
What is microdermabrasion - reviews, photos before and after. How does face microdermabrasion procedure

What is microdermabrasion - reviews, photos before and after. How does face microdermabrasion procedure
The article is described how to conduct a face microdermabrasion procedure in cosmetic salons and at home.

Most often, human age can be determined by the state of its skin. After all, over time, there is a detrimental effect of the environment - wind, severe heat, frost. This all dehydrates it, provoking the appearance of small wrinkles, pigment spots, unhealthy peeling, etc. Eliminate the harmful effects of the environment, signs of aging and other skin defects are possible with the help of various cosmetic procedures. Special attention among them deserves microdermabrasion of the face. This is a relatively new procedure, which in a short time has gained great popularity. Next, we will describe that the skin microdermabrasion is, as is held, and what results can be obtained due to its implementation.

What is microdermabrasion face

Microdermabrasion procedure is one of the species of peeling. During it, a delicate grinding of the skin is performed, the burned particles are removed, the "problem" layer of the skin is removed. After the skin is cleaned of contamination and unnecessary particles, restoration processes are launched in the dermis, so that it is updated, its structure and appearance improves. A procedure is performed using a special microdermabrasion apparatus. Today, such devices are produced by many manufacturers. The effectiveness of the procedure itself depends on the quality and functionality of the apparatus. There are stationary and portable models for home microdermabrasion behavior. In addition, expensive premium class devices are manufactured, which are only high-quality cosmetic salons.

As for the frequency and duration of the procedure, this is solved by a cosmetologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's skin. However, after one session, many women noted the emergence of noticeable improvements - small skin defects were eliminated, the visibility of age-related changes was reduced, the tremor has improved. To minimize complex skin problems, several procedures will be required. In any case, before deciding to carry out this cosmetology manipulation, it should be familiar with its advantages, possible contraindications, as well as with reviews of microdermabrasion.

Indications for the procedure of microdermabrasion

Not at all skin problems require this cosmetic procedure. It is shown only in some cases:

  • If there are small mimic wrinkles that cannot be adjusted with domestic peels.
  • In the presence of excessive dryness of the skin, which cannot be removed by regularly applying a moisturizing cream.
  • If there are essential age wrinkles on the skin.
  • If on the face there are remnants of damaged dermis particles.
  • When peeling the skin.
  • With pale, "unhealthy", "badly" color of faces.
  • If there are scars and scars on the skin after surgical manipulations.
  • In the presence of pedestal and pigment spots on the skin.
  • If there is on the skin of the face of stretching (usually they occur with a sharp weight loss).

Since there belongs to the procedure of microdermabrasion to the discharge of peels, it allows you to align the turgors of the skin, increase its elasticity and the ability to regenerate. Removing the upper "problematic" layer of the dermis, launches the production of "elements of youth", namely elastin and collagen. Such regeneration processes are natural, so favorably affect the appearance of the skin.

Types of microdermabrasion

There are several varieties of procedure:

  • Crystal microdermabrasion. This is one of the most frequently used techniques. The session implies an effect on the skin of the smallest aluminum oxide crystals. These abrasive elements are splashing on a special nozzle in the microdermabrasion instrument. In the process of the procedure, the cosmetologist affects the plant to the dermis, causing the formation of small cracks. Such "injury" of the skin stimulates its reinforced regeneration and recovery. Iirnoval and old skin particles are exfoliated by providing a place to form new and young cells.
  • Diamond microdermabrasion. This type of procedure refers to "gentle". Here is a more gentle effect on the skin, rather than in the first case. A cosmetologist during a session uses diamond nozzles. In this way, you can remove thickened and "dead" upper layers of the epidermis, as well as run rehabilitation processes. The problem area is an impact with increased intensity.
  • Oxygen microdermabrasion. This is a comprehensive procedure, during which the impact on the skin of the flow of aluminum crystals, as well as oxygen submitted by the device under large pressure. Such sessions are "gentle" for skin cover, as well as diamond microdermabrasion procedures.

The price of microdermabrasion procedures depends on its type and varies within the following limits:

Diamond Methodology - 2800-3500 rub. For 1 procedure.

If nozzles with aluminum crystals are used - 2500-2700 rubles. For 1 session.

If you hold microdermabrasion at home, then the device can be purchased on average for 3000 rubles.

The procedure for the procedure of microdermabrasion

Specialists carry out this procedure courses. The duration of therapy, exactly, as its intensity, is determined individually for each patient. It depends on the peculiarities of the skin, the general condition of the body, as well as the depth of the problem that must be corrected.

  • Usually in preventive purposes up to 7-8 sessions, at the same time, more than 10 sessions may be needed to correct a serious problem.
  • Usually the session is carried out no more than 35-40 minutes. This is a fairly cosmetologist to pay great attention to all the problem areas.

Order procedure:

  1. The impact of applying a special moisturizing cream on the processed zone.
  2. After its complete absorption into the skin, a diamond microdermabrasion session is performed directly.
  3. In mandatory after the end of the session on the treated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, a special cream is applied. It is needed to calm the skin and accelerate its regeneration on the treated areas.

Diamond microdermabrasion, as a rule, does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations. In some cases, patients may experience a slight burning in place of the procedure, but it does not cause much discomfort, so sessions are carried out without the use of anesthesia.

Contraindications for diamond microdermabrasion

This procedure is considered absolutely safe, there are several contraindications to it. Diamond microdermabrasion can not be carried out if the patient has:

  • Sugar diabetes of any type.
  • Herpes in the aggravation stage.
  • Increased sensitivity of the body to aluminum.
  • Inflammation in the zone of influence.
  • Cooperose skin.

The procedure for these pathological diseases may result in their activation and deterioration of the general clinical situation. Often beauticians do not require an outpatient map of the patient, and the latter can silence about their problems, which is categorically impossible to do.

Diamond microdermabrasion at home

For this procedure at home, special sets are sold, which, as a rule, includes a peeling cream and a portable machine. Such sets are produced by leading cosmetic companies.

Many patients spend money for the purchase of professional devices for diamond microdermabrasion. It is not recommended to do this. As cosmetologists are assured to use this technique, it is necessary to undergo special training, without which it will be difficult to deal with it. And its incorrect use can not only do not bring the expected result, but also to cause new problems. And given the cost of equipment, it is also "hit" by the budget.

Rehabilitation after microdermabrasion procedure

Diamond microdermabrasion is an absolutely safe procedure that does not require long periods of recovery, and also does not have pronounced side effects. The only inconvenience that patients experience after the procedure is easy redness. It passes after a couple of hours after the end of the session.

The key to a successful diamond microdermabrasion is a clear fulfillment by the patient of certain rules:

  • The recovery period between sessions should take at least 7 days.
  • During the course of the procedures, it is necessary to reduce the time of staying under the right sun, as well as exclude tanning both in the sun and in the solarium.
  • Eliminate the thermal effect on the processed areas of the skin during the reducing period (hot baths, saunas).
  • Do not engage in the use of sets for diamond microdermabrasion at home during the course.
  • Use special cosmetics, which is designed to moisturize and feed the skin, reinforcing cell regeneration mode.

Microdermabrasion: photo "To" and "after"

Assess the effectiveness of the procedure can be based on the photo "to" and "after" sessions. However, you should not forget that these effects are purely individual - and what is healing for one person can play a "evil joke" with another. Therefore, never self-medication, do not hide your medical problems from a cosmetologist's doctor and "listen" to your body, because if you have too sensitive or thin skin, then even the most gentle peeling may cause the appearance of redness, foci of inflammation and gunbohydrates.


Microdermabrasion face: video


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