
How to do the massage of the hands and hands. The technique of performing anti -cellulite massage of the hands for weight loss. Rehabilitation massage of the hands after a fracture and stroke

How to do the massage of the hands and hands. The technique of performing anti -cellulite massage of the hands for weight loss. Rehabilitation massage of the hands after a fracture and stroke
The article will be useful to those who are interested in the technique of performing hands at home. Learn to conduct a relaxing procedure yourself.

Massage is an amazingly pleasant procedure during which the body relaxes, and thoughts go in order. The pacifying effect of massage attracts both men and women. A special role in the general massage belongs to the massage of the hands. A huge tension is concentrated in our hands, which leaves after a relaxing massage session. In this article we will talk about what types of hands can be, who especially needs it, the technique of massage of the hands at home.

Hand massage. Benefit

If you think that the massage of the hands is inferior in its significance by massage of other parts of the body, then you are deeply mistaken. An active lifestyle, city bustle, work stress, eternal household chores imprint on the state of our hands unnoticed for us. Fatigue accumulates in them, which leads in poor health. It is in order to “unload” hands, to remove the load of fatigue from them and the tension is necessary for the correct massage of the hands. Among the positive aspects of the massage of the hands, the following can be distinguished:

  • a beneficial effect on the human nervous system;
  • positive emotions during a massage session;
  • great lymphatic drainage effect;
  • positive effect on the condition of the skin of the hands;
  • elimination of cosmetic defects on the skin;
  • the provision of a rehabilitation effect if the hands in this need;
  • the use of various massage techniques with stimulation of active points on the palms can have a healing effect on different body systems.

Hand massage techniques

How to do hands massage? For hand massage, all those techniques that are used for other parts of the body are used. Among the main massage techniques, the following can be distinguished:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • tingling;
  • twisting;
  • pat;
  • kneading.

These techniques replace each other during the session, the speed of movements increases or decreases. Of course, the massage therapist has much more opportunities for alternating all these tricks, if only because he has two hands for massage. But self -massage is not inferior in its effectiveness. If at the end of the day you devote a little time to your hands, you will definitely notice the positive aspects of this procedure. In self -massage, techniques such as stroking, rubbing and kneading are often used. The effectiveness of the massage of the hands will be increased if you additionally use a cream or massage oil.

Hand massage technique

Massage of the hands

Massage of the hands is very often performed during the manicure procedure. This brings incredible pleasure and relaxation. Massage the hands begin with the fingertips. With wrapping movements, each finger is rubbed from the back, inner, side sides. Then rubbing movements massage the palm and the back of the brush. You can use such massage techniques as:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • vibration;
  • kneading.

Fingers massage

If the massage therapist performs fingers, then he can ask the client to either sit in a position convenient for him or lie down. For convenience, the brush goes to a special roller.

  • You should start fingers massage with the tips.
  • Perform light and slow stroking each finger on the inner and back.
  • Next, each finger needs to be subjected to such a technique as longitudinal and transverse “stroke”.
  • Now you can start more intense massage techniques, since the fingers have already warmed up quite well. The kneading is best carried out with two hands, taking the soft fabrics around the finger on both sides with the thumb and index fingers. Movements are also made from the tips and to the base of the finger.
  • You need to complete the fingertips massage with light stroking.

If you perform self -massage of your fingers, then techniques are used exactly such. At the end of the procedure, move with each finger, develop the joints. Self -massage of the fingers is very convenient to perform during daily hand care, using special cosmetics.

Massage of the forearm

During the massage of the forearm, it is very important to conveniently place your hand so that it is in a relaxed position. If the massage is performed by the second person, then the forearm must be placed 110-120 degrees in relation to the shoulder. In order to most effectively perform massage of this part of the hand, you need to know the anatomy of the forearm. The muscles of the middle part of the arm are divided into 2 groups:

  • the front group of muscles, which includes flexor muscles and chipper muscles, responsible for the turn of the palm down;
  • the back group of muscles, which consists of muscle extensor and muscle-soup muscles, responsible for turning the palm up.

At home, you can easily perform the forearm massage using the following techniques:

  • various types of stroking in the bend of the elbow. Stroking can differ in its intensity, be wave -like, wrapping, forceply, rowing;
  • in the second part of the massage session, you can proceed to intensive rubbing, which can also be wrapping, spiral, straightforward, circular, etc.;
  • the kneading is most convenient to carry out with both hands, grabbing the soft fabrics of the forearm with your fingers. Movements can be spiral, transverse or longitudinal. The skin can be slightly delayed, pressed;
  • intensive techniques, which are often used to massage the forearms, include all types of tapping, shaking, vibrations, patting.

Like any type of massage, the massage of the forearm should be completed by calming strokes of the back and internal parts.

Massage of the elbow joint

The elbow joint is the joint, which consists of:

  • shoulder bone;
  • elbow bone;
  • radius.

A large number of nerve endings, ligaments are concentrated in the elbow joint. Massage of this part of the body will remove fatigue and a sense of pressure from the hands. After all, in a day, our elbow makes a huge number of bending and extension movements. In the massage of the elbow joint, including self -massage, the following techniques can be used:

  • light stroking the back and inner sides of the elbow joint;
  • circular, spiral rubbing, sawing, strokes longitudinal and transverse;
  • kneading varying degrees of intensity;
  • grasping rubbing, patting, tapping, vibrational movements, acupressure massage of the flexion and extensor joint.

Shoulder massage

Difficulties may arise in determining the concept of “shoulder”. Many people do not imagine this part of the body. The shoulder is the upper part of the person’s hand, which begins near the shoulder joint and ends near the elbow joint. This part of the body is often subjected to active lymphatic drainage, anti -cellulite massage, since the shoulder is prone to the accumulation of adipose tissue. The shoulder muscles can be divided into 2 groups:

  • the muscles of the shoulder of the front group, which are called bending muscles. Among them, you can list the shoulder muscle, the two-headed muscle of the shoulder and the coracious-brew muscle of the shoulder;
  • the muscles of the shoulder of the rear group, which are called muscles-exhibitions. These include the three -headed shoulder muscle and elbow muscle.

The following techniques can be used for massage and self -massage of the shoulder:

  • stroking varying degrees of intensity. Stroking should be carried out, starting from the elbow and rising to the shoulder joint;
  • kneading. This method of massage is usually carried out with two hands, capturing free fabrics around the bones. Movements can be wrapping, spiral, circular, forceply, with pressure;
  • soft movements are kneaded by adolescents and fencing muscles;
  • tapping, vibrational movements, sawing, strokes, acupressure.

Massage of the shoulder joint

In the shoulder joint, tension or even pain can be felt especially often. Massage of this area is aimed at relaxing, improving blood supply, getting rid of an unpleasant sense of constraint in the shoulder joint. Massage can be carried out at home, but it is better that the second person helps you. The following techniques are used to massage the shoulder joint:

  • intensive stroking, stroking with pressing;
  • circular rubbing, forceply rubbing, strokes;
  • kneading, kneading with pressing, spiral kneading.

Features of some types of hand massage

Anti -cellulite hand massage

The excessive layer of adipose tissue usually accumulates on biceps and triceps. Of course, this spoils the mood, makes you abandon open outfits. Making these places is very problematic. It is sometimes possible to cope with such a task only to a specially directed lymphatic drainage hand. The anti -cellulite hand massage will be the most effective if you entrust it to a specialist. This type of massage is intensified, the skin during the session becomes red. Anti -cellulite hand massage is able to exert the following types of effects:

  • significant improvement in blood flow in the hand;
  • beneficial effects on cells;
  • a positive effect on the appearance of the skin, elasticity increases, smoothness appears;
  • removal of edema in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hands;
  • a beneficial effect on a mental state, the emergence of a feeling of relaxation and ease;
  • reducing adipose tissue, getting rid of "orange peel".

The massage of the hands for weight loss can be distinguished by the following features:

  • do not conduct a session of such intense massage immediately after the shower. A wet body can easily get scuffs;
  • in order to achieve a persistent effect of the absence of cellulite in the hand, you will need more than one massage session. The course should consist of at least 10-12 sessions of 10-20 minutes per hand;
  • the effectiveness of the anti -cellulite massage of the hands will increase significantly, if you use additional cosmetics. For example, scrubs. They can be both ready from the store, or independently prepared from natural ingredients. Ground coffee, sea salt showed remarkably in the fight against the hated "orange peel". You can also carry out special wraps up;
  • some masters prefer to conduct a session of anti -cellulite hand massage using not creams, but talc. It will help make movements fast, light, but at the same time intensive;
  • anti -cellulite massage of the hands begin to do from the fingertips, gradually moving to the shoulder joint;
  • before the massage, the skin must be prepared. To do this, use warming and rubbing. The main part of the massage consists of the following intensive techniques: tapping, patting, kneading, pinching, pressure.

Of course, the key to successful getting rid of cellulite and losing weight of the hands will be not only properly performed massage, but also nutrition, physical activity. Eat more vegetables, herbs, cereals, limit yourself to flour, sweet. And in combination with anti -cellulite hand massage, you will definitely notice the effect. In addition, such a massage, in addition to a cosmetic problem, plays an important role in health. After all, the neglumed cellulite in the area leads to damage to the vessels.

Hand massage to the child

You can be surprised and puzzled by the existence of hands massage to children. Why should this be done? If adults accumulate fatigue and tension in their hands, then where do the kids come from? For children, such a massage is carried out with a completely different purpose. You can divide the massage of the hands for children into 2 groups:

  • therapeutic massage, healing, hygienic. It is usually prescribed by a neurologist, surgeon or pediatrician. Newborns may often have a tone in handles, and it is precisely to eliminate this problem that the massage course can be prescribed;
  • speech therapy massage of the hands. The purpose of this massage is the impact on the intellectual development of the child, on the development of speech.

Hand massage for speech development is not the most popular, but very effective. Perhaps you have repeatedly heard the statement that it is at the fingertips. Indeed, practice many times proves that the vocabulary is much wider, speech is more developed in children with well -developed fine motor skills. The following facts can be distinguished in favor of the effectiveness of a speech therapy hand massage for children:

  • the proximity of the centers of speech and fine motor skills in the brain. You can notice behind yourself and other people the desire to saturate your speech with gestures, especially with a lack of words. This once again proves that our speech is inextricable with fine motor skills, gestures;
  • evidence of the benefits of hands massage for the development of children's speech were made already in the 19th century. Even then, mothers began to massage the hands of their children in the first weeks of life. After that, the zones responsible for speech begin to actively activate in the brain;
  • if a 7-month-old child managed to get the index finger from the fist, then he should not have problems with speech.

The features of the massage of the hands in children are the following:

  • you can even carry out a light stroking massage of your hands even to a newborn. You can slightly knead each finger;
  • a more intense hand massage until the age of 3 months can be carried out after consulting with a children's doctor;
  • in order for your touch to not cause discomfort to the baby, your hands should be clean and warm. You can slightly lubricate your palms with a baby cream or oil for more smooth sliding;
  • after the child has reached the age of 3 months, you can carry out hands massage at home using various items. It can be different balls, sticks, pencils. Such items can be rolled in the palm of your hand, between the fingers of the child;
  • small children will react to the massage of pens with even greater joy if you accompany it with nursery rhymes, poems, jokes, verbal games. In addition to the benefits of massage, the baby will also receive emotional pleasure from communicating with you;
  • massage of the baby’s hands is advised to start by kneading the palm with an index finger. Then massage each finger. Next, for 1 minute, make stroking the handles in the direction from the wrist to the axillary hollow. Now you can make light rubbing, techniques with pinching. Remember that massage should not cause pain to the child. Complete such relaxing massage with soft stroking;
  • hand massage can be performed for therapeutic purposes. For example, in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis. The small child still does not know how to cough up sputum from the lungs, and the massage is called to help him in this. This type of massage is called drainage. The greatest emphasis is on the chest, back. But the massage therapist can also carry out hands massage, since they concentrate a large number of active points that are responsible for the respiratory system. Massage with bronchitis should not be carried out in the acute phase of the disease, but when recovery came.

Hand massage after a stroke

The main tasks of hand massage after a stroke are the following:

  • bringing the limb to tone;
  • bringing blood circulation in the hand to normal;
  • getting rid of contractures;
  • rehabilitation and restoration of hand functions after a stroke.

Hand massage after such a serious ailment should be strictly after the doctor’s permission. This type of massage should be performed by a specialist. Conventional techniques and tactics of massage can be unacceptable for people after a stroke.

The following features of hand massage are distinguished for such people:

  • a person’s pose should be convenient for him. The position of lying down down is unacceptable. Hand massage in such a classic pose can contribute to increasing pressure, which is extremely undesirable. If a person suffered a stroke recently, then he can lie with a slightly raised body. For later rehabilitation after a stroke, the patient can sit in a chair;
  • rehabilitation massage begins to be carried out first on a healthy hand, after 3-4 sessions, starting more affected;
  • classic massage is carried out from the periphery to the center. But for massage of a person’s hand after a stroke, such a technique is undesirable. The goal should be to lower blood pressure, so all movements are performed from the center to the periphery;
  • when conducting a hand massage, the patient after a stroke should not affect the deep muscles. It can also provoke pressure lift;
  • intensive rubbing, rhythmic tapping, vibrations are unacceptable in massage of the human hand after a stroke. Your movements should be aimed at toning your hands;
  • after a stroke, some muscles can be atrophied, and some are in good shape. First, massage is carried out for weak muscles, and only then for spastic muscles.

Massage after a hand fracture

After a hand fracture, a long period of treatment and an even longer period of rehabilitation follows. As a rule, after a fracture, gypsum is applied to the hand. The hand is in an immobilized state for a long time. After gypsum is removed, the hand may seem reduced in size, pale color. The person for the first time after removing the gypsum does not feel the limb, it seems to him a stranger. Massage is an excellent tool for the return of mobility to the hand. Among the features of such a massage, the following can be distinguished:

  • hand massage after the fracture is aimed at preventing muscle atrophy, an anesthetic effect;
  • you need to start rehabilitation massage even when the hand is under gypsum. You need to massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe hand over the bandage, a healthy hand, the entire shoulder belt, the collar area;
  • after a fracture of the hand on the back, in the collar zone, you can perform stroking, rubbing, and squeezing. On a healthy hand you can perform almost all techniques of classic hygienic massage, avoiding too intense tapping. Massage is also carried out along the spine. Finger pads can be performed by soft rubbing, pressing, shifting;
  • when conducting a massage on a sore hand, you need to focus on the location of the fracture. If the brush is broken, then you need to start massage from the shoulder joint, gradually moving to the sore spot. Massage with a fracture of the radius of the hand, you need to start with the fingers, neck, shoulder;
  • the duration of one massage session for the hand after a fracture should be about 15 minutes. It is worth considering the fact that massage should not cause acute pain, discomfort.

Surpopted hand massage

Modern massage rooms can also offer a rather exotic type of hand massage - Su Jok, or a point of hand massage. This technique is based on a whole theory, according to which any organ or system of the body of the body has its projection on the palm or foot. I act on certain massage points on the arm, for example, you can improve the work of such organs as:

  • heart;
  • lungs;
  • stomach;
  • colon;
  • liver;
  • head, etc.

You can click on the appropriate points in the palm of your hand to find out the state of your organs. If at some point you felt pain, then this organ or part of the body suffers from some kind of ailment. In addition, acupressure can help cure this affected organ. It is necessary to make 7 massaging movements clockwise at this point, and then counterclockwise.

Hand massage. Video

Hand massage. Photo

Love yourself and your body! Most massage techniques that are currently known have come to us from ancient times. This health and pleasant procedure, which you can carry out without problems yourself at home, is able to give peace, harmony and a balanced emotional state.



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