
What is a touch room

What is a touch room
The sensory room is a unique solution to complex problems and an assistant for psychologists and teachers.

Sensory room is a magical room for relaxation, stress removal and relaxation. This room contains unique equipment - or special, or made by your own hands - allowing a psychologist to gently work with its wards, to carry out prevention and even treatment of the nervous system and senses. Sensory rooms are different types, but they all have one single goal - to help find personal harmony and harmony with the world around, restore the mental balance, strengthen the nervous system. Depending on the task and methods of conducting sessions, the sensory room is equipped with frameless furniture modules and light-music accompanies, aromatic sensors, massage and interactive equipment.

Touch room equipment


Previously, there were many of the concept as the "Psychological Unloading Room", but the scientific thought went further. The desire for people to get psychological assistance and the charge of positive energy made introduce the newest scientific achievements in psychological practices, from which the sensory rooms were born. Studies in the field of light and aromatherapy, musical and color impact on the human psyche allowed to connect all the knowledge gained and results in one specially equipped room, which gives a comprehensive and amazing result.

Touch room main equipment


  1. Audiovisual equipment, decorative light panels and electronic control devices complex.
  2. Position equipment, including frameless furniture - mats and soft armchairs, pillows and experimental modules that fit under the shape of the human body, removing the physical and mental stress and reaching the maximum relaxation.
  3. Equipment and panels, developing sensory sensations - Giant balls, massage minor items.
  4. Mirror elements with fiberboard illumination, helping to stimulate tactile and visual receptors.
  5. Sound -animized tactile panels for children's sensory rooms allow you to create interesting bulk paintings, using your own design or on the already spent scheme.
  6. Amazing light fountains from LED cords. A great solution for a dark touch room in combination with starry sky and relaxing music.

Spectatical effects of the touchroom


The lighting system in sensory rooms is the main condition of a favorable environment. Soft muted light creates a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

  1. Upper light should not be bright and beating in the eye.
  2. The reflection and refraction of the light, the appearance of the "bunnies" on the ceiling or walls - all this is achieved with the help of glass items reflecting the light. It can be garlands, mirror balls that allow playing with light rays.
  3. Unusual lighting effects create fluorescent wallpapers and paintings, plasma balls, changing light patterns on the walls. At home, you can enable the usual projector, or when the light off, or the muted light, display the changing pictures on the monitor screen, which will create a similar positive effect as from expensive equipment.

Musical accompaniment sensory room


For musical accompaniment it is not necessary to use expensive equipment. Using a simple music center or a computer with stereo speakers. What music is most suitable for relaxation in the sensory room?

  1. Classic works of calm.
  2. Special mixes for relaxation.
  3. Meditative music.
  4. Sounds of Nature: raindrops, sounds of the sea, the forest sounds, the birds singing and the cries of dolphins.
  5. Chimes.
  6. Ringing crystal metal or suspensions for relaxation. They can send fan that will create a sound of the wind and make the suspension a little tinkling.

Aromatherapy in the sensory room


The ideal complement for relaxation and recreation will become aromatic oils having a different purpose: tonic, stimulating the immune system and relaxing. Aromasvechi, oil burner or aromatic pendants with dried herbs do their work - change the mood, improve emotional state.

For toning the body fit aromas that improve efficiency, enabling a surge of strength and energy:

  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • bergamot;
  • lemon;
  • schisandra.

For relaxation, use smell, eliminating depression, neuroses and excitement:

  • mint;
  • melissa;
  • lavender.

Essential oils are suitable for stimulation of the immune system:

  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • chamomile;
  • tea tree;
  • pine oil.

Working in the sensory room


Sensory room designed to give a sense of security and tranquility, serenity and joy. The combined effects on the nervous system and the senses is necessary for people with developmental problems and social adaptation after prolonged stress with disorders of mental and emotional balance during rehabilitation in the post-traumatic period.

Working in the sensory room involves a therapeutic sessions under expert supervision, create a program for a sensory room.

sensory room space can be divided into two halves: the relaxation and the activation unit.

Relaxation unit sensarnoy room


Relaxation unit is equipped with a dry basin, phonograms and colored discs. Sessions begin with a person dives into the dry pool, helping to fully relax the muscle tissue. Gradually changing color beads, colorful paintings on the walls, soothing music immerses the visitor in the atmosphere of peace. This procedure creates the right mood, the therapist at this time begins its work.

The activation unit in the sensory room


The activation unit with a dry swimming pool for active games, interactive equipment, touch panels and mobiles creates a sense of the holiday, all around attracts attention, supports attention and interest in the surrounding reality. The effect is enhanced by moving structures that stimulate activity, so necessary for children for the full development of motility.

Classes in the touchroom - three stages


  1. The introductory part with a warm-up and ritual of greetings.
  2. Basic relaxation.
  3. Summing up with the ritual of farewell.

Three parts of the ritual create an emotional multisensor environment, performing tasks:

  • prevention of emotional loads;
  • coordination of the movements of body parts in the perception of sound, rhythm and colors;
  • removing a sense of anxiety with switching;
  • creating positive emotions;
  • overcoming aggressive state and getting rid of fears;
  • in children, the development of interaction with each other;
  • in children, improving attention and memory, the development of original thinking.

Classes are held in a group of no more than 5 people.

Touch room, photo



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Touch room for children


The children's touch room is definitely different from the room for adults and in its appearance and filling, and on the tasks set.

Hearing violations or vision is impoverished by the perception of the child, in the usual environment, such children cannot obtain a full stimulation of the organism replacement resources.

Leading teachers rated amazing results, which gives children the use of a touch room with its complex effect. Active and hyperactive children easily calm down in the relaxation zone, can sit in a quiet dark corner inside the flickering LED fountain. Relaxation exercises on the water mattress remove stress, soft lighting and soothing melody relax.


Children suffering from loss of attention and reduced interest in the active block of the sensory room receive energy charges, activate the emotional background. Cheerful exercises and classes surrounded by bright colors and changing pictures, merry gaming consoles awaken interest in knowledge and learning.


Autical children begin to be interested in playing with water and sand, listen to a variety of sounds, which helps to find a lot of contact with such a child, imprisoned. Many classes in sensory rooms require a joint action of children or a child with adults, causing positive emotions.


School of the future cannot be submitted without relaxation rooms for relaxation and recovery after training loads. The sensory room at school is an infrequent phenomenon, and it has not become an universal obligatory part. While the projects of sensory rooms are being developed and implemented in correction schools, schools at orphanages and boarding schools, where they are most in demand. Soft floors and walls, no sense of danger inside the room removes neurosis and adjust behavior.

Bright and Dark Touch Rooms

The project of the sensory room for our intense world with his mad run and constant stress is important for children whose rapid psyche is unable to resist independently external influence. Binding like a sponge, the whole environment, the child needs to withdraw excess voltage and negative influence. Both types of sensory rooms - light and dark - positively affecting the mental state, developing motility, help to exacerbate the perception of reality.

Light touch range


In bright sensory rooms, the equipment differs significantly from the dark. Dry pools for active games, trampolines and giant bright balls, swings and tunnel modules with sports elements - all this helps the child learn how to quickly and properly react in non-standard situations. Classes in a bright touch room are a game with a positive, carrying a huge energy positive charge. In kindergarten or school it is most often equipped with bright sensory rooms. Based on such a solution in entertainment centers, attractions with stairs, soft trampolines and grids, plastic balls are installed for children. These rooms give parents the opportunity to quietly enjoy shopping until the child is engaged in and plays such a room.

Dark touch room


Sensory dark room has a different direction of action. The purpose of such a room is to restore emotional state and relaxation. Dark rooms are more often suitable with a health and correctional purpose. They can be found in boarding schools for children with development deviations.

Touchscreen equipment:

  • decorative light panels;
  • soft massage modules;
  • light cords and fountains;
  • interactive modules.


Touch sensations in the study by the child of such a room restore its internal balance, remove the negative. New self-catering skills and getting rid of aggressiveness are achieved by the feeling of the magical world of such a room, especially with the overall impact of music and aromatherapy. Particularly important occupations in a dark touch room for children with violations of violations, and light bright spots in the dark stimulate visual receptors, eye muscles and nervous endings.


Project for creating a touchroom


Just so without purpose and the task it is impossible to create a touch room, you need to know its purpose exactly.

Basic project tasks Sensory room

  1. Development of emotional perception.
  2. Development of mental processes.
  3. Relaxation.
  4. Parenting.

Tasks of the touchroom


Sensory rooms can be specialized to work in kindergartens, schools, hospitals, wellness centers, and can be part of the house where you can relax, exhaust all problems, get a charge of energy, can be for children or for adults, but all these rooms decide Some and the same tasks.

  1. Reduce anxiety, gain confidence and calm.
  2. Contribute to a decrease in vegetual-vascular reactions or neurotic disorders in people of different ages.
  3. Stimulate weakened and poorly functioning senses.
  4. Remove chronic pain.
  5. Become an assistant to rehabilitate after surgery or vice versa, prepare a patient to her.
  6. Create a good emotional background.

At home, such a room will be a chopstick for a child when he wanted to be alone or praised with friends.

Sensory room to help children

  1. Reduce excessive activity and remove stress.
  2. It will help to cope with obsessive childish fears.
  3. Improve memory and attention.
  4. Stimulates sensory sensitivity and fine motility.
  5. Put fatigue.
  6. Will reduce aggression and conflict.
  7. Watch in knowledge and research around the world.
  8. Games with children adapts the child to the children's team in the garden or elementary school.
  9. Cow and improve falling asleep.
  10. Activates creative potential, the talents will reveal, will develop an imagination.


For an adult, a well-equipped sensory room will help break from work stress, to stay in its inner world, where no one bothers to understand the thoughts and feelings, normalizes the pressure and level the breath.

Touch room with your own hands

Having been once in the touch room, I want to return there again and again. Why not arrange a relaxation zone at home?


There are several solution options:

  1. Take advantage of the finished project of the touchroom.
  2. Make a project yourself and collect from finished equipment.
  3. To arrange a touch room with your own hands from the girlfriend.


Each of these solutions has the right to exist. First you need to find a separate room in your apartment or house and allocate a separate room for the creation of the touchroom. Then the question is solved: the dark will be the room or bright? This is important to select the final equipment. It:

  1. Devices of muted light.
  2. Light consoles and light garlands.
  3. Mirror elements for light refraction.
  4. Fluorescent coatings for walls and ceiling.
  5. Projectors.
  6. Special soft modules - frameless puffs and armchairs.


Part of the equipment can be made independently or use original solutions as observation with a muted light beyond the bubbles of water in a transparent electric kettle with backlight. Some music, a bit of aromatic candle and relaxation is provided.

An ordinary fan will help, which creates air flows, inflates colored ribbons, which produces a relaxing effect.

Backlit aquariums with bright fish, soothing music on a computer produce no less positive effect.

Video Presentation Project Sensory Room


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Alexander 05.11.2017 To answer

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Irina 03.12.2019

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