
What is cardiography. Exercises for cardiography at home. The program of cardiovascular weight loss. What is after cardiotry

What is cardiography. Exercises for cardiography at home. The program of cardiovascular weight loss. What is after cardiotry
Features and rules for performing cardiography at home, features and exercises.

If a person has no opportunity or desire to go to the gym, run in the mornings in the cold, then it can easily replace all this with cardiovascular. Their main advantage is that they can be held at home. Correctly formed program will help get rid of stress, fat deposits, will support the general tone of the body.

What is home cardiovascular

  1. There are no additional equipment for conducting such training, because All exercises are performed only using their own body weight.
  2. For the start of classes, it is not necessary to undergo any preparation, it can be started to start such training, but only in the absence of serious health issues.
  3. Cardiography for women is the best way to always keep yourself in a tone.
  4. The aerobic type of load has considerable benefits:
  • since during the training excess fat turns into energy, the body weight begins to stabilize;
  • the heart is constantly trained, which helps strengthen the vessels and myocardium, and this prevents the development of heart disease;
  • the level of endurance increases, the physical form comes to normal;
  • the general immune system is strengthened, resistance to diseases of different types increases;
  • resistance to stress and their negative impact on the body as a whole is formed;
  • sustaines, muscles and ligaments are always in working condition, so no problems arise with them.
  1. Basically such trainings are popular among women who seek to create a more ideal figure and want to get rid of fat in different parts of the body. Today, cardiotrans is the most relevant form of aerobic load.
  2. Cardiography at home have its own characteristics:
  • it is imperative that the load is uniform, regular, it is clear that it takes some time, so the schedule of classes should be thought out to be thought out;
  • it is best to engage in no more than 3 times during the week, and over time, try to bring training to regularity at 5 to 6 days;
  • try not to do between workouts too large interruptions;
  • body overload also will not lead to anything;
  • the optimal time of classes is half an hour.
  1. It is believed that aerobic type training contributes to more efficient fat burning than power classes. However, it is not entirely correct. To obtain an effective result, you need to combine these two types of training. Separately, they will not bring too fast effect. Their combination will help in the destruction of fat deposits not only at the moments of training, but also during the rest time.
  2. It is very important that the training is only pleasure and pleasant fatigue. If after training there is poor health, pain in the legs and arms, back, then for a while, interrupt your classes and go for a consultation to the doctor.
  3. So that the training is more interesting and easier, try to choose several music tracks depending on your preferences in the genres. They will help to align the rhythm of movements, give the need for the right attitude. But the loud melodia should not play.
  4. Try to exercise in the interval between 16 and 19 hours. In this period, fat deposits are burned in the most effectively. In case you need to not get rid of fat, but to increase the level of endurance, then classes can be carried out in the morning. But at this time the exchange of substances in the body differ in low speed.
  5. Pay attention to the fact that during cardiotrements does not occur the muscle mass. These trainings are directed completely into another channel.

Features of the pulse during cardiography:

  • One of the most important parts of the cardiovascol - control of the pulse. If you do not follow this parameter, you can get a lot of problems.
  • Before you begin such loads, it is important to determine the upper border of your pulse. During each lesson, you need to check the pulse frequency several times and control its level.
  • The pulse can be calculated independently, but for this you need to have some preparation so that the error is not too big. It is recommended to purchase a pulsometer in a shop with a medical equipment.
  • If you neglect the readings of the pulse, myocardium will be too loaded, and if this will occur regularly, arrhythmias and periodic jumps of blood pressure can begin.
  • Please note: it is important that the pulse always makes no more than 75% of the maximum value. That is, in a minute there must be no more than 120 shots. If you hold the pulse at such a level, you can not be afraid of any problems.

Correct cardiography: Rules

Such trainings are important to pursue strictly according to certain rules. Consider the main aspects and norms.

  1. Do only those exercises that give pleasure. No violence is needed.
  2. If you start training in a good arms of the Spirit, you can achieve a much larger effect.
  3. To avoid overloading of the same muscles, try to always alternate exercises, working on different fibers.
  4. To destroy more calories, change the pace of work all the time.
  5. The rest between each exercise should be from 30 to 45 seconds, but not longer.
  6. For classes, choose clothes from natural materials, wear comfortable shoes or use barefoot at all.
  7. It is necessary to breathe in a calm pace, all the time through the nose. Keep your breath and control it all the time, not allowing him to be knocked out.
  8. If classes are held in the room, then first ventilate the room. When conducting classes on the street, try to go out in normal weather.
  9. The best cardiovers are those that provide for a combination of workouts with proper and healthy diet, so think well. Eat protein, but dietary food. It belongs to the meat of birds, fish, low-fat veal. Use complex carbohydrates. Eat always 2.5 hours before classes, but not later. After training, you can eat food, only after 40 minutes. What is after cardiotering: Take something easy, like salads from vegetables, so as not to load the body of food strongly.
  10. If you do in force, then no result will be. Choose what is able to, and then gradually go to more complex exercises. The approach should be rational and serious. Be prepared for the fact that classes need to be done constantly, and not 2-3 days, because then it makes no sense to even start, because the result will ultimately not be anyway.

Types of cardiovers: descriptions

  1. Depending on the purpose of the Cardiography classes are divided into several categories:
  • medicinal: In this case, workouts are used to strengthen the heart, increase the overall level of physical form, get rid of problems with joints and spine;
  • slimming: In this case, girls use trainings to give their figure a more harmonious look. Such training will help get rid of fat in different parts of the body and maintain the resulting form.
  1. These types of cardiovers imply the implementation of the same exercises, but in different quantities. In the first case, it is enough to perform several approaches for one training so that the bones and muscles are in good condition and have no problems with them.
  2. To lose weight, you need to do more intensively, and after achieving the desired result, conduct supporting trainings.

Exercises for cardiography

  1. Each training begins with a warm-up, which lasts at least 10 minutes. It is better to bring to 20. This will help heat the body and prepare for the load.
  2. Next, follow a walk on the spot, raising your knees as above. You can draw attacks. Only now you can start training. There are many different exercises, but the simplest and quite effective of them are not considered to be.
  3. Such cardiography for fat burning will be effective for all, they can be carried out as therapeutic prevention, but with another intensity.
  4. If physically you are at least a bit prepared, then start cardiotry with 10-15 repetitions for each exercise. If the physical form leaves much to be desired, then start from 5-7 times. As a result, you need to bring up to 30. With the course of classes, it is necessary to increase the number of cycles within one workout. Start with one.
  5. The cardiovascular program allows exercises in a completely any order. They can be combined as it will be convenient.
  6. To achieve the most maximum effect, intensity is needed, as well as the volume of training increase. But it is necessary to do this. At the same time, it is important to follow the mode all the time, then you can lower the pulse level on the performance of the same load. As soon as it happens, you can safely increase the severity of tasks. Such an approach will help strengthen the heart muscle, lungs, increase the overall level of endurance, and also get rid of excess fatty deposits.
  7. Aerobic workouts of such intensity are shown by those who have heart disease, the pathology of the joints and the problem with the spine. In this case, it is necessary to go to the doctor to consult a doctor before starting classes to resolve the degree of load.

Cardiography for beginners

  1. Running in one place: it is from this that it is better to continue the training after the workout, alternate a simple running and running with the knee lifting, make the screwdriver.
  2. Jumping. The most effective form is in one place. Try first to perform small jumps in the fast pace, and then go to jumps from the satecl position. Then make jumps with alternation: hands together, legs wide and vice versa.
  3. Explosive pushings will be extremely effective, which are still known as plyometric, for their execution you need to take the "stop lying" position, then make ordinary pushups, but when picked up the body up, you need to tear your hands from the floor and throw away the body as high as possible. Landing to its original position should be soft, for this control the hands. Later, with the aim of complicating training, you can start making cotton when picked up the case.
  4. Take again the position "stop lying". Connect the foot. After performing a jump, transfer them to the right side. Then return also to the original position. Now also move your legs to the left.
  5. Squate, squeeze your hands behind the head. When picked up, make a jump up, thumbing your housing as high as possible. After that, dried and repeat the action several times. It is better to start from 5-7 times.
  6. Stand up to the "Low Start" position. In this case, one leg should be under the case, and the second must be pulled back. Now jumps start changing legs in a fast pace. When push is done, you need to transfer body weight on both hands. Try to complicate the task and perform a symmetrical stopping of the legs.

Cardiography: video

If something does not work, you can first view a few rollers on which you will show how correctly this or that exercise is done. Then classes will be more correct, and the risk of damaging themselves will fall to a minimum.

Music for cardiotrerians

  1. Classes can be carried out with or without musical accompaniment.
  2. The music is selected such that a person usually prefers to listen. If it is a lover of classical music, then you need to choose several tracks of this direction, if a person likes pop, then such melodies are selected.
  3. They will help to ask the right pace and make an occupation more interesting and dynamic.

Simulators for cardiography

If you want to conduct training on the simulators, then give preference to the cyclehead. She will be the best assistant in such a type of trainings. Other simulators are better not to touch and do only on it.

Time cardiotrans

  1. When trainings are just beginning, they do not need to tighten them. Optimum duration - up to 30 minutes.
  2. Over time, it needs to be increased to 45 minutes, but do not do it too sharply. Adjust every two weeks 3 - 5 minutes to reach the desired result. If you feel that you can extend the classes before, try to extend them.
  3. As a result, when the form comes to normal and cardiography will be needed to maintain the result already obtained, bring them up to 1 hour.
  4. Cardiography for weight loss spend on this principle, and therapeutic so:
  5. Start with the minimum number of approaches, and increase carefully, so that the excess load does not harm health.

House cardiovers are an excellent way to get rid of excess weight, as well as many health problems. They will help to put the physical form and establish the work of the heart, internal organs.


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