
Flower midges in the apartment were started - how to fight. How to get rid of flower midges at home. Flower midges

Flower midges in the apartment were started - how to fight. How to get rid of flower midges at home. Flower midges
In a flower pot, midges were started: how to get rid of them at home. Means to withdraw flower midges. Folk remedies for flower midges in the ground.

Almost each of us has indoor plants. They create comfort in the house, give positive emotions, purify the air, and some even serve as amulets. But indoor flowers are often affected by pests and no one is safe from this. Often, uninvited guests are starting in flower pots - small unpleasant midges. Did a flower midge appear in your flowers? How to get rid of it at home, this publication will tell.

Flower midges in the apartment: Causes of appearance

When it comes to flower midges, we mean insects of the family of sociatures. They are also called leaf mosquitoes or black midges. This family covers more than 1,700 representatives, but only a few varieties are being started in the apartment.

Flower midges in the photo:

Flower midges (socialists) are small black insects resembling a miniature mosquito up to 3 mm long. The body is narrow, elongated, the head is round with the sucking mouth organs. There are a pair of front wings, they are completely transparent. The rear pair of wings is transformed into a buzzing. Insects fly well, in favorable conditions, rapidly multiply the method of laying eggs in the rhizome of plants.

Females of Sciaiffers do not damage the plant, but often become a source of infectious and viral diseases. But larvae can eat the root system of colors, causing their death.

Note! Sometimes white midges appear in flower pots. In fact, these are whiteflies. This is gray aphids that affect the leaves of indoor and garden plants.

The appearance of midges in flower pots is most often caused by insufficient plant care. These are the most common reasons for the appearance of insects:

  • Excessive watering.In hot weather, trying to pour the pot so much more so that the plant does not wipe, we inflict severe damage to it. The fact is that too wet soil is a paradise for midges and their larvae. Therefore, you need to prevent overflow in every way. It is better to pour more often, but a little more than to carry out one -time and very plentiful watering. It is enough to give the soil to dry at least 1 cm between the irrigation and the midges will not appear. It is also possible to remove the flower midge, stopping watering for several days: all insects will die as soon as the soil completely dries.
  • Improving and drafts. In this case, it is impossible to prevent the penetration of ill -fated insects into the apartment, because they can easily fly through the window. But the correct watering will not allow the midges to lay eggs, because in dry ground they will not survive.
  • Top dressing with folk remedies. The introduction of anthrus, coffee grounds, meat water and other foods in the ground is a direct road to mass breeding of midges, and not only flower, but also fruit midges that will fly throughout the apartment can appear. Therefore, it is better not to use such fertilizers in apartment conditions, so as not to look for ways to get rid of flower midges.
  • Large -quality soil.If it has not passed proper disinfection, or the process of decay of humus in its composition did not end, the midges are hunting to lay eggs in it. It is noteworthy that in such a situation, even establishing irrigation and plant processing with special means does not give a positive result. The best way out of the situation is a transplant of a flower to a new high -quality soil.
  • Infection of flowers with new plants.When buying a new flower, you always give in to the risk of the rest of the plants in the house. You can easily bring an infected plant to the house without even suspecting it. Therefore, you need to keep the purchased flower in quarantine at least two weeks.

Flows in a flower pot: what to do?

As soon as you notice at least one midges in a flowerpot, immediately proceed to active actions. These insects multiply quickly and infect all home flowers. The replacement of the soil, the processing of insecticides and the use of folk methods helps to fight for attacks.

Getting rid of the flower fly by replacing the soil

  • If the midges are started in a flower pot, first of all transplant the plant: so you will destroy eggs in the soil.
  • For transplantation, use high -quality soil. It must be warmed up in the oven for disinfection.
  • If possible, use soil with a slightly acidic reaction (sour soil is not suitable for all plants!). Funas are not able to multiply in an acidic environment, but with hunting, eggs are laid in alkaline soil.
  • During the transplant, do not exceed the rhizome along with the earthen lump. Try to carefully clean the roots from the ground to remove the ssairid larvae as much as possible.
  • For the prevention of re-laying eggs, do not water the transplanted plant for 2-3 days. It will also lead to the death of larvae on the roots of the flower.
  • If the transplantation and the establishment of watering did not give a result, and the flower midges began to multiply again, we need to proceed to processing with insecticides.

Chemicals against midges in flower pots

Most inorganic insecticides are effectively destroyed by flower midges. It can be sprays, ready -made solutions or powders for breeding. The range of these funds is wide, so choosing the right option is easy.

To process the entire room and the plants, it is better to use sprays. They are quite toxic, so spraying is carried out only in gloves and a mask. It is forbidden to process rooms where there are food. If possible, it is better to take the pots to the street and process them there. At home, you can use ordinary dichlophos: Raid, Raptor, Heo, and others.

Important! All sprays-inxecticides are active in relation to most insects, so they quickly destroy flower midges. The main thing is not to inhale these means so as not to harm your health.

Solutions are also useful: Aktellik, Aktara, Phytoverm, etc. All these insecticides are very toxic for humans, therefore, they should be used in accordance with the instructions. It is necessary to accurately adhere to the method of their breeding, work in gloves, do not inhale the vapor of the solution.

Important! After using an insecticide agent from flower midges, it is advisable not to carry a flower for three days so as not to reduce its effectiveness.

Flower midges: how to get rid of folk remedies

All folk methods of destroying midges, of course, have their own right to life, but it is not worth expecting high efficiency from them. They are significantly inferior in effectiveness to professional insecticides, so their use is justified in exceptional cases, for example, when at the moment there is no way to buy a chemical or you have timely noticed midges and they have not yet managed to completely hit the plant.

If you are not a supporter of chemical insecticides, but your flowers struck flower midges how to fight the pest will tell folk recipes:

  • Prepare a pale solution of potassium permanganate, pour the flowerpot plentifully to completely moisten the soil. It should be borne in mind that too high the concentration of the solution will burn the root system of the plant.
  • The fresh peel of citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, tangerine) stuck in a flowerpot in several places at once. As the aroma evaporates, change the peel in the ground. From the aroma of the midges will die. The teeth of garlic and tobacco have the same effect.
  • Shine 5-10 matches in the soil with a sulfur head down, then pour the flowerpot. Check matches daily, and replace them with new ones when the sulfur ends. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  • Water watering with a solution of laundry soap, and also spray the aboveground part of the flower every couple of days.
  • Another effective way to destroy the flower midge, prepare garlic infusion. Cut three garlic heads, connect them with a liter of water, let it brew for 4 days. Then spray and water the plant with this tool every two days until the midges are completely destroyed.
  • Around the pot with a flower, lay up the adhesive tape to destroy adult midges. And put up the soil with wood ash to destroy their larvae.
  • Grind one chalk from cockroaches, send powder to the soil, pour watering.

How to make a trap from flower midges

The easiest way is to buy a finished device, for example, a rapor. Special liquid attracts midges, and they stick to a certain area covered with glue. But this method of catching midges is not suitable if there are children and allergies in the house, so you have to build home -made traps.

We offer you options for traps with your own hands:

  • Pour 200 ml of apple cider vinegar into the glass container, clog the container with a lid and make small holes in it. The midges will attract the smell of vinegar and they get into the jar, but they will not be able to get out of it.
  • Cut the plastic bottle in half. The upper segment (neck down) insert into the lower one: you get a funnel. Glue the joints with paper tape, leaving only the neck open. At the bottom of the bottle, do not forget to put a little jam or vinegar.
  • In a one -time cup, put a sleepy bag of tea, clog a glass with cling film, make a thick game a few punctures.
  • Pour red wine into any plastic container, filling the volume of containers by 2/3. Pour 10 g of liquid soap there. The midges will fly to the smell of wine, but they will no longer be able to get out of the liquid: the soap paralyzes their wings.

Midges in the ground in flower pots: preventive measures

Propagation of midges is easy to warn if you do not neglect the prevention:

  • To plant flowers, use good soil with its preliminary disinfection.
  • Provide the flowers of watering in accordance with the rules of agricultural technology of each type of plant.
  • Do not forget to maintain the loose soil so that oxygen comes to the rhizome of the flower. If the flowerpots are insufficient in the drainage layer, correct this defect.
  • Do not water the plants with dubious fertilizers and folk remedies.

Having discovered midges in the flower soil, do not be upset, because there are many available methods for getting rid of pests. Choose the one that is easiest for you to apply in practice, and after breeding midges, strictly adhere to the rules for growing indoor plants in order to prevent uninvited guests.

Video: midges in flower pots: how to get rid of pests



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