
What to wear torn jeans. DIY torn jeans

What to wear torn jeans. DIY torn jeans
How and what to wear with such popular torn jeans today? You will learn about the features of such an outfit in the article.

Before the arrival of winter, there was still a lot of time, and ahead of us is a warm and sunny woman. It's time to discuss all the delights of denim that many people love so much. Each fashionista knows how to attract the attention of others with the help of a successful outfit or a suitable accessory. Recently, female torn jeans have become such a “highlight”. Of course, this is not a novelty - you will no longer succeed in shocking the audience with a tattered knee on the leg. Nevertheless, deliberately torn jeans fabric is still one of the most spectacular and expressive objects of a female wardrobe. Who would have thought, scrapeed along and across the jeans were even appreciated by business and serious ladies! Another advantage of such clothes is that girls with any type of figure can dress up in it. We invite you to discuss what to wear fashionable jeans.

Braged by time

Denim pants with holes managed to become a familiar attribute of modern fashion. It seems that they were always worn. Maybe that's why few people will think about what wind of change has replenished the wardrobes of fashionistas with such an ambiguous subject of everyday clothes?

The prerequisites for the development of fashion for torn jeans appeared in conditions that can be characterized by such clear definitions as need, savings and self -expression. The fact that today for pretty decent money fashion stores are sold was previously considered as a sign of class inequality. It is unlikely that torn clothes were associated with our grandparents with fashion and style. In the photo, torn jeans are “ancestors” of the must-have denim in the women's wardrobe today.

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It is easy to guess that the initially torn denim pants were perceived as an extremely worn and “broken” time thing. And, most interestingly, similar clothes until the 1970s was a distinctive feature of the working class people. They could not afford to throw their dilapidated outfit, since they had nothing else.

Since the 70s, torn jeans get rid of the status of worn rushing and turn into a shocking subject for self-expression and statement in society.  People gathered in groups to tell the world about their political and spiritual beliefs with the help of their way of life as a whole and a style in clothes in particular. As you have already guessed, we are talking about hippies.  Simple clothing, which they deliberately decorated with holes of different sizes and well -visible spots, was the subject of their pride. Thus, they expressed their humble life position, the desire to see the world without war.

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Around the same time, representatives of another social group who persecuted interests, diametrically opposite to what hippies had been advocated for. They hooked their jeans in protest against the moral principles of the then society. All their nature, including clothes, rebelled against the law and public order. These people were called rockers and punk. Their outfit was distinguished by a large number of rivets, lightning and pins - they abandon such a variety of accessories, their clothes would fall into shreds.


Dramatically different from each other, rebellious rockers and peaceful hippies have done one common thing - significantly influenced the formation of mainstream in the fashion world. Thanks to the representatives of these subcultures, young people who before could have occurred to cut and drown solid jeans, saw in this a certain chic and a great opportunity for self -expression. The advanced fashionistas are separated to this day.


Torn jeans - for everyone

The main advantage of this piece of clothing is universality. Each girl in torn jeans will feel attractive, regardless of the characteristics of her figure. To feel comfortable and at the same time look good, you need to choose torn jeans, given the following recommendations:

  1. Any model of torn jeans will decorate thin girls of tall stature, but they will look especially spectacular in jeans decorated with slots in the hips and knees. For example, on slender legs will look great jeans-seni.
  2. Low girls with magnificent hips can choose jeans that will not tighten the leg below the knee. Please note that in this case, torn areas should take up slightly space and is located above the knees. It is best to dwell on a model where scuffs and slots will be vertical - this will make the silhouette more elongated, and the figure will be slimmer. Torn places on the fabric below the knees, on the contrary, will spoil the overall impression, as they will make the legs more heavy.
  3. Men perceive this subject of a female wardrobe ambiguously. So, as a result of the survey, it became clear that representatives of the stronger sex are eager for girls exclusively on girls, but a woman 35 - 40, in their opinion, should think well before putting on such a bold outfit. However, many women will parry this belief that in the choice of clothes they focus only on their preferences and wear what they like first of all. This position is very boasted, but before putting on torn jeans, in any case, think well whether they can emphasize your personality and will not cause disapproval in your relatives and friends.
  4. To make the already bold image more impudent, pick up torn jeans with bright, neon or even acid color. However, do not forget that the rest of the clothes should be kept in neutral colors. This will make the image solid and balanced.
  5. Black and white torn jeans in the wardrobe should also be present. They can be worn at least every day.
  6. Tights or stockings for torn jeans - unheard of nonsense! The main task of slots and holes on jeans is to show others smooth (ideally tanned) legs, so putting something else under jeans is completely inappropriate.

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With what to wear torn jeans

Torn jeans are clothing with character, so you need to create an image with their participation very carefully so as not to overdo it and not get something funny and grotesque at the exit. Here's what fashion designers recommend on this matter:

  • remember the main rule - the more holes on jeans, the more concise and calmer the other components of the image should be. If there are numerous holes in the lower part of the jeans and slots, it is best to put on restrained clothes. If you neglect this advice, you risk looking ridiculous;
  • pay attention to chains and rivets. It just so happened that their combination with a torn denim looks most traditional, but this is no less spectacular. Torn jeans are an excellent basis for creating an image in the style of grunge and rock. Leather jackets with numerous rivets, spikes and chains and free shirts of asymmetric cut to help you;
  • hold the extravagant disposition of torn jeans. In order not to make the image too overloaded, put on your feet simple moccasins or ballet shoes, and a plain t -shirt is upstairs. Such an image in the Casual style will be an excellent everyday option;


  • if desired, you can create an interesting tandem of torn jeans and a jacket. The latter should be far from severity and officiality. Choose a model with original lapels and pockets or with sleeves of ¾. The finish with rhinestones or multi -colored pebbles will also be on your hand. You will see what a harmonious composition such an extraordinary jacket will create with torn jeans!
  • refuse multi -layer if you plan to dress up in torn jeans, otherwise your image will be too overloaded. Such jeans are unlikely to make a good batch of a tunic or an elongated sweater - the risk of distorting the proportions of your body is too great and imagine yourself in a completely unprofitable light;
  • feel free to put moccasins, lofers and sneakers under torn jeans. But it is also realistic to supplement the image with your favorite sandals and high -heeled shoes or wedges. In this case, put on something else that will correspond to shoes in style or color. For example, classic boats are perfect for torn jeans if you put on a delicate blouse or shirt to match;


  • if you like torn jeans, the availability of accessories is only welcome: long scarves and neat scarves, scarves and snoods are suitable. A large jewelry in the hand-made style looks very impressive against the background of torn jeans;
  • when choosing a bag for torn jeans, pay attention to voluminous baggy options. They will create the most harmonious image with your outfit, which cannot be achieved using bags-ports with clear lines and strict design. With great care, approach the choice of clutches. A small handbag on an elegant chain is suitable for torn jeans only if you wear a beautiful air blouse, elegant shoes and make a hairstyle that will correspond to this style;
  • in the summer, decorate your legs with white torn jeans. Also try on light blue and blue jeans. Classic blue is universal and is useful for all occasions. And black torn jeans seemed to be created for cool autumn days.

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With what to wear torn jeans: 5 win -win images

With what to wear torn jeans for everyday comfort

Time -tested options are appropriate day and evening. Put a light shirt of men's cut, classic boats and volumetric necklace to torn jeans, add the image a small handbag. To look at ease, season one part of the shirt into jeans, and leave the other free. In the evening, focus on the lips with bright lipstick.


With what to wear torn jeans for the weekend in the city

Torn jeans-befrendas with an overstated waist are suitable for walking in the park or meeting with friends in a cozy city cafe. You can make the image more interesting with the help of a long or a free cut T -shirt. Dress up the legs in sneakers, escaprillas or loafers - and you are on top! Such a deliberately boyish image looks even more sexy than classical femininity.


What to wear torn jeans: emphasis on the militarians

Under the torn boyfriends of a light shade, clothes in the style of the militarians are suitable. Wearing a khaki color shirt and brutal sandals without heels, on thin or thick soles, you will get a concise and very spectacular image. In this form, you can go on an evening walk or sincere gatherings with friends.


With what to wear torn jeans: femininity is always in fashion

Unlike previous images, for this you will need straight jeans or skinny. The top-lane or linen-type blouse of neutral color will help you achieve the desired sophisticated effect. A catchy point in the image will be put bright sandals and a bag. If you plan to walk in this image in the evening, take with you an elongated knitted cardigan.


What to wear torn jeans: bold and extravagant

If you love and strive to be in sight, then, of course, evaluate this option. Why don't you dress up in jeans decorated with large cuts and a summer -voluminous large knit sweater? The most interesting thing is that under this attractive views the kit can be put on not only sneakers, but also restrained boats on the stiletto heels! The final touch of your image will be a spacious hoop bag.


How to make torn jeans at home

Every girl wants to be individual and in every possible way tries to express it with the help of clothes. In torn jeans, it is very easy to differ from the rest - they can have a lot of details that will become a highlight of your image, and it is not necessary to pay money for individuality! A torn knee on jeans, a strongly worn place on the thigh, several vertical slots on the lower leg - all this can be done with your favorite jeans pants and at home.


With your own hands, torn jeans can be made in two accounts.   You will need a denim of medium density, as well as a small plywood, a piece of chalk and a sharp stationery knife. Most often, slots are made above and below the knees. You must admit that the gaps on the buttocks and large holes on the knees on the great age young lady will look funny.

Well, let's create the only ones in our kind torn jeans step by step:

  1. Take a little thing and apply clear outflows of future slots on the fabric. Then hang the pants in front of you and evaluate what you did at a distance. If you are satisfied with the result, move on.
  2. Before you take the knife, put a segment of plywood under the fabric, which will help you make even incisions, without damaging the fabric from the opposite side of the pants. Gently cut the fabric along the intended small line.
  3. When you do all the planned slots, remove some of the threads located perpendicular to the cut places. This is necessary in order to weaken quite strong transverse threads and make the decor more stylish.
  4. It is best to make slots on the fabric with the same interval. If you leave a large interval between them, then it is best to make a pair of cuts located closely for a pair of cuts - for the vulgar effect. When all the slots are ready, peel the longitudinal threads from the remains of the pile with a knife. Remove all unnecessary from the fabric using a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Holes on jeans can be made in the form of hearts or flowers - put in this fascinating activity all your imagination. Just do not forget to sheathe the finished hole with the Sigzag with the seam or glue its edges from the inside of the non -woven. These precautions will not allow your creation to lose shape after washing.
  6. Creating a shabby place on jeans is very simple: walk around the chosen site with a pumice, and then scratch it with a razor blade. Now, in order to make your torn jeans even more unique, process their torn and worn edges with a bleach, which contains chlorine.   Now it remains only to wash your man -made masterpiece.
  7. The washing method depends on the degree of your creative "vandalism." If the jeans are too cut, the machine is simply dorvet them, so wash them manually. If you have limited yourself to only a couple of slots, put the thing in the pillowcase and select a delicate mode for washing.


If you still have any questions, they will definitely answer the video “How to make torn jeans”

And in this video, the author will clearly demonstrate to us how to decorate his old jeans with beautiful scuffs.



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