
How to make a gooseberry wine at home. Step -by -step recipes of homeless wine from gooseberries

How to make a gooseberry wine at home. Step -by -step recipes of homeless wine from gooseberries
In this material, you will learn how to cook homemade wine from gooseberries, as well as using gooseberry jam. White sweet wine from gooseberries is very delicate and tasty, and most importantly, cooked with your own hands.

In this material, we consider the recipes of a wines from gooseberries. A rather diverse combination of components makes the drink very fragrant and tasty. Let's look at in detail.

Wine from gooseberries: benefit

Crust is known in our country for a long time. There is evidence that it has been grown since the XI century. The first to grow him in their sites were monks. And not in vain, since they considered gooseberries quite a valuable and useful plant.

And in order to doubt it, we will consider this wonderful berry in more detail and reveal its chemical composition. And of course we learn about the useful properties.

The chemical composition of gooseberries is quite wide and represented by a large content of vitamins, amino acids, micro-and macro elements. If we talk about vitamins, then it is necessary to say that the high content of vitamin A, b, S.

Also, of course, there are notes of sugar, organic acids (citric acid and, of course, apple acid). It is also worth considering that a wide range of microelements such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper and such rare components as zinc, cobalt, molybdenum are presented in the gooseberries.

Gooseberries are quite nutritious and valuable dietary product. It is recommended to use in dietary nutrition to people who monitor their weight, as well as those who care about their health and want to get a share of useful vitamins for the body.

Due to the content of vitamin C in gooseberries, life tone is strengthened and increased. It is also worth saying that gooseberries are a wonderful choleretic agent. Wine from gooseberries helps with inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. Increases metabolic processes, improves digestion. Prevents diarrhea, helps well for anemia, anemia. Cherryman helps to cure any inflammation on the skin: erysipelas, burns, rash.

Wine from gooseberries: Classics of cooking

To cook gooseberry wine, you need to follow this recipe:

  • Skip a clean berry through a meat grinder or grind in a other way in berry gruel and place in 3 l of a jar.
  • Add a 1.5 kg of gruel 2 liters of water and 1 kg of sugar to 1.5 kg so that there is a free space for foam during fermentation. Mix thoroughly.

  • Put in a warm place, covering with gauze, so that nothing superfluous falls (dust, garbage). Stir every day 5-6 times until sugar dissolves.
  • After 4 days, remove the cake and put on a quiet fermentation, closing the water plant for 1-2 months.
  • After 1-2 months, drain the wine from the sediment and filter through gauze so that there are no muddy deposits and sediment.
  • Pour the drink into a bottle of wine or champagne and put for 1 month to infuse.

It will turn out a gorgeous and tasty wine! The home drink will appeal to your guests and family members.

Simple wine from gooseberries

So, the preparation of gooseberry wine is a very simple recipe:

This will need:

  • 2 kg of gooseberries.
  • 2 kg sugar.
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Now you need:

  1. Sort berries, transfer to an enameled pan and knead well.
  2. Place the finished puree in the bottle by adding sugar and pour water. Cover with a napkin and tie an elastic band along the edge, making a hole.
  3. Put the wort in the dark and warm place for 5 days.
  4. Next, drain the wine carefully, holding the sediment, close the lid with the system (dropper), place the second end in a jar of water.
  5. Drain the liquid again, leaving the precipitate for days. This must only be done when fermentation stops.
  6. Close tightly with a lid and put for about 12 days in a cool place.
  7. After 12 days, again repeat the procedure for separating the fluid from the sediment, pour and remove wine for further storage.

Wine from gooseberry jam

Remember that metal dishes are not suitable for wine storage. That is, you can store in any one: glass, wooden or any other, but not the one made of metal.

So, we assume that in jam from gooseberries we use berries and sugar in a proportion of 1: 1. Now, based on such proportions

  • Add to 1 kg of jam 2 liters of water, be sure to boil so that there is a free space for foam during fermentation. Mix thoroughly.
  • Put in a warm place covered with gauze so that nothing superfluous falls. Mix daily for 3 days.

  • In this recipe, we use yeast, but not beer, but wine or, in extreme cases, bakery. Add dissolved yeast to wine and leave for 8 days.
  • Pour into a clean container and leave to infuse for 40 days.
  • After the specified period, drain the wine from the sediment and filter through gauze so that there is no sediment.
  • Pour into a bottle of wine or champagne and put for 1 month still brew.

Get chic and tasty wine! In addition, this is a great idea for the case when the jam has already stagnated, but it is still tasty, just long. In this case, it's time to make wine.

Currant and gooseberry wine

For 20 liters of wine, you need:

  • Berry 3 kg.
  • Sugar 5 kg.
  • Water 10 l.

We start cooking. If the berry is purchased, it is better to rinse it thoroughly, if your grown, then you can slightly rinse the water. Pour gooseberries and currants into a pan and a push berries and a push.

  • Pour 0.5 kg of sugar into the crushed berries, stir so that the yeast is broken well and add a glass of water.
  • Cover the pan with a lid or bag and sealed along the rim with tape. We leave to wander for 4 days while stirring 1-2 times a day so that the swollen hat of the foam does not boast.
  • You need to stir without opening, just shaking movements. But this must be done so that there is no mold.

  • In the process of fermentation, the berry will soften and all the amino acids that are needed are guilty. After 4 days, we begin to drain the liquid and separate from the sediment by filtering through a colander.
  • We do not throw the cake, but wash with clean water, pour the same water into a bottle with a worship. We add to the wort of water and pour 4.5 kg of sugar. We make sure that there is an empty place for fermentation.
  • Close the water plant and put in a dark place for about 1 month. A month later, we get rid of the sediment and put on storage or use.

Red gooseberry wine

It will be required:

  • Berry - 4.5 kg.
  • Sugar- 4 glasses.
  • Water - 4.5 l.

Wine from gooseberries differs from other fruit berry wines in that it has a unique and very rich aroma and great taste.

  • So, having 4.5 kg of berries, you need to grind it with a blender. Previously, crossing the separation of the unrealistic garbage, leaves and clearly spoiled berries from her.
  • It turns out puree from gooseberries. After put the mixture in the container. Next, add water in the amount that the weight of the berries was initially, namely 4.5 liters of cool boiled water.
  • Be sure to mix everything. Next, leave for 3 days at room temperature, stirring 2-3 times a day, giving oxygen access to the landlord.

  • After 3 days, you need to remove the pulp and filter the wort with the help of a conventional sieve. Next, squeeze the pulp with a juicer. Total should turn out about 6 liters of the drink.
  • The wort is drained into one large glass cylinder. Now it is necessary to calculate the sugar. For 6 liters you need 4 cups of sugar to get dry or semi -dry wine.
  • It is very important that the air gap remains in the cylinder because the wort will begin to actively wander and can score the output of carbon dioxide. Close the cylinder with an ordinary water shutter from a dropper inserted into the lid and hermetically sealed with plasticine. Since plasticine is neutral material without taste and smell. Close tightly with a shutter. Place the second end of the dropper in a bottle of water.
  • A wort, ready for fermentation, leave to wander and lighten for 1 month. After a month, drain the wine from the sediment, and measure the amount of sugar with an area. If the indicator suits you can consume wine or pour in containers and put it to insist. Everyone decides for himself.

Black gooseberry wine

20 liters of wine:

  • Berry - 8 kg.
  • Sugar - 6 kg.
  • Water - 8 l.

Take black gooseberries in order to cook wine. Do not wash the berry, do not lift the underwear, do not take acidic berries! If this rule is observed, the wine will turn out very good.

  • So, you need to take 8 kg of berries and knead it with your hands. It is better if it turns out to knead at least 40 %. Then, during fermentation, the berry that was crushed will pull out all the juice from the whole berry and it will become completely empty.
  • Next, add a handful of raspberries, which will give fermentation instead of yeast. After pour clean water in a ratio of 50%: 50%. While the water will wander, it will pull out the whole juice out of the cake and gooseberries.
  • Pour everything that turned out into the bottle and add 8 liters of water, best filtered. So, it should turn out about 16 kg of wort.
  • At 16 kg you need to add 4 kg of sugar. Leave the gap so that the hat with severe fermentation does not come out. When the hat rises, it is necessary to mix it several times a day.
  • Leave the first 2-3 days to wander on your own sugar, wait for the start of fermentation. If fermentation does not occur, add sugar and put it to roam in the dark and warm place at a temperature of 20 ° C not higher.

  • Close the bottle with a lid in which to pre -make a hole and close it with cotton wool. So that the wine would breathe. Vata filters all microbes and microorganisms, as well as spores of yeast from the air. And then the wine breathes.
  • After 2 days, add 2 kg of sugar and reduce its acidity. Stir so that the sugar dissolves, and not the donkey to the bottom. Then make clarification with chitosan. Send 4 bags of 50 g, by 20 liters of wort. The wine will become clean and transparent.

Sour gooseberry

So, for starters:

  • Roll the berry in any way. Add 1 glass of sugar (200 g) to it for every 6-7 liters of the mixture. Then mix, close (not hermetically) and put it wandering for a week in the room at 20-27 ° C.
  • Purrect a handful of cake as yeast. Do not use raspberries as natural yeast, because it will give a strong raspberry taste, which in this case will be inappropriate.
  • Squeeze the juice using a nylon stocking. Pour the squeezed juice into a container where further fermentation will occur. The capacity can be taken by a beer PET kangaroo 30 liters, it proven itself perfectly.

Prepare sweet water. Add sugar and water from the calculation for 10 liters of squeezed juice:

  • 10, 7 liters of water.
  • 1, 2 kg of sugar (when installing for fermentation).
  • 1, 86 kg on 4-5 days of fermentation.
  • 1, 2-1, 8 kg (to taste, sweetening) after 3 weeks of fermentation.

Then we dissolve sugar in water. The volume of water increases. Add sweet water and prepared yeast (cake). Close a bottle with a lid and insert a tube into the center of the lid. Dip the second end of the tube into a bottle of water 0, 5 liters tied to the PET bottle throat. And glue the label from a masking tape with a manufacturing date on a bottle.

Put the wandering at 24 ° C-30 ° C in the room. The first time to drain from the sediment after 3 weeks of fermentation, there will be the last sweetening. If the acidity remains high (the juice is diluted with water, it is to reduce the acidity of the wort), you need to add water. After another 3 weeks, make a second overflow (in both cases, the sediment is not disturbed). In a week you can develop young wine through banks!

Home wine from gooseberries

The process of preparing wine from gooseberries at home. Wine from gooseberries is obtained with an exclusive, not ordinary, sweet and sour taste.

  • To prepare wine, you need to collect the berry and grind it. It is best to do this with a bush with holes. Many use a meat grinder or blender. But this is undesirable. Because in these cases a bone is crushed and then it turns out a completely different taste. It should be mashed with a whole seed.
  • So, we pour the depressed mass into a glass 6 liter of a bottle and prepare a leaven. For sourdough, we dissolve 1 cup of sugar and a pinch of raisins into 0.5 liters of warm water, because homemade wine from gooseberries is prepared without yeast. Pour the finished leaf in puree from gooseberries. Raisins will give the initial fermentation, which further needs to be restrained.
  • Pour wine with clean water. Water for wine should be clean and high -quality, it is important. The quality of the wine depends on the water. Then the first task is to separate the juice from the pulp.

  • When the first fermentation begins, the pulp from the pulp will rise. And you will need to constantly, several times a day, punch this hat from the pulp to release oxygen.
  • After the wort is separated from the pulp, it is necessary to put a temporary shutter from the glove, which is pulled onto the throat of the bottle, then the hole in the finger is cut.
  • In this position, it should be 2-3 days. At a temperature of at least 20 ° C. After 3 days, the wort will be separated from the Muzgi. In 3 days, crust and everything that was in the berry will dissolve in its own acid. Next, all this needs to be drained and only juice is separated.
  • Gently blabbed the contents of the bottle, strain through a sieve or colander. Next, pour it back into the bottle and add water again and put under the shutter.

Wine is half -dry. The recipe is this:

  • 1 liter of juice.
  • 400 g of sugar.
  • 800 g of water.
  • 2 tbsp. raisin.

Pour the finished wort for a second fermentation in the bottle so that half of the bottle remains empty. Because when fermentation, the foam rises and can close the shutter. Add raisins and put the shutter by pouring clean water into it. We hang Birochka on a bottle, how many were put on fermentation. And put it to roam in a dark place with a constant temperature of 18 ° C-20 ° C so that the wine does not play very quickly.

  • Put the wine completely for fermentation 1 m from the floor. So that everything that happens to him is visible. It is necessary to monitor the sediment all the time, which falls, the cap and the amount of water in the shutter.
  • Gradually, you need to reduce the air chamber, adding water. We put the wine for about 21 days, but it is better to try. The wine in this way can stand for 1-3 years. And as you know, the longer the wine, the tastier it is.

How much wine will roam depend on the amount of sugar and the temperature of the room. When a pronounced sediment appears, the wine needs to be drained. When the wine shimmers, you need to remember that the precipitate has not a pleasant smell. And in order not to spoil the smell of wine itself and its taste, it must be urgently removed. If you hold the wine longer on this sediment, then the drink will acquire a taste and smell of an old barrel. This applies to any wine.

The finished wine is divided into 3 layers. From above, the wort itself, under it is a more white suspension and at the very bottom, is the most white liquid. Therefore, you need to gently drain the wine from the sediment and stop the fermentation. There are 2 ways how to do it:

  1. This is put in a cold place.
  2. Kill bacteria. That is, to kill the yeast with alcohol. To do this, it is necessary to raise the percentage of cherries 12% in wine, namely add about 100 g of alcohol per 10 l of wine or a glass of vodka. But so the wine is stronger and will not be natural.

Drain the wine needs to be clogged and put in the basement for half a year. And 2-3 times you still need to drain from the sediment, which will fall out during lightening. You need to use a rubber glove, which tightly cover the throat of the bottle. When the bottle was closed, you need to make one hole with a needle and put in a cool place. The wine is ready for clarification. After half a year, there should not be a sediment. After half a year, when the wine completely lights up, you need to preserve it.

Conservation process:

  • An enameled or stainless pan is taken. Wine flows into it and is placed on the stove.
  • The thermometer with a spoon tied to it is lowered into the wine and gas is turned on. It is necessary to bring wine to a temperature of 60 ° C-65 ° C. At this temperature, you need to keep it for 15 minutes.
  • In this process, the foam will stand out, it needs to be removed, it is not needed. After 15 min. Sterilization of wine is poured into a bottle, previously sterilized with vodka. It is necessary to pour so that the wine flows almost, under the very neck.
  • Next, roll up with a sterilized lid and put in a cool place.

How much to store the wine is decided by everyone himself. But as you know, the longer the wine, the tastier it is!

Video: gooseberry wine - home recipe



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