
Emergency contraception

Emergency contraception
The article describes the hormonal and non-hormonal means of emergency contraception, basic recommendations for their reception, and describes how how to choose the drug that will help you.

Modern girls are significantly different from the generation of our mothers and grandmothers, when in the first place puts the family, and the young beauty was to marry no later than 20-21 years. Today, young lady became very emancipated and seek in the first place, a career, owning a house, a car, but the family planning and pregnancy overshadowed.

Democracy, understood at an early age as "permissiveness", lead to the fact that young girls are too many want to try and forget about safety rules. It turns out that's a chain: the freedom of self-expression, moral preferences, career, early sex, unwanted pregnancy.

Unwanted pregnancy and emergency contraception to avoid this condition, - very relevant today problem not only among married women, but also among the early maturing teenagers.

The reasons may be different: the unstable financial situation in the family, many children, for young girls - study, the reluctance to marry, etc. There are cases that used other contraceptives have been taken correctly, are not available at the right time or simply did not work, broke the male condom, was later interrupted sexual intercourse, etc.

When the arguments for the dispute does not remain and the decision must be made quickly, emergency contraception comes to the rescue.

Consider more details of such contraception, all their advantages and disadvantages.

Methods of emergency contraception: that you do not know, but shy

Emergency contraception: what it is


Emergency contraception has such a name, because it is applied after an unprotected sexual intercourse and an urgent solution is required to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The period of adoption of such drugs can reach 5-6 weeks after sexual intercourse, however, to achieve a 100% result, the recommended time for receiving the tablet is a maximum of 72 hours later.

It should be noted that emergency contraception tablets do not provoke an abortion, these are contraceptives, warning the offensive of pregnancy, as they are accepted before the onset of ovulation in women.

In other words, such drugs contain a certain level of hormones or other biological components that impede the creation of favorable conditions in the uterus spermatozoa for fertilization of the egg.

The formation of the embryo in the female body is carried out in 6 days, so all the drugs adopted up to this point are not abortive, since the occurrence of pregnancy has not yet occurred - the connected spermatozoa and egg cell still attached to the walls of the uterus in the form of an embryo.

Advantage of emergency contraception is their widespread prevalence and the possibility of acquiring a doctor without prescription.

It is important to remember that emergency contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancy, but from various genital infections do not protect, Therefore, if you are not sure of your sexual partner, you need to be examined by the venereologist and the gynecologist.

All drugs of emergency contraception can be classified on hormonal and non-immunal. People's methods also allocate, the effectiveness of which can vary in the range of 20-30%. But we will talk about them later.

How to find out that the emergency contraception means has worked


The principle of action of emergency hormonal contraception is built according to the following scheme: after the adoption of a means containing a large number of hormones into a female body, a kind of hormonal failure occurs, the stopping of ovulation and the next day begin the monthly, in which the blood was washed out without having time to attach to the walls of the uterus fertilized spermatozoom (or Not fertilized) eggs. If menstruation has not begun - you should urgently turn to the gynecologist, it is possible that this drug did not affect you.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of any hormonal drug depends on the timing of adoption. For a maximum of 3 days it is necessary to take the first tablet. Best of all, if it is done immediately after sexual intercourse or within a day - thus, the probability of undesirable pregnancy is reduced by 99%. The urgent nature of such a fund is explained by the biological causes and features of the reproductive function of the female organism.

The adoption of such drugs may be accompanied by by-effects: dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, antispasmodic pains at the bottom of the abdomen, an increase in body temperature.

If you broke out after 1 hour after making a contraceptive - the procedure should be repeated and take another tablet. All side phenomena take place the next day when the drug is terminated.

How to find out that the means of emergency contraception did not affect


Estimate inefficiency of emergency contraception It is possible by the following features:

  • lack of menstruation within 3 days after the preparation;
  • the appearance of gas-sealing blood discharge instead of full-fledged abundant monthly;
  • the presence of primary signs of pregnancy: an increase in the size of the breast and swelling of the nipples, the appearance of drowsiness, a decrease in vital activity, etc.

How often can I use emergency protection


Hormonal drugs of emergency protection against the occurrence of pregnancy is because they are called emergency that often use them can not be used. They are a bad substitute for ordinary contraceptives that the gynecologist selects depending on the individual characteristics of your body.

Conventional safety reaches reach from 90% and higher in the degree of protectedness from possible pregnancy.

Such means must be taken daily and their principle is built on the accumulative effect of hormones in the body of a woman, and not a sharp stack, therefore such drugs are soft for health and in some cases, in addition to blocking the reproductive function in the body of a woman, contribute to improving the condition of hair, skin, nails and etc.

As already mentioned, the emergence of funds for avoiding pregnancy is fraught with a change in the menstrual cycle, a hormonal failure and can act as the impossibility of conception 1-2 months after the adoption of the drug, until its remnants are brought by a natural way.

The maximum allowable rate of adoption of such a drug is up to 4 tablets per menstrual cycle.

To the means of extreme contraception are contraindicated

Emergency contraceptives contain a high level of hormones, therefore, due to frequent use, repeated side effects can cause. It should also be remembered that there are risk groups with which drugs are contraindicated:

  • first of all, women with impaired liver functions caused by jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • girls whose pregnancy has already come. In this case, there will be a threat of the proper development of the fetus, but not an interruption of pregnancy;
  • girls whose reception of this drug had previously caused severe side effects;
  • bunned girls.

Emergency Contraception: Hormonal Preparations


Hormonal extra preparations are two species: Reception of oral contraceptives (JUN method) and progestic means of protection.

The UZP method was called so the name of the Canadian scientist who proposed the adoption of combined oral contraceptives 50 years ago.

The effectiveness of this method of emergency contraception was tested and proved: for 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, a woman should take 4 contraceptive tablets of one of the proposed drugs (Marvelon, Femoden, Riguevidon, Regulon, Non-Ovlon, Beeccurin,), and after 12 hours to repeat the adoption of the other 4 pills (Mersilon, Logest).

The level of protection against unwanted pregnancy with the right taking tablets is 80-87%. However, as a result of this method, nausea, vomiting, stomach disorder, dizziness may be observed. If vomiting stepped 1 hour after taking drugs - tablets need to drink again.

In no case is it not recommended to take drugs if the pregnancy has already come.

The second method of emergency protection against unwanted pregnancy is the reception of progestin drugs. Hormonal progressive means include contraceptives containing "Levonorgestrel" (LRT). The most popular of this group of drugs are:

  1. Postinor ("Postinor") It is considered better emergency contraception, contains an increased level of hormone LRT. It should be noted that such popularity of the drug is unreasonable, since the increased concentration of hormones causes harm to the reproductive system of a woman, especially the ovary. Frequent use of the postiner can cause polycystic ovaries, clogging of uterine pipes, etc. More suitable for women over 18 years old.
  2. Escapel ("Escapelle") You can take within 4 days after unprotected sexual intercourse if the sperm got into the uterus. In this case, not 2 tablets (as in Postinor) drinks, but only 1. The drug is combined and contains 50% Hormone LRT and 50% of the mifepristone. Thanks to the gentle composition, it has a milder impact on the hormonal background of women and is recommended for receiving even adolescents. The reliability of the drug, according to the instal, is 98.9% - in terms of indicators the highest among hormonal means.

In addition to the most common above-described drugs, you can also take extuton, shell, microline.

Emergency Contraception Tools: Non-Neglonal Preparations


The entire group of non-corrected measures of emergency protection against pregnancy contains in its composition myipristone (MIC).

The most popular means with MPT are:

  1. Ginproviston, fellow - Do not contain high concentration of anti-progeston, damaging the ovaries. But it does not affect the level of efficiency. According to the instructions, reliability is above 90% of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The drug is widely available in pharmacies, is released without a recipe. However, before admission, it is better to consult with your personal gynecologist. The disadvantage of the drug is only a fairly high price.
  2. Danazole.The dosage is determined according to the mass of the body and other indicators that are given in detail in the instructions. It is usually recommended to take 450 mg every 12 hours. Not more than 3 times a day.

The effectiveness of the drug is checked by the beginning of menstruation the day after taking the drug, with the help of which ovulation is interrupted and disabled to attach a fertilized egg to the mucous membrane of the uterus.

If menstruation has not begun after 6-7 days after taking the drug, it is recommended to turn to the gynecologist - most likely, the drug did not fit you and turned out to be ineffective. Most often such cases are if women have severe infectious diseases (tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, etc.) or liver problems.

Emergency Contraception: Intrauterine Spiral


Emergency non-coronal contraception can also be attributed to the installation of a spiral, which is effective after 3-4 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

The intrauterine spiral covered with copper is perceived as an alien body, so it causes irritation of the uterus and its reduction. As a result of this mode of operation of the uterus, pregnancy does not occur, since in a state of constant reductions, the fertilized egg can not attach to the mucous membrane for the development of the embryo.

Install the spiral should a gynecologist with a preliminary examination. In no case, it is not recommended to introduce this protection tool in the presence of venereal diseases. Damage to the upper tissues with the introduction of the helix may contribute to the rapid infection of the organs.

It should be noted that the type of contraception is not suitable for each woman. If the spiral did not fit, most often it is expressed by an unpleasant smell, white curious discharge from the genitals.

As contraindications, it can be noted that the spiral is set for a certain period, if it can be changed and removed only to be seized under general anesthesia. It is better not to bring this condition to not harm feminine and avoid infertility in the future.

Most often, these methods of emergency contraception enjoyed giving birth women and nursing mothers.

Drying as a means of emergency contraception after sexual intercourse


One of the well-known folk methods of emergency protection against unwanted pregnancy is to dye. However, such an emergency contraception is effective immediately after sexual intercourse.

Drying is a rinse of the vagina with acidic solutions or grave chasters from spermatozoa, which fell there after sexual intercourse.

  • Recipe 1. In 700 ml of water temperature water add 1 lemon juice and 3 drops of iodine. Drying to spend a special fringe 250 or 450 ml.
  • Recipe 2. 2 tbsp. l. Apple vinegar is divorced in 1 liter of boiled warm water.
  • Recipe 3. 3 drops of manganese dilute in 0.5 l of water indoor temperature.
  • Recipe 4. 2 h. L. Chamomile and 1 tsp. Sage pour 1 liter boiling water. Insist 1 hour. After that decoction to strain.

Drying must be carried out immediately after sexual intercourse. It is necessary to flock carefully so that the vagina has become clean. Sperm is dying in an acidic environment, so almost all douching recipes are associated with low-alkaline solutions.

Among the folk methods, it is also known an introduction to the vagina a piece of economic soap, lemon, ascorbic acid.

As research shows, the egg fertilizer is fertilized very quickly, so you can not guess with the douching and be late. What, in turn, will not protect you from unwanted pregnancy. Manipulation with dumping provoke a violation of the vaginal microflora and can cause vaginal dysbacteriosis.

All folk methods are absolutely not necessarily a methodological basis, it is rather similar to the traditions transmitted from generation to generations, which nobody used, but everyone speaks about them. So, for example, in Kievan Rus it was believed to prevent unwanted pregnancy should be drawn by the urine of a man, and in ancient Greece - the urine crocodile.

The absurdity of these methods is once again proves that if you want 100% security against accidental pregnancy, it is necessary to use proven means tested and recommended by doctors.

Be vigilant and carefully treat your health!

Video. How not to get pregnant. Radical contraception


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