
Running program for weight loss. How to run for weight loss correctly

Running program for weight loss. How to run for weight loss correctly
Losing weight by running. Possibilities of running, its benefits and harm to weight loss.

Running will bring the most unexpected changes! Effective combustion of calories, indescribable sensations of freedom, capabilities of the strength of their body and speed. A modern person often conducts passive activities in terms of health promotion, limited to observation and commenting. As a result, only a small percentage of the population knows about the benefits of running exercises.

The introduction of computer amenities creates slowness: the technique of the house, at work, pocket media in the form of tablets, phones with their brains. Cases of choice of activity in the direction of virtual games, simulators are not rare than real street games, the same run, football, hiking, skate skating, rollers. The longer the fifth point remains in a static position, the more cardinal measures aimed at struggle with excess kilograms. Almost every person can run and this does not require huge financial investments. You will need seasonal shoes and suitable clothes.

How to run for weight loss correctly

  • The start is smooth, landing on the heel, rolling onto the toe, and professionals are already falling on socks, loading the lower leg.
  • The sole completely touches the surface, the neck and spine are straightened. Sneakers with a shock -absorbing sole, soft insole, sneakers are not suitable.
  • To wave your hands with the case, modestly helping yourself.
  • They make a route, allocate enough time to implement the plan. A good result can be checked after 2 months.
  • Below will be a table of one simple running scheme for weight loss.

How to start running for weight loss

The gradual is an ally of a beginner. An experiment on winding 30 km in one day will not bring return, with the output consequences of energy loss, possibly injuries, unwillingness to rise from bed from rupture muscles. A small bottle of still water is necessarily taken on a run to quench thirst, a player with pleasant dynamic music. By choosing a training system, they start on any day, and for starting they do not expect a sign from above.

Run in the morning or evening for weight loss

The question arises before the newcomer: when to run, in the morning or in the evening? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. Both options will be correct if they are convenient for humans.

Running in the morning for weight loss

  • It is important to know that fat begins to split after 30 minutes. Running. However, the beginner will not immediately be able to withstand such loads.
  • It is necessary to approach the case like this: start training with 15 minutes, each time increasing the time by 5 minutes. And bring the duration to about 45 minutes. Or more, depending on the location of the time.
  • Gradual loads will prepare muscles and mind for difficulties. A smooth transition from one stage to another simplifies the task of adaptation.
  • Waking up, you should not immediately dress and go out into the street. They drink a glass of water, then prepare a light breakfast in the form of fast -soluble oatmeal, yogurt or a glass of kefir. Morning purity of cleanliness is in no way canceled. Brush your teeth and refresh your face. Then they dress and forward, conquer kilometers.
  • To want to repeat, running should be a pleasure! Before starting, kneading, heated muscles.

In the evening for weight loss

  • In the morning, before work, there was no time to run? Before the darkness in the alleys of the park there will always be a place!
  • It is not recommended to run along highways, breathe exhaust gases, along dark streets, clogging at yourself trouble at the hands of the enemy.
  • The right time is 19-20 hours, the body is not sleeping yet. The work is over, come home, eat tightly, 1 hour after dinner, having dressed, go to training.
  • At the end of the training, breathing is restored with a hitch and already in calm conditions of a cozy kitchen heated a second hearty protein dinner, fruits are excluded. They go to bed in 2 hours.

Interval run for weight loss

  • This is an alternation of fast and slow running. Fatigue comes soon, and calories are burned more energetically, a person loses weight with his whole body. The whole essence comes down to overcoming 100 m quickly, 200 m slowly. The body burns fat even during the rest, restoration of breathing on 200-t from the meter.
  • Training takes place 4 times a week. The first week is sparing - 3 times. When alternating with power loads on simulators, the number of running is reduced to 3 times a week.
  • It is strongly recommended to run daily, excessive stress creates a negative atmosphere for the mind and restoration of calories, wasted forces. Nevertheless, regular exercises create exactly the atmosphere that will be needed to burn fat. From 1-2 times a week, no use should be expected.
  • It is scary to run on the street can organize classes on a special treadmill. The simulators are equipped with a small screen with indicators of calculations of speed sensors and pulsometer. It’s expensive to purchase this yourself, and the use process will be boring. Either the point of the gym with like -minded people, the company is always more fun in the company!

Interval running program for weight loss

  • Warm -up - turns of the case, stretching the legs and arms, fast step, jogging.
  • Stage of maximum acceleration 30 seconds. And the stage of rest 60 seconds. Further, the acceleration ("U") is again 60 seconds. and rest ("o") 90 seconds. "U" 90 sec. and "o" 120 seconds. Then 2 sprints up to 120 seconds. and "o" 90 seconds.
  • Hitch - 5 min. The final run is a coward.
  • The total training time is no more than 25 minutes. Run to plan for the next 10 weeks.

Running at the site for weight loss

  • Reviews about running in place are quite positive. The home environment reduces the consumed amount of time to minimum.
  • Running on the spot is the prevention of some diseases, for example, tachycardia, arrhythmia, stress, improve blood circulation, excessive fat deposition.
  • 1 time a week will not be useful. They train from 3 to 5 times for 20 minutes. At any free moment.

Running program for weight loss

  • Warm-up-walk around the house with a quick step, turn the body, push off the floor 4 sets 10-15 times, rest 2 minutes. between approaches. It’s hard to push off the table.
  • They approach the wall, bend forward and put their hands on the width of the shoulders in front of them, begin to run with emphasis on the wall for 2 minutes, then 4 minutes. Without support. In the process of running, the case is slightly tilted forward, but the spine does not form a hump, the press is tense. Alternate for 25-30 minutes.
  • Stretching - sipping legs and buttocks sitting on the floor.
  • To somehow diversify the training change warm-up exercises. For example, push -ups for squats. Grout - a complex of stretching for flexibility. The main part is also corrected, for example, 30 minutes. Without stopping with a straight back.
  • Distribute the program for 8-10 weeks in a row, print and hang on the refrigerator.

Nutrition runners when losing weight

  • Does the body require food? It must be provided with fats (fish, nuts), carbohydrates (pasta, cereals, honey), proteins (eggs, cottage cheese), liquid (water, fruit compotes, dried fruits).
  • Fried, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits are partially removed, ketchup, chips, snacks, alcoholic drinks, soda.
  • When losing weight, they change the diet, but do not eat less sparrow! For a woman, it takes about 2500 kk per day. Eat fractionally in small portions (4-5 times a day).
  • The soul cries behind the snacks - the improved variations are prepared. You will need 100 g of prunes without bones, figs, dried apricots, 1 pear, 1 banana, nuts 50 g, slightly brown sugar and 100 g of oatmeal (fried). Mix, flavor with lemon juice, form in the bars and bake in the oven for 30 minutes.

Breathing while running for weight loss

  • Full breathing will violate the duration and quality of classes. It should be rhythmic, natural. Inhale shorter than exhalation, if you use one nose, then there will soon be a lack of oxygen.
  • How to find out about the correctness of breathing - when a running person talks without choke, everything goes well.
  • With colic in the side, they are suspended, breathe slowly, massaging the sick side. Causes of discomfort: overeating before going out, poor warm -up, failure in breathing.
  • The lungs are trained in the same way as muscles, for example. The simplest thing that comes to mind is pouting balls, singing, playing wind instruments.
  • In winter, only the nose is used in the cold air, the mouth is closed with a scarf.

Running equipment for weight loss

  • Summer clothing: free or moderately tight -fitting T -shirts, breeches, shorts, leggings from breathing material. If the weather becomes colder, put on a light windbreaker, cleaning from hypothermia.
  • In spring and autumn, a sweater with a long sleeve is added, the shorts are replaced with sports pants, if necessary, you can add a thin hat and a bandage to the neck.
  • In winter, thermal underwear, gloves on the fleece, winter sneakers on thick and at the same time light, ribbed soles are already sophisticated and acquired.
  • In general, the picture looks like this: in every season, following the summer, the runner puts on 1 additional layer of clothing. In winter, it is better to run up to -15 degrees. At low temperatures, it is advisable to replace the cold and slippery streets with a treadmill in the gym or temporarily relax, which will be even more useful, since the muscles need to be restored.

Contraindications to run for weight loss

Unfortunately, there are a number of restrictions in which to run is contraindicated temporarily or forever. This includes such diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, arthralgia, severe curvature of the spine in scoliosis, osteochondrosis, unequal joint injuries, obesity in parallel with the impossibility of alignment of the heart, joint discomfort with strokeing loads, mitral stenosis, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities. In such cases, swimming bones and cartilage swimming. A cold is a temporary contraindication for running.

Running and at the same time thin, it’s very easy to switch to a positive way, not to think about everyday problems. Or vice versa, think over everything from a new point of view! Stress will leave, they will replace muscle activity, spiritual growth, the ability to abstract from negativity. Additional advantages of running on the street before contemplating the wall, the TV screen in the gym is the ability to breathe fresh air, contact nature, and finally make out the world!

The run in the park, in the stadium - excellent, and even better when a forest or a field with a trampled flat road is near the house, so that it was more interesting to burn calories! A set of measures performed (food, choice of terrain for the track, information about the right technique, more) will help to build a run to the degree of your favorite lesson, in which it is nice to develop.



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