
Diet Maggi: Slender Figure for 4 weeks!

Diet Maggi: Slender Figure for 4 weeks!
Article about Diet Maggie. Basic principles and advantages of this power mode.

Maggie diet is one of the most efficient power modes. It is designed for 4 weeks. During this time, you get rid of excess weight, clean the body from slags and toxins, and also gain the body of your dreams. The main thing is to fulfill all the recommendations of nutritionists and not retreat from the planned nutrition plan.

Principles diet Maggie


Maggie diet is a faithful assistant in the fight against overweight. By adhering to the Maggie diet, you can achieve astounding results, while the feeling of hunger and the desire to afford to be superfluous, will go back to the background. The reason is in a balanced menu.

  • The base of the Maggie diet is vegetables, fruits, eggs and meat. These products are saturated with all the necessary substances: proteins, fats and carbohydrates that support the body in tone and help painlessly abandon the harmful products - sweet, oily, fried, flour.
  • One of the principles of the Diet Maggie is a competent alternation of proteins and carbohydrates. This is a great way to activate the metabolism and provoke active chemical processes that contribute to a decrease in fat layer.
  • Be sure to use 2 liters of purified water.
  • Coffee and tea without sugar and milk - the only luxury that you can afford.
  • Three-time meals, in breaks between receptions - small snacks. As a rule, it is an apple or carrot.
  • At the time of the diet you will have to forget about cookies, candies, honey, dried fruits, sugar and other products that contain "empty" carbohydrates.
  • The duration of the diet depends exclusively from you. The recommended diet period is 4 weeks. During this time you can get rid of 10-20 kg and consolidate the result. If your goal is a weight loss for 2-3 kg, then two weeks on the Maggie diet will be quite enough.

Advantages of Diet Maggie


Maggie diet is a number of advantages.

  • During the Maggie diet, you do not need to calculate calories, because the menu is based on the products that activate the metabolism and burn fats.
  • You do not need to spend a lot of time to prepare dietary dishes. In the Maggie diet menu, you will find simple dishes whose preparation takes 10-15 minutes.
  • During the Diet Maggie, you can safely refuse to receive vitamins. The main source of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements - on your plate.
  • If the menu does not indicate the exact value of the use of any product, you can use it in any quantity.
  • Maggie diet has a persistent result. Extra kilograms that you dropped during a diet are not returned.
  • Maggie diet does not require special costs. It is based on products that belong to the average price category.

Rules diet Maggie

preparing Food.

Many women call Maggie diet - gentle and comfortable. But there is one condition - strict following the rules of this system. At first they will seem hard enough to you, but just a couple of days and they will become an integral part of your municipality.

  • Accurate adherence to the power mode. It is forbidden to change the meals in places, replace one product to others, introduce "feeding", otherwise all your works will go to the pump.
  • During cooking, it is strictly forbidden to add seasonings, pepper and vegetable oil. Seasonings and peppers increase appetite, and vegetable oil is extra calories.
  • It is important to combine a diet with exercise. Minimum occupation time - 30 minutes. It can be run, jumping on the rope, lightweight training program in the gym. Physical exertion will help you to achieve the desired result.
  • If you have retreated from the basic principles of the Maggie diet - allowed the product that is not in the menu, it makes no sense to continue the diet. You need to start all over again.

Muggy diet: menu for a week


The menu presented is your main weapon against excess weight. Thanks to him, after 4 weeks, the arrow of the scales will move to the left by 10, 12 or 20 kg!

First week

Breakfast is a daily ½ grapefruit or orange, 1-2 boiled eggs.


Lunch: Any fruit in any quantity (apple, pear, orange, watermelon, melon).

Dinner: Any boiled meat, except lamb (slices or non-fat minced).


Lunch: boiled chicken without leather.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, tomato salad, sheet salad, cucumbers, carrots, peppers, 1 toast, 1 grapefruit or orange.


Lunch: Degreased cheese in any quantity, tomato, 1 toast.

Dinner: Any boiled meat, except lamb (slices or non-fat minced).


Lunch: Any fruit in any quantity.

Dinner: Any boiled meat, except lamb, vegetable salad.


Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, boiled vegetables to choose from: zucchini, carrots, green peas, beans.

Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable salad, 1 grapefruit or orange.


Lunch: Any fruit in any quantity.

Dinner: Any boiled meat, except lamb (slices or non-fat minced).


Lunch: boiled chicken without leather, boiled vegetables, tomato, 1 grapefruit or orange.

Dinner: boiled vegetables.

The second and fourth diet weeks are more sparing. In addition to the boiled cape, you can afford a salad of vegetables, 1 toast, grapefruit or orange, for dinner - fruit.

Special attention requires the third week - every day you must include a certain type of product in the menu:

  • monday: any fruit in any quantity, except for banana, grapes, mango, figs, dike;
  • tuesday: any lean salads and boiled vegetables. Exception - Dry cereals and potatoes.
  • wednesday: Any fruit, in addition to prohibited, any vegetables in any quantity.
  • thursday: boiled fish, salad, boiled vegetables in any quantity.
  • friday: boiled chicken and vegetables in any form.
  • saturday, Sunday: Any fruit in any quantity except for prohibited. These days it is recommended to use apples, peaches, apricots or pears, but only one fruit from the proposed!

The first week on the Maggie diet is considered the most tough, since its main goal is to reduce weight by 5-7 kg, in the next two weeks there is a gradual weight loss, the diet last week is the consolidation of the result.

Types of Diet Maggie


On the Networks you will find two variants of the Maggie diet - egg and curd. In the first version, the Maggie Egg diet - 70% of the diet make up boiled eggs. They are recommended to use for breakfast and for lunch. If you are allergic to this product, then you can choose the second option - Maggie Diet Curd. Its main feature is that eggs you replace low-fat curd.

Exit from Diet Maggie

"Exit" from a diet is special art. After the finish line, you can immediately empty the refrigerator and more than to return the dropped kilograms. In the case of a Maggie diet, this is a fault. Go to normal power, you need gradually.

It should be noted that the daily calorie rate on the Maggie diet is 1200-1500 to return to the usual power supply without stress and problems, it is recommended to gradually increase the number of calories consumed.

In the first week after the end of the Maggie diet, you add 200 kcal to its daily rate, in the second-300, to the third - by 400, and so until your day calorie rate reaches a 1800-2000 kcal mark.

Maggue diet: reviews and results

Maggie diet is a choice of women whose goal is a tightened body, healthy skin and perfect weight. The girls who have withstanding the Maggie diet "from" and "before" claim that it is one of the best periods in their lives. They traveled themselves to the right nutrition, managed to eliminate sweets and harmful foods from their diet, and physical exertion made an integral part of life. In addition, they managed to part with 5, 10, 12, 20 kg of excess weight! This is a real victory over himself and its small weaknesses. They also suggest that on the Maggie diet, they did not feel a feeling of hunger, they did not fall into depression and it did not seem that the restrictions in nutrition drive them crazy.

Muggy diet: photo "To" and "after"



Muggy diet: video


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