
Technology for performing hot manicure. How to make a hot manicure step by step

Technology for performing hot manicure. How to make a hot manicure step by step
Are your nails weakened and constantly breaking? It's time to make a hot manicure.

Hot manicure is one of the types of manicure performed using a special bath and a heated lotion, which has a comprehensive effect on the nail plate and skin of the hands. This method of performing manicure has been known since ancient times. Previously, ordinary basins were replaced by the bath, and mixtures and decoctions of useful herbs were used as a lotion. Over time, the technology for performing manicure and the tools used for this changed and now everyone can make a hot manicure not only in the beauty salon, but also at home.

When to do hot manicure

A simple technology for performing hot manicure and a specially selected composition of the lotion allow such a manicure not only to women, but also to children and men. It will be useful in the following cases:

  • With dry skin.
  • After building nails (restore the nails damaged after building, you can in 5-7 procedures).
  • With brittle, weakened nails.
  • With cracks and inflammations on the skin.
  • In the cold season, when the skin of the hands is subjected to aggressive effects of the environment and can weathe or begin to peel off.

Contraindications to hot manicure

It is not recommended to make hot manicure with open wounds on the skin of their hands, as well as people with intolerance to components that are part of the lotion: glycerol, vitamins, and essential oils of citrus fruits.

Useful properties of hot manicure

As a rule, hot manicure is made in courses (approximately 5 procedures with an interval of 2 days). Immediately after this, the client can evaluate the positive effect of hot manicure. This type of manicure allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Softens the skin of the hands.
  • Strengthens the nails.
  • The cuticle begins to grow much slower than before.
  • The skin is overtaken by beneficial substances, due to which it can maintain its beautiful and well -groomed appearance for a long time.
  • Fatigue and tension leaves.

What you need to perform hot manicure

The following devices and tools will be required to conduct hot manicure:

  • An electric bath for hot manicure.

Such a bath can be purchased in a special store specializing in the sale of goods for manicure. It is a small device in which a nutritious lotion is placed. It is in this bath that the client puts his hands, after which the master can begin to remove the cuticle and subsequent processes. There are different types of baths, but, as a rule, it can work in two main modes: heating and maintaining the set temperature. Baths for hot manicure are good in that they allow you to maintain the temperature of the lotion at the same level, which in turn allows you to make high -quality hot manicure.

  • Lotion (cream) for hot manicure.

Creams, lotions and oils are also sold in specialized manicure stores. As a rule, they include vitamins, oils and various essential oils.

  • The device for removing the cuticle.

Orange wand, special scissors and devices - this is a necessary component for conducting hot manicure. The specialist removes the cuticle in the final stage of the procedure.

  • Disinfectant.

It helps to get rid of the remnants of the cream and lotion on the nail plate, and also helps to treat the nails before the procedure and applying protective varnish.

  • Napkins.

In the course of his work, a specialist can remove excess lotions, oil or other products used. Both wet and dry napkins can be used.

  • Protective varnish.

Protective varnish allows you to strengthen the nail plate and protect it from the negative effects of the environment. The varnish may not be applied, if there is a client’s desire.

Hot manicure technology

A hot manicure specialist spends it in several main stages:

  • Inspection of hands, during which a specialist can determine if you have any contraindications for use. The specialist also determines which funds are suitable for you. For example, for customers with dry and normal skin, different products may be needed.
  • Hands and nails are disinfected using a special tool.
  • The shape of the nails is adjusted.
  • Dead cells from the skin of the hands are removed. For this, a scrub or peeling is used.
  • Hands are placed in a special bath for 10 minutes.
  • The cuticle and the remains of the lotion are removed.
  • Nails are processed, and a protective varnish is applied at the request of the client.

How to make hot manicure at home

The procedure for conducting hot manicure differs from the salon procedure in only a few aspects: the lotion and bath in which hands are placed. Step -by -step technique for conducting hot manicure at home:

  • Adjust the shape of the nails.
  • Take the lotion and warm it in a water bath. A lotion for hot manicure can be prepared independently. To do this, mix 200 ml. Olive oil with 5-7 drops of vitamin A and E, essential lemon juice and 10-20 mg. glycerol. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed, heated to a temperature comfortable for the body and lower the hands into it for 20 minutes.
  • Remove your hands from the bath and make your hands massage. Then remove the dead cells from the skin with a scrub.
  • Remove the cuticle and the remains of the lotion from the nail plate.
  • Apply protective varnish.

Hot manicure: reviews

Most reviews about hot manicure are positive. Women notice that the maximum results can be achieved if manicure is carried out with courses (after 1-3 days). The condition of the nail plate improves markedly, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

Negative impressions of the procedure, as a rule, are associated with the incorrect choice of a specialist or the lack of experience in the independent performance of hot manicure at home. In this regard, for a hot manicure, we recommend that only experienced and trusted specialists turn to or make such a manicure at home with maximum attentiveness and accuracy.

Hot manicure: photo

Hot manicure can transform your nails in just one procedure. However, we recommend that you make this type of manicure courses and soon you will notice that the nails have become stronger, and the skin of the hands has become very delicate and velvety.

Hot manicure: video



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