
How to prepare Greckers with minced houses at home. Step-by-step recipes of Greckers with minced meat with photos. Greckers with minced meat in a slow cooker

How to prepare Greckers with minced houses at home. Step-by-step recipes of Greckers with minced meat with photos. Greckers with minced meat in a slow cooker
Greckers with minced meat - a simple and very unusual dish. How delicious to prepare Greckers with minced meat - the best recipes are presented in the article.

Greckers are delightful, satisfying and delicious cakes, often prepared with buckwheat porridge and minced meat, sometimes use liver or cottage cheese. The delicious dish of Ukrainian national cuisine, which is very popular in European countries and not only. Let's get acquainted with recipes.

Greckers: recipe with minced meat

Economical hostesses are preparing exactly such cutlets, despite the modern prices for buckwheat, from a small number of porridges there is a sufficiently much kitlet. Often after dinner, a small amount of porridge remains and not to throw out the product, it can be used to prepare a kitlet. And also, if adding onions, carrots, some flour and a couple of eggs - lovers of the kitlet "Do not delay the ears."

Of course, before proceeding directly to cooking, you need to prepare buckwheat:

  • In order for porridge to be tender and juicy, and in the literal sense "melted in the mouth", buckwheat should be soaked for a couple of hours. It is pre-rinsed well from pollution and debris, merging the water several times.
  • Then, pour the bar with cold water, and leave for 3-4 hours. So buckwheat "will reveal" and it will be much easier and much faster cooking.
  • Grek cutlets made of minced meat, prepared directly from buckwheat and with the addition, chicken, turkey or pig-beef minor. It is best to take a whole piece of meat: fillets, a shovel or cutting, independently mix it with a meat grinder, preferably 2-3 times.

Thus, the cutlets will turn out to be air, and due to the combination of such useful products - this is a great dish for young children who often ignore buckwheat porridge.

Many wonder: "How to cook races from minced me" - just like ordinary cutlets, only with the addition of buckwheat. If you are first prepare such cutlets, use a simple recipe:

  • Meat minced meat (at your discretion) - 400 g.
  • Onion - 70 g.
  • Buckwheat - 1 cup.
  • Egg.
  • Wheat flour - 50-70 g.
  • Spices.
  • Oil rustled. For frying.

  • Prepare buckwheat, because Described above, cook until complete readiness, slightly salted.
  • Prepare minced, add spices, buckwheat.
  • The bulb is finely cut or skip through a meat grinder along with minced meat.
  • Mix all with egg and sifted flour.
  • Shape cutlets. Preheat the frying pan with a thick bottom and fry on both sides before the formation of an appetizing crust.
  • After frying, you can disappear cutlets in a double boiler or in the oven, to do this, put all the products for the tray, pour out some of the water and cover with a sliced \u200b\u200bhalf rings on top. Preheat the oven to 120 ° C and leave the cutlets for 20 minutes.

Greckers with chicken minced

Chicken meat is always quickly brewed, and the cutlets are obtained juicy and not fat, moreover, inexpensive, so many mistresses prefer the chicken. Greckers are preparing for the same recipe that is described in the first paragraph, but you can add spices, garlic, greens, breading, etc. At your discretion.

Greckers, in contrast to our usual, the kitlet have a more delicate structure and due to the presence of buckwheat cereals are obtained very satisfying. The simplest salad of vegetables will fit on the side dish to such cutlets.

How to cook rarers with minced meat? To do this, take this set of products:

  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs.
  • Buckwheat boiled - 200 g
  • Potatoes raw - 2 pcs. Middle.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • 2 bulbs.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Flour.
  • Spices.

  • In the tank, connect the mince from the fillet, grated potatoes, buckwheat, finely chopped onion, garlic and egg. If the mince is liquid, you can add some flour and one more egg.
  • Mix well and add spices to cut in breadcrumbs and fry from two sides on vegetable oil.
  • Before readiness in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 ° C. This recipe is suitable not only for cooking with chicken meat, but also with beef, pine and turkey.

Also, you can combine chicken mince and buckwheat, add a little onion and carrots, spices, fry - and it turns out a beautiful filling for pancakes to tea.

Greckers with turkey minced

Turkey meat is considered dietary, so it is often used to prepare various culinary products, including the Greek Kotlet. It should be used for a stuffing turkey turkey, which is perfectly combined with buckwheat cashew, also with garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, carrots and mustard.

A very tasty and simple recipe for Greckers with turkey minced meat:

  • Minced 500 g
  • Buckwheat - 150 g
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Bully - 1 pc.
  • Mustard - 1 tbsp.
  • Egg.
  • Flour - 40 g.
  • Spices to taste.
  • Breadcrumbs.

  • Buckle prepare, as it is indicated in the first paragraph, mix with minced meat, finely chopped onions and garlic, also add mustard, spices and flour, drive the egg and mix the mixture to a homogeneous state.
  • Every cutleter needs to get into breadcrumbs.
  • Fry from two sides to a golden crust, feed warm, with a side dish without. The red sauce is perfect for such a kitlet based on tomato paste with the addition of spices.

Greckers with minced meat in sauce

Sometimes the Greyers after frying are written in a double boiler or in the oven with the addition of a small amount of water, but also, it is possible to bring the cutlery cutlets with the addition of sauce, by the type of cooking the meter. Or prepare sauce and serve separately to the dish.

If you do not know how to prepare Greckers with minced meat, you can take advantage of the recipes that were written above, or to cook cutlets for such a recipe:

  • Minced (any) - 500 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Buckwheat (boiled) -1 glass.
  • Flour - 50 g
  • Egg-2 pcs.

  • Pasting carrots and finely chopped onions mix and fry in a frying pan with the addition of a small amount of oil.
  • In the minced meat add ready buckwheat porridge, spices, sifted flour, 2 eggs and roasted onions with carrots. Stir, fry.
  • Finished cutlets need to be placed in a casserole with a thick bottom and add sauce. Such cutlets are suitable as tomato (red) and sour cream (white) sauce.
  • Also, perfectly suitable for buckwheat cutlets Mushroom sauce.

For its preparation, you need to take such a set of products:

  • Champignons - 0.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • 1 cup sour cream.

This recipe is provided so that the buckwheat can not be prepared before adding to the mince. For the preparation of the kitlet you need to take:

  • Minced meat - 0.5 kg.
  • 1 cup of buckwheat.
  • Spices and frying oil.
  • Flour.

  • Minced stuff with washed buckwheat, add salt to taste. To panar in flour and slightly fry on vegetable oil.
  • Shoot the cutlets to the cauldron with a thick bottom, pour 1.5 glasses of purified water and stew on medium heat.
  • For cooking sauce, finely chopped onion and finely chopped mushrooms, combine and fry on the creamy oil before forming a crust, add sour cream and salt slightly. Ready sauce to shift to Grechanters and stew another 20-25 minutes.
  • The sauce will fit instead of sour cream of high fatty cream (33%). Roasted or raw mushrooms can be added immediately into mince for the kitlet, it is also tasty and original.

Greckers with minced meat in tomato sauce

Greckers are preparing both with minced meat and without it, so that the cakes are satisfied with the minced meat, for example, mushrooms or potatoes. Often, the cutlets after frying are brought to complete readiness in the oven or a double boiler, but it turns out more delicious if you find the cutlets in the sauce with the addition of sauce.

Basically, for the boiler, meatballs, red sauces are prepared, because They are more suitable for meat. Especially if the beef or pork meat is used.

In order to prepare buckwheat cutlets in tomato sauce, first, it is necessary to prepare the cutlets themselves, you can use the recipes that are described above, and for the sauce you should take such products:

  • 300 ml of tomato paste.
  • Bulb.
  • Creamy oil - 20 g.
  • Carry -1/4 part Ch.L.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 Laurel sheet.
  • 100 ml of boiling water.

  • First you need to finely cut the onions and lightly sweep in a pan so that it becomes soft. After, add tomato paste, garlic to sell through press, spices, salt.
  • All mix well and pass under the lid of 5-7 minutes, for 3 minutes. Before graduation, add water and mix to homogeneity. Sauce is ready. It should be added to the cutlets, if necessary, add more water.
  • Instead of tomato paste, grated tomatoes still use, the result will please you.
  • To get a tomato tissue for a dish, you can simply dissolve a tomato paste with boiled water, add a pair of laurel sheets, black peas and pour into this mixture of cutlets.
  • Sauce can be served separately or pour when serving, it will also be delicious and beautiful. Of course, if you are preparing Greckers for guests or for a celebration, the sauce is better to serve separately.

Greckers: recipe with minced meat in sour cream sauce

Creamy or sour cream sauce provides a gentle and pleasant taste of Grekrain. Such a sauce can be prepared very easily: mixed with boiling water 1: 1, add a little salt and fragrant herbs, a mixture to add to the cutlets and stew at least 20 minutes.

Of course, a lot of cooking recipes for Greckers have a lot, with such a product as sour cream you can experiment and add a variety of ingredients, such as greens, mushrooms, spices for every taste.

Also, the hostesses recommend the combination of sour cream and tomato sauces. It is especially well suited for Grechards, if you serve them as a garnish of spaghetti, pasta, etc.

In order to prepare a very tasty sour cream sauce to the cutlets, you will need:

For a kitlet:

  • Minced beef - 250 g
  • Pork farce - 250 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • A glass of buckwheat.
  • Flour.

For sauce:

  • Meat broth - 2 glasses.
  • Cream (33%) - 3 tbsp.
  • Curry - 1/4 tsp
  • Bulb.
  • Garlic - 4 teeth.
  • Sour cream - 0.5 glasses.
  • Bunch of greenery.

  • Prepare cutlets: mix mince with bow, boiled buckwheat, egg and spices. Mix well, cut into flour and fry on both sides. Move the cutlets on the baking sheet with oil.
  • In order to cook sour cream sauce, you need to slightly fry the finely chopped onions, add cream, sour cream and spices, stew under the lid 2-3 minutes, then pour the broth and add spices to taste.
  • Mix well and add finely chopped greens. Ready sauce pour into cutlets and bake at 160 ° C approximately 15-20 minutes.
  • This sauce can be served separately or water the cutlets immediately before the feed itself.

Greckers with minced meat in the oven

Greckers are easy to prepare, both in a frying pan and in the oven, the recipe remains the same. Spices and sauce you can add to your taste, perfectly fits the seasoning hops, Italian herbs, turmeric or curry. Souches are suitable for both red (tomato) and cream or their connection.

Pasta or potato mashed potatoes are chosen on the garnish to buckwheat. Lightly vegetable salads are also well suited with the addition of arugula and various greenery. If you bake the cutlets, it is better to add more eggs and use only pre-welded buckwheat croup.

Cooking Greckers with minced meat in the oven lasts 40 minutes at a temperature of 180s. For this you need to take:

  • Meat minced meat (to taste) - 800 g.
  • Buckwheat - glass.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 70 g.
  • Spices.
  • Oil for lubrication beam.

  • Prepare a mixture for a kitlet: mix boiled buckwheat porridge, with minced meek and eggs, add spices to taste.
  • Of this amount of minced meter, approximately 20 cutlets are obtained. Stay on the baking sheet and put in a preheated oven to 180 ° C.
  • In the water to dissolve tomato paste and spices. Add to cutlets.
  • Cutlets are treated with delicious and very gentle.

Greckers with minced meat in a slow cooker

In a multicooker, cutlets can be in the usual way or for a couple, if there is such a function. And that option is perfect for Grecharians. These are served various sauces or give rise in the cooking process.

  • First you need to cook buckwheat for this you need to choose the "buckwheat" or "cereal" mode, it is welded for 30 minutes.
  • While buckwheat is boiled, you can cook minced meat. To do this, grind 500 g of meat, with the addition of 1 bulbs and a couple of cloves of garlic. Add fine chopped greens and ready porridge.

  • To form the Greckers, in the container for a slow cooker pour some vegetable oil and put in the bowl. Include "frying" or "baking" mode for 15 minutes. Turn over the products and turn on the multicooker again for another 15 minutes.
  • Optionally, you can add various herbs or spices at your discretion to mince. You can feed such cakes with "home-style potatoes", rice, pasta, etc.

As you can see, such a dish as the Greckers are already very universal. It is so convenient from the remains of buckwheat to cook delicious cutlets for the whole family. Such is a new dish of the already tried porridge. Try, your family should like it.

Video: Cutlets Greets with minced


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