
Red root: healing properties, contraindications. Red root: Instructions for use. How to take red root for men and women. Treatment with red root

Red root: healing properties, contraindications. Red root: Instructions for use. How to take red root for men and women. Treatment with red root
The healing properties of the red root. Instructions for the use of a red root for men and women. The effect of the red root, how to brew it correctly.

There are a lot of healing plants in nature. These include such a perennial plant as a red root, which the people are also called a penny. From it you can prepare an excellent seasoning, an effective cosmetic product and a good cure for many diseases.

What is the plant red root?

Red root is a healing perennial grassy plant belonging to the bean family, which grow everywhere, where a cold climate and fertile soil. It can reach a height of 50 cm above the ground, and take root in the ground by 12 m. The thickness of the root of the penny is 12 cm. It has beautiful long leaves, small inflorescences that have purple or raspberry color. This plant has many unusual names:

  • Red root is called not only a penny. For the fact that this plant is a real treat for bears, it is also called a bear root. According to one of the folk legends of Altai, bears feed on these roots in the spring to make up for their strength after a long winter hibernation.

There is another interesting legend associated with whitewater, which is inhabited by people who do not know what illness is. For years people have been looking for this place for years, but could not find. They were defeated by diseases that they could no longer cope with. But a large brown bear appeared, holding a green bush with red roots in his hands, and handed it to people. They welded a decoction from the roots of the plant and immediately healed.

  • There is another name for this plant - “The Spirit of Water”. It is so called because it establishes the water balance in the human body and contributes to longevity.
  • A penny is called a “white root” because it grows very often in the snowy mountains. Altai from the White Root prepare tea for themselves, diluting it with milk.

In general, a red root is a unique plant in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Red root: healing properties

To figure out what useful properties the red root has, you need to know what is included in its composition:

  1. The penny contains tannins and xanthon, which has a healing effect on a person.
  2. There are also kumarins, thanks to which red root can be used as an antibactericidal agent.
  3. There are also free amino acids and triterpene saponins that provide expectorants for pulmonary diseases.
  4. Catechins that contain vitamin P, which is an antioxidant. They are needed so that heavy metals are removed from the body, and the capillary walls are strengthened.
  5. Flawonids, restoring cells, tissues and entire organs.

Such a rich composition suggests that the red root should be a biologically active addition in the human diet, because with its constant use, the body is saturated with microelements and vitamins necessary. As a result, a person gets sick less, becomes more emotionally stable, his body functions correctly.

Often, red -root medicines are prescribed to people:

  • with cardiovascular pathologies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • leukemia;
  • with tumors and adenomas;
  • migraine (red root copes with any spasms perfectly).

Red root: how to harvest it yourself?

A penny is a plant that is difficult enough to find. In Russia, it is collected in Altai, in Siberia and in the Far East. This is a rather difficult and time -consuming process, but if you are going to look for a red root yourself, you should know which parts of it can be used and how to store them.

So, for medicinal purposes, both the above -ground part of the penny and directly the root itself are used. Go to the places of its growing in July or August - this is the flowering period of the red root to collect leaflets and cope flowers for your first -aid kit:

  1. First, cut its aboveground part (cut should be made at a distance from the ground at 20 cm).
  2. Clean the leaves and flowers of dirt and other litter and dry to extend the shelf life of the plant. If you prefer to leave it fresh, then keep in mind that it can only be stored in the refrigerator.

To prepare the root of a penny, you need to go after it in the autumn season, when the plant blooms (this is better to do in September):

  1. Choose an adult plant, because only its root can be dug up. However, keep in mind that it will not be so simple to do, because the penny has a very developed root system.
  2. Do not dig the whole root. In the ground, you need to leave 1/3 of it so that the penny is restored.
  3. Grind the rhizome from the ground, chop, and then dry. Place the root in a dry place and store it in a room that is well ventilated (permissible shelf life of 3 years).

What to pay attention to when buying a red root in a pharmacy?

Traditionally, everyone acquires a penny in a pharmacy, which is sold in the form of tinctures and tablets, as well as phyto-chai. It is not recommended to buy phyto-chai, because they, as a rule, have many impurities that are dangerous to health. We recommend buying a red root only in 2 forms:

  1. Red root tablets - they are most often acquired. They are useful to people who have problems related to the health of the genitourinary system. The best tablets of the Evalar red root are considered the best, consisting of not only plant extract, but also made of cellulose, vitamin E, zinc, zinc oxide. The instructions for the use of the red root in the Evalar tablets indicate that they need to be taken once a day during meals (2 tablets should be taken immediately). The course of treatment should last at least 1 month. If the problem is not solved, then the course of treatment is repeated after 10 days, but before that you need to consult a doctor.
  2. Red root tincture, which consists of an extract of a plant and ethanol alcohol. Sometimes a broth from the grass is added to this tincture. Most often, tincture is used by men who treat prostate diseases. However, women can also use tincture for severe pain or swelling.

How to take red root to men and women?

There are many indications for the use of red root. These include:

  • Respiratory system diseases. If you cough due to bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, asthma or even tuberculosis, you can prepare a decoction based on a red root. To cook it, take 1 tbsp. dried root, pour it 2 liters of boiling water and put it in a water bath. The root should be cooked for at least 20 minutes, after which it should be filtered and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Such a decoction helps to cope with chills, temperature, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. It can prepare for yourself red root. To do this, pour 1 tsp. Dried penny, pour it with 1 glass of boiling water, 15 minutes after the drink is infused, strain it and drink it. Tea will act as an anti -inflammatory drug. So you can cure cystitis, enuresis, nephritis and other renal pathologies.
  • DISECTION DISEASES. Taking a decoction of the red root according to the recipe already known to you, you will remove the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of diarrhea and cure hemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Taking tea from the red root, you gradually normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels, stabilize the pressure.
  • Diseases of the circulatory system. Red root tea helps to improve blood composition and increase hemoglobin. If you have anemia or anemia, then this tool must be in your first -aid kit.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. To get rid of lethargy, the breakdown of strength, depression, insomnia and nervous breakdowns, take an infusion of red root on vodka. To prepare this tincture of red root, you need to take 50 g of dried plants, pour it 1 liter of vodka and insist it for 14 days. After that, the tincture of the grass of the red root must be filtered, diluted with water and taken three times a day for 1 tsp.

Despite the enormous benefits of a penny for the human body, some people are still forbidden to use it for treatment, because it will only harm them.

What relates to the number of contraindications for the use of red root:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. A tendency to allergies.
  3. Children who have not yet been 12 years old.
  4. Heart, renal failure
  5. Transferred head injury.

If you take antibiotics, then you can not use a red root, because this plant will enhance their effects than harm to health. All this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Red root: how men should use it

First of all, to buy a red root is worth men, because this plant copes with prostatitis and its dangerous complications, such as:

  • sexual dysfunction;
  • problems with the emptying of the bladder;
  • inability to conception;
  • severe pain in the genitals;
  • tumor of reproductive organs.

Thanks to the flavonids contained in the red root, the muscles of the prostate gland, the circulation of blood improves, and thus, the problem with the prostate gland is resolved, sexual function and libido are restored. It is best to eat a penny in the form of tablets or tea for men. You already know the recipe for brewing a red root.

Red root: how women can use it

Effective treatment with a red root can be offered to women who have:

  • ailments associated with the mammary gland;
  • uterine pathologies;
  • diseases of the cervix and ovary.

Often women are offered to take a decoction of red root as a prevention of breast oncology, uterine loss and uterine bleeding. Regular consumption of teas from a penny helps to improve a woman’s sexual life.

Red root for children and elderly people

Only children who are already 12 years old can use decoctions and teas from red root. Boys should still refrain, because at this age they begins the period of puberty, because the penny in this case will only increase excitement and acne. Doctors also do not recommend the use of red root to children, in the diet of which there are few vegetables, since in this case they will have constant constipation.

But people of advanced age need to use a penny without fail. This plant improves brain activity, stabilizes blood pressure and eliminates problems with the emptying of the intestines and bladder, and these are the most important problems faced by elderly people.

Red root: Application in cosmetology

Red root can be used in the field of beauty, if you can prepare a mask based on it:

  1. The red root gives an excellent effect when applying a mask from it to the skin. Mix 1 tbsp. Tinctures from a penny with 2 tbsp. Cottage cheese, apply the resulting mask on your face, hold it for 10 minutes, and then wash it with warm water. The skin from this will become elastic and young. If you add 2 tbsp to the same mixture. honey, then you can get rid of wrinkles.
  2. Add just a tincture of red pepper to the bath. Sit in it for 15 minutes, and then, without wiping off a towel, let the skin dry.
  3. A decoction of red root can be rinsed after washing so that it is stronger and thicker.

How to take a red root to lose weight?

If you are in the process of losing weight, then the red root can help you with this. Add its leaves to dishes, to sauces. By the way, they will give food a pleasant sweet taste. Therefore, often a penny syrup is added to desserts. Due to the sugar content, the red root cannot be called a dietary diet, it has a lot of calories. However, it contributes to weight loss, because it gives human activity, removes excess fluid from the body and establishes the intestines. The result in the process of losing weight will be if you not only use a penny, but also:

  • you will eat right;
  • include physical activity in your life;
  • you will sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Red root is a plant that can be consumed by everyone, but according to a properly selected scheme in the attending physician that will take into account all your health problems.

Red root: reviews

Alexander: For many years I have been taking a red root! I brew it like tea in a thermos and drink it every day. I have no health problems! Feeling cheerfully and fresh.

Marina: I always had problems with the menstrual cycle. He was unstable. I began to use a red root, the problem was solved, although I have a fairly stressful lifestyle. No other drugs before helped me before. Those who are faced with the same problem as me should try a penny in tablets.

Lyudmila: All my life I have been treating the kidneys or intestines.   In hospitals, expensive and not always effective drugs are prescribed, the effect of which does not last long. I decided to buy a red root at a penny price to make tea from it. I have been drinking for 4 years, I have not visited hospitals for the last 2.5 years, because health problems were solved thanks to this miraculous plant.

Video: "Red root or penny"



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