
Aerobics lessons for weight loss for beginners. Dance, Aerobica Step Slimming at home

Aerobics lessons for weight loss for beginners. Dance, Aerobica Step Slimming at home
What is aerobics for beginners, what is its benefit and features. Exercises and rules of execution, recommendations and reviews.

Today there are a lot of different ways of losing weight. One of the most common is aerobics. The choice of programs from this sphere is so large that many do not know what to seize for them to achieve the highest results. The main thing is to determine what effect we expect, and which program in this case will be better.

What is aerobics for weight loss?

  1. In the human body, various types of processes occur. All of them are divided into two groups, aerobic and anaerobic. In the first case, oxygen is involved, and in the second it is completely not needed. The conduct of strength trainings is responsible for the normalization of anaerobic processes, and aerobic loads entail energy consumption, which begins with muscle oxidation.
  2. Aerobic training requires higher energy costs, so they are more popular among women who seek to lead their figure to the ideal. Such loads are ideal for representatives of the fair sex, because no need to pull the bar or dumbbells. Training always pass with pleasure.
  3. Aerobics have many advantages compared to other training and weight loss methods. It is worth highlighting the following:
  • high level of energy embezzlement;
  • productive training of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the development of body plastics, improvement of the level of grace and coordination of all movements;
  • no additional simulators or conditions for classes are needed;
  • it is possible to conduct training at home on their own or in groups by trainers;
  • there are a lot of training programs, so you can choose those that every person individually like more.
  1. Please note: if there is too overweight, it is better not to engage in aerobics, because the load on the joints will be large. Also, if there are problems with the joints themselves, then you need to start aerobics very carefully. In this case, you must first take a consultation with your doctor, and then start classes.
  2. Aerobics for weight loss is performed independently for free, so for weight loss you only need to spend a little time and make enough effort.

Aerobics at home for weight loss: Features

  1. If it was decided to engage in yourself, then start by drawing up a training schedule. They must be carried out regularly and with all responsibility to their implementation.
  2. For classes, you will need a room with a small amount of free space so that there is a place for placing a platform or performing dance movements. In the first case, everything is much simpler, but the second will require the space much more.
  3. If dance aerobics was chosen, then look at which type of dance is more suitable. Make a choice in favor of what you like more and work well.
  4. For step aerobics, prepare the desired inventory right away. Alternate performing exercises dumbbells and platform so that the load is distributed evenly.
  5. Prior to the start of class, ventilate the room.
  6. Aerobics at a weight loss house will help to do different problems independently, without resorting to the help of coaches and sports halls. This is a rather economical and effective type of training.

Fitness aerobics for weight loss

Before the direct transition to the exercises, you need to get along well and follow some rules that will help to achieve a more effective effect.

  1. Heat the joints before the start of classes. Use thermal creams for this, use knee pads, solar bonds and elastic bandages that are not only warming, but also stabilize them.
  2. Constantly follow your pulse and keep it within a certain framework. It is important to remember that with a too high heart rate, the heart will perform huge loads that will not lead to anything good. But if this indicator is low, then there will be no effect at all. Try to adhere to the indicator that is calculated as follows. Measure your growth and take the resulting value from 220. Next, from the resulting number you need to find 0.8 and 0.6. The data found is the upper and lower boundary of the acceptable values \u200b\u200bof the heart rate.
  3. The duration of training must be selected only in accordance with your age, physical form, health. When choosing aerobic training with the aim of losing weight, it is necessary to conduct long classes, during which it will take from 20 to 40 minutes to ensure that the body has time to use glycogen contained in the liver and muscle tissues. Only after that will the use of fat begin as a source of energy.
  4. If the girl is trained, then she can perform short trainings that bring no less effective result.
  5. The combination of fitness and aerobics will help not only in weight loss, but also in maintaining the appropriate form for a long period, more precisely, during the class. First, it is better to start just from the aerobics, and then a little by little to introduce fitness. Such training will be more effective and useful.

Dance aerobics for weight loss

This type of aerobics is most common today. The whole secret is that such training is more interesting and quite effective. After a prolonged hens, not only excess weight disappears, but also a depressive state, plastic appears and the coordination of all body movements improves. There are several directions of dance aerobics, consider the types and their features.

  1. Belly dance. This is not only choreographic art, but also an excellent method for improving the proportions of the body. Classes can improve posture, increase the level of flexibility, grace. During training, a huge amount of muscles is involved. Health improves in general, therefore, even people who do not seek to lose weight, but simply maintain their form, go to such classes.
  2. Strip Dance. Such trainings are based on sensual and plastic movements that contribute to the formation of a female figure and its improvement. In the classroom, not only dance is studied, but also a comprehensive stretch is carried out.
  3. Jazz aerobics. With its help, you can perfectly improve posture, train the spine. All movements are performed at a rather calm pace, at the base - wave -like movements, plastic hands. Such aerobics will be an excellent choice for girls who have preparations in the field of choreography.
  4. Hip-hop aerobics. In this case, huge volumes of energy are spent, so excess weight goes quite quickly. A lot of jumps and intensive body movements are performed at a very high pace.
  5. Latin aerobics. Most often there is a zumba, which can be signed up in any fitness club. You can do it yourself, but you can’t do without video training. The rhythm is not very fast, the movements are not complex, but the rhythm of the dance itself and the springy type of steps along with the constant work of the hips contribute to the achievement of excellent results.

Depending on the selected direction, various types of programs and sets of exercises are performed. All of them differ in the level of load, so everyone can choose an option that suits him the most.


  1. Today, this type of aerobics is gaining quite popular and is almost not inferior to dance trainings. Such workouts are also very effective with proper execution. In this case, lessons with weighting agents that are carried out after the completion of the block with jumps and other exercises are important.
  2. Such loads are much harder, but more efficient. Therefore, they are quite common.
  3. It is best to conduct classes in the hall, but if this is not possible, you will have to fill the room in the house with several different devices necessary for training.
  4. You will need a platform, it is not necessary to choose a wide one - 40 cm will be enough. The length should be at least 1 m, but no longer required. The height is selected based on the growth indicator, it is not worth choosing high or too low, because it will only complicate the training and affect the quality of the result. It is best to get a platform with height regulators. Over time, dumbbells and some other weighting are also needed.
  5. Important rules:
  • before starting classes, for about 30 minutes you need to drink a little water, 250 ml is enough. During the training itself, also drink water in small portions;
  • during the exercises on the raising platform, they are carried out exclusively at the expense of the strength in the legs, the back should not work;
  • each movement should be soft and smooth, no need to make a jerk;
  • put the entire foot on the surface of the platform, and not just part of it, at this moment, transfer the weight to the leg;
  • the same exercise is performed no more than a minute, then you need to switch to another;
  • in this case, you need to face the platform;
  • the knees must be bent a little to prevent the appearance of injuries;
  • keep the body straight all the time, and the body muscles are in tension. Do not raise your shoulders, but the chin, on the contrary, lower it;
  • any of the complexes of this type of aerobics is based on several types of steps: TOP-up, STEP-Touch, BASIC STEP, V-STEP and others.

Aerobics for weight loss for beginners

  1. If a person is just starting over aerobics, then he needs to pay attention to such types:
  • step-aerobics;
  • dance aerobics;
  • classic.
  1. All other species are better suited for people more advanced.
  2. When performing exercises, the level of sweating increases, the probability of getting diabetes is reduced, to get a nervous disorder due to depression.
  3. You need to start with several times a week. If there is no special training, then enough 2 - 3 times. Otherwise, start with 3 or 4. Next, you need to bring the number of training somewhere to 6 per week. At first, do not more than half an hour, and then gradually increase the training time. You can bring to 1 hour, but no more.

Aerobics lessons for weight loss

  1. If suddenly nothing turns out and it seems that something happens differently as it should, then you can take several aerobics lessons from the coach or online.
  2. In this case, you can learn a lot of nuances of performing exercises. It is advisable to conduct aerobics lessons under musical accompaniment.
  3. Choose tracks, the genre of which you usually prefer to listen. This will help to set the desired mood and rhythm exercises.

Aerobics for weight loss: video

Today on the network you can find many videos that demonstrate certain types of aerobics and classes. Before you start training, you can see all the existing species and choose the most interesting and suitable. Very well shown aerobics techniques in these videos:

Aerobics for weight loss: reviews

  1. Today, many people turn to aerobics in order to lose weight. These are mainly female representatives.
  2. Most often among them you can meet women after pregnancy. Often they have problems with the emergence of excess weight, with which they begin to actively fight. In this case, women achieve the results they need for a month and continue classes in order to maintain a form. Everyone who tried such trainings like the results and efficiency of training.
  3. Aerobics are also engaged in those who have too much energy, which, due to certain moments of lifestyle, constantly requires a way out.
  4. Some time after the start of classes, people note that the muscles become stronger and more embossed, the figure is tightened, the level of endurance increases.
  5. In the right direction of excess energy, you can achieve incredible results. In this case, the load must be gradually increased without fail, then the results will be even more pleased.
  6. Often, those who want to always look beautiful and sporty are engaged in aerobics. In this case, aerobics helps the best. There is not only a noticeable improvement in overall well -being, but also acquisition by a figure of beautiful and toned outlines.

Aerobics is a great way to lose weight without resorting to paid briefings, trainers and halls. You can study at home yourself, but you just need to choose the training program for yourself and clearly observe all the instructions.



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