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How to choose the right powder

How to choose the right powder
Are you lost when entering a cosmetics store, in front of a window with powders? Then this article is written specifically for you!

There is a lot of disputes about that allocating the girl from the crowd. Despite the changeability of fashion and trends on a certain type of appearance, the beauty rating at all times was based on three “whales”: direct posture, sincere smile and healthy skin. But which of us is perfect? If the first two points can be achieved by constant training, then the skin can let us down at the most inopportune moment. If the forehead shines, the black points attacked the chin, and the nose is peeling off after visiting the beach, it's time to resort to the benefits of civilization. The powder will save you.

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Tips on how to buy and use powder for face

You probably have already faced the fact that not every powder will suit you. One dries the skin too much, the other causes irritation, the third lies in plaster ... However, not all these problems are associated with what quality you buy cosmetics. You probably observe not all the rules for applying powder to make-up. Therefore, for starters, we suggest you familiarize yourself with how to buy and use powder correctly.

  • Buy cosmetics only in specialized stores. This is a very controversial advice, since many of us prefer at least a little, and save. However, accept a simple truth: certified cosmetics are purchased from the same companies that contain their stores. How do you know that the powder that you bought on the market does not contain 100% talc? In addition, branded stores often hold discount sales or produce discount coupons, which will help you save a gold penny.
  • Choose a powder in the tone of your face or tonal cream (if used). Today in cosmetic stores, special places are equipped where you can try any product, which greatly facilitates the process of color selection.
  • Follow the cleanliness of the hands. After using it, not only the remains of cosmetics, but also droplets of fat, particles of the epidermis, invisible to the eye, always remain on it. Over time, they will begin to decompose, and if you apply the powder for a long time the same brush or fluff, this can lead to irritation (including painful) skin.
  • Along with hygiene of the hands, hygiene of cosmetics should be observed. Removing dust, villi or even larger particles of garbage from a jar with powder (especially crumbly) is quite problematic. Therefore, do not leave it for a long time in the open air, and also use “strong” brushes and down jackets that do not climb.
  • Puff (and generally apply cosmetics) in a well -lit room. This will help you create an even skin tone and see places that require a more thorough study.
  • Apply the powder with light, flying movements, then it will go to bed evenly and only emphasize the natural complexion of the face, not distort it. When applying powder (especially cream), relax your face as much as possible, do not stretch the skin with facial exercises or fingers. This will help you avoid the penetration of powder into the pores and wrinkles, which means that it will provide even and easy imposition.
  • It should be applied to the foundation and powder not only on the face, but also on the ears, neck, neckline, if open. So you will avoid a beginner’s mistake: even being tone darker or lighter, your appearance will lose an organic appearance. We all saw girls whose ideal face ends with the “collar” line should understand what is about. In addition, redness and pimples also occur in other open areas of your body.

The main danger that the powder is held throughout the day is by no means bad conditions. First of all, these are your hands. Each touch to the face takes away part of the cosmetics and brings bacteria and dirt to the skin. Remember that the basis of any style is justified accuracy. Take care of the health of your skin yourself, and let the rest do cosmetics. 103958_original

Types of powder for face

Depending on what your skin is with your skin, you may need a crumbly or cream-pore. What are the advantages and features of a particular type of powder, we will understand below.

Compact powder for the face

This is your permanent lifesaver. The island of properly selected color in compact packaging will allow you to refresh makeup, wherever you are.   Choose the one that contains a mirror and sponge. As a rule, such powder has the effect of smoothing and leveling the color of the skin. But be careful: since the color will be applied with a flat sponge, it can lie unevenly. A clean cotton pad or a cosmetic napkin will help get rid of stains. Try not to press strongly either when applying or when correcting make-ups, this will help to avoid the deposition of lumps of powder in small wrinkles and pores.

Scattering powder for the face

Perhaps this is the most universal powder. Cosmetologists note that only the owners of perfect skin can afford to use crumbly cosmetics. However, it is worth noting that this rule concerns far from all brands of crumbly powder. There are separate specimens on the market, which are really difficult to apply, since sometimes they weight makeup. However, if you choose a good brand and quickly view the inscriptions on the label, you can calculate professional powder and avoid error.

The crumbly powder is good because it lays evenly. You need to use a brush or fluff for this. Its only drawback is that it is not easy to put such a powder in a ladies' handbag, and if you accidentally cover it by accident, it is likely that cosmetics will wake up in a bag.

Face cream

Such powder has a very thick consistency and it is applied with a tonal cream with a brush. The main advantage of creampids is the ability to mask the uneven tone of the face and problem areas of the skin, and due to its dense consistency, it will fix the oily sheen for a velvet healthy glow.

However, applying such a powder is not very simple. The first time will have to practice so that the cream pore lies smoothly on the face. This lesson becomes even more time -consuming, if you pre -apply the foundation and foundation, because in case of failure you will have to go through the whole procedure again.

Facial powder in balls

The powder in balls is the most fun and optimal for those who like to change their image. Firstly, it looks very attractive: one box contains a whole range of moods. Didn't get enough sleep and woke up with a shade of the skin of a frightened nymph? It is enough to remove a few dark balls in order to make the tone of powder lighter. We lie down in the sun and tanned the tone darker? Add a few balls of a darker tone - and you will not have to buy a new jar!

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Aqua Facial Powder

Not the most typical representative of the ladies cosmetic bag. However, its advantage is undeniable. If you suffer from excessively oily shine, this powder is the best way out for you. It has a rather wet structure, so it easily penetrates the pores, moisturizing the skin, and after drying gives the face a beautiful matte appearance.

Face powder effects

It is no secret that the powder is a satellite of any makeup. And this is really the best representative of decorative cosmetics, carefully caring for the skin of the face.

The main beneficial properties of the powder for the face:

  1. Protects the skin from environmental factors - from exposure to high humidity to ultraviolet rays.
  2. They have various caring properties: moisturizing, nutritious, etc. (Read more in more detail).
  3. Gives a healthy fresh look, corrects the shape and individual features of the face.

If you are facing a choice of which powder to choose, you should better know about the visual effects of this type of cosmetic product. homemade-Powder-1

Matting powder

We partially wrote about it above. Such a powder can be of different consistency. This effect on the composition of the cosmetic product depends: it mainly contains silicone particles. Of course, this is not very cool, because such a powder clogs pores, so it should be used exclusively for publication. However, its effectiveness does not know the limit: such a powder will save absolutely all owners of oily skin from excessive shine.

Transparent (or colorless) face powder

This is perhaps the best powder that modern cosmetic companies produce. Everything is simple: it is transparent. Such a powder does not give the face color, which means that you cannot be mistaken in the choice; It has a very easy structure, so do not be afraid to apply it to a foundation; In the end, transparent powder is in the arsenal of both professional cosmetologists and girls who prefer natural or sports makeup. The main thing that she does is masking minor flaws: blush spots, shallow wrinkles, slightly muffles the foundation, so it looks more natural.


The effect of this powder is not so obvious based on its name. Such a powder will well emphasize the advantages of your face relief: sharp cheekbones, lips or a high forehead - due to good reflection. However, it can simultaneously distinguish “shortcomings” or rather the peculiarities of your appearance: a hump of nose, a nasolabial fold or scars. A flickering powder should be used on a carefully applied base, which is designed to hide the weaknesses of your skin.


Antiseptic (or "green") face powder

The powder powder is ideal for sensitive and problematic skin. If you have a tendency to an allergic reaction or irritation, it not only somewhat redundant redness, but also treats the skin of the face and neck. Unlike other decorative cosmetics, it can also be used after cleaning the face and massage. However, despite its advantages, antiseptic powder should be used carefully. Do not apply it to healthy or dry skin, as it has a dehydration, absorbent effect. To use such powder, it should be used with disposable cotton pads, since it is very time -consuming to wash the sponge and brush every time after use.

Tonal base

This cosmetic product is suitable for daily use by owners of the skin close to the ideal. Do not be deceived: the word “tonal” implies the color of the color, and not a masking of acne, wrinkles and deep pores.


Without this powder, girls who follow the shape of their face can not do. This is a magnificent way to unobtrusively highlight important facial zones. The hailiter powder has high reflection and, as a rule, due to its pale or even silver tint. It is not used on the entire surface of the face, only zonally. Apply a little powder to the pillow of the middle finger, then draw them along the cheekbones (from the middle to the side of the ear) and the nose (from the nose to the tip), put the final points at the hollow between the nose and the upper lip and a little lower than the chin.



This type of cosmetic product resembles more crumbly sparkles. It will be appropriate to use it on evening makeup or to create a stage image. Try to apply it in small portions: it is better to add shine than to overdo it and then try to fix everything. The sparkles, as you know, are very pretender things, it is easy to make a mistake with them.

Mineral powder

Another cosmetic product that may well be included in your "road first -born". It includes particles of minerals, which, however, do not score pores and vice versa - allow the skin to breathe. Such powder has a good masking and matting effect, which are achieved due to the ability of minerals to reflect light well.

Buy a face powder for a famous brand

Cosmetic companies are perhaps the first to have the highest effectiveness. Talking about their products, they convincingly prove the uniqueness and undeniable benefits of their cosmetics. And many of us were convinced that far from always a company that produces high -class cosmetics offers equally high -quality products. Especially for you, we have made a rating of the best cosmetics of famous brands based on top requests in search engines.

Woman Applying Face Powder

Facial powder Max Factor

The year after year, Max Factor continues to be in trend. This year the company is ... 99 years old! And today in the powder market it represents the two best samples: Factor Facefinity and Creme Puff. The first is the best representative of the cream poodle from the proprietary line. The secret of Factor Facefinity is that it contains particularly persistent ingredients, which the creators are called for commercial secrets as Permwayar. Thanks to this, your makeup will retain its original chic contrary to high humidity and unbearable heat. The second copy is famous for its adaptability - it can be used for any occasion. Depending on the event, it can be applied to the cream, foundation or without a base at all.   In any situation, the compact Creme Puff will help you out without risk, because it is very light, does not comment and does not lie in small wrinkles.

Clinique face powder

The Clinique cosmetic company has built its brand for the most “healthy” products: it does not cause allergies and does not contain fragrances. Therefore, their powder Blended Face is widely popular among girls with problem skin. Like any other powder, this one will give your face a fresh well -groomed look. One of the advantages over the others is that it reduces the visibility of the pores and fixes the makeup, absorbing excess fat. In addition, the Blended Face powder includes with a brush that can be fearlessly put with you in a purse, since it is carefully closed for example lipsticks.

Facial powder triumph

Reviews for the cosmetic products of the Polish company Triumph (or Triumpf, to be precise) are always on top. Ideal Balance customers especially like it, mainly because it is a compact cosmetics in one: cream pores and a corrective tonal base. Its advantages over many powders of other companies are undeniable: it is compact, inexpensive and contains two cosmetics in one jar. Girls with problematic oily skin spoke especially flattering about her, as this cosmetics have a drying effect.



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