through this link. In the "Needlework" section you will find more than 433 thousand offers with diamond embroidery. The choice of paintings of different thematic genres with diamonds of different magnitude and quality. In addition to paintings and panels, you can order family portraits or canvas to further decorate furniture and clothing.

On Aliexpress Diamond embroidery is sold in such a configuration:

  • Wake-up scheme with designated pattern. On a dense material, a special adhesive coating is applied on top of the pattern, which is closed with a protective film. As the strata sticks, the film is removed. Immediately tear off the film is not worth it, because you will not be able to fold the picture at a time, and the glue very quickly dries and rhinestones will be bad.
  • Packages with diamonds (rhinestones). Elements are made from a solid plastic material, and on the one hand have a cut. Rhinestones can be different forms, such as round, square, triangular. The color scheme depends on the scheme, and each shade is packaged into an individual packaging with a conditional designation in accordance with the scheme on the canvas.
  • Swashing stands for rhinestones.
  • Tweezers for capturing and gluing ride on the canvas.
  • Spare rhinestones of different colors in case of loss and damage one of the elements.

The number and type of rhinestones and canvases in different sets differ depending on the complexity and colorfulness of the drawing, but the basic equipment is always the same.


Aliaxpress diamond embroidery: catalog in Russian

On Aliexpress You can choose a set of diamond mosaic with a pattern for every taste:

  • A variety of landscapes of different cities, mountainous locations, parks.


  • Icons of all Orthodox saints and ritual symbols of other religions.


  • Still lifes for kitchen or living room.


  • Photos of beautiful people or their photo under the order.


  • All sorts of floral compositions, trees, bushes and other plants.


  • Wild animals and domestic pets, birds and fish.


  • Cartoon characters and plots from comics.


  • Geometric shapes and abstraction


  • Unusual topics, such as logos, registered inscriptions, coat of arms.


Thanks to the convenient search for Aliexpress In Russian, the diamond embroidery can be searched not only by type of drawing, but also by other parameters.

In the form, you can choose several variants of diamond mosaic:

  • Odin - with one image.


  • Combination of 2 images - with two and more images on separate canvases.


  • The combination of cartoon images is a set of drawings with cartoon characters.


  • Three-dimensional - with 3D or 5D volumetric pattern.


  • Flat - without the effect of volume.


  • Combined - a combination of several crafts with a broken image.


  • Separate - two or more individual drawings on different canvases.


On a note! Many sellers offer on Aliexpress diamond embroidery In a set of individual manufacture. For example, you can send your family photo or a rare picture and you will make a set with this image.

Diamond embroidery kits are also sorted by different styles:

  • Europe.


  • Country style.


  • Japanese style.


  • Korean.


  • Mediterranean.


  • Southeast Asia.


  • American style.


  • Classical.


  • Modern.


  • Traditional Chinese.


  • Postmodern.


  • Another style.


Aliexpress diamond embroidery: set catalog and brief overview

Before you begin to choose a set for creativity, it is worth thinking over its future location. For example, such beautiful fruit-floral is suitable for the kitchen still life. The assortment has several sizes from 20x20cm to 55x55 cm. The cost of the smallest set is $ 6, besides, delivery is absolutely free.


If you want to create romantic and cozy weather in the bedroom, you can buy such gentle lilac. The size of the picture is 50x40 cm, there are also other dimensions. The cost of the picture is 21 dollar, which is quite inexpensive for such a chic interior items.


The choice of pictures in the nursery also wonderful. You can arrange with embroidery favorite of all children - MashaOr choose other popular characters. Here there are pictures of various sizes that you can decorate the walls or furniture in the nursery.


How to find and buy the diamond embroidery on Aliekspress

Find necessary you can set as follows:

  • Aliekspress be logged on and select the branch "All categories" - "Home and Garden".


  • Choose the option "Art, craft and sewing."


  • In the column on the left select the "crafts" and «Diamond Painting ...».


  • Hereinafter referred to flag the desired type of diamond, shape and style of the web.


  • You open the page with lot, get to know information about the implementer and the product, and then make the order by clicking "Buy".


Aliekspress and diamond embroidery: sale, promotions, gifts

Aliekspress always provides good opportunity to save money on their hobby. Some retailers offer discounts on its diamond embroidery kits for up to 50%.

Rainbow roseFor sale at a discount, worth $ 37.95, while the previous price was $ 69. The size of this painting 50x50 cm. Thus, you have a good time for the hobby and save 45% of the set value.


Sold by set "Angel Child" in addition to 52% discounts, offers a coupon for $ 10 on first purchase in his shop, and even a discount $ 2 for every $ 49. If you take advantage of this offer, you can buy an excellent set for a few dollars.


If you are just in search of a suitable store to buy diamond picturesThen Aliekspress - Shop with diamond embroidery at affordable prices. There is always plenty to choose from, and sellers always you will be pleased with coupon codes and free shipping.


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